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Piaotian Literature of the Fourth Empire of China Chapter 423 Attack on Singapore

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    Since 1824, the British colonialists launched many wars of aggression against Myanmar and occupied large areas of Myanmar's territory.  In March 1824, the British colonists used the Manipur and Assami incidents as an excuse to launch the first Anglo-Burmese War against Burma, and won a victory. In February 1826, they forced King Meng of Burma to sign an agreement to cede territory and pay indemnity.  The Treaty of Equality Yang Tuan Po and the subsequent commercial treaty that opened the door to Burma occupied the Arakan and Tanintharyi areas and placed them under the direct management of the Governor-General of British India.  The Second Anglo-Burmese War was launched in April 1852. In about half a year, it invaded Lower Myanmar, occupied Bago and Motama, and incorporated the Motama area into Tanintharyi, while Bago was formed by the British and Indian  The Governor sent a commissioner to administer directly.  This, together with Arakan occupied after the First Anglo-Burmese War, resulted in a total of three commissioners administering the British-occupied areas of Burma at this time.  In 1862, the British revised this "partition and rule" policy and implemented unification in the occupied Myanmar territory. It merged Arakan, Bago, Tanintharyi and other places into unified administration, which was called "British Burma".  Belongs to Myanmar Province¡±.

    1885 (the eleventh year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty): Britain sent troops to attack Myanmar for the third time and occupied Mandalay. Then it went north to Shan State to occupy the entire Myanmar, and merged all its territory into India under the British Empire, becoming British India.  A province of Burma, the Chief Commissioner was appointed by the Governor-General of British India.  The Qing government of China ordered Zeng Jize, the minister to the UK, to protest to the UK to no avail.  1886 (June of the twelfth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty): China was forced to sign the "Sino-British Burma Treaty" with Britain, which stipulated that China recognized Britain's right to dominate Burma, but Burma still paid China one tribute every ten years as usual.  As for the China-Myanmar border, it has not yet been demarcated.  It should be determined through consultation between the two countries.  British colonial rule over Burma was recognized.

    Since then.  Burma was annexed to India.  became a province of India.

    In order to prepare for China's attack, the United Kingdom deployed more than 20,000 British troops and more than 50,000 colonial troops in the border areas after China and Britain declared war.  As a result, in the battle on April 7, these more than 70,000 troops were defeated by the Chinese Army and were completely vulnerable.  After most of them were annihilated, the British and colonial troops began to flee crazily towards the southern hinterland of Myanmar, including many colonial troops.  He even escaped directly during the escape process and no longer worked for the British.

    At this time, the Military Intelligence Bureau's deployment in Myanmar also began to play a role.  Many ethnic minorities in Myanmar welcome China's entry into Myanmar because China claims to help Myanmar drive away British colonists.  China has always been Myanmar's suzerainty, and Myanmar people naturally trust China more.  These Burmese ethnic minorities provide guides, transport supplies, sell food to the Chinese Army at low prices, and even organize troops to fight with the Chinese Army.  This great environment has greatly increased the pressure faced by the Chinese team.  It created great convenience for the Chinese army to defeat the British army.

    French Indochina, also known as French Orient, is part of the French colony in Southeast Asia and implements a federal system.  It consists of the three countries of present-day Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, with its capital located in Saigon in the Mekong Delta.

    The French Jesuit missionary Alessandro entered Vietnam to preach as early as the 17th century. Therefore, France had a certain influence on Vietnam from that time on.  At that time Vietnam had just occupied the Mekong Delta, the former territory of Champa.  [1] Europe¡¯s interaction with Vietnam in the 18th century was limited to trading activities.  In 1787, the French Catholic priest Patroc sent a request to the French government to assist Nguyen Phuc Anh in recovering the territory captured by the Tay Son Dynasty.  Phat Duo Loc finally died in Vietnam, and his troops continued to assist until 1802, when France officially assisted Nguyen Phuc Anh.

    France had a profound influence on Vietnam in the 19th century. France often intervened in Vietnamese affairs under the pretext of protecting the missionaries of the Paris Foreign Mission Society.  The Nguyen Dynasty slowly realized the political threat posed by Catholic missionaries to itself.  For example, the influential courtesans in the Nguyen Dynasty were worried that their social status would be shaken by Catholics who insisted on monogamy.

    In 1857, French diplomat Mintiny requested the Vietnamese government to stop expelling priests from the country and grant them the freedom to preach doctrine, but failed.  In September of the following year, under the order of Napoleon III, the French army used 14 gunboats, 3,000 French soldiers, and 300 Filipino soldiers provided by Spain to attack Da Nang, inflicting a heavy blow to the opponent and successfully occupying the port.  France requested to set up a consulate and other units in Da Nang, but the Vietnamese government refused, so France occupied Da Nang.  The French captured Saigon in 1861 and Nanqi six years later, renaming it Cochin China.  In order to have suzerainty over the entire Vietnam, the Sino-French War broke out between France and China, and occupied central and northern Vietnam and Cambodia from 1883 to 1885. The central part of Vietnam was renamed Annam, and the northern part was renamed Tokyo.  In 1885, China and France signed the Treaty of Tianjin, and China officially gave up its suzerainty over Vietnam.  In October 1887, the French Indochina Federation was formally established.  Later, during the Franco-Siamese War in 1893, Laos was also included in the French Indochina Federation.  Although France has the actual power to rule the Indo-China Peninsula, the royal families of the previous kingdoms were still treated as puppets.Land is reserved.  For a period of time at the end of the 19th century, several wars broke out in French Indochina against French colonial rule, but they were all suppressed by the French rulers.

    The French Indochina Colony is the most important French colony in Asia and even the world.  The rise of China posed a great threat to France's Indochina colony.  China has been the suzerain state of this region for thousands of years.  Therefore, France is doing everything possible to prevent the rise of China.  However, they all failed.

    After France declared war on China, the troops from the French Indochina colony gathered in the border area.  Although they have a large number of troops, their combat power is very rubbish.  In particular, the colonial army formed in the name of the Vietnamese Nguyen Dynasty was even more vulnerable.  In the battle between Lang Son and Mong Cai, they were easily defeated by the Chinese army.  The French army and the Indochina colonial army, which suffered heavy losses, had to retreat southward.

    Generally speaking, although France has a large number of troops in the French Indochina colony, it is simply unable to withstand the attack of the Chinese army. It is only a matter of time before the entire French Indochina colony is lost.

    On the morning of April 8, at dawn, a fleet consisting of two huge battleships, two slightly smaller heavy cruisers, and several light cruisers and destroyers entered the Strait of Malacca from the South China Sea and sailed directly into it.  into the Singapore Strait.  This fleet is exactly the fleet escorting the 5th Brigade of the Chinese Marine Corps.  The 5th Marine Brigade entered the Singapore Strait on more than fifty transport ships, guarded by warships.  According to the order of the General Staff, before 10 o'clock this morning, the 5th Marine Brigade will launch an attack on Singapore and capture this important town in the Southeast Asian region.

    Singapore¡¯s strategic location is very important. It guards the east side of the Strait of Malacca and is also a natural port. It is the most important British ruling center and naval base in the Southeast Asia region.  The Governor's Palace of the British Straits Settlements is located here.  Capturing this place can effectively determine China's rule over the Nanyang region, and will also be of great help in facing the British navy's retaliation in the future.  If the British navy wants to expedition to China from Europe, which is 20,000 kilometers away, if it loses Singapore, it will also lose its supply base.  At that time, the Chinese navy can wait for work and face the British navy in the South China Sea.

    "Your Majesty the Governor, the Chinese are here! Our people discovered the Chinese fleet outside the strait. There are hundreds of ships, most of which are transport ships. The Chinese are preparing to capture Singapore in one fell swoop!" A British major general  , rushed into the Straits Settlements Government House with a panicked look.

    "The Chinese are calling? Damn it, do they want to conquer Singapore first?" A trace of panic flashed across the face of the current Governor of the Straits Settlements, Sir John Swettenham.  After the Far East Fleet was annihilated, he knew that this day would come soon. Unexpectedly, this day finally arrived.

    "Your Excellency, Governor, what should we do now?" the major general asked somewhat.  He is Boris, the commander of the British troops in the Straits Settlements. He is responsible for commanding more than 10,000 British troops and more than 20,000 indigenous troops in the Straits Settlements.

    "What else can we do? The Prime Minister has issued an order, asking us to defend Singapore. The fleet will arrive soon. If Singapore is lost, the fleet without a supply base will be under great threat!" Rui, the Governor of the Straits Settlements.  Lord Tianxian said.

    A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of Major General Boris. He had already learned about the battles in Myanmar and Vietnam. The British and French troops all suffered heavy losses under the attack of the Chinese troops.  But now he has stopped. There are only three regiments with more than 7,000 people. How can he withstand the attack of the Chinese army?  Even if the attacking Chinese team only has one brigade, it does not have any advantage in terms of strength or equipment!  Although Singapore's coastal defenses are strong, they cannot withstand the fierce bombardment of the powerful battleships of the Chinese Navy.

    "Your Excellency, the Governor, I will try my best to defend Singapore. However, if nothing can be done, please consider the lives of most people!" Major General Boris said.

    Sir John Swettenham, Governor of the Straits Settlements, was silent for two minutes and then nodded.  Although he really wanted to hold on to Singapore and not become the second British governor to be captured, if nothing could be done, he would have no choice but to surrender.  After all, many British people in Singapore should not die in this damn war.

    At 9 a.m., the 5th Brigade of the Chinese Marine Corps, under the protection of the fleet, arrived off the coast of Singapore.  (To be continued.)

    ps: The first update is here!  Please subscribe, please give me a monthly pass!  Thanks to the book friend Sunshine Avenue for the reward!  Thanks to book friend bqf8858 and afternoon sun rain for your monthly pass!
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