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Text Chapter 784 C-level crisis

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    The Slo star, located in the southern Milky Way, has a population of about 7 billion. Its size is slightly smaller than the earth, but the land area on the planet's surface is about 40% larger than the earth.

    , the climate conditions are very similar to those of the Earth.

    There are only fifteen countries in total on this planet, and they have formed a federation for many years, and they have done a very good job of coordinating with each other.  Therefore, the population distribution and resource distribution on the planet are very even.

    ??In short, this is a peaceful and prosperous planet.

    Of course, the absence of war and famine does not mean that no one commits crimes

    The Sloans are a kind of highly intelligent life that is very similar to the people on Earth. Their physiological nature has determined the motivation, form and content of their crimes.

    The gap between the rich and the poor, the level of social status, and even the appearance of the spouse, etc., may all become inducements to commit crimes; driven by the original motive of "", they eventually evolve into criminal facts.

    Where there is crime, there are police

    The police in Slow Star are extremely good.  No matter the number of people, quality, equipment, efficiency they are all at the top level.  You will never see a Slow Star police officer sitting in a police car eating donuts, and you will never find any Slow Star police officer who is overweight or has a substandard IQ.

    Because there are no wars on this planet and the federal system is very stable, 99% of the people can at least live a life of food and clothing.  In such a general environment words like "arms race, financial confrontation, racial discrimination" simply do not exist in the dictionary of Sloans.

    "Crime rate" is the top priority that the governments of the fifteen countries attach most importance to.  "Public security" is the livelihood issue that every ordinary Sloxing resident is most concerned about.

    Therefore, the police department has become the most powerful and critical institution in every country on the planet.

    However even on such a planet, "super criminals" emerge in endlessly.

    ¡°I don¡¯t know if everything must be reversed When the detection rate of ordinary crimes is close to 100%, high-end criminals have stepped forward.  The crime rate has been forcibly raised, and the overall detection rate has been lowered And many of them don't even have a "motive".

    Perverted murderers, robbery addicts, kidnappers and murderers who call themselves "Judges", "revolutionary" organizations in the late stages of secondary disease, etc A bunch of overfed or mentally ill guys, dressed in strange clothes  , committing crimes everywhere.  Among them are many highly educated people with high IQs, elites with professorial titles, or wealthy people who dominate the business world

    For various reasons and purposes, this group of weirdos eventually took the road of "super criminals", which put huge pressure on the police of Slow Star.

    So, another group came into being, that is, the "vigilantes".

    To put it more coolly, that is - superhero.

    ¡°Citizen masters, secondary police officers, eccentric inventors, people with superpowers, victims of chemical accidents, etc¡­ people with special skills also put on strange costumes.  Taking to the streets, on the edge of the law and fighting against super criminals.


    It¡¯s that day, Silou Star, Silou Lei Kingdom, East Fifteen Area.

    A spaceship sailed into the airport of the "Slo League (the planet's superhero league)".

    When the spacecraft landed, the five resident heroes of the Slo Alliance were already waiting.  They are [Backflip Man], [Police Man], [Dr. Biubiu], [Temptation Girl] and [Disfigured Man].

    There are two heroes who stepped off the spaceship. They are both from the Universe Super Heroes Alliance and came after receiving the request for support from the Slo Alliance.

    These two people.  One is a planet-level hero, [Tough Guy].  He is from the Mud Planet (the same clan as the Tinfoil Man), wearing a gray trench coat and slicked back hair.  There is a striking X-shaped scar in the middle of his face. His main abilities are "thirty times the physical fitness" and "super hardcore style".

    And the other one is the newly promoted city-level hero¡ª¡ª[Poker Man].

    "I've kept you waiting." Tough Guy Xia has met these five colleagues (the five city-level heroes of the Slo League have all registered in the Yuchao League. But they usually stay on their own planet), but  Not very familiar.

    "It doesn't matter, you came just in time." A man wearing a light blue police uniform (the real Slo Star police uniforms are all dark blue) and an eye patch answered.  "We won't start the operation for another hour. If you arrive now, you can listen to the doctor's deployment." The policeman said, then raised his hand and looked at the man next to him who was wearing a white coat and a round metal hood on his head.  The person gestured.Dr. Biu Biu responded in response: "Well Tough Guy, long time no see." His rasping voice sounded from the hood, as if he was having trouble breathing, and there wasn't even a hole in his hood.  (At least it doesn't seem like it), and I don't know how he sees things. "By the way, I wonder if this is" His metal head slowly turned a little, seemingly "looking at" Feng Bujue.

    "Hello, I am Poker Man" Feng Bujue introduced himself in a humble and condescending manner. After a half-second pause, he did not forget to add, "a city-level hero."

    "Nice to meet you."


    The five people from the Silu Alliance also greeted Brother Jue one after another.

    A few seconds later, Tough Guy Xia said to them again: "Although the support application submitted by you this time is to deal with a C-level crisis (a crisis that is enough to destroy a planet), under normal circumstances, the alliance will send at least one planet-level or above hero to lead the team.  (Go), but considering that the 'Silou Alliance' itself has relatively strong combat power, the alliance only sent two of us, I hope you won't mind."

    "It doesn't matter, we submitted the application just to be on the safe side." A guy with a hoarse voice, his face covered in bandages, and he looked like a mummy (yes, he is the disfigured man) immediately said, "Doctor's  The plan is already very solid, and we have applied for a planet-level hero to come and stay here, mainly just in case."

    Hearing this, Feng Bujue couldn't help but think in his heart, "Tsk I've been making trouble for a long time. Am I redundant Anyway, I can get the credit by just making soy sauce, so why wouldn't I do it?"

    "That's good." The tough guy replied.  "Sodoctor, let's change places and talk about the plan."

    "Well" Dr. Biubiu responded and raised his arm, "You two, please"

    In this way, after a simple exchange of greetings, Feng Bujue followed the other heroes to the command center of the Slo Alliance.


    At the same time, in the East 20th District, in an underground base.

    A tall figure is holding his hands behind his back.  Standing in front of a huge screen, observing the operations of various parts of the base.

    He is the creator of this C-level crisis on Sloan Star - [General Quick].

    Quik has a body shape that is obviously different from other Sloans (Sloans have a body similar to that of humans, their skin is lavender, and the facial features on their faces are wider and more protruding than humans), and his height is higher than that of an average person.  More than twice the size of the body, the body is broad, the weight is astonishing, and the physical strength is difficult to estimate.  Andhe also has super powers.

    Quick is one of the most powerful super criminals on the planet.

    "General, the detector shows that a Yuchao Alliance spacecraft has just landed at the Slo Alliance base." At this time, such a sentence sounded from the intercom on the console.

    "Humphare you really here" Quick snorted coldly and replied smoothly.  "Give the order to bring 'that guy's' prison device to the ground and prepare the 'wake-up procedure'."

    "Yes." His subordinates replied loudly and ended the communication.

    After a moment of silence.  Quik sneered: "Ha those guys from the alliance think they can stop me with the support of the Yuchao League" His eyes moved slightly.  Looking at the corner of the screen in front of him, "How did you know that I still have this trump card"


    Fifteen minutes later, Slo Alliance command center.

    "The above is the general situation of this crisis." Dr. Biu Biu has already finished explaining the main content of this crisis to Brother Jue and the others.

    Feng Bujue stared at the people at the table in front of him with a pained expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Well let me sort out the whole thing" He subconsciously pressed his temple with his right index finger.  In order to ease the pain of being raped by logic, "The guy who calls himself 'General Quaker' is from a rich generation, handsome, highly educated, married to a movie star as his wife, and gave birth to two healthy children.  Live a happy life.

    As a result, one day, he didn't know whether he was eating the top, the top, or the top Suddenly he felt that "such a life is completely meaningless", so he abandoned his wife and children, scattered all his wealth, and ran into the universe alone.  I went wandering and happened to find a mysterious lost space ship - the 'Dak'.  And he encountered some kind of weird ideological 'preaching' and body modification on that spacecraft.

    Then, he returned to Sloan and formed the "Quick Army" in an attempt to conquer the entire planet and enslave the people here.  "

    Feng Bujue said this in one breath and looked at Dr.Said: "So far, my summary is correct, right?"

    "Uhexcept for some strange ambiguities in wording, everything is correct." Dr. Biubiu replied.

    "Okay" Brother Jue continued, "Not to mention how Quik, who returned to his hometown, re-accumulated the huge funds needed for terrorist activities, nor why so many people who had no worries about food and clothing were willing to follow.  He does those desperate things Let's just talk about this C-level crisis" He paused, and then said, "This guy directly threatened the federal government, claiming that he had acquired enough force to destroy the entire planet, and demanded  They recognized the 'Quick Army' as the only legal government of Slo within forty-eight universe weeks, otherwise they would use that power to destroy each country one by one" He roughly recounted what he heard, and then asked  He said, "Don't you think there is any problem in this matter?"

    Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in shock, but no one responded.  Although most of them wore masks (except for "Tough Guy" and "Temptation Girl", the other four were masked), Feng Bujue could still tell At this time, these people all showed doubts  color.

    "Alaslet me ask you this" Feng Bujue sighed and continued, "Does Quick know about the existence of the Slo Alliance?"

    "I know." Dr. Biubiu replied.

    "Do you know where your base is?" Brother Jue asked again.

    "Although it is not open to the public" Policeman replied, "but the location of the base is known to all federal governments. After all, we need the outer space negotiation rights given by the government."

    "So Judging from Quirk's intelligence capabilities, he must also know." Dr. Biubiu continued.

    "Isn't that okay?" Feng Bujue said.

    "What's the answer?" Tough Guy Man looked at Feng Bujue in confusion, "What on earth do you want to say? Poker Man."

    "If I were Quik" Feng Bujue stood up and pointed to the electronic map on the conference table.  "I'll just pick a sunny afternoon, or a night with a dark moon and high winds, or an early morning with plenty of food and wine, or any time that I find convenient and just use my weapon that's enough to destroy the entire planet.  I've destroyed your base with my force. I can kill just a few of the heroes in the base. If I can't kill them all, I won't lose anything."

    When Brother Jue said this, the heroes at the table were all stunned. It seemed they really didn't expect this.

    "After I get this done, I will~" Feng Bujue said the word "again" with a special pronunciation, "~to intimidate the governments of various countries, saying, 'You have all seen the fate of heroes, and we can learn from past mistakes.  . You'd better be smarter for me' something like that, blablabla wouldn't it be better this way?"

    "After you reminded me" At this time, the disfigured man continued, "This is really what happened"

    "Well" Dr. Biubiu also said in a tone that showed fear, "Fortunately, Quake didn't think of this."

    "Yeah, yeah." Backflip Man and other heroes also joined in.

    "Damn it" Feng Bujue thought to himself, "Are the IQs of these guys really okay?"

    It was obvious that the "problem" that Brother Jue meant was not what they understood.  Brother Jue means.  It is possible that Quick simply did not possess the force he claimed, or else he would have done so long ago.  Could it be that the other party didn't think of such a simple thing?

    "It's a pity Feng Bujue really thought too much this time, because Kuike really didn't expect it.

    ??In this multiverse of superheroes.  There are many alien races that are "bad at planning and have extremely shallow cities."  It¡¯s not that there¡¯s something wrong with their IQ, on the contrary.  The relative brain capacity of many aliens is larger than that of earthlings, and their brain power is stronger than that of humans. However when it comes to the ability of intrigue and conspiracy, earthlings are simply too strong.

    "Calculation" is such a thing.  It has nothing to do with the level of technological civilization.  The knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry of those ancient military advisors may not be as good as that of modern middle school students, but the strategies they came up with at that time and place were definitely beyond the imagination of middle school students (the vast majority).  In the same way, the Sloans may not be able to come up with a strategy that seems very simple to us earthlings even if they rack their brains.

    "Poker Man reminds us very much. From this point of view we have to act more quickly." After a moment, Dr. Biubiu said again, "If Quick thinks of this and launches a surprise attack on us, the consequences will be disastrous.  .¡±

    "Doctor," the tough guy continued, "please tell me your attack plan."

    "Okay." Dr. Biubiu also stood up, controlled the electronic map on the desktop, clicked on a few coordinates, and expanded the three-dimensional image, "Everyone, please look, here justIt's Quaker's base.  "

    "What the hell?" Feng Bujue was shocked, "So you guys also know where Quik's base is?"

    Brother Jue¡¯s subtext is - can you explain why the opponent¡¯s base hasn¡¯t been reduced to ashes yet?

    "Four hours ago, we just detected the location of that base." Biu Biu replied.

    "Oh" Brother Jue nodded and thought, "Okay, that makes sense."

    He doesn't quite know what the Sloans' style is like. Anyway if it were like Quik, if it were placed on the earth, as soon as its position was exposed, it would be carpet-bombed by missiles from dozens of countries in minutes, let alone four countries.  An hourWhether you can survive for four minutes is a question.

    "We, the Slo Alliance, have a total of 65 policemen from all over the world (Slo Planet), but the ones who have obtained the registration qualifications of the Yuchao Alliance are only the five of us here." Dr. Biu Biu continued what he said before.  He said, "Considering those sixty people are scattered in various cities, and most of them have no superpowers, so for this operation, I only gathered the five strongest people in the alliance." He looked at the tough guy Xia and said, "For insurance purposes  For the sake of safety, I applied for support from Yuchaolian."

    "To put it simply, it is to adopt the strategy of 'elite squad raid'." Police Man added, "Of course from the actual situation, this is also the only option available to us. Because after Quick's 'announcement',  There has been a sharp increase in crime rates around the world, and heroes and police everywhere are very busy now. Calling them together can have a limited effect, but the negative impact may be greater."

    "I said" Feng Bujue couldn't help but interrupt again, "Is this really the only strategy" He leaned back in his chair and glared at him, "You think about it again?"  Thinkreallythink about it again"

    His tone was like a tutor meeting the ultimate scumbag, and he had the feeling of "I see you really can't answer the question, and I want to report the answer to you, but I can't."

    "Poker Man." At this time, the tough guy sitting next to Brother Jue turned around and said, "Time is limited, just say what you have to say."

    "Oh ok." Feng Bujue continued, "My plan is this" (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!
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