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Text Chapter 1143 A world without games (6)

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    On the fifth hour after entering this script world, Feng Bujue finally completed the task of [Joining the Resistance Army].  ¡Ñ,

    And the next step of the main mission will also be refreshed [Invade the center of city a0007].

    This mission is actually worth ponderingbecause the mission content only says "invasion", but it does not say "invasion with the rebels"; that is to say, in theory, he can go by himself.

    Regarding this point, Feng Bujue thought about it carefully

    Although it is easier to move alone and you don¡¯t have to look forward and backward, after all, he is not from this universe and is not very familiar with various situations, so he is likely to encounter various unexpected dangers.

    As for inciting the large rebel forces to launch a general attack on the city with him this involves another issue of "fooling"; even Conrad has no right to let the troops in this base go without asking the commander for instructions.  They came out in full force; no matter how good Brother Jue was in deceiving him, he might not be able to get the colonel to do this.

    Fortunately, Feng Bujue finally thought of a compromise, that is


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    Accompanied by the sound of metal rods rubbing back and forth and the sound of metal shafts rolling across the rails, a hand-operated rail car is heading towards the city at a speed not much faster than a bicycle.

    At this moment, a team of five people, including Feng Bujue, was riding in this car, approaching A0007 City through the subway.

    "Savior, do you want a piece?" The bearded man who had just been replaced from the parking space asked Brother Jue while putting compressed tobacco leaves in his mouth.

    "I understand." Feng Bujue waved his hand, "I can't get used to that. In addition, you can call me Mr. Feng or Feng Bujue. You don't have to call me the savior."

    "Haha" The bearded man smiled, "Okay, Mr. Feng" He chewed the inferior tobacco with a strong taste in his mouth and spat on it, "if you insist."

    This bearded man is the oldest member of the five and serves as a commando; at the same time, he is also the only "non-knowledgeable jumper" in this team.

    At the beginning of the war, the bearded daughter, a twelve-year-old Zhiyue, was arrested and killed by the Pita Army without making any resistance. (The sooner the Zhiyue awakens, the better  The clearer the information in his mind, the greater the relative threat); soon after that, Big Beard joined the resistance.

    He is a rough man. He doesn¡¯t understand things that are too complicated. He participated in this war just because of a simple motive. Damn your mother¡¯s robot, I want to kill all of you to avenge my daughter!

    "By the wayMr. Feng." A few seconds later, the one-eyed dragon sitting next to the bearded man looked at Brother Jue and spoke, "Are they telling the truth?"

    "What did they say?" Brother Jue asked.

    "It has been spread throughout the base" Cyclops continued, "It is said that the savior can fly and can tear metal without using weapons"

    Cyclops is the sniper of this team, a leaper who awakened at the age of nineteen; his left eye was blinded by a round table spider in a battle, and since then he can only use firearms with scopes.  (It is difficult to judge distance with one eye, and shooting with a weapon without a scope will be difficult), so he naturally became a sniper.

    And what Cyclops said at this time that "the whole base has been spread" is indeed true.

    Previously, in order to persuade the colonel to agree to this operation, Feng Bujue "slightly" demonstrated several of his skills; in doing so on the one hand, he could confirm his identity as a "savior", and on the other hand, it also gave the colonel some confidence.  .  If Brother Jue hadn't shown some strength, Conrad would never have approved such a suicidal action.

    "I can't fly." Two seconds later, Feng Bujue answered the one-eyed dragon in a calm tone, "That's walking in the air, and 'flying' are two different concepts." He paused, "As for tearing apart without weapons,  Metal that's fine, but if you want me to demonstrate it now, I think it's better to skip it."

    "Well" One-Eyed Dragon groaned, "They also said you can 'end the war'. Is this true?"

    "You have too many questions." Before Brother Jue could answer, Lightning Head, who was shaking the metal pole at the side, said, "Don't ask about things that don't need you to think about. If you feel too free, come over and shake the metal pole."

    Yes, Lightning Head is here too, and she is the deputy captain of this commando team.

    As one of the first batch of intellectuals to awaken, she joined the resistance army after its establishment.? had already joined the war; however, this female man had a bad temper and did not understand the golden mean in life. Therefore, when her contemporaries had all become officers, she was still leading the way on the front line.

    "I just don't want to die without knowing whether my death is meaningful" After being interrupted by the vice-captain, the one-eyed dragon shrugged unhappily and muttered.

    "What did you say?" Lightning Head naturally heard it and immediately glared at the other party.

    "Okay." At this time, Isaac, the leader of the assault team, spoke, "Just say a few words"

    As he spoke, he gave Lightning Head, who was shaking the metal pole with him, a look; although he didn't say anything, Lightning Head understood what he meant, so he said no more.

    Then, Isaac looked at the Cyclops again and said: "Our mission today is to deliver Mr. Feng to the central area and then evacuate safely. Although the content of this mission sounds crazy, it is not fatal. Don't say  Those nonsense words undermine the morale of teammates."

    "It'sCaptain." The one-eyed dragon is still very convinced of Isaac. After allthe latter can be said to be a legend in the resistance.

    So, what is Isaac¡¯s ¡°legendary¡± method?

    Before talking about his record, let me first talk about a basic setting: Isaac is a black mana black mana black man.

    I know that it is not necessarily fair to associate a person's innate skin color and race with his acquired achievements, but I think we should face reality here say important things three times.

    Just as yellow people and Jews have an innate advantage in average IQ, black people have an innate advantage in athletic ability that is undeniable.

    If there really is a Batman in the world, then according to Batman's setting that "all sports abilities have reached the level of Olympic champions of the same period", the human beings who can meet Batman's setting in terms of physical fitness will most likely be black.

    And Isaac is like Batman in the Resistance.

    Although he does not have all kinds of high-tech equipment, nor does he have the nonsense setting of "obtaining doctorates in more than a dozen professional disciplines" like Bruce Wayne, Isaac has still accomplished many things that ordinary people think are only superheroes.  Things that can be done

    He once single-handedly broke into a Zhiyue prison and successfully rescued more than 90% of the prisoners; he once completed the work of a whole class by himself in an important distribution operation (the operation of distributing games to the public);  He once killed thirty combat robots in a battle at least; he also once killed a Round Table Spider in a one-on-one close combat

    ¡°Such deedsor ratherachievements are well known to everyone in the resistance; after the war has been going on for so many years, there is really no soldier who can be as famous as Isaac.

    Therefore, in the minds of many soldiers, Isaac's words may be more effective than the commander's.

    "Haha Everyone, why do you have to make the atmosphere so solemn?" Feng Bujue also saw what these NPCs were worried about, and he immediately showed a relaxed smile, "To be honest, I am very confident that I can  End this war within today. As for your safety issues I didn't originally intend to let you 'escort' me all the way to the central area. It was just an order insisted on by Colonel Conrad; it's what I want.  ¡­I just need you to take me into the city and point out the location of the center, and then you can just retreat.¡±

    Brother Jue¡¯s words are indeed out of good intentions. He is naturally aware of the gap in combat power between humans and machines, and he does not want to see these people die in vain.

    However, after hearing this, Isaac responded seriously: "An order is an order, Mr. Feng, we will not interfere with your actions, but we hope that you will not interfere with our execution of our tasks."

    "Oh" Feng Bujue looked at the other party with complicated eyes, "Okay anyway, you are the captain, you have the final say."


    After nearly three hours of journey, the seemingly endless tunnel ahead finally came to an end.

    At the end of the track, the five people were greeted by a brick wall, and on the opposite side of the wall came the sound of continuous water.

    "Is there a sewer behind the wall?" In fact, Feng Bujue had already seen through the data flow on the other side of the wall, but he still pretended not to know clearly and asked.

    "Yes." Isaac replied, "We have to walk through the sewer for a while, then pass through an engineering pipeline and turn into the subway tunnel."

    "Then we can enter the subway station and rush to the ground, right?" FengUnconsciously, he continued what the other party said.

    "No, we have to hide in the subway tunnel and approach the destination on foot." Isaac replied, "When we reach the station closest to the central area, we will rush to the ground."

    "Huh it sounds quite troublesome." Feng Bujue couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

    "There's nothing we can do about it." One-Eyed Dragon continued in a helpless tone, "Once we enter a monitored area such as a subway station, we will be discovered by Pita immediately, and then the other party will send troops.  Rounding up; with the five of us trying to get close to the center while being chased and intercepted by the City Guard, it is simply a fantasy."

    "Thenwhat if we disguise ourselves?" Feng Bujue said, "For example, pretend to be civilians and use transportation to approach the target."

    "Impossible." Isaac continued, "The method of cross-dressing is only effective for humans, and is useless for AI All the cameras in this city have facial recognition functions. Any unknown, or  As long as the face of a person defined as a 'threat' is caught by any camera lens, Pita's attention will be drawn; within a minute, the law enforcement officers closest to the target will be dispatched."

    "That's it" Feng Bujue responded, "Then let's act as planned."

    At this moment, Brother Jue was thankful that he didn't go into the city alone.

    If he really does that, even if he can break through the siege and get in front of Pita with hard power, he will only have half a life left; besides Brother Jue doesn't know yet, if he uses that kind of breakthrough method, Pita will  It is possible that he self-destructed before coming into contact with him.

    Now, under the leadership of this resistance assault team, although it will take more time to reach the destination, the risk of the battle has indeed been reduced.  For "players", the physical energy consumption caused by this kind of trip is almost negligible; while the consumption of survival points, skills, items, etc. is completely zero. It can be seen that this is the "correct way to clear the level"  .

    Of course, in the scenario of normal difficulty, it¡¯s okay for players not to follow the ¡°right path¡±. As long as they are strong enough, even ¡°making mistakes¡± may not lead to failure of the level. All kinds of brute force cracking methods are feasible.

    But Feng Bujue chose a more reasonable clearance route after all; one of the reasons was because when he was making the decision, he had vaguely noticed that the first main mission [Join the Resistance Army] was a reminder in itself.  It hinted that it would be better for him to use the help of NPC forces to clear the level; the second reason When he was sitting in the colonel's office playing the game, he realized that he would not be able to meet up with his teammates within two hours.  Therefore, he was not in a hurry to finish the script. He simply followed the formal process arranged by the system and took his time to get a feel for the plot.

    "Then, let's wrap the equipment in cloth first, and be careful not to let dirt and water clog the equipment." While Jue Ge was thinking, Isaac had already begun directing everyone to prepare for the "sewer trip"  .

    Feng Bujue didn't have anything to prepare here. He had seen all the equipment of the resistance army. Most of them were of ordinary and dilapidated quality. They didn't have much value. He could only sell the login space back to the store; and the act of "taking"  In itself, it would also reveal that he had "storage space", so he took nothing on the grounds that "the savior does not need these".

    Long story short¡­

    Five minutes later, the other four members of the commando team were ready.

    Then, under the leadership of Isaac, everyone climbed into a pipe next to the track that was leaking sewage, and headed towards the sewer area opposite the wall.


    At the same time, a0007 city, the central area.

    ¡¾Alert, code 964, intrusion event.  ¡¿

    ¡¾Signal source, lurking personnela8504¡¿

    ¡¾The coordinates of the person have been locked.  ¡¿

    The same second that the five commandos crossed the "wall" of the sewer and entered the city, Pita received such a message.

    "A8504" At this time, Pita started talking to himself like a human being, "I haven't given him any instructions recently, and I haven't received any information from other lurkers that there will be an invasion today" At this moment  , Pita's real-time simulation program has also started running, "So what exactly is going on?" (To be continued.)
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