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Text Chapter 627 The Phantom Reappears

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    "Hurry up. If the calculation is correct, the phantom spider will appear after half of all the monsters in the Chiyue Mine are dead." Roman said a little nervously.

    Indeed, as long as you have seen these shadow spiders that come and go without a trace last time, you will have a profound impression of palpitations.

    Because the self-destructing spiders they breed are not only powerful, but also exaggerated in number. One phantom spider can breed dozens to a hundred self-destructing spiders every second.

    So¡­ nearly three hundred phantom spiders appeared last time, which means that they can breed at least tens of thousands of self-destructing spiders every second, and this only happens in one second.

    If it weren¡¯t for the mechanical army¡¯s sufficient firepower and laser weapon sniping, which caused these self-destructing little spiders to self-destruct while crawling, I¡¯m afraid the three million mechanical troops last time wouldn¡¯t have been enough for them to self-destruct in an hour.

    In addition to the above two terrible things, the really terrible thing is that these self-destructing spiders crawl too fast.

    After the last battle experience, Glasses and the others successfully calculated the crawling speed of the self-destructing spiders, which actually reached 700 kilometers per hour. This means that their speed can almost catch up with ordinary fighter jets flying at high speed. It can be seen from this that,  How difficult are these guys to deal with.

    After all, Luo Cheng's mechanical troops are different from the Red Moon Monster, which has strong vitality and defense. As long as a self-destructing spider self-destructs at close range, what happens next is not just the robot of the combat unit being bombed.  Instead of being destroyed, it was very likely that the aftermath of the powerful explosion would affect all areas within a thirty-meter radius.

    Even if someone is unlucky enough to self-destruct and ignite the ammunition depot of a combat robot or a device that is prone to self-destruction, this will produce a series of chain explosions.

    So, it¡¯s absolutely no exaggeration.  The self-destructing spiders produced by these phantom spiders are simply a nightmare for mechanical troops.

    However, now Luo Cheng has no other choice but to use mechanical troops to attack the Red Moon Realm, not for any other reason, just because this expendability is too terrifying.

    If Luo Cheng didn't own the entire moon's mineral resources, to be honest, he wouldn't dare to mess with this weird red moon alien world, to use a layman's word.  That simply can't be hurt.

    As time passed, 10,000 engineering robots roamed around the battlefield, quickly placing square metal boxes one after another.

    These square boxes are not large in size, only about ten centimeters in size.  Often an engineering robot carries hundreds of items with it.

    Soon, all ten thousand engineering robots were destroyed, but they also completed their mission gloriously, that is, they successfully placed hundreds of thousands of metal boxes in various areas.

    And the process of these hundreds of thousands of metal boxes during the battle between Luo Chengji and the Chiyue Mining Area.  Most of them were quickly destroyed.

    Later, only tens of thousands of metal boxes remained in the entire Chiyue Mining Area, which may not be affected by various types of missile explosions.  Therefore, it is estimated that there will be less than 10,000 metal boxes that can function perfectly, but even so.  As long as one hundred percent of the metal boxes can successfully function, then Luo Cheng's secret weapon against the Phantom Spider will be considered successful.

    "Master. The sensors have calculated that there are more than 9,600 metal boxes that are still intact and can perform their work in optimal condition Well, and they are being destroyed at a rate of sixteen per second.  It is expected that in five minutes, their number will only be maintained at around 5,000." Luo Gang quickly reported.

    "Well, it's not too different from the plan, but the top priority of this plan is to pass on the order and let them always prepare the second batch of engineering robots to go up and replenish the metal boxes. The number of intact metal boxes must be maintained at 5,000.  Above." Luo Cheng gave the order calmly.

    There are 10,000 engineering robots. Each robot carries a hundred metal boxes with it. The total number is one million. However, after the deployment, only more than 9,000 can be intact.

    There is less than one percent chance of being intact, which shows how difficult it is for Luo Cheng's plan to be arranged. It is simply based on a large number of bases to support this plan, but if it really happens as the earth experts have guessed,  If it works, then it's all worth it.

    Anyway, as for manufacturing material resources, Luo Cheng doesn¡¯t feel bad about spending them at all. Are the moon¡¯s resources exhausted?

    It¡¯s okay, I can definitely develop planets near the earth, or even stars.

    With the ability to navigate in space, to be honest, the limitations of development resources are no longer a limitation.

    Therefore, civilizations that often reach the second level and are capable of space and aerospace pursueThe goal of progress is no longer resources, but quality.  ,

    Yes, it is quality. The quality of quality can mean how high the level of this enlightenment is and how deep it is.

    Simply take the energy ratio of the spacecraft. At present, the most efficient utilization rate of the earth's spaceships, and even all transportation and launchers, is nuclear fusion.

    ¡°But how much nuclear fusion source material can a spacecraft sailing in the endless vast starry sky carry?

    That is limited, and quite limited, so this is doomed to the current human civilization. Even if they have the technology to create spaceships, they still do not have the ability to travel across the stars.

    Not to mention anything else, the fuel quality of the spacecraft alone is enough to limit all dreams.

    Therefore, for people with level 2 technology and above, their pursuit is not resource development and mining, but quality needs.

    The quality of the fuel of the spacecraft, the quality of the manufacturing materials, and the quality of the genetic fluid, all quality levels even narrowed down to daily living standards.

    According to what was mentioned in the core CD of the Tiange clan civilization, Luo Cheng currently knows that the spacecraft fuel used by the second-level civilization is still nuclear fusion mode, but as the second-level civilization, they are already qualified to connect to the universe.  Ming society.

    Therefore, some wealthy secondary civilizations often spend a lot of money to use energy blocks as fuel for their spaceships through certain channels.

    Energy block?

    That is an upgraded version of energy coins. One million energy coins are an energy block. It is only about the size of a brick, but its value is already very high for the earth.

    You must know that one energy coin is equivalent to approximately 10,000 kilowatt hours of electricity, so how much is the value of an energy block, which is also 100 million kilowatt hours of electricity?  Nearly 100 million RMB.

    ??That is, the price is equivalent to the equivalent of 100 million dollars in human society, but using the energy of an energy block to supply a level spacecraft for flight can only last about half a year.

    What can be accomplished by sailing for half a year?  ?

    If a spaceship with poor quality and low overload capacity, at their slow speed, would not even be able to fly to Jupiter in half a year. Therefore, only Luo Cheng, who had a little exposure to the value of the universe civilization society, would know the wealth of the entire earth.  How poor the universe is.

    But this is normal. After all, the earth has not been able to develop the ability of stars so far, right?

    "Master, more than half of the monsters in the Chiyue Mine are dead or injured soon, look"

    Just when Luo Cheng was distracted and distracted, Roman's nervous voice came again.

    Luo Cheng was shocked and immediately focused on the screen. Sure enough, as the thirteen channels continued to pour out a large number of robot corps, both sides continued to suffer casualties and destruction.

    Nearly half of the monsters that had been entrenched in the Chiyue Mining Area were finally cleared, which also cleared a lot of space for the entire battlefield.

    "Here they come, they appear." After another long while, Luo Cheng, who had been staring at the screen, finally noticed something unusual.

    I saw that the red moon monsters that were still rushing towards them suddenly were no longer chaotic, but some of them scattered in all directions, leaving a certain amount of space.

    Luo Cheng immediately noticed this strange and unusual sign and shouted at the message device: "They are coming. All troops should pay attention to the vacated area and concentrate their firepower to attack first."

    It has to be said that Luo Cheng¡¯s nervous reaction is not comparable to that of the Tianxi Human Race¡¯s headquarters, with his advance reminder.

    In an instant, all the firepower of the mechanical troops immediately turned to the vacated areas.

    Sure enough, just after Luo Cheng¡¯s reminder, these weird phantom spiders arrived silently.

    These huge black shadow monsters seem to have very strong stealth capabilities. Even the various real-time reconnaissances of the mechanical corps are still not noticed. However, they also have a weakness, that is, whenever they need to breed self-destructing spiders,  Their invisibility can no longer be maintained, and a large shadow will be exposed in place.

    "The largest of these phantom spiders has a diameter of 300 meters, and the smallest one has a diameter of more than 100 meters. Due to the breeding of self-exploding spiders, their exposed figures instantly occupy the entire screen.

    From the appearance alone, they look like black grass. In fact, they have nothing to do with spiders. The self-destructing spiders that are constantly being bred seem to emerge from the gaps between the black grass.  Crawl out.

    "Here it comes, fire"??The fifth target weapon is activated.  "Luo Cheng took over Luo Gang's command and shouted loudly.

    At the same time, my heart was filled with confusion. Whether the fifth targeted weapon would be effective against the Phantom Spider or not depends on now.

    From the time the phantom spider appeared to Luo Cheng giving the activation command, only three seconds passed.

    But in just three seconds, nearly a hundred or tens of thousands of self-exploding spiders appeared in the Chiyue Mining Area.
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