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Episode 2 Young Mayor Chapter 84 School Gunshots

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    Americans are no strangers to guns. Wang Lei, Luca, Alvin, and even Emily have all played with guns. The National Rifle Association (NRA) and other gun associations provide various trainings on the use of guns for adults and teenagers.  We also cooperate with Boy Scouts, 4-H and other organizations to organize various shooting activities.

    Why is it so difficult to control guns in the United States? Even after the Columbine massacre, there were people rallying against the gun control march on the opposite side of the road?  Because gun control is not only a right granted to citizens by the U.S. Constitution. Legally, it is a check and balance on tyranny. It is a right to freedom. In reality, it is a culture and lifestyle that is deeply rooted in the bones.

    After experiencing the initial shock, many people realized that it was indeed a gunshot, and it was not a pistol or a single-shot shotgun, but an automatic or semi-automatic rifle that could fire continuously.

    Facing guns, especially large-magazine automatic rifles, using bare hands means being massacred. There is no second possibility. Superheroes can only appear in movies, TV shows and comics.

    Wang Lei took Emily and rushed into the library. Camilla, Luca, Colin, Alvin, Douglas and others also rushed in in a panic. Everyone was very nervous and faced the danger.  Know what to do.

    "Quick, go upstairs and find a place to hide. Luca and Douglas, move the table over and block the door so the gunman can't come in." Wang Lei pushed Emily to the stairs and asked her to hurry upstairs.  , and at the same time commanded everyone to launch self-rescue operations.

    After the Columbine tragedy, Woodland Hills High School conducted special education and drills for possible school shootings. The best way to respond at this time is to find a place to hide yourself, rather than trying to leave the campus, unless you are far away  The exit is very close, otherwise you will be exposed to the gunman's muzzle and the danger will be greater.


    The campus alarm sounded, and the school must have discovered the gunman. However, relying on the school's security forces, it would be difficult to prevent the gunman from shooting the students. Even if the police came, they could not guarantee everyone's safety in the face of a heavily armed gunman.  Safety.

    Wang Lei pushed Emily up the stairs. It was not necessarily safe upstairs, because the library only had two floors in total. It was entirely possible for the gunman to go upstairs, but it should be safer than downstairs.

    Watching Emily, Camilla and others running up the stairs, Wang Lei turned around and helped Luca and the others push the table to the door. Only by preventing the gunman from entering the library can everyone be safe.  Otherwise, if they were allowed to break in, they would definitely start a killing spree.

    "damn it¡ª¡ª"

    "Bang bang bang" gunshots kept ringing outside, as well as the students' screams of terror. Wang Lei suddenly punched the table. The gunman was probably the "Viper 927". He felt very regretful and should have killed him long ago.  What he caught out, he should have been caught out a long time ago, and what happened today would not have happened.

    Who knows how many students and teachers will be injured or even killed by gunmen?

    "Block the door, I'll go out and take a look." Wang Lei threw the table at the door, suddenly turned around and said something, and got out of the door that was not closed - there were classmates running towards us in the corridor, and the book  The door to the museum could not be closed yet, but the gunshots were getting closer.

    "Rex¡ª¡ª" Wang Lei's actions shocked Luca and the others. The school asked them to protect themselves first at this time instead of fighting the gunman. They do not advocate or even allow this approach.  Compared to gunmen armed with automatic rifles, unarmed students have no ability to fight. Fighting can only lead to death.

    Wang Lei turned around, waved his hand, and said loudly: "Close the door, I'm just taking a look, I have a way to prevent them from finding me."

    After saying that, Wang Lei rushed out.

    He didn't want to be a hero, but he also didn't want to watch a gunman kill his classmates wantonly, especially when he thought that this could have been avoided. If he had been more vigilant, Alvin and Mindy would have found out about Viper 927.  Real identity, kill the other party in advance, or remind the school to take precautions.

    Although if he does that, he may not be able to prevent things from happening. He cannot really kill the other party. The school will also ignore his warning like the police station.

    But Wang Lei didn¡¯t think so much. He determined that the shooter was related to Viper 927, and that all this happened because his attitude was not firm enough. The regret in his heart made him have to do something to stay alive, otherwise he would rather die.

    The campus of Woodland Hills High School is not large. The main body is a conjoined building complex. Classrooms, libraries, and offices are all connected together. Around the main building, there is a main stadium with a football field and a baseball field.  field, several outdoor tennis courts, three parking lots, and several green spaces.

    The school does not have tall walls, only an iron fence about one meter high, which is easy to climb over. The normal entrance is??, south entrance, east entrance, northeast entrance.

    To the north is the school district office, and to the west are green spaces and residential areas. Because the guardrails are not high, the gunman can enter the campus from anywhere. Of course, the most convenient ones are the three entrances. Today is dressing day, and almost everyone will bring luggage.  Bags, of course, can be used by gunmen. They will not have any trouble entering the campus. The bags can contain several semi-automatic rifles and many rounds of ammunition.

    Listening to the sound, the gunman should have entered the campus from the northeast, and then shot the students he saw. The library is on the southeast side of the conjoined building. The gunfire distance is getting closer and closer, and the gunman seems to be walking towards this side.

    There is a cement road outside the library door. Across the road is a forest. Next to it is an open space and a tennis court. There are some cars parked in the open space.

    Wang Lei rushed out of the library and took a look outside through the cover of the building. He saw two gunmen one behind the other, holding long guns in their hands and carrying a big bag on their backs. They walked over slowly. Once they saw  When you reach any target, you immediately turn your gun and fire a few random shots.

    There are several entrances to the conjoined building complex of Woodland Hills High School. The east entrance is the main entrance. However, the gunmen showed no signs of entering the building immediately. When they saw people, they saw a hail of bullets, and then they looked at people running around and shouted.  The horrified-laughing students laughed.

    damn it!  Wang Lei was a little anxious. If two gunmen walked straight to the library, they would bump into him, then he would be in danger. He didn't think he could kill two heavily armed gunmen face to face, if he also had a gun in his hand.  , that would be great, but it¡¯s a pity that he didn¡¯t.

    Wang Lei suddenly thought of something. While paying attention to the two gunmen, he opened the presidential book in his mind. It had been a while since he redeemed it for anything other than the simulation training halo. The experience badge was precious and he didn't want to waste it.

    But now he had no choice. He couldn't watch the gunman shoot his classmates, and he couldn't put himself in danger. He opened the President's Book and quickly exchanged the experience badges for several halos of potentially useful abilities, including athletic auras and agility.  Aura, calm aura, power aura and more.

    Ability halo can improve the host's ability in a short time. With the addition of these halos, Wang Lei suddenly feels that his body is full of power and seems to be omnipotent.

    Of course, he knows that is not true. The halo can only make him stronger. There is no Superman halo in the President's book, and it cannot turn him into an omnipotent superman. He still has to rely on his own strength to resolve the situation in front of him.  crisis.

    Wang Lei suddenly noticed that two gunmen turned around and raised their guns to shoot at a student who rushed out from behind the car. The student fell to the ground and seemed to have been hit.

    Wang Lei¡¯s head buzzed. Seeing his classmates being shot dead by gunmen, he wanted to rush out and tear the two gunmen into pieces, but his calm aura allowed him to make the most correct decision in the shortest time.  Taking advantage of the opportunity for the gunman to turn around, he rushed out, and when he was about to rush into the woods on the opposite side, he yelled: "Go!"

    The two gunmen turned around when they heard the sound, only to see a man running into the woods. They raised their guns and fired a bunch of bullets.

    Wang Lei fell to the ground, and several bullets almost grazed his scalp, scaring him into a cold sweat. However, he did not stop, but used his hands and feet to crawl forward a few meters, moving faster than usual.  Out a lot.

    The two gunmen didn't care whether they hit the target or not. They still held their guns and let out bursts of weird laughter as they swaggered towards the library without any intention of checking or chasing Wang Lei.

    The two gunmen were one behind the other, four or five meters apart. The gunman in front was holding an XM15 Viper automatic rifle, and the one behind was holding a Colt M4 carbine.

    Seeing that the gunmen made no movement, Wang Lei immediately got up from the ground, took advantage of the cover of the trees, hunched his body, made a large circle, and quickly went around to the side and rear of the two gunmen.

    ¡°Baby, come out, I¡¯ll shoot you.¡±

    "I'm in Woodland Hills¡ª¡ª"

    ¡°You bastard Rex, get out of here quickly.¡± The two gunmen waved their guns, shouted crazily, and walked toward the library in a swaggering manner, firing a few shots at random from time to time.

    Wang Lei was hiding behind a big tree and suddenly frowned. The gunman in front actually mentioned his name. He must be Viper 927. Only he would be hostile to him.

    damn it!  All of this was caused by himself! Wang Lei felt extremely painful and angry. A feeling of powerlessness made him miserable.  If you come to me for anything, why do you want to kill innocent people indiscriminately?

    The aura of calm kept him from losing his mind, and the anger caused all the strength in his body to boil. Wang Lei followed quietly under the cover of trees.

    Suddenly, beforeThe people hiding in the car couldn't stand the pressure of the gunmen getting closer and suddenly jumped out of the car. The two gunmen immediately opened fire.

    "Hey, don't run -" When the gunman in front shot, he walked a little faster, and the gunman behind him reacted a little slower and fell two steps behind.

    "It's now!"

    Wang Lei threw the clod of soil he was holding on the opposite wall. Taking advantage of the gunman's turn, he rushed out, punched the gunman in the face, and at the same time reached out to grab the Colt M4.  carbine.


    PS: It will be released in the early morning, and a chapter will be updated first. Please support me. The centrists are very grateful.  At the same time, I also wish everyone a happy new year. In the new year, I wish you happiness every day and good health.

    {Piaotia Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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