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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Rise of America 1620

Text Chapter 6 Welcome, distant friends

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    The place where Zhao Hongyu and the four others stayed at this time was a vast plain area.  In front of their field of vision was a dense forest that was vaguely visible.

    In order to rest, Song Hu dug a hole in the snow to avoid the wind and snow.

    Therefore, if the four of them are not careful, they will not be discovered at all.

    Although they will not be discovered by others, it does not mean that they will not be discovered by others.

    Song Hu, who was in charge of the alert, made a discovery at this time.

    "There is movement!"

    After Song Hu reported in a low voice, he quickly picked up the cross ax on the outside of his thigh and the machete on his back, then exposed half of his head and stared straight ahead.

    With Song Hu¡¯s warning, Wang Shan and Zhang Tie crawled out of the snow pit, slowly crawled not far away and lurked while slowly covering themselves with snow.

    Zhao Hongyu also became nervous. He also held the machete behind his back in his hand, slowly exposed his head and looked in the direction of Song Hu's gaze.

    "Probably not. Generally speaking, Indians don't come out for activities in winter. This makes no sense." Thinking of a book he had read about the colonial period of the American continent written by Europeans, Zhao Hongyu said in his own words  I murmured in my heart.

    In that book, the author clearly pointed out that due to the productivity of the Indians, they had no way to make clothes that could withstand the cold, so every winter they would stay in tents in their own camps to reduce the amount of calories they consume when going out.

    And winter is also great news for the colonists.

    Because the Indians will not appear in winter, there is nothing to worry about their safety.

    For the colonists, what they feared most was the days from spring to autumn when the Indians could move around as they pleased.

    Because starting from 1492, the relationship between Indians and European immigrants was not very harmonious.

    Killing is a common occurrence.

    ¡°Anyway, either you kill me or I kill you.

    Before the 18th century, there was actually not much difference in the armed forces of Indians and European immigrants.

    The Indians were better because of their numbers, while the Europeans were better because of their matchlocks and advanced weapons.

    But generally speaking, it was the Indians who suppressed the Europeans.

    It¡¯s a pity that the Indians were fighting among themselves and the Europeans took advantage of this, which eventually led to their slow demise.

    It was even written in that book that the Indian tribes united and destroyed more than 50 of the 88 British settlements on the American continent in one summer, making Europeans frightened.

    This is a real example of what happened in the second half of the 17th century.

    Therefore, it cannot be said that the Indians are not strong.

    The Indians of North America are much more courageous and bloody than the Incas of Central America.

    Of course, as the Indians started fighting among themselves, they were instigated by the Europeans to fight each other.  The Industrial Revolution occurred in Europe, and science and technology improved significantly.

    With the advent of more powerful weapons, the Indians declined.

    But no matter what, at this time in the seventeenth century (generally referring to 1600-1699), Europeans were still very afraid of Indians.  Even when the ice and snow melt in spring, Europeans in every immigration point are in constant panic.

    The term ¡®Indian Summer¡¯ is what the elders at the American immigration points warn every new immigrant to pay attention to.

    Thinking of this, Zhao Hongyu was very surprised as to what Song Hu had discovered.

    ¡°Maybe¡­it¡¯s not necessarily a beast.

    ? Following Song Hu¡¯s gaze, on the snow-covered plain, there were two young Indians wearing animal skins with two feathers on their heads, hunting a coyote.

    In the waist-deep snow, the coyote's movement was also restricted. At this moment, it had been hit by several arrows and was about to collapse from exhaustion.

    However, the instinct of survival drove it to continue to flee forward.

    And two Indian youths were also chasing after the coyote.

    The direction in which the coyote fled happened to be the direction where Zhao Hongyu and the others were resting.

    "That's not right. Is that what was written in that book wrong? Indians shouldn't come out in winter, and the Indian tribes I met along the way all huddled together in tents set up to keep warm."

    Looking at the two young Indians chasing after the coyote, Zhao Hongyu muttered to himself.

    The coyote was exhausted, and his body was in painIt also made it unable to support itself, and at the same time, the constant flow of blood had brought its life to an end.

    As if knowing that his life was about to end, the coyote turned around with a grin on his face and tried to fight for his life.

    But it was obvious to the two young Indians that they would not let the coyote succeed.


    Another arrow accurately shot into the coyote's throat. The strong inertia brought the coyote to the snow pit where Zhao Hongyu was resting.

    The two Indian youths walked over with relaxed expressions. The fallen coyote was no longer in any danger.

    As long as two young Indians come over, they will definitely find Zhao Hongyu and Song Hu.

    Will misunderstandings and conflicts arise suddenly?

    "You are from that tribe, don't get me wrong! We are just passers-by!"

    In the end, Zhao Hongyu had no choice but to squat in the snow pit and shout loudly in Indian.

    The sudden sound really frightened the two young Indians.  The two of them jumped away a short distance, opened their bows and arrows at the same time, and looked around nervously.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Before they could find anything, Wang Shan and Zhang Tie jumped up from the snow and controlled them from behind.

    With the cold, inferior iron dagger pressed against his throat, even a fool knows what he should do now.

    While Wang Shan and Zhang Tie controlled the two Indians, Song Huhe quickly ran out of the snow pit and came to the two Indian youths, quickly removing their bows and arrows and the axes from their waists.  Throw it aside.

    After there was no threat at all, Zhao Hongyu climbed out of the snow pit.

    ¡°We have no malicious intent, we are just doing this to avoid causing necessary misunderstandings.¡±

    Zhao Hongyu walked to and stood in front of the two Indian youths. Zhao Hongyu spoke to them in Indian language very sincerely. At the same time, he waved his hands to ask Zhang Tie and Wang Shan to let go of the two Indian youths.

    Yi Yan let go of the two guys, but Zhang Tie and Wang Shan still stood behind them and watched them warily, not relaxing at all.

    Although the two of them were released, the eyes of the two Indian youths were still full of anger, hatred and fear.

    "We are a tribe from the north. Our tribe was attacked by the Mokele tribe. I was separated from my tribe" Zhao Hongyu was just telling lies, and there was no need to type a draft.

    He described how his tribe was attacked by the Mokele tribe and oppressed by the French.

    As the two young men spoke, their expressions gradually became less nervous.



    Atido and Ruziba are the names of these two Indian youths. After some explanations and goodwill from Zhao Hongyu, they have now become friends.

    The two young Indians are not very old, one is nineteen years old and the other is twenty-four years old.

    Although Zhao Hongyu¡¯s appearance is somewhat special, he is not ¡®white-skinned¡¯ after all.  At the same time, he can speak fluent Indian, which is enough to gain a little trust from the two Indian youths.

    Especially after Zhao Hongyu took out a box of matches and demonstrated it, and then gave each of them a box, the two young Indians immediately regarded Zhao Hongyu as a brother.

    "Originally, we wouldn't have come out in this cold winter. But my father was ill, and he was very ill. The wizard in the tribe said that if he could have the heart of a hyena, maybe my father would be fine.  stand up."

    The younger Indian youth Atido told with a sad face the reason why he and Ruziba went out to hunt wolves in winter.

    In fact, the book Zhao Hongyu read was right. The Indians did not come out in winter because the weather was too cold.

    Although they have clothes made of fur, can they be called clothes?

    The poor-quality workmanship is just a few pieces of fur pieced together to cover the body, and it is impossible to keep out the cold at all.

    Attido¡¯s face turned purple from the cold, which made Zhao Hongyu sigh that the Indians of this era are really resistant to freezing.

    Led by two Indian youths, the four of Zhao Hongyu came to their tribe.

    And Zhao Hongyu also knew the name of the tribe to which these two young men belongedMoxigan!

    When Zhao Hongyu learned the name of this tribe, he couldn't help but feel excited.

    He knew that he was probably near New York now.  Because of the settlement of the Mohican tribe,??, is the plain on the left side of Manhattan Island, New York.

    How could Zhao Hongyu know so much? This was also due to the fact that when he was stationed in the United States by his company, one of his colleagues was an Indian.

    So, he learned a lot about Indian history from his colleagues.

    Atido led Zhao Hongyu into the center of the tribe and came to the largest and tallest triangular tent.

    "Please come in with me, brother from afar, but please keep your voice down, my father is not in a very good condition right now."

    Attido walked to the tent, raised the fur curtain and signaled, then reminded.

    Zhao Hongyu nodded and followed Altido in.

    Well!  What a great taste!

    As soon as he entered the tent, Zhao Hongyu was stricken by the sour smell.

    ¡°These days, the sanitary conditions of Indians are really unacceptable.

    After walking in, Atido chatted with a man with thick oil paint on his face for a while, and then handed the coyote he brought back to him.

    Afterwards, Atido pointed at Zhao Hongyu and the others, and motioned for Zhao Hongyu and the others to go over.

    Zhao Hongyu knew that that person might be the wizard.

    "Friends from afar, the Mohican tribe welcomes you."

    The wizard lowered his head and spoke in the ear of the old patriarch who couldn't open his eyes. The old patriarch barely said hello.

    Afterwards, Atido took Zhao Hongyu and the others aside and watched the wizard treat the clan leader.

    {Piaotia Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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