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Chapter 1361 Rakshasa (Part 2)

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    Although activating this title skill will temporarily cause Takeda Satoshi to lose her weapon and cost her a full 500 points of spiritual power, the effect of this ability is indeed very powerful

    First of all, units inside [Rakshasa Tianzhu] cannot be killed, and they cannot make any attacks, use skills, items, or other special abilities before the Tianzhu disappears; of course, "Outside the Pillar"  "The person's attack cannot penetrate through Ji Tianzhu.

    Secondly, people inside and outside the pillar can enter or leave the range of Ji Tianzhu, but no matter whether they enter or come out, they will suffer damage equivalent to 95% of the maximum survival value.

    In other words, King Zhaoying now has two options: one, stay inside Ji Tianzhu and wait until the skill effect disappears before taking action; second, break out of Ji Tianzhu's range and regain freedom of movement, but fall directly.  Bleeding into a dying state.

    Obviously, if you choose the second option, the risk is too great; Shadow King's physical skills are very average. Even if Takeda Satoshi is bare-handed at this moment and is being chased by the Platinum Stone Demon, he still has to kill a character with only 5% survival value.  It's not difficult at allshe managed to get through it even if she had to fight hard.

    Therefore, King Zhaoying can only choose the first path

    It is absolutely safe to stay in the pillar, at least for the thirty seconds that the skill lasts. In this way when Ji Tianzhu disappears, Shadow King will still remain at full health.  Although the opponent is likely to use these thirty seconds to store up a big move and hit it at the right time (this is a tactic commonly used by Satoshi Takeda, and it is not a secret), but with full health, the Shadow King has a huge advantage.  It is more stable to use the operating space to deal with it than to go out with 5% residual health.

    All in all, after all the calculations were made, Shadow King found that he was not at a big disadvantage. He even felt that Takeda Satoshi was a bit misplaced with this skill; it was obviously a very strategic control skill, but it failed to gain  What obvious advantages are, at most, they are just delaying time.

    Including the commentators and the audience who were watching the battle, they all thought that this move was not good; becauseif she really wanted to delay time, she might as well use the skill on herself.

    However, just two seconds later, Takeda Satoshi slapped everyone in the face with his actions.

    "Eh? This is"

    When his opponent rushed towards Ji Tianzhu without hesitation, even the usually calm King Zhaoying was shocked.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Takeda Satoshi's blood loss has exceeded 5% after fighting the Platinum Stone Demon so far. She definitely cannot afford the damage from entering and exiting the Tianzhu.

    Butshe still rushed into the pillar resolutely.

    "Poof" the moment he stepped into Ji Tianzhu, Takeda Satoshi knelt on one knee, spitting blood, and showed pain on his face.

    Butshe is not dead.

    This is a matter of course, because "units in [Rakshasa Tianzhu] cannot be killed."

    Although Takeda Tomo's survival value was less than 95% when she entered the pillar, due to Ji Tianzhu's "Principle of Immortality within the Pillar", her survival value will not be reduced even if it drops to 1% instantly, and the excess damage will be converted  It became a mental shock.


    A second later, the Platinum Stone Demon who was chasing the target followed him in, and immediately rushed forward and fell to the ground.

    It wasn¡¯t until this moment that King Zhaoying suddenly realized it. His eyes widened and he couldn¡¯t help but say: ¡°Hey~ It¡¯s so high¡­¡±

    "Huh" After taking a few seconds to adjust his breathing, Takeda Satoshi stood up again. Because her "overloaded" blood volume was not much, the painful feeling subsided quickly, "Huh if it weren't for you  Even if you take the initiative to run within the range of my skills, I won't be able to pull off this 'smart move'."

    At the moment, two players and a stone demon are within the range of Ji Tianzhu; although their blood volume is very different, it is meaningless under the premise that they cannot "harm each other"

    Before the skill ends, Takeda will not go out anymore. If she steps out, she will die; as for the stone demon it is impossible for the Shadow King to give an order for it to step out and commit suicide; the Shadow King himself can leave.  Get out, but that won't do him any good. It won't allow him to kill his opponent, and it will also cause him to lose 95% of his survival value.

    To sum up, for the next twenty seconds or so, these people in the column can only wait.

    "I thought you made a mistake with this move, but now that I think about itit is a title move, and the owner's own understanding is different from that of outsiders like us." Since he was idle anyway, Shadow King simply chatted with the other party.  He stood up, "Although I also know the effect of your skill, the first thing I thought of was to use it on myself" He shrugged, "But you can think of using the fact that 'units in the column will not die', decisively  Giving up a lot of survival value in exchange for time and scenes"

    "Excuse me." Takeda Chi replied coldly, "This is not a quick wit, it's just experience After all, this title skill has followed me for a long time."??, I've used it in a variety of situations.  "

    By this time, the audience also realized that it was high, it was indeed high.

    If Takeda Satoshi directly surrounds herself with her skills as the audience thinks, then she can indeed avoid the loss of health and temporarily remove herself from the battle; however, if she does that within thirty seconds  , the Shadow King with full blood can support his teammates without any worries.  In other words, it is equivalent to Takeda Chi spending a lot of spiritual power to use a control skill on himself, and creating a two-on-one situation for the opponent within half a minute.

    Comparing it with the situation at the moment, we can make a decision.

    "But I still don't understand one or two things" After a few seconds, King Zhaoying continued, "Why don't you target the stone demon with your skills?" He paused for half a second and then continued, "  In that kind of high-speed attack and defense, I had no time to give the stone demon a stop command; if you directly used Ji Tianzhu to trap the stone demon, it would definitely rush out of its range the moment the skill appeared  Will be killed."

    "You said it yourself'The speed of attack and defense is very fast', so what else don't you understand?" Takeda Satoshi crossed his hands on his chest and continued in a rather unpleasant tone, "I want to use the method you mentioned to  The stone demon is gone, so I have to ensure that 'at the moment when [Rakshasa Tianzhu] appears, its edge is right between me and the stone demon.'

    "But your stone demon is stronger than me in physical skills. I have to use feints and turning bursts to distance myself from it, and the distance will be closed again by it in less than two seconds."

    In this situation, it's already difficult to accurately calculate the release point. What's even more disgusting is your stone demon's 'reaction time', 'approaching route', and 'instant speed' are all  It's not fixed, how can I operate it?  "

    When she said this, she curled her lips and said: "In addition, this tactic not only has harsh conditions, but also has a low error tolerance rate If the skill is empty, I will lose my sword, and if it is placed in the wrong position, I will lose my sword."  You might die; so it's not that I don't want to kill it, but it's too difficult and risky If I had a 50% certainty, I would have done it long ago."

    "Well" King Zhaoying nodded when he heard this, "Okay it seems that you have seriously considered it I asked it naturally."

    " Takeda Satoshi has not only considered it ever since she was entangled by the Platinum Stone Demon, she has been desperately thinking about countermeasures; in fact, she said the above words, half of them should be kept and the other half

    During this period of time, after constant testing and observation, Takeda Satoshi has actually captured the reaction and action patterns of the Platinum Stone Demon in certain specific actions. If she had been given a few dozen more seconds, her certainty would probably be more than "50%"  "Well, by that time, she is very likely to use her title skill to kill the Platinum Stone Demon instantly, and the situation will be different again.

    "Hmph" Two seconds later, Takeda Satoshi let out a proud snort, and immediately said, "Speaking of whichyou just said that there are 'one or two things' that you don't understand. What else is there besides this?"

    King Zhaoying thought for a while and then asked: "Although you successfully controlled me and the Stone Demon for thirty seconds, and the Stone Demon's health was also dragged to the dying level by you; but once the skill time limit is up only  You have 1% survival value (he relied on the stone demon's blood volume to guess that Takeda Tomoya's blood dropped to 1% and forced him to survive). Facing me who is almost at full health, what are your chances of winning?"

    Just when he said these words, there was only the last second left before the [Rakshasa Tianzhu] was lifted

    "Heh" At that second, Takeda Satoshi smiled.

    At the same time as the corners of his mouth raised, his pupils suddenly turned red.

    "Drink!" Immediately afterwards, the platinum stone demon's shout and fist came at the same time, pointing directly at the back of Takeda Satoshi's neck.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    The fist fell in the wind, but the figure was no longer there.

    Between the lightning and flint, all of a sudden!  A slender, white hand penetrated King Zhaoying's back and came out through his chest.

    The white hands turned into bloody hands in a blink of an eye.

    At that moment, the chill overcame the pain and spread throughout King Zhaoying's body.

    "I just need to kill you without any harm Isn't that enough?" The next second, Takeda Satoshi, who felt that he had a chance to win, put his face close to King Zhaoying's ear, and said it in a murderous tone.  This is a fatal statement.

    At this time, her other hand was holding the katana that returned from the subspace.

    While she was talking, she pushed her wrist

    When the tip of the knife came out from King Zhaoying's left chest, Lao Zhao felt a chill running through his body and his heart was stagnant

    The blood shed makes the blade suddenly turn red.

    The fatal blow also made Takeda Satoshi relax a little.

    But she hasn¡¯t even breathed out yet.Well, I can hear

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    In the distance, there were footsteps approaching like the wind.

    Hearing this sound, Takeda Satoshi's first reaction was to draw his sword and turn around, slashing to meet the enemy.


    "What" At this moment, Takeda Satoshi's sword couldn't be withdrawn.

    It wasn't until she watched the video later that she understood The reason why she couldn't withdraw the knife at this moment was because the Shadow King, who was about to die and had not yet completely turned into white light, was relying on his vague consciousness to command.  The remaining blood of the platinum stone demon held the tip of her knife.

    For Takeda Satoshi, who has entered the transformation state of [Blood Rakshasa], this kind of flashback-style counterattack can only contain her for a moment.

    But, it was this moment that caused the balance of victory and defeat to change

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    The sharp edge of the halberd spins into a curling dragon, and the awe-inspiring fighting spirit breaks through the air.

    Takeda Satoshi, who was a bit slower, was hit by the halberd coming from behind The halberd's sharp edge penetrated the body and was unstoppable. Driven by a steady and powerful force, it kept advancing, even Takeda Tomoshi was hit.  The Shadow King and the Platinum Stone Demon in front of me were both penetrated

    In just one breath, three figures from small to large were skewered by the halberd like mutton skewers.

    "Old Zhao, thank you for your hard work." When Juan Meng returned his words, Shadow King Zhao had completely transformed into light and disappeared, and his platinum stone demon naturally disappeared together with its owner.

    However, Takeda Satoshi is not completely dead yet; although she is about to turn into white light and be teleported, her body that has not yet disappeared will still be strung on the halberd of Kuai Menghui a few seconds before the transformation process begins.

    And during this period [Chonglou] will suck her blood.

    As mentioned earlier, [Chonglou] can be temporarily strengthened by absorbing blood. The specific degree of strengthening is related to the "quantity" and "quality" of blood.

    Takeda Satoshi's [Blood Rakshasa] transformation has similar activation conditions to Uesugi Jin's [Oni Zen Six Breaks], that is, "can only be activated when dying"; although this transformation can only increase its damage and speed, it cannot help  It restores blood, but the principle of "Blood Rakshasa" is indeed closely related to blood It is generally an ability to demonize blood and increase its flow speed.

    In short, the blood of this "Rakshasa" is of high quality.  8)
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