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Chapter 366 Feast of Ten Thousand Beasts [Please vote for the end of the month]

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    Tu Xiaobao ran all the way to the pair of meat mountains, while constantly greeting some martial arts masters who were eating meat to make armors. This guy's appeal was actually good. Soon, hundreds of people gathered behind her, holding weapons.  He walked towards the giant beast in a mighty manner.

    "She doesn't want to use people to cut off tens of thousands of tons of meat and remove the bones, right?!" Zou Zichuan stared blankly at a group of mighty Jianghu characters following Tu Xiaobao.

    "You were fooled." Tu Yiwan said with a bitter smile.

    "Am I fooled?" Zou Zichuan couldn't help but be stunned.

    "Yes, you were fooled. If you had said you wanted those bones earlier, we could have done it right away. There is no need to agree to the little girl's conditions." Wuke laughed, and he also saw that Tu Xiaobao was a girl.

    "What method?" Zou Zichuan asked curiously. He really couldn't think of any way to remove tens of thousands of tons of meat.

    "It's very simple, you can see it right away." Wuke smiled and kept it secret.

    Seeing that Wuke didn't say anything, Zou Zichuan didn't ask any more questions. He picked up a small aluminum flask and took a sip to get rid of the chill of the night. Compared with the people in Gallen Star, Zou Zichuan found that he was more afraid of the cold.  People seem to be born with strong bodies. On this chilly night, everyone was chatting with bare arms, without feeling cold at all.

    Because there was a huge bonfire burning, human eyesight could not reach far, and Zou Zichuan could not see what Tu Xiaobao was doing. However, he could see that the bonfires near the giant beast had been extinguished, and some martial arts figures were heading towards them.  Moved over.

    In less than two hours, Tu Xiaobao came over with a bloody long knife and a smile on his face. After a period of time, some masters kept coming back one after another, as if they had traveled a long distance.  Breathing heavily from exhaustion, they all sat down to rest by the campfire.

    "What did they do just now?" Zou Zichuan finally couldn't help but ask.

    "I won't tell you, huh!" Tu Xiaobao inadvertently showed his daughter's true colors again, with a naive expression on his face.

    "Oh I see."

    Looking at the bloody weapons in the hands of those people, Zou Zichuan suddenly had an idea and realized something.

    "You know?" Tu Xiaobao was stunned and said in disbelief.

    "However, I have some doubts. How many animals will it take to eat all these tens of thousands of tons of meat?" Zou Zichuan asked.

    "You really know it." Tu Xiaobao couldn't help but look disappointed. She originally wanted to show off, but she knew that Zou Zichuan had guessed it himself.

    "In this Devil's Triangle, because of the abundant water and grass, it is a place where a large number of herbivores gather. Because the number of herbivores is huge, the number of carnivores hunting here is also quite large. There are countless beasts within a hundred kilometers. They  They all walk around the lake and the man-eating tree forest, waiting for opportunities to capture lone carnivores and herbivores. These animals hunt each other, forming a huge biological chain"

    "But, there are tens of thousands of tons" Zou Zichuan couldn't help but glance at the giant beast again.

    "Haha, we will know the result tomorrow morning." Tu Yiwan smiled and said: "Come on, it is fate that we can be together. I would like to thank General Wu for saving my life. Cheers!"

    "I deeply admire Mr. Tu's martial arts. If Mr. Tu were in the army, he would be a pillar of the country." Wu Ke raised the cup in his hand and laughed.

    "Haha, thank you General Wu for your appreciation. Mr. Zou killed the sworn enemy for Tu. In this life, Mr. Zou will be Mr. Zou's man in life, and Mr. Zou's ghost in death"

    "Mr. Tu has thought too much. Mr. Wu still dares to recruit you, old man. I am no longer a free person" Wu Ke said with a bitter smile.


    Tu Yiwan couldn¡¯t help but be stunned and looked at Zou Zichuan with his mouth open. He didn¡¯t expect that Zou Zichuan actually subdued Wuke. He always thought that Zou Zichuan and Wuke had reached some kind of secret agreement.

    "There is nothing free or unfree when we work together. If we can't get along after working together, we can leave at any time. There is no need to be rigid."

    Zou Zichuan watched the two people's eyes sweep over, smiled slightly, and raised the aluminum flask in his hand to signal a toast.


    The three of them looked at each other and smiled. After touching each other, they all raised their heads and took a sip. Through the battle of hunting giant beasts, the three of them actually had a wonderful tacit understanding. This is an indescribable feeling.

    In fact, the three of them did not know that this was a tacit understanding formed by the sense of security given to each other. When Wu Ke sacrificed his life to rescue Tu Yiwan, the two of them had a sense of mutual support.They felt that they were reliable and safe, and Zou Zichuan shot the giant beast with an arrow and then pierced the giant beast's head with a spear at the risk of his own life, which made both of them feel that this person values ??love and justice.

    Whether they are martial arts figures or soldiers, they all hope that their partners can be relied on and can turn their backs to each other, rather than a coward who escapes from the battlefield. On the battlefield, this feeling is particularly important. After all, it is a relationship.  to one's own life and death.

    "Tomorrow afternoon, we will march to Die City." Zou Zichuan took a bite of the fragrant barbecue and chewed it gently.

    Wuke and Tu Yiwan remained silent, waiting for Zou Zichuan to speak. They had already concluded that Zou Zichuan must have a perfect plan since Zou Zichuan insisted on walking on this road.

    "We are taking this road, and the ceremonial guard is to be surprised. After all, we only have 30,000 soldiers. Although they are all skilled martial arts masters, marching and fighting rely not on personal force, but on the formation of troops. What's more, Zhao  Lie is not an ordinary person, if my guess is correct, Zhao Lie must have regained military power."

    "He has never had military power?!" Wu Ke was stunned and looked at Zou Zichuan with his mouth open, with an incredible expression on his face.

    "If he controls the military, will your troops be able to approach the capital?" Zou Zichuan smiled softly.

    "Thiscan't. Zhao Lie is a genius. In fact, when I defeated Tangcheng and Lucheng, I had a strong feeling that Zhao Lie did not control the military and mobilize the defense troops. I didn't expect that this was true." Wuke hesitated.  After a long time, he let out a long sigh.

    "Well, that's right, neither arrogant nor impetuous." Zou Zichuan praised, it was very difficult for a conceited person like Wu Ke to say this.

    "This is the truth. After playing against General Zhao for several years, Wu seems to have the spotlight, but in fact, Wu does not take advantage at all." Wu Ke said with a blush on his face.

    "Haha, I have carefully studied Zhao Lie's classic battle cases, and I have to say that this man is a wizard. Precisely because he is a wizard, if you want to conquer him, you must defeat him openly." Zou Zichuan raised his eyes and looked up.  Staring at the vast starry sky, his deep gaze revealed a strong sense of confidence.

    Even in this age of cold weapons, he is still the peerless king!

    Looking at Zou Zichuan¡¯s confident eyes, Wu Ke and Tu Yiwan inexplicably felt a powerful and vast spiritual power. This power made them feel Zou Zichuan¡¯s strong self-confidence.

    Unknowingly, even a super strong man like Tu Yiwan fell into Zou Zichuan's spiritual realm. If people in the Human Alliance knew that a master in the Martial Saint realm actually entered Zou Zichuan's spiritual realm, it is estimated that a  All the teeth fell to the ground.

    Of course, no one in the Human Alliance, where martial arts has declined, knows what the realm of a martial saint is. In the Human Alliance, the highest martial arts level is only level seven, and it is almost a legendary mythical existence.

    "Tomorrow, we will encounter the first round of sniper attacks arranged by Zhao Lie!" Zou Zichuan looked away from the vast starry sky and landed on the burning bonfire. His face was illuminated by the red bonfire.

    "What?!" Wu Ke was shocked.

    "I believe that on the first night we entered the sub-primitive forest, Zhao Lie thought of this possibility. He would dispatch a considerable number of troops to snipe us, because now that the Eighteen-Nation Allied Forces are approaching the city, Zhao Lie wants to conquer the lost territory, absolutely  We won¡¯t arrange too many troops to snipe at me, so we still have a chance.¡±

    "You mean, General Zhao is recovering lost territory?" Wuke said in shock.

    "If I guess correctly, Lucheng, Tangcheng and other cities have been recaptured by Zhao Lie. His army is sweeping across the Eighteen-Nation Alliance, and he himself is waiting for us in Die City."

    "It's over, it's over, all the hard work has been wasted." Wu Ke let out a long sigh.

    "General Wu, we will soon break through Die City and capture Zhao Lie. What do a few small castles mean?" Zou Zichuan said with a long smile.

    "Conquer Die City!" Wu Ke's eyes shot out with blazing light. It was his lifelong dream to capture Die City.

    "Mr. Zou, I don't know if I should ask something or not"


    "It is said that you have a good relationship with General Zhao and have business dealings with Teng Qianqiu, the owner of Jubaozhai. Why did you suddenly turn against him?"

    "General Zhao has always treated me as a pawn. He just hopes to gain military power. He does not want to return to the Human Alliance. He hopes that the Gallen Empire will unify the entire Gallen Continent. Subconsciously, he resists the Human Alliance, and  , Zhao Lie is hunting my men. Some of the martial arts figures and merchants I arranged to purchase raw materials in Gallen Continent have been detained and hunted by him.?The important thing is that when the Eighteen-Nation Allied Forces attacked the Crystal Palace base in the Desert of Death, he should have been working secretly to provoke the attack"

    "It must be him. The kings of the Eighteen Kingdoms suddenly received a secret information at the same time. If it weren't for him, I would definitely be able to get the news!" Wuke looked angry. He wanted to confront Zhao Lie head-on instead of using some conspiracy.  trick.

    "Since we want to fight, let's fight. I would like to see what Zhao Lie had to say after he was kidnapped by Wu Hua Da and sent to the Meridian Gate."

    Zou Zichuan's tone was relaxed, but full of aura that dominated the world. Wu Ke and Tu Yiwan looked at each other. They sensed Zou Zichuan's powerful fighting spirit, and Tu Xiaobao couldn't help but shudder. Zou Zichuan's monstrous force  The killing intent sent a chill down her spine.




    Suddenly, a low howling sound came from the distance. These sounds echoed and mixed with each other, ebbing and flowing like a tide. In this hazy moonlight night, it seemed extremely desolate and terrifying.

    "So fast?" Zou Zichuan was stunned and stood up suddenly.

    "It will definitely be fast. I asked hundreds of people to carry meat on their backs and set up baits in a radius of fifty kilometers. Now they are just testing, and they will soon gather together to enjoy a feast." Tu Xiaobao said with a proud look on his face.

    "Master Zou, let's go and see it together. This is a grand event that is rare in a thousand years. I didn't expect that someone like me, Wu, would meet me, haha"

    Martial arts department stood up tall, raised his hammers and laughed.

    "Okay, the scene of all the beasts gathering must be unprecedented, you must see it!"

    Zou Zichuan picked up his spear and strode towards the giant beast's corpse. At this time, all the bonfires on the other side of the giant beast's corpse were extinguished. They were at least one kilometer away from the giant beast. From a distance, he could only see a standing tower.  mountains under the moonlight.

    Tu Xiaobao suddenly jumped for joy and was about to run forward, but Tu Shiwan grabbed him and couldn't move. Looking at his grandfather's non-negotiable expression, Tu Xiaobao could only stamp his feet and sulk, and followed Tu Yiwan slowly.  walking.

    "Give me the order, let everyone form a battle formation, protect yourself, and watch the feast of beasts from a safe distance. This is a rare event in a thousand years, so just keep quiet."

    Looking at the expectant eyes around him, Zou Zichuan immediately gave the order. Suddenly, the 30,000 soldiers jumped for joy. They controlled their excitement and formed teams one by one to slowly approach the target

    When he was one kilometer away from the giant beast, Zou Zichuan stopped, because he could no longer get closer. There was already an overwhelming beast in front of him, with pairs of green eyes floating in the air like will-o'-the-wisps, and it was so dark.  It's not clear what kind of animal it is. Occasionally, you can only see its strong body shape and rhythmic pace.

    On this side of Zou Zichuan is a forest of man-eating trees, and the number of ferocious beasts gathered there is actually not that many. However, in the lakes and deserts on the other three sides, the number of ferocious beasts is astonishing, densely packed, and overwhelming.

    In the dim moonlight, Zou Zichuan saw that beasts had climbed up on the huge mountain of meat and were biting and devouring it. In the quiet night, there was a terrifying chewing sound.



    There are more and more beasts gathering, countless big and small. Except for the mirror-like lake, there are almost no grasslands and deserts to see. Because they are too crowded, there are loud sounds from time to time on the side of the man-eating tree forest.  From the shrill screams, it was obvious that a beast had become the food of the man-eating tree.

    Looking at the increasingly crowded beasts, the 30,000 martial arts masters had to retreat slowly, because some beasts actually crowded around humans because they had no place to stand. Fortunately, these beasts seemed to know that there was a lot of food, and they  Not attacking humans or each other.

    It is obvious that these ferocious beasts have very high IQs. They understand that the mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows behind, and they always maintain restraint and do not attack the weak predators around them.

    Zou Zichuan, Wu Ke, Tu Yiwan, and Tu Xiaobao were the only ones who did not step back. The three of them stayed close together and simply walked closer to the giant beast's body step by step in the beast dynasty in order to get a better look.  clear.


    ps: The 15,000 promised today has been updated, please vote at the end of the month!  (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log on to There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)
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