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Text Chapter 813 [Anti-Cancer Spirit]

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    Looking through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can see the rippling blue Danube River in front of you. Buildings with European classical characteristics stand majestically on both sides. The pedestrians on the road are very leisurely, not at all like the fast pace of China Magic City and Yangcheng.

    Chen Daoping was sitting in the study room of the villa, smoking a Cuban cigar quietly, and suddenly felt a little emotional. He now began to believe in fate.

    Half a year ago, he was just an ordinary business manager in the sales area of ??Airbus Huaxia Shandong Province. He was busy all day long and had no ability to use. If he had not met Zhou Yi, maybe his life would have been like this.  Corporate white-collar workers, who are envied by ordinary people, live a glamorous life but are miserable inside. They find a pretty woman and have two or three children for the rest of their lives.

    Once he meets a noble person, his life journey suddenly takes a major turn, just like a myth.  Today, he is already the assistant to the president of the Zhou Group, an upstart in the business world, and a diamond king. Many powerful people and stunning beauties who used to disdain him are now surrounding him and calling him polite or delicate names.  'Mr. Chen'.  Once you have this feeling, there is nothing you can ask for.

    Chen Daoping's sudden wealth and status made Chen Daoping more and more in awe of Zhou Yi. This young boss, who was only a few years older than him, seemed to be omnipotent. One fried rice became popular in the United States, Europe and Asia, supporting thousands of stores.  A world-class fast food chain that can compete with Uncle Ken and Han Baobao; it casually intervenes in the underground horse racing industry and makes the Xiangjiang horse king a guinea pig. It is also officially supported by default. It is an underground horse racing betting network that everyone praises. Absolutely  Unprecedented; green medical care activities, Hope Project medicine, construction, chemical industry, commerce, finance Zhou Group has developed rapidly and has a wide range of involvement.  Already surpassing any company in history, the reputation of Magic Week has spread like wildfire in the world business community.  Together with Cheng Dong and him, they became Magic Cheng and Magic Chen.

    When Chen Daoping thought that the rapidly growing group was about to reach a bottleneck, news came that Mr. Zhou was personally leading the project team to study cancer. After hearing the news, even Mr. Cheng, who had always been calm, jumped up from his boss chair and waved his hand.  Fist, shouting in a tone-deaf voice, he was almost suffocated with excitement. Everyone knows that the main project of Zhou Group is the pharmaceutical industry.  If cancer can really be conquered, will the Zhou Group have any rivals in this field?

    I thought this was a big project that would take at least ten or eight years. No matter how amazing Mr. Zhou was, it couldn't be shortened any longer, but I didn't expect that happiness would come so quickly!

    ¡®Buddha will be born in every family¡¯!

    Some media have already begun to sue Mr. Zhou like this. It is rare that the General Administration did not jump out and accuse Cheng Yaojin this time.  Instead, they just added fuel to the flames, as if they were afraid that the publicity and praise for Mr. Zhou would not be enough.

    ¡®Who in the world doesn¡¯t know you? The whole country talks about Zhou¡¯s miracle doctor¡¯

    Chen Daoping was suddenly a little excited. He seemed to vaguely see that a great era was about to begin, and President Zhou had already gently lifted a corner of the curtain

    Thinking of this.  Chen Daoping smiled softly, put out the cigar in his hand, stood up and stretched. He had to attend the European Entrepreneurs Summit today, so he couldn't delay it.

    The cell phone rang just at this moment.

    "What? The clinical results of the latest 88 volunteer trial subjects have come out?"

    Chen Daoping listened carefully.  A smile gradually appeared on his calm face, and he finally burst out laughing uncontrollably: "Arrange a press conference immediately. I want to announce to the whole country no, to the world as soon as possible that our Zhou Group's key investment  The medical project team has perfectly conquered the biggest killer of mankind - cancer!"

    Cancer patients are collected across the country for clinical trials. Some medical research institutions have conducted them in the past, but the results were not very optimistic. Therefore, after many patients have experienced it several times, they began to have great distrust of the so-called 'cancer research'.  I feel that the biggest problem in current cancer research is finding patients for clinical trials.

    With Zhou Yi's appeal, it was relatively smooth to collect 88 patients. The patients never thought that their diseases could be cured. They were either facing financial collapse because of their years of illness, or because they were grateful to Zhou Yi for the many good deeds he had done.  I really want to help him.

    The Chinese medical community and the major media did not have much expectations for this. Some experts who have studied cancer for many years even suspected that this was just the Zhou Group and the project team hyping themselves up, just like those cheap third-rate celebrities, playing tricks to raise the stakes.  Increase your own worth.

    Only the experts from the project team, Cheng Dong, and Chen Daoping knew how much work Zhou Yi had done in order to conquer cancer, and even went to the mountains of Northeast China to hide for half a year. The country even used the army and some mysterious masters to do this  

    Success!  It only took less than a year to completely overcome cancer!  Looking at the results of the clinical trial, Chen Daoping suddenly clenched his fists??, howling like a hungry wolf

    88 patients, 63 of whom were in the late stage of various cancers, after one week of drug treatment, no cancer cells were found in the bodies of 80 people. They were followed up for two weeks and there was no recurrence. The remaining 8 people also got better results.  It is believed that as the medication time is prolonged, better curative effects will be achieved.

    Although the 80 patients were only followed up for two weeks, such a short follow-up period did not explain any problems at all.  But don¡¯t forget, these patients were not followed up after surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but were treated with drugs to kill cancer cells in the body. A two-week follow-up after drug treatment is very illustrative of the problem, at least it shows that ¡®anti-cancer¡¯  Ai Ling' is effective against cancer cells.

    Moreover, none of the 88 patients had adverse side effects due to taking 'Kangai Ling', and even long-term use of this drug made the body recover a lot from long-term weakness. One of the patients was a long-distance runner, and after finishing the treatment  In the end, he even ran a full kilometer. Tears filled his eyes with excitement on the spot. He kept saying only one sentence to the reporters: "Thank you to the party and the people, thank you to the Zhou Group, thank you to Mr. Zhou, and thank you to the experts of the project team  "

    Scenes like this were broadcast on CCAV and on TV stations across the country. Many media outlets have directly published the title "Mankind has completely conquered cancer", which shocked the medical community.

    The Nobel Foundation has sent a letter, hoping that Chufeng Company can provide the medical records, treatment records and follow-up results records of these 88 patients.  This huge olive branch was handed over, and Zhou Yi and the group simply could not refuse it. The Nobel Prize in Medicine, is that something that many medical experts are flocking to?  Once Zhou Yi wins the award, it will not only promote China's medical industry, but it will also be of extremely important significance to medical research around the world.

    Zhou Yi has never been so eager for fame. When he reaches the realm of Avalokitesvara, it is as if God, Allah, Buddha, and Bodhisattva are everywhere in Avalokitesvara. The stronger the spiritual power, the more support is needed. In the past, this could all be done slowly.  Come, but now someone has touched his baby, and he is also a master in the Guanyin realm!

    Chen Daoping and Cheng Dong were obviously busy. All hospitals and even pharmacies under the Zhou Group had been surrounded by crazy patients and their families, and riots could occur at any time.

    Zhou Yi, who was in Baiquan Valley, also waited for a mysterious guest. He took off his disguise mask and hood, revealing a familiar face and long silver hair: "Zhou Dazhuang, long time no see"
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