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Text Chapter 266 Witness

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    do not judge a book by it's cover.

    "But there are some people who can tell with a single glance whether they are a good person or a scumbag.

    The one caught by Yan Xiaokai and the others had the head of a deer, the eyes of a rat, a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and was filled with a violent aura, so he obviously belonged to the latter group.

    For safety reasons, Yan Xiaokai did not take him back to Zhongrui Security, which was not suitable for holding suspects. Instead, he took him to Shencheng Base and began interrogation immediately.

    "It's a pity that this guy has a very tough mouth. The criminal investigators tried their best and spent a whole day and night, but they still couldn't pry a word out of his mouth!"

    Under such circumstances, Yan Xiaokai can only use his ultimate move!


    Youmei's current life is simple and busy. She cleans and tidies the house as soon as she wakes up every day, and then makes breakfast. After breakfast, she goes out to buy groceries. After returning from the groceries, she trims the flowers, does yoga, or chats with the girls.  Then start preparing lunch, take a nap after lunch, and then go to the furniture store to help, or stay at home

    This kind of housewife-like life may be boring to others, but she feels fulfilled. At least she no longer has to live in intrigues and fear like before.

    What makes her feel especially at ease is that there is a place for her in Yan Xiaokai*s heart, and no one else can take her place!

    Now, she has no other wish, the only thing is to make her belly grow bigger and give birth to a baby for her master!

    When she came back from shopping for groceries, thinking of this, she couldn't help but caress her flat belly, but secretly she was a little entangled. She had been good to her master for a long time, and the things that the master left in her body, if she wanted to put them on the scale, were not worth mentioning.  There are eight taels per catty.  But why is there still no movement in my stomach?

    Just as she was thinking this, a pair of hands reached out from behind and covered her eyes. A strange voice sounded in her ears: "Guess who I am. If you guess it right, I'll kiss you. If you guess it wrong, I'll kiss you."  , you kiss me!"

    Youmei couldn*t help but laugh and shouted happily: ※Master!§

    Yan Xiaokai opened her eyes, kissed her on the face first, and then said: "How did you guess it was me! Is my voice recognition that high?"

    Youmei smiled and said, "Master, it's not your voice, it's the smell of your body."

    Yan Xiaokai lowered his head and sniffed himself, "No, I just took a shower when I came back. How can there be any smell?"

    Youmei shook her head and said, "I'm not talking about masculinity, but your unique smell."

    Yan Xiaokai didn*t know and felt it was serious, but he was too lazy to study it.

    "Master!" Youmei asked, "Have you had breakfast? I'll prepare it for you!"

    Yan Xiaokai shook his head and said: "I don't want to eat anymore, let's go out!"

    Youmei asked: "Where to go?"

    Yan Xiaokai did not answer, but sang softly: "Don't ask, don't tell, everything is left unsaid"

    Youmei was a little speechless, but she said worriedly: "But I'm leaving, who will cook for lunch soon?"

    "They have hands and feet, but they can't do it by themselves. Are you still afraid of starving them?" Yan Xiaokai thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No, shopping for food and cooking cannot just fall on you alone.  Every one of them must participate. Otherwise, hire a nanny!§

    "No, don't!" Youmei shook her head and said, "Master, I like to do this, please don't take away my power, okay?"

    Yan Xiaokai said in astonishment: "You like it?"

    Youmei nodded vigorously and said, "Yes!"

    Yan Xiaokai sweated, "Okay, if you really like it, then I won't care. But if you don't like it one day, you must tell me."

    Youmei said: "Okay!"

    Yan Xiaokai said: "Then let's go out now!"

    After Youyou followed him into the car, Yan Xiaokai took out a black silk scarf and said, "Youyou, I'm sorry!"

    As soon as she saw the black silk scarf, Yumei understood. She shook her head and said it didn't matter, and then took the initiative to fold the black scarf and tie it to her eyes.

    Yan Xiaokai said: "I know that based on your ability to judge, it doesn't matter whether you are blindfolded or not. I don't want to blindfold you either. But sometimes, even if it's just a show, it's still necessary."

    Youmei said: "Master, it really doesn't matter!"

    Yan Xiaokai smiled relievedly, started the engine, and drove towards the Shencheng base!

    In a special room, Yumei finally took off her black silk scarf and looked at the surrounding environment. She found that this was a room similar to an interrogation room, with a square iron table and a square iron chair.? Exuding a cold, stiff, serious flavor!

    "Master!" Youyou said softly, "Can we change rooms?"

    Yan Xiaokai asked puzzledly: "Why?"

    "If you want to hypnotize people and make them enter the hypnotic state smoothly, the room must not only be gorgeous, but at least it must feel comfortable and don't make people feel stressed!"

    Yan Xiaokai suddenly realized, "No wonder the psychiatrists on TV always make the patients lie down comfortably when they see them!"

    "To be precise, it's half lying and half sitting. That position is the most relaxing."

    Yan Xiaokai snapped his fingers and said, "I'll have someone prepare it right away!"


    With just one word from him, the people below started hurriedly decorating the room. In less than half an hour, the room was ready.

    After entering the room, Youmei felt satisfied with everything, and then nodded to Yan Xiaokai.

    Yan Xiaokai asked someone to bring the suspect up.

    Seeing that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, Yumei was very down and out, and he was still wearing handcuffs and shackles, so she said: "Master, please take off his clothes!"

    Yan Xiaokai gestured to others to take off the suspect's handcuffs and shackles.

    After finishing, Youyou said again: "Everyone, please go out, and the same goes for you, Master."

    Yan Xiaokai said with some embarrassment: "This person is extremely dangerous"

    "Don't worry!" Youmei said.

    Yan Xiaokai hesitated for a moment, and finally handed her a pocket earplug, then led everyone away and went to the next room to monitor every move inside under the perspective mirror.

    After Yumei looked at the suspect, she pointed to the bench on the side where you could lie down and sit on it and said, "Please sit down!"

    The suspect raised his head, his fierce eyes looking straight at Youyou, "Who are you?"

    Youmei said: "You don't have to worry about who I am, as long as you know that I am here to help you!"

    The suspect asked doubtfully: "Can you help me?"

    Youmei nodded, "Yes!"

    The suspect sneered, shook his head and said, "You can't help me!"

    Youmei said: "Sit down first and let's talk slowly!"

    Although the suspect did not believe that Youyou could help him at all, he was indeed exhausted from the torture. Looking at the comfortable recliner, he couldn't help but lie down.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????For hypnotists, the three words "mental power" are obviously more appropriate.  Her mental power is very weak, but under the training of Yan Xiaokai's Wushang Xinfa, her mental power is increasing day by day, and now she has become an expert hypnosis master.

    It is no exaggeration to say that if Youyou wanted to hypnotize Yan Xiaokai now, Yan Xiaokai might not be able to resist.

    It is hard for a top master like Yan Xiaokai to resist, let alone a suspect with only average abilities. In just a few words, he can hypnotize the suspect effortlessly!

    "Now!" The beautiful tone was slow and long, with a strange rhythm, "Can you tell me what your name is?"

    The suspect said: "My name is Brother Jia!"

    Youmei asked: "What's your surname A, and your last name is your son?"

    Brother Jia said: "Yes!"

    Youmei asked again: "What is your identity?"

    Brother Jia said: "An agent!"

    Yan Xiaokai and others behind the perspective mirror were stunned when they heard this, because they never imagined that the killer's true identity was actually an agent.

    After looking at each other with Shangguan Yunchen and others for a while, Yan Xiaokai used the microphone to say to Youyou who was wearing pocket earplugs: "Who is his superior?"

    Youmei then said to the suspect: "Brother Jia, I am your most trusted person. Now, please tell me, who is your superior?"

    Brother Jia said: "I am a field agent, directly under the leadership of Deputy Director Bai Shibai."

    Under Yan Xiaokai*s instruction, Youyou asked again: ※What are you doing in Shencheng?§

    Disciple Jia said: "Assassinate Xiao Chenyu and Yan Xiaokai!"

    Youmei asked again: "Who instructed you to do this?"

    Brother Jia said: "Deputy Director Bai Shibai!"

    "Why would he do this?" Youmei said.

    Brother Jia said: "I don't know. We never ask why we perform tasks!"

    Youmei said: "You? Didn't you come alone?"

    Brother Jia said, "I'll come first alone."??If I can't handle it, people will come one after another until they are both killed!  "

    Youmei asked again: "Are there many field agents like you who are under the direct leadership of Deputy Director Shiraishi?"

    Brother Jia said: "A lot!"

    "What's the number of Juti?" Youmei said.

    Disciple Jia said: "More than one hundred and twenty!"

    This number shocked Yan Xiaokai and others. What is Baishi going to do?  Build an army?

    After a while, Youyou asked again: "Did you also do the assassination of Mouse and Lao Er in the capital?"

    Brother Jia said: "I and several other agents teamed up to do it."

    Youmei said: ※Where are these agents now?§

    Disciple Jia said: "They should be on their way to Shencheng now."

    "What are they here for?" Youmei said.

    Brother Jiazi said: "Come and support me. When I was assassinating Xiao Chenyu, I found that I was too arrogant. Even one of Yan Xiaokai's civilian subordinates was so powerful. I would never be able to kill Yan Xiaokai with my own strength, so  I just let them come!§

    Youmei said: "What then?"

    Brother Jia said: "Then I followed him quietly, preparing to wait until they all arrived before taking action together."

    Youmei said: "Aren't you afraid that you will be discovered by him and your success will fall short? After all, he is also an agent!"

    Brother Jia said: "I'm afraid, but I have no choice! Director Baishi told me to capture him!"

    Youmei said: "Then tell me now, how to contact the person who supports you, and what is the interface password?"

    Being completely hypnotized, Brother A revealed his contact information, password, etc.

    Yan Xiaokai turned to the people next to him, "Did you all hear clearly?"

    Everyone nodded, "Yes!"

    Yan Xiaokai waved his hand and said: "Shangguan, Wu Su, each of you will lead your own team members and go to the airport with my team members to welcome our guests from afar!"
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