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Volume 2 Music Festival Chapter 161 Explosive Popularity

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    At this time, I heard another host speaking on the stage. Her voice was clear and gentle, like the little girl next door, and like the elder sister who takes care of the younger generations. Who else could it be but Guan Xun?

    Just listen to Guan Xun laugh and say: "Haha, everyone guessed wrong Well, I won't waste everyone's time anymore, now I will announce the name of this super star Well, by the way, there is another sentence,  That is, the person who will sing the first song today will definitely be unforgettable and refreshing for everyone! Then, let¡¯s invite Chen Mo and Chen Jiusheng, who is known as ¡®China¡¯s No. 1 Talent¡¯, to appear!¡±

    "Huh?" All the audience couldn't help but be stunned, "Chen Mo? Chen Jiusheng? Isn't that the author who wrote,,, and has become so popular recently that many book dealers have made a lot of money?"

    "Wow" In an instant, when many spectators were stunned, other spectators, including all the young people, began to shout. Many young people even planned to forget the stage and run away. If not for the many security guards arranged in the stadium, especially  After Chen Mo adjusted the order of appearance, he greeted the local government officials and quickly added dozens of security guards squatting in the aisles. The boys and girls might have run out and rushed onto the stage.

    Next, more people started shouting, and the already shocking shouts were even more exaggerated. After reaching the microphones in the hands of Guan Xun and Yaning and then into the speakers, the sound at the scene accumulated.  Regardless of the point of endurance.  Fortunately, the two of them were resourceful as hosts. They suppressed the high-decibel sound in their ears and quickly turned off the switch of the microphone in their hands.  Only then did the sound in the hall drop to a bearable level.

    Originally, Chen Mo was going to go on stage after Guan Xundao announced the results, but the loud cheers not only shocked Chen Mo, but also the actors waiting to come on the stage and Xiang Xiaomei, who was helping Chen Mo tidy up his clothes, were even more surprised.  After looking around, everyone looked at Chen Mo with frustration at Yahuazi as if he were an alien.  Is this guy really a newcomer who just released an album?  Although the performance of his novels is so incredible that it drives everyone crazy, even his first album makes people crazy because it is bundled with the novel.  Even though those songs are very nice, can Chen Mo, who is just a new singer, really be so popular?

    But if you think about it carefully, although the music album is a big seller, it is because of extreme tricks.  But the ten songs in the album are definitely rare masterpieces. Together with the six Chinese songs and nine foreign songs previously composed for Song Mingliang, they are all exquisite works that can be used as models for music lessons.  at last.  Everyone could only shake their heads helplessly: "You have to throw away when comparing goods, and you will go crazy when comparing people!" That's right, there is only one thought in their minds now: "I'm going crazy!"

    However, as the only one who didn't have "envy, jealousy and hatred" in her heart, Xiang Xiaomei smiled sweetly. It was like a girl's joy after seeing her beloved boy on the top podium, but also like an elder watching.  The joy of seeing a beloved junior achieve great results.  However, among all the people, she was the only one who was awake except for Chen Mo. After enjoying a different sense of accomplishment, she gently stroked Chen Mo's back to her younger sister and said, "Brother, come on! Listen!  Just listen to the shouts outside and you will know that you are the strongest!"

    Chen Mo took a slight breath, looked at Xiang Xiaomei's soft gaze, and glanced at the other stunned actors around him, he couldn't help but smile "hehe".  He stepped onto the stage with an inexplicable expression!  This is his first time on a large stage and his first time singing in front of thousands of people!  This is also his first step into a broader entertainment industry career!

    When Chen Mo's figure appeared on the stage, the chaotic atmosphere in the audience suddenly solidified. For a while, the whole scene was silent, except for Chen Mo's steady steps.  There seemed to be no sound from him.  However, the next thing I heard was a roar that was about to break through the roof, it was deafening!

    When the sound reaches a certain level, people's thinking will be disrupted and they will become irritable.  If the height of the sound rises to a certain level, people's thinking will become sluggish and they will only be rigidly fixed on the current scene.  Facing Chen Mo's appearance, the sound in the stadium was even more crazy!  In an instant, the audience in the audience fell into a circle of thinking, that is-it was really Chen Mo!  And they couldn't react quickly. They could only use their best strength and use the monotonous syllables to shout out their inner wishes: "Ah"

    The voice in the audience was monotonous and consistent, but when it resounded collectively, a wave of thought that could make people fixated instantly spread throughout the audience. Therefore, the people in the background remained sluggish until an unexpected factor occurred - such as lack of oxygen.  , such as fainting The people in the audience continued to shout, until their brains were dizzy due to lack of oxygen, and then they slowly stopped shouting.

    When everyone was gasping for breath, an accident happened. From Chen Mo's perspective, it was obvious that several audience members in different places had fainted. As the people around the fainted people screamed, Chen Mo hurriedly let go.  Standing in front of the stage, some security guards with stars in their eyes went to help.Fortunately, it was just a simple lack of oxygen and sound wave interference. Those who fainted were only pinched a few times, and they quickly woke up after applying cold towels for a while. There were no major problems.  The staff was relieved.

    Chen Mo, who once again stood in the center of the stage, waved his hand at the black heads, and used a bit of inner energy to shout: "Brothers and sisters from the frontier and elders, good morning! My name is Chen Mo, and I hope my song can make everyone  like¡­¡­"

    Before he finished speaking, another wave of uniform shouts resounded through the hall, but this time people had learned the lesson and didn't want to feel dizzy and nauseated again, but the shouts of thousands of people were still deafening.  Standing on the stage, Chen Mo could even see circles of ripples emanating with his keen senses, hitting the walls and roof and then reflecting back and forth, making the sound louder.

    Now Chen Mo finally felt at the scene why large-scale concerts are generally held in the open air.  Because there is no roof cover, at least the audience's shouting at an open-air concert is 30 to 40% lower than indoors, or even more.

    Chen Mo¡¯s mood agitated as the audience shouted.  Driven by this unparalleled atmosphere, the mood that was originally as calm as lake water fluctuated strongly.  The shouts in the hall were like a strong wind blowing away all debris, or like thousands of horses galloping to crush any obstacle. Chen Mo couldn't help but shout along with everyone's roar, and he used the family tradition "Tianlong Zen Sing".  Fa, the voice is high-pitched and textured, high-spirited but full of penetration.  It's like a heavenly dragon descending to earth, singing in the clouds, with a majestic and royal aura.  The majesty rises everywhere and spreads throughout the world, and nothing can hold it back.

    And Chen Mo¡¯s shouts along with the audience are not as sharp as ordinary people¡¯s.  Instead, it came with a refreshing wave, which made everyone listening feel relaxed. Even those who were jealous of Chen Mo couldn't help but let go of their prejudices.  As the roar came, although Chen Mo was the only one, he gradually suppressed the voices of thousands of people, and more and more people participated. Although there was no power of Chen Mo's voice, he could not stop it.  There were so many people there that by the end even many people in the background started shouting along with them in agitated but cheerful spirits.

    Although "Tianlong Zen Sing" is a vocal kung fu.  But at first, it was about practicing the magical skills of the lungs. Later, it was added to the effect of refining the spirit and qi, and it had a confusing effect and was extremely powerful.  Now everyone is roaring along with Chen Mo, although they are just copying the cat and the tiger.  But with Chen Mo as the leader, people just feel cheerful and relaxed, as if drinking a cup of hot water in the cold weather, or pouring down a bucket of ice water in the dog days of summer, refreshing and refreshing.  .  How amazing!  Everyone couldn't help but marvel: "So shouting out loud can have such an effect?"

    Xiang Xiaomei, who had been staring at Chen Mo in the background, became happy and muttered: "You look like a young man now. Although he was steady and practical in the past, he looks like he is in his twilight years."  Old people don¡¯t have the passion of young people"

    But Meng Xin, who stood with Xiang Xiaomei and shouted a few words along with the crowd, sighed after taking a long breath of relief: "The shouting with a good voice is similar to the long tune of the plateau in Mongolia Province, which makes people feel happy."  The mood is cheerful and the body is bright! However, Minister Xiang, I do not agree with your statement. There are a few calm young people in today's era. Most of them are detached and do not know what is meant. They are complacent with some achievements, and are proud and complacent with some successes.  How can we be as stable and down-to-earth as Chen Mo? Doesn¡¯t this just show how precious and extraordinary Chen Mo is?"

    Xiang Xiangmei said to her heart: "He is calm, but as a sister, I am embarrassedhe came to the door automatically" Of course, this is only what she thinks, and she will not say it out loud.  Looking at the high-spirited Chen Mo on the stage, he smiled brightly at his little sister, as eye-catching as a blooming peony: "He will definitely become the shining star! There is no one like him!"

    Meng Xin was stunned and wanted to say something, but when he looked at the younger sister with a confident and domineering look on her face, she pursed her lips and stopped making any sound. She just looked at Chen Mo curiously.  Meng Xin was not familiar with Chen Mo. If it weren't for the recommendation of an assistant director and the strong recommendation of someone who gave her a headache, she really wouldn't have invited Chen Mo to participate in this "Same Song" performance. After all, Chen Mo did not participate.  In any large-scale program, if something goes wrong, although the program will be embarrassing, Chen Mo's reputation will be lost even more. She, Meng Xin, doesn't want to be a villain, let alone a punching bag. After all, she can't bear the anger of Minister Song of the Ministry of Culture.  live.

    A long tune containing "Tianlong Zen Sing" ended. Seeing everyone in the audience standing up with excitement and relief, Chen Mo smiled and said: "This song is dedicated to everyone!"

    The song "Where the Soul Slept" is originally intended to purify the soul. Although the melody of the song contains the unique ethnic characteristics of the Mongolian plateau, the euphemistic and melodious melody has attracted some border minorities who are not familiar with other cultures.  All nations can feel its charm.

    "The child needs help from his mother."?In the distance, there is the boundless fragrance of green grass. It is the place where my soul has slept. The place where I have slept. The wanderer has returned. His clothes are wet with tears. The water of the Taoer River has washed away the sorrow of the world. Looking up, the sun is shining. My childhood returns to my chest in an instant"

    After the song, the passion that was so exciting that it flew off the ceiling of the stadium has disappeared, and the blood vessels that were originally tense have slowly calmed down. Many people even closed their eyes slowly, and they were still singing softly even in the lingering sound.  Shaking his head, beating the beat on his legs with his palms, he was still intoxicated, as if Chen Mo's singing was still echoing in his mind.

    Originally, a popular singer or a good singer would receive warm applause after the audience listened to it, but after Chen Mo finished singing "Where the Soul Slept", the entire audience was silent, even the host  In a daze, it was not until more than ten seconds later that I remembered the applause from the sky.  As for the cheers, there were no cheers at all!  At this time, the audience only had a calm heart and a peaceful soul. They abandoned the previous excitement and craziness, but everyone stood up and gave Chen Mo the greatest affirmation - neat and warm applause.

    The applause continued until Chen Mo bowed again and again, and then slowly stopped.  Chen Mo's mood also calmed down, but it was not due to nervousness caused by poor mental quality.  But because Meng Xin had a discussion with him yesterday and asked Chen Mo to replace "The Sea" with "The Place Where the Soul Slept".  The border area is an autonomous region of ethnic minorities, and it is also a region with nomadic ancestors.  Whether it is life or customs, there are many similarities with those in Mongolia. Singing "Where the Soul Slept" is more appropriate than "The Sea" and is more acceptable to the people in the border areas.  It seems now.  But the effect is much better than imagined.  It can even be said that with this song alone, Chen Mo will become an instant hit in the border provinces.

    Guan Xun's clear and soft voice rang out from the good speakers: "Huh this is truly an unforgettable song and a melody that purifies the soul!" As the slender Guan Xun came on stage.  Her voice echoed in the stadium: "Perhaps Chen Mo is just a newbie in the music world, but with his rich heritage and untainted talent, he has shown a hand of good songs that surprised and even stunned us all.  , great song!¡±

    Chen Mo blushed a little. After all, this was just his "plagiarism" work, although there were many changes.  But that's just the icing on the cake, not my own work.  But these are just my thoughts, and I have to accept them on the surface, even though I feel a little blushing and ashamed.

    ¡°But in the eyes of Guan Xun and the audience, this was Chen Mo¡¯s modesty.  At the same time, it also let everyone "know" that Chen Mo, who is so talented, is actually a "shy" person.  Suddenly, everyone remembered that this talented man who had been sung throughout the country for three or four years was still a big boy under the age of twenty!

    For other people's achievements, if it is possible to catch up.  Then most people will have envy and passion; if it is difficult for others to surpass their achievements, then most people will have jealousy; if others have reached a height that is difficult to reach even if they work hard all their lives, then this  Sometimes, everyone will face it with an attitude that is almost reverent or discouraged, regardless of age!  Facing Chen Mo at this time, many viewers have this kind of reverence, while many people in the music industry feel discouraged.  Then I thought about it, although Chen Mo's achievements were already very high, if I could have a relationship and a sincere friendship with him, then

    While many people backstage had different thoughts, Chen Mo smiled at the audience and said, "Thank you all for the applause. Thank you very much! This is my first time on a large stage. For me, this is an uneasy moment."  Experience! But now I understand that I am not nervous about the stage, because with everyone¡¯s support and encouragement, I, Chen Mo, will definitely do better and go further! Thank you everyone!¡±

    "Pa bang bang" There was still no shouting, but neat and loud applause sounded again. The audience who had been sitting down slowly stood up again and gave Chen Mo the greatest affirmation!

    Suddenly, Chen Mo had an urge to cry. No wonder many celebrities on TV were so excited when facing the audience's affirmation. At this time, Chen Mo, who was standing in front of the stage, also felt a desire - moved to tears.

    Taking a deep breath, the tough-minded Chen Mo slowly calmed down his agitated mood. After bending down and bowing, he said: "Thank you! As a person who has only one foot in the music world, I have no other reward."  , I can only give you my best music! The following song, I hope you like it!"

    Guan Xun secretly made a cheering gesture. Although he did not speak, his eyes that seemed to be able to speak told Chen Mo: "You succeeded!" Then he stepped off the stage and watched intently as his emotions slowly melted into the atmosphere.  To Chen Mo in the melody of "Mengdu Night".

    Yaning, who was standing next to Guan Xun, was about to say something, but she saw that Guan Xun was a little stunned, orThe reporter said he was obsessed. He rolled his eyes and put on a hurt expression, and whispered: "Guan Hui, you have a crush on another handsome guy in front of a handsome guy. This is obvious discrimination! Discrimination against my appearance.  , my temperament, my talents!¡±

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? not, Guan Xun, whose face was a little red with embarrassment, and as soon as his mind came to his mind, he asked in a low voice: "Brother Ya, you are so amazing! How did you know that I wanted to fight?"

    Yaning covered her face with her hands and looked faceless as she faced Jiang Dong's elders, which made Guan Xun extremely amused. However, thinking that this was the scene, she hurriedly put on a serious look and whispered: "I won't bullshit you, the leader will see you."  I'm going to be scolded!" Yaning was about to say something.  As a result, Chen Mo sang on the stage: "There is a place far, far away, where there is wind and ancient grasslands, where the proud mother's eyes are far-reaching, and the gentle Tana's words are lingering"

    The music started playing, and the singing voice was soft, and it captured all of Ya Ning's attention in an instant. As for the jokes with Guan Xun, she had long forgotten them, and she concentrated on listening to Chen Mo's passionate singing.

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