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Text Chapter 535 Carpet Exploration

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    "Well, it's right here, that's right." After several hours of choosing the terrain, Luo Cheng finally found a slightly flat place.

    This lunar surface is flatter than other lands, and is backed by a large mound. The entire land is approximately several kilometers square.

    Although the area is small, it is suitable as a bridgehead and a base for development.

    Although the terrifying temperature of the moon is difficult for ordinary creatures to survive, it is not equivalent to the products Luo Cheng created from the system.

    And with the current scientific and technological capabilities of the Island Whale Research Institute, as long as it is given a piece of land to stand on, the next time it comes, it will definitely have the ability to partially transform the harsh environment of the moon.

    Therefore, Luo Cheng does not need to worry about the harsh environment on the moon. In fact, he wishes that the moon would be as bad as possible. This would naturally prevent humans from getting involved. Luo Cheng took over the entire moon as his own.

    After confirming the location, Luo Cheng began to summon a large number of Akainu and large velociraptors. Before long, all 100,000 large and small velociraptors had been summoned.

    "There is no blind spot. Centered on this place, let me spread out thousands of miles and explore all the geological conditions within a thousand miles radius."

    Luo Cheng took matters into his own hands, took out a set of equipment from the space storage bracelet, and set it up on the spot

    And divided the 100,000 Akainu into 100 teams, each team has about 1,000 units, and each team Akainu leader installed a monitor

    Once an order was given, one hundred thousand Akainu began to spread out in all directions. From a high altitude, it looked like a hundred flowers blooming, rapidly spreading to the surrounding terrain.

    The level of Akainu is only about seven, and the exposed Great Akainu is level fifteen. But whether it is the original Akainu or the Great Akainu, as the land combat arms of the insect star, their first element is their tenacious survivability.

    The high temperature of more than 130 degrees may be absolutely fatal to the human body. Even the twenty-level clone of Luo Cheng, Luo You, would be extremely uncomfortable if he was not armored and carried naked.

    But this is not the same as these land combat troops from the insect star. Their adaptability and survivability are absolutely extremely powerful.

    And there are no extra organs in their body, only a core brain, so whether it is lack of water or air, high temperature or low temperature, for these Akainu who do not have much perception, it is just a change of environment.

    Not long after, one hundred thousand Akainu spread out in dense numbers. From the initial layer upon layer, they became innumerable.

    When they spread farther and farther, they become gradually sparse

    Although the moon is eighty times smaller than the earth, if there are only one hundred thousand creatures under Luo Cheng's command in the entire moon, it is really like throwing a drop of water into a big lake.

    Not long after, with the rapid spread of Akainu, Luo Chengduan sat in front of the instrument and saw more and more pictures of the geological conditions further and further away.

    But hundreds of pictures, all returned are the same scenery of sand, gravel, dust, soil, and mounds formed over time.

    Akainu's maximum running speed is enough to put many sports cars to shame. He can run at full speed. The all-terrain model can reach a speed of more than 250 kilometers per hour.

    Now, because the moon's gravity is much smaller than that of the earth, after Akainu got used to the situation, he ran at full speed faster than on the earth, reaching almost 350 kilometers per hour.  Got it

    The diffusion search range of a thousand miles took just over three hours.

    Seeing that there were no new discoveries or changes within a thousand miles radius, Luo Cheng decisively continued to order the Akainu of each team to change their missions, changing the spread mission from one thousand miles to five thousand miles.

    Therefore, according to Earth Day time, it will take at least ten hours to complete.

    During this free time, Luo Cheng had a panoramic view within a thousand miles, and he summoned five hundred blue lions and water clear beasts to come out to protect them.

    After all, it is the moon and an unknown existence. Luo Cheng does not dare to be careless. With five hundred seventy-level beasts guarding the center, he feels a little more peaceful.

    "Strange, why does my heart feel a little twitchy since I set foot on this land?"

    "Isn't the moon as desolate and quiet as it appears?" Luo Cheng thought to himself.

    He trusts his seventh sense very much. Since he was in the second world and the sea of ??consciousness absorbed those golden lights, his intuitive premonition has never been missed, so he continues to be on guard.

    ???For twenty hours, Luo Chengchu spent the first Earth day of the moon like this

    It wasn¡¯t until the next day, when Akainu had completed the second mission as scheduled and reached a radius of 5,000 kilometers, that Luo Cheng¡¯s mood gradually calmed down.

      "Change the mission and expand the scope of exploration to 10,000 kilometers" Luo Cheng once again released a new execution mission

    Yes, the reason why he brought Akainu here was not only to protect him with numbers, but also to search the moon.

    Even if you can¡¯t search the entire moon, you still have to at least select the lunar surface you choose to inspect clearly, right?

    Five thousand kilometers without any discovery, this is already a sufficient buffer zone. Luo Cheng thought for a while, then closed his eyes and entered the sea of ??consciousness.

    Sure enough, as he came to the moon in person, in the sea of ??his consciousness, much closer than the Beast God, the outline of a vaguely lake-shaped planet appeared.

    Although it is not very clear, it has at least emerged from the sea of ??consciousness. This is his real purpose.

    Otherwise, if every time you have to go to the moon for something, you have to take a shuttle and sail for forty hours, who can bear it?

    Not to mention partially transforming the survival base, you can¡¯t just use your own shuttle whenever your subordinates need to go to the moon.

    "Well, it seems that if you want to completely outline the complete outline of the moon in the sea of ??consciousness, I'm afraid you will have to stay for a few more days."

    Luo Cheng withdrew from the sea of ??consciousness. Since he also brought Luo You, the distracting body, this time, it was unrealistic for him to teleport back to the earth. Instead, he could teleport to the beast god world on the moon.  establish

    "In the end, I can only produce two distraction bodies, which is still not enough."

    The next moment, he transported his consciousness to the beast god world

    Not long after, there was a wave of ripples in the space here. After a while, ten long-headed beetle demons appeared.

    With his current eight-ton mental strength, transporting ten five-meter-tall beetle demons at one time is already the limit.

    But this operation was far from over. After Luo Cheng established that he could connect with the Beast God Realm on the moon, he repeated the transportation work again and again.

    It wasn¡¯t until an hour later that he felt tired and finally stopped the continuous delivery.

    At this time, the number of beetle demons transported from the Beast God Realm has reached one hundred thousand.

    The strength of the beetle demons is level 20. Their predecessors are originally from the class Insecta. Creatures from the class Insecta are inherently very powerful for surviving in the environment, let alone level 20 beetle demons with thick carapace.

    The 137-degree temperature of the moon is not helpful to the beetle demon at all, and the demonized creatures do not need to rely on oxygen all the time to survive.

    "All beetle demons, divide me into a thousand teams, with a radius of a hundred miles as the center, and explore all the geological conditions below 500 meters" (To be continued)
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