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Text Chapter 253

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    After Song Yi paid the money and pocketed the gilded bronze dagger with satisfaction, Lin Baoqing couldn't help but curiously asked him quietly, "What do you think of that merchant? How likely is it to be true?"

    Because there were too many people watching Shang Zun, Song Yi didn't really give it a try, and he couldn't make up his mind and it was difficult to make a judgment.  (] At that moment, he whispered to Lin Baoqing, "I really can't explain this. I have to get it myself to make a final judgment. But if you look at it solely from the appearance and performance, it is indeed very likely to be the real thing.  "

    "Then why did you choose to take down the bronze sword first?" Lin Baoqing asked.

    Song Yi smiled and replied, "At this time, everyone's attention is on Shang Zun, and few people pay attention to this gilt bronze sword. But it is the best time to capture this gilt bronze sword, so why not act immediately."  Even if the merchant is real, if everyone fights for it, the price will definitely not be low, and we may not be able to get it. Compared with illusory things, I prefer to take the initiative in my hands and grasp what I can grasp first.  .¡±

    "That's right. Now that others have no chance to see this gilded bronze sword, should we go shopping somewhere else now, or should we first see the situation of this merchant before making a decision?" Lin Baoqing admired Song Yi's decisiveness.  Also ask for his opinion.  After the two of them took down the gilded bronze dagger, which didn't take up much space, they packed it up and put it in the backpack that Song Yi carried.  Song Yi wished that others didn't know about it, he had no intention of showing off at all.

    This is also the advantage of the two of them arriving at the ghost market early. If an expert who knows the goods sees this gilt bronze dagger, he will definitely take it.  In this ghost market, the chance of finding a particularly good treasure at a very low price is very small. If you can buy it, it is quite good value for money.  People with bad taste spend a lot of money to buy fake goods, and newbies who have just entered the industry pay expensive tuition. This kind of thing happens most often.

    "To be able to harvest such a gilt bronze sword, today's trip to the ghost market will not be in vain." Song Yi said, "Since so many people are optimistic about this merchant, we have no reason not to take a closer look, at least we have to  Get your hands on it and feel it.¡±

    Lin Baoqing also had this intention. She spent a lot of time visiting the ghost market, and it was common for her to return empty-handed.  A family like theirs, which specializes in antique collection business, is very cautious about spending money when buying things. If it is not a sure thing, it will not be sold at all. In comparison, Song Yi is much more generous.

    So, Song Yi and Lin Baoqing were whispering while paying attention to the situation on the court.  Both of them are masters of observing words and emotions, and are especially good at trying to figure out other people's true thoughts through their external performances.  At this time, they all clearly felt that more than half of them believed that this merchant statue was genuine. After all, in terms of external performance, the performance of this merchant statue was indeed perfect. Everyone also learned from the words of the owner Li Xingmin.  It was revealed that it was only recently unearthed. As for whether it was a tomb robber, everyone knows this.

    The owner of the cargo, Li Xingmin, is a person who is used to doing business. After looking at everyone's expressions, although he concealed it well on the surface, it was not difficult for those who were interested to detect the complacency in his heart.

    Although Song Yi can feel it, it cannot be used as a standard to identify the authenticity of Shang Zun.  As a cargo owner, it is normal to feel a little proud when you see that your goods are recognized by others and may be sold for very high prices.  If you want to identify authenticity, the best way is to take a look in person.  It's just that there are more people in front of the queue now, so Song Yi and Lin Baoqing have to wait.

    After a while, Lin Baoqing's father Lin Fangjun also rushed over. Seeing Song Yi and the others waiting here, he asked them what was going on.  Lin Fangjun also saw that there were so many people here, so something good must have been born.

    Lin Baoqing briefly explained the situation to him. Lin Fangjun was also very interested in this merchant. If it was genuine, buying it home and putting it in the store would increase the number of customers in the store.

    There are a lot of people looking at the goods here, but not many people who really dare to make a decision.  Li Xingmin saw that the momentum was good, so he offered a very high price. He said that he would only consider it if it cost more than 150,000 yuan. Such a price also discouraged many people. Although most collectors are rich these days, this money is not easy to come by.  It¡¯s easy and you won¡¯t spend it casually.

    This also gave the people behind a chance. When it was Song Yi's turn, Song Shibo also heard the news and rushed over.  Although Song Shibo is the director of the Donghai Museum, he still likes to visit the ghost market, almost rain or shine.  People who have been in the ghost market for a long time are also accustomed to Song Shibo's style. He basically just takes a look and generally does not express his opinions, let alone buy anything. His visit to the ghost market is purely for research and inspection, which is not the same as that of Song Shibo.  At the same time, this also ensures that he is not too alienated from the market.

    When Lin Baoqing saw Song Shibo and rushed over, her emotions suddenly became complicated.  This is also related to Song Shibo's habit of only watching and buying, but his professional knowledge of Song Shibo is nothing to say.Especially in the appraisal of bronzes, there are few people in the entire East China Sea who are better than him.  If Song Shibo takes action, it should be revealed whether the Shang Zun is true or false. Although Song Shibo will not tell others, he will definitely tell Song Yi.  She was also thinking in her heart that if it was genuine and they took action, she could consider taking it down.

    Song Yi felt more confident after seeing Song Shibo arrive. At this time, what he was thinking about was not whether he could get the business master in his pocket, but to correctly identify the authenticity of the business master.

    The previous bronze enthusiast was scared away by the price offered by Li Xingmin. When it was Song Yi's turn to appraise it, Song Yi first gave up the opportunity to his grandfather Song Shibo.

    Song Shibo naturally would not be polite to his grandson. He came a little later. He just took a brief look at it and found it very amazing.  After studying bronzes for so many years, Song Shibo naturally understood the styles of bronzes in various eras. He especially had research and experience on the bronzes of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. He also often visited the outside market and came across such good things.

    Song Shibo is an upright man but also a little paranoid. Although he has changed when he was betrayed by his apprentice, his behavior in this ghost market is no different from before.  He took Shang Zun in his hand, carefully appraised it, and then handed it to Song Yi expressionlessly.

    Song Yi is already used to his grandfather Song Shibo's attitude, as long as he doesn't stop him from buying things.  Moreover, there are so many people talking now, Song Shibo will definitely not tell him the results of the appraisal.  For Song Shibo, this is also the best time to test Song Yi's level. Song Shibo still hopes to pass on his appraisal experience and knowledge.

    Under Song Shibo¡¯s personal teachings and long-term influence, Song Yi memorized the characteristics and details of bronzes from various eras at a very young age.

    The external performance characteristics of this Shang Zun can be said to be perfect, and Song Yi could not find any flaws at all.  It can be said that even if this is a high imitation, the person who made the imitation must have seen the real thing.  Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to achieve this level.

    ¡°But Song Yi has rich experience, so he will not use this as the basis for judgment. Otherwise, he will have to do something himself.

    What Song Yi is doing now is to carefully screen every detail to see if there are any flaws. He also wants to get this bronze, but the prerequisite is that it is genuine.

    Song Yi tapped it lightly with his fingers and listened to the sound. It was not particularly crisp, but rather muddy.  Song Yi immediately heightened his vigilance, and then tried it a few more times. This time he heard it more and more clearly, and it really didn't look like it was complete.  This shows that this Shang Zun is most likely to have been restored, but it is impossible to accurately judge its authenticity just by listening to the sound, and it must be appraised from many aspects.

    Song Yi then used the light of the flashlight in his hand to carefully study the details of the merchant.  With Song Yi's photography skills, if this businessman could be photographed, even in the eyes of experts, it would be regarded as a unique masterpiece.

    Song Yi¡¯s eyes were extremely vicious. After careful consideration, he quickly discovered several suspicious places.  First of all, there were traces of repairs on the mouth and feet. Although the technique was quite professional, it could not be concealed from the well-informed Song Yi.  Secondly, it was in the waist area where he heard something was wrong before, and there was a possibility of welding it off and repairing it again.

    When Song Yi finally looked at it from the beginning, he almost screamed out loud.  No wonder he felt that it looked familiar. Wasn't this one treated with electroplating to repair rust and corrosion?  This technology was later widely used on bronzes, not for forgery, but for the repair of bronzes, especially those with severe mineralization.

    However, the technical requirements for the repair of bronzes are also quite high. The welding of bronzes needs to be meticulous without making any mistakes. Very hard and fine graphite powder is sprayed on the surface of bronzes to replace the "black lacquer" skin that bronzes should have.  shell.

    Unless you are a very professional person, it is really difficult for others to distinguish the authenticity.

    Of course, such a merchant is still based on the original product. Although it has undergone surgery and repairs, it is not a fake in a strict sense. A complete imitation is a fake.

    ?????????????????????????? This piece of business veneration has also lost a large part of its value, at least, its true value can no longer be equated with its displayed value.

    Song Yi is a very cautious person, so he went back and studied it carefully for a while. The problems he found before still existed, and the conclusion he reached this time was more clear, which also strengthened Song Yi's judgment.

    Song Yi also determined that this can only be regarded as a very educational bronze repair work. It can be used as a teaching material. If you really want to collect it, it is still too reluctant, not to mention it is so expensive.The price of ??.  .  

    Rebirth of the Ultimate Collector Chapter 253 (Volume 1)

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