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Text Chapter 271 A Centennial Plan

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    Not to mention Song Shibo and others who have rich social experience, Song Yi himself also saw too many people being killed as fattened pigs in his previous life.  .

    Thinking of this, Song Yi felt very relieved. It was quite good for the elders to have such a sense of worry.

    This is also caused by factors in the overall environment. In Song Yi's view, there is no absolutely safe place in this world.  If you are not strong enough, it is very common for you to be coveted or even annexed by others. The law of the jungle is correct in everything.

    However, Song Yi is also a person who has experienced great storms. At this time, he has to encourage his parents and said seriously, "It is not feasible to pursue a low profile. When it is time to develop, it is better to develop as much as possible. Expanding influence is sometimes a good thing.  , You can¡¯t stop learning to walk just because you¡¯re afraid of falling. Just like my grandfather, who is a museum curator and a famous expert in appreciating jade and bronze ware, he is well-known in the East China Sea. If others want to use any crooked ideas, they have to think carefully before making any decisions.  Of course, as you said, it makes sense to build good relationships with all parties and wait until the foundation is more stable before marching into Beijing. What our gold and jade jewelry needs to do is to try to grasp the balance. In addition, I think  It would be too risky to store all the jade wool in the East China Sea, so we have to make some adjustments."

    Song Mingjie and Su Yalan nodded in agreement. This was exactly what they wanted to tell Song Yi.  However, Su Yalan had some doubts, "If it is not placed in the East China Sea, where can it be placed? Our relatives and friends are all in the East China Sea, so Linhai Village can be regarded as a remote fishing village."

    Song Mingjie said.  "You can transfer part of it to Hong Kong. Now Su Mei is doing quite well in Hong Kong. We will continue to expand investment in Hong Kong in the future. If necessary, we can buy a few pieces of land there. Villas can also become  , a **-type villa, we visited the place where Su Mei lived last time, and we said the villa was really shabby."

    Song Yi smiled and said, "There is a lot of land in Hong Kong, and it is in the city center, so the price is inevitably higher. But I like dad's idea better. Hong Kong actually has some places that are not remote. Whether it is buying land to build a factory or using it,  For other uses, the price is not too expensive, but labor prices in Hong Kong are a bit high."

    Su Yalan also calculated and said, "If it is just used to store jade wool, you can buy land or rent a warehouse. It doesn't matter if it is remote. The key is safety and confidentiality. For processing, Donghai is better. There are experienced masters here."  . The salary will not be too high, and management is more convenient than in Hong Kong. Su Mei is already working very hard, and it is inappropriate to put so many things on her shoulders. "

    "That's the truth. After the newly purchased jadeite wool is shipped to the East China Sea, we will carefully inventory it and select those jadeites that will probably not be used within ten years. Then we will look for suitable opportunities and distribute them in batches.  Shipped to Hong Kong by sea. In fact, jade wool produced in Myanmar can also be shipped directly to Hong Kong in the future. If necessary, it can also be taken back from Hong Kong for processing." Song Mingjie suggested that he had also seen this done  The huge benefit is that even if the development in the East China Sea does not go smoothly, there will be a way out in the future.  Of course, he is not the only one who has such thoughts. All people who lack security awareness are doing similar things. Song Mingjie and the others are not the first, and they will not be the last.

    "Then I'll say hello to Sister Su Mei and let her pay attention to this matter." Song Yi agreed. He was not worried about leaving the jade wool in the mining area in Myanmar. Although he has now controlled the situation,  But who can say clearly what will happen in the future?

    Su Yalan has always loved the strong and sensible Su Mei. At this time, she volunteered and said, "Let me talk to Su Mei personally. It is not easy for her to be alone there now. It is rare for her to come back to the East China Sea twice a year. With me  Look, we can take her parents to live here, and take care of her life, so that she will not be busy with work every day and be exhausted. Buy a big and beautiful villa, which will be more comfortable to live in, and it can also be used as a storage for our jade.  The place is."

    Song Yi naturally has no reason to refuse. In his opinion, these industries and preparations must be completed sooner or later.

    ¡°I just didn¡¯t expect that Su Yalan and the others would start to get nervous now.

    Song Yi didn¡¯t find it strange anymore when he thought about it further.  It was really because the loan of more than 300 million yuan and the purchase of so much jade material gave them so much stimulation that all the worries in the past came out.  It was easy to say that when I was broke, but I had so many things in just one year, no one would be happy to lose them for nothing.  Therefore, even the slightest risk is enough to make them nervous and worried.

    This is indeed the case. Su Yalan and the others have a very deep understanding of this. Apart from anything else, it is not an exaggeration to say that the jadeite saved by Song Yi alone is worth tens of billions or even hundreds of billions. It is enough.?The family members will live carefree for the rest of their lives and pass on their property to the next generation.  Right now, the most important thing is to try our best to preserve these things. You must know that the longer these jadeite are kept, the higher their value will be.  Once you have it, the more you fear losing it.  Therefore, they are not interested in rapid external expansion.  Rather than being a big tree and attracting attention, causing unnecessary risks and troubles, it is better to keep a low profile and make a fortune!

    With their mentality, it is not surprising that they called Song Yi home today to discuss this matter.

    They did not shy away from Qiao Yurou. From the bottom of their hearts, Su Yalan and the others truly regarded Qiao Yurou as a family member and loved her.

    Of course, it¡¯s not a big deal to let Qiao Yurou know these inside stories. Her current interests and position are on the side of Jinyu Jewelry. How to develop Jinyu Jewelry better is also her wish.

    Although Qiao Yurou didn't say anything, she listened silently, trying hard to keep up with Song Yi's thinking.  Her social experience and knowledge are not as profound as theirs, and it is not easy for her to understand what is behind it, but she still understands the principle of prosperity and decline, and the interdependence of good and evil.

    Song Yi and several elders discussed this matter for a while, first finalizing the general direction, and then discussing the specific details.  For example, what kind of jadeite wool is suitable for storage for ten or eight years before taking it out, and what kind of jadeite is available.  Suitable as a family heirloom to be passed down from generation to generation.

    In this regard, Song Yi has a strong say, and Song Shibo and the others are not inferior.  For the sake of family inheritance, all these tasks have to be done, and it is impossible to sell all the jadeite.

    Take De Beers, a giant in the jewelry industry that deals in diamonds, for example. Their strategy is quite correct. After stockpiling a considerable number of diamonds, they are not in a hurry to put all the diamonds on the market. Instead, they carefully calculate and control the release of diamonds on the market.  quantity.  And through a series of marketing and publicity methods, we have created the concept that diamonds are rare and precious.  They spent decades selling the diamonds they had at high prices.

    Now.  The status of gold and jade jewelry in the jade world can be said to be higher than that of De Beers in the diamond world. Their successful sales strategy is worth learning from Song Yi and others, and it is inevitable to learn from it.

    As a non-renewable resource, the output of jade is limited.  Moreover, it is not as easy to fake high-end jadeite as diamonds, and it is even easier to identify it in the hands of experts.  Without anyone else's guidance, Song Yi was able to publicize that jade resources were exhausted.  This is undoubtedly a disguised form of momentum to increase the value and price of jadeite.  The rarer and more precious something is.  The more people will follow you.  As the gold and jade jewelry with the largest number of jadeite in the world, if Song Yi deliberately controls the amount of jadeite flowing to the market.  You can definitely maximize your own interests.

    In the centenary plan of the family they agreed on, high-end jadeite.  That is to say, you should start selling jadeite with different colors and seeds now, but don't care about low-grade jadeite.

    Because the value of low-grade jade is not high, Song Yi has already made plans for this. These low-grade jade can also play its role.

    ??Through these days, Song Yi has almost wiped out all the colorless jadeite accumulated in the jadeite mines in Myanmar for decades.  Not to mention his own jade mines, they had long since been treated as rubbish and wool, which Song Yi said was used for paving floor tiles, and shipped back to the East China Sea.  Song Yi had been buying colorless jadeite wool like this from the ** army, and this time he moved it all away. The price was quite low, and it was almost the same as giving it to him.

    While controlling the quantity of high-end jadeite shipments, it¡¯s time for these low-end jadeite and colorless jadeites to perform.

    Of course, there is a lot of preparation work before this.

    First of all, it is necessary to process these jadeite. Song Yi does not have to do this work himself. The masters in the factory will naturally do it.  Qiao Yurou, who was present, would also play an important role. Song Yi also told her, "For a long time to come, as the chief jewelry designer of our Jinyu Jewelry, sister Xiaorou, your work focus will be on this."  On top of this colorless jadeite, we mainly design a series of accessories for this kind of jadeite.¡±

    Qiao Yurou nodded obediently, "Do you have any specific requirements?"

    "The quality of this kind of colorless jade is actually quite good. It is basically made of ice glass. It can be said that compared with other high-end jade, the difference lies in this color. White color has always been not popular among jade experts.  , you can also say that they ignored it, and that's why we got it all at the price of Chinese cabbage. Now, what our gold and jade jewelry has to do is to improve the status and grade of this colorless jade, although it cannot  Competing with colored varieties, it will also be the main product sold in the future. In addition, the sales target of this colorless jade is also different from the past, mainly targeting newcomers who like jade, so??, different from traditional jade, the key to our marketing is that it is fashionable, lively and fresh.  This is the time to test your design skills, Xiaorou. You should think more about how to better express such a theme and attract more newcomers and young people.  "

    Song Yi slowed down and then said, "For this kind of colorless jadeite, we don't expect the same high price as high-end jadeite. It is mainly used as entry-level jewelry and sold to the public. At that time, we will let the publicity department do a good job  Make corresponding preparations to strive to become an instant hit and set new standards for the industry."

    "I will try my best to design unique jewelry, and I will definitely live up to everyone's expectations." Qiao Yurou nodded hard, and she also knew that it was time to really test her.  Like the colored jadeite she used to do jewelry design, the colors are bright and varied, which gives her a lot of room for design. This colorless jadeite looks like glass, so she needs to design something eye-catching.  Come.  It really takes a lot of thought.

    Qiao Yurou feels a heavy responsibility because she is also very clear about the number of jadeite types stored in Jinyu Jewelry, and she understands how many colorless jadeite Song Yi picked up at the price of cabbage.  He has said before that these emeralds will greatly increase in value.  But when this moment really came, Qiao Yurouguang felt extremely excited when she thought about the packed warehouse.

    She was just excited, but Song Mingjie, Su Yalan and the others saw the huge economic value in it. Song Yi took these jadeites that others looked down upon at a very low price. After the careful design and packaging of their gold and jade jewelry, just like  What Song Yi said.  It is quite normal for the value to increase a thousand times.

    If all goes well, this colorless jadeite will most likely become one of the mainstream products sold on the market.

    ??This is for their family¡¯s century-old plan.  It is also of considerable significance.

    However, Su Yalan and the others also have doubts. Having been in the jade industry for so long, they have a deeper way of looking at problems. Su Yalan also asked Song Yi.  "How to ensure that this colorless jade is not imitated? After all, the surface looks similar to glass. Moreover, there are many other jade, such as the water foam you mentioned, which are very similar to this colorless jade."

    Because Song Mingjie and the others will be responsible for the specific operations, Song Yi must first clear up their doubts.  He explained with a smile, "This is what I just said, setting new standards for the industry. When doing publicity and marketing, and when customers go to jewelry stores to buy jade, our sales staff and service staff must actively provide  Customers introduce relevant knowledge and popularize jade identification methods, etc. There are various specific methods, and you can also use the most common types of counterfeit items on the market for comparison, to remind them not to be fooled into buying fakes.  Secondly, it can also let them know that buying these jadeite is truly worth the money.¡±

    "The development of such standards is a long-term process. The current jade market is very chaotic. It is not uncommon for customers to be deceived and buy fake jade and other cheap things that are actually similar to jade. Those who are greedy for small things in scenic spots are deceived.  Needless to say, it is cheap, and some informal jewelry stores will also engage in fraud. It is not easy to solve this problem, but there are several effective ways. For example, publishing some professional books to reasonably classify jadeite to help consumers correctly classify jadeite.  Understand jadeite thoroughly, learn how to identify the authenticity of jadeite, etc. This time, Professor Zhang Chunliang and Professor Wang Hanbin went to Myanmar for inspection and gained a lot. After returning, I believe relevant books will be available soon. We may manage other places  No, but in Donghai, through the Donghai Gem and Jade Association, we can work together with colleagues in the jewelry industry to formulate industry standards in this area. At the same time, we can cooperate with relevant departments to severely crack down on merchants who engage in fraud, clean up the sales environment of jewelry and jade, and provide consumers with  Safe shopping environment.¡±

    Song Mingjie nodded, "This is a good idea. The more chaotic the market is, the worse it is for us. If we want to do it in the long run, the market must be as standardized as possible. When we are ready, I will propose it at the Jewelry and Jade Association.  .¡±

    Su Yalan reminded him, "Don't forget to recruit Fuxiang Bank when the time comes. With their support, it will be more likely to standardize industry standards. At the same time, we must also increase publicity efforts to popularize knowledge among consumers, and through  By contrast, they naturally know who to choose.¡±

    Qiao Yurou also nodded beside her and said, "Shen Yingxue is also writing a book on jewelry appraisal. Song Yi and I are helping. When it is published, I believe consumers will be able to buy the jewelry they want more clearly after reading it.  Apart from anything else, the actual photos alone are enough for readers to feast their eyes.¡±

    Song Yi smiled and said, "Xiaorou, you and Xiaoxue have a really good relationship. It hasn't been published yet, so you're advertising it to her right now!"

    Qiao Yurou chuckled and replied playfully, "No?Where's the advertisement?  Also, aren¡¯t you the one who contributed the most?  "

    It doesn¡¯t matter if she doesn¡¯t mention Shen Yingxue. When she mentions Shen Yingxue, Su Yalan looks at Song Yi with a very unkind look.  Needless to say, it must have been Song Yi who prompted Shen Yingxue to publish a book on jewelry appraisal. Otherwise, with her arrogant and arrogant temperament, she would not have published a book specifically.  Qiao Yurou also confirmed that Song Yi contributed the most and acted as a dog-headed strategist.

    Su Yalan also learned through Qiao Yurou that Lin Baoqing was also preparing to publish a book on incense culture research, which would be handed over for printing and distribution after the incense tasting club opened.  Naturally, there is Song Yi's shadow behind this. He is very good at holding a bowl of water. He knows how to publish books for each of the two girls to please them, and he is really good at coaxing girls.  But Su Yalan always felt that it was strange that Song Yi was too calculated.

    Of course, this little thing is nothing compared to the huge industry he has earned for his family.

    Because of this, I am afraid that the old man Song Shibo in the family will turn a blind eye to Song Yi's romantic affairs. Moreover, the old man was a handsome and talented man at the time. He had done more things than Song Yi, although at that time he was still  legal.

    As for Song Yi¡¯s grandma He Yufen, she loves Song Yi very much and always dotes on him. She will not take this romantic affair seriously. If Song Yi really finds her some well-behaved grandchildren, she is afraid that it will be too late to be happy.

    This really gave Amelia Su a headache. After much deliberation, she had no choice but to treat Song Yi as a doctor and see if Su Mei, who had a better relationship with Song Yi, could make him change his mind.  .  .

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