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Chapter 357 Attacking the Crystal Palace [Please give me a monthly ticket]

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    Looking at the giant metal door that slowly opened, thousands of pairs of eyes became completely dull. From the appearance of Yazhen to the moment when Zou Zichuan shot Bafang to death with an arrow, people were shocked again and again, but all the shocks were stronger than  Not to mention this majestic underground glass building.

    The ten-meter-long glass brick weighing dozens of tons was completely beyond their imagination.

    After opening the door, Zou Zichuan started the power facilities in the underground Crystal Palace. Suddenly, the Crystal Palace, like a lurking beast, became brightly lit. In order to facilitate work, Zou Zichuan spent two days converting an antimatter incinerator into a small power generation unit.  factory.

    The antimatter incinerator is a small environmentally friendly product. It is mainly used to clean up some domestic garbage during interstellar exploration to avoid causing pollution to space and some primitive planets. At the same time, this popular antimatter furnace also provides clean energy for exploring humans.  Energy supply.

    In fact, in the battle between humans and spotted beetles, this antimatter furnace played a big role, because the planet where humans live does not have corpse birds that feed on spotted beetles as cleaners.  The best way to annihilate a ten-ton body is to use an antimatter furnace, which can generate sufficient energy

    People followed Zou Zichuan in with their eyes wide open and their mouths open. They were once again shocked by the vast and majestic underground buildings.

    The dome that is tens of meters high, the glass brick structure without any gaps, the vast space that is thousands of meters long, seems to have no end.

    How many of these expensive glass bricks are needed?

    For people in Gallon Star, glass is a very expensive decoration, priceless. Not to mention using glass as a building, even in ordinary homes, using glass as a decoration is a very luxurious thing.

    People certainly don¡¯t expect that making glass through nuclear fusion is the easiest thing. In nuclear fusion, the high temperature generated melts the gravel and then cools quickly to form glass stone.

    In human space exploration, humankind's development of nuclear energy has reached a very mature level. In addition to the strict use of nuclear energy in combat components, the development and utilization of nuclear energy for civilian use has been completely popularized and very mature.  , until cleaner antimatter energy appeared, nuclear energy slowly faded out of human sight

    Antimatter energy has a flaw that is incomparable to nuclear energy. Antimatter energy can only be destroyed, because in addition to outputting energy, antimatter will never derive any ancillary products, because antimatter inherently annihilates everything and has irreversible properties.  operability, so although nuclear energy has faded out of sight, it has not withdrawn from the stage of history.

    In addition to providing energy, nuclear energy also produces many derivative materials, such as glass bricks. In interstellar adventures, some magnificent and solid buildings can be built very quickly. Of course, the use of these buildings is also in human beings.  It was only after some methods for cleaning up nuclear contamination were invented that they became widely available.

    The entire Crystal Palace appears empty, and a cigar-shaped trace can be seen from the concave shape in the middle. This is the prototype of the spaceship that Zou Zichuan will build.

    Extremely quiet.

    The entire Crystal Palace seemed extremely quiet, and people looked at Zou Zichuan with incomparable awe.

    The shock level of a mecha is far inferior to that of this magnificent underground palace.

    Now, almost everyone believes that Zou Zichuan is a person who can do great things.

    Even Zou Zichuan did not expect that many people would become loyal to him from this moment on.

    Many martial arts people already believe that following Zou Zichuan will definitely make him famous in history


    From this moment on, these thousands of martial arts people truly coalesced into a force, and Zou Zichuan quickly sensed this force.

    First, some people allocated rooms, placed some training equipment, and arranged for people to go out to purchase food. People did not complain at all. In fact, at this time, people had no idea what Zou Zichuan was going to do.

    Everyone believes that what Zou Zichuan is going to do is an earth-shattering thing. There is no need to doubt this!

    Everything is going on in an orderly manner. Thousands of people form a huge machine. Everyone is a gear in the machine. This precise machine has begun to operate.

    Everyone strictly follows Zou Zichuan¡¯s orders.

    With strong financial and military support, a steady stream of materials was sent to the desert.

    Zou Zichuan does not need to manage at all. He only needs to provide gold coins and a list of materials, and everyone will implement his orders.

    Zou Zichuan is veryHe is busy and researching in the laboratory every day. Even though he is talented and knowledgeable, it is still very difficult to build a spaceship by himself.

    A spacecraft involves too many industries. Fortunately, Zou Zichuan¡¯s optical brain has enough information, and he was constantly learning while manufacturing it.

    In fact, not only is Zou Zichuan studying hard, but thousands of martial arts practitioners also spend three hours in class every day to learn some popular science knowledge.

    Zou Zichuan does not expect them to become scientists. His requirements are very low. He only needs them to understand the social structure of the Human Alliance, understand the changes brought to mankind by modern high technology, and be able to simply operate some machinery

    Thousands of martial arts people, including Tu Shiwan, fell into a feverish learning craze.

    They knew for the first time that there were countless others of the same kind in the vast starry sky.

    They learned for the first time that their ancestors were immigrants from the Earth Adventure Group.

    For the first time, they learned that in addition to cold weapons, there are several kinds of weapons that can destroy a planet or even a galaxy.

    They knew for the first time that the colorful scale insects they had never taken seriously had now become the biggest disaster for the Human Alliance


    Slowly, slowly, more and more are known, and the dragon skeleton of the spacecraft named "Return" by Zou Zichuan has taken shape.

    The last thing Zou Zichuan needs to worry about now is the metal problem, because in the Desert of Death, there are countless beetle nests buried in the desert. The beetle nests will die after reaching a certain age, and then be destroyed by the rolling yellow clouds.  Buried in sand, these insect nests have no soft tissue. All that is left is high-quality alloy. The quality of this alloy is beyond Zou Zichuan's imagination. It does not require any formula at all. It can be used directly after melting and forming.

    Time passed little by little, and forty days had passed. When the welded steel plates began to be laid on the huge dragon skeleton, people began to become enthusiastic, because everyone knew that this would be the first time they left the Gallon Star.  The hope of returning to the place where their ancestors lived, there is a vast and wonderful world waiting for them outside

    At this moment, people¡¯s cohesion reached its peak.

    Zou Zichuan has become their spiritual leader.

    In people¡¯s minds, Zou Zichuan is an omnipotent god.

    What Zou Zichuan didn¡¯t expect was that the loyalty of these people would be reflected in a battle, and this battle was very surprising

    During these forty days, the war between the eighteen countries and the Gallen Empire has fallen into a stalemate, and General Zhao Lie finally obtained the command as he wished.

    Of course, the main reason why the war fell into a stalemate was that the Eighteen Kingdoms suddenly stopped attacking and instead entered a defensive state.

    The consequences of the footprints left by Zou Zichuan¡¯s driving in Yaizhen began to emerge.

    Soon, hundreds of martial arts people stationed in the man-eating tree forest were surrounded and suppressed by the Eighteen-Nation Allied Forces. Except for a few super masters who escaped to the desert, they all died in the battle. The Eighteen-Nation Allied Forces not only dispatched 200,000 troops, but also  He killed dozens of royal masters.

    The target is directed at Zou Zichuan¡¯s Crystal Palace in the Desert of Death!

    Although the Crystal Palace¡¯s confidentiality work is very good, due to the large number of purchases and the frequent entry of personnel, the Crystal Palace was still exposed to the Eighteen-Nation Allied Forces.

    When Zou Zichuan received the news, the 200,000 troops of the Eighteen-Nation Alliance were less than 50 kilometers away from the Crystal Palace base.

    The speed is really too fast.

    After the 200,000-strong army wiped out the martial arts people in the Man-eating Tree Forest, they immediately sent 50,000 cavalrymen to approach the Desert of Death at lightning speed. If some people in the world had not informed them through other means, perhaps these 50,000 cavalrymen would have arrived at the door of Zou Zichuan.  Don't know yet.

    In fact, Zou Zichuan was too busy during this period. He had no time to deal with some intelligence work. He ignored the determination of the Eighteen Nations.

    Now, the kings of the Eighteen Kingdoms are far more afraid of Zou Zichuan than they are of the Gallen Empire.

    Only eighteen members of the royal family knew the inside story, and some generals and soldiers were kept in the dark. They couldn¡¯t figure out why they wanted to kill these martial arts people

    Zou Zichuan did not expect that when the Eighteenth Allied Forces approached the Desert of Death, the martial arts figures he sent to purchase from various places were being arrested, and even the emperor of the Galen Empire was also watching.

    It seems that things are developing in an irreversible direction.

    Without the help of some martial arts people, it would be impossible for Zou Zichuan to build a spaceship on his own, even a simple spaceship.Can, unless, it takes decades.

    Zou Zichuan doesn¡¯t have decades to spend on Gallon Star, because Zhenzhen only has a few months left in his life.

    Zou Zichuan subconsciously hoped to see Zhenzhen again.

    ¡°There seems to be an invisible force waving to Zou Zichuan, asking Zou Zichuan to return to the Human Alliance as soon as possible

    Really true!

    At this time, almost everyone close to Zou Zichuan did not know that what Zou Zichuan missed most was Zhenzhen. Thinking of Zhenzhen's pale cheeks and fragile body, Zou Zichuan felt an indescribable anxiety in his heart.

    Zou Zichuan's sleep time has been shortened from five hours to two hours. He spends ten hours in the laboratory every day and ten hours building spacecraft. The remaining four hours include two hours.  Go to bed, he still has two hours to deal with some business.


    The glass wall of the laboratory was knocked, and Zou Zichuan didn't notice it. He was still testing the optical fiber effect with a face full of concentration. The number of optical fibers used on a spacecraft was staggering, even if Zou Zichuan disassembled all the optical fibers on the mecha.  It is impossible to meet the quantity required for a spacecraft.

    Zou Zichuan must produce a large amount of optical fiber.

    Although Zou Zichuan¡¯s optical brain masters the manufacturing technology of optical fibers, this does not mean that Zou Zichuan can produce qualified optical fibers. This is an experimental process that must be repeated countless times to obtain qualified products.

    When a person has amazing talent, if he does not have patience, then even if the person is a genius, it is still difficult to achieve much success. A successful person does not necessarily have to have amazing talent, but he must have extraordinary patience, and in  Some successful people have a common characteristic, that is, they are surprisingly patient. Many people can conduct a boring experiment for decades, thereby achieving a breakthrough in a certain field

    There is no doubt that Zou Zichuan is a person with extremely high talent and terrifying patience.

    In order to kill Bafanghou with one arrow, Zou Zichuan simulated it hundreds of times with his optical brain in a short period of time, taking into account almost every direction of Bafanghou's flight, thereby forcing him into a blind corner, because in that cannibal area  There is only one vine trap at the edge of the forest. Without the vine trap's instant coordinated attack, it would be impossible for Zou Zichuan to shoot Bafang Hou Liwei, who has reached the realm of martial arts. From here alone, it can be seen that Zou Zichuan's patience has reached the level of  To what extent.

    Zou Zichuan himself didn't know that the process of shooting Bafang Hou was simulated countless times by several super masters. Every time they simulated it, these masters would have a kind of fear of Zou Zichuan. The more master they were, the more powerful they were.  Knowing how difficult it was to shoot Bafanghou, in that specific environment at that time, there was almost no room for error in forcing Bafanghou into that corner.

    In their minds, Zou Zichuan is like a myth. He is the first human on Gallon Planet who can communicate with the man-eating tree and command the man-eating tree to attack.

    At the same time, Zou Zichuan was also the first to kill an ordinary master who had reached the realm of martial arts with an arrow.

    In fact, people now know that Zou Zichuan¡¯s martial arts is actually not very high, but it is more terrifying that a person with low martial arts killed a master in the martial arts realm


    There are no doors in the Crystal Palace, and Zou Zichuan¡¯s laboratory is no exception. Mao Chongxi and Tu Yiwan, who were standing outside the door, glanced at each other, and finally walked in one after the other.

    "Sir." Tu Yiwan walked up to Zou Zichuan and bowed carefully. He and a few old friends were responsible for Zou Zichuan's safety work. Although several of his old friends had not reached the realm of martial saints, they were all  He is an existence that is infinitely close to the Martial Saint. He is a high-ranking figure in the world.

    "Huh?!" Zou Zichuan finally raised his head, frowned and looked at his watch. Now is not the time to deal with things. Over the past month, everyone has known his habits. No matter what is special, he will not do it easily.  to disturb his work.

    "The 50,000 cavalrymen of the Eighteen-Nation Alliance are less than 50 kilometers away and are advancing at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. If nothing happens, 50,000 cavalrymen will approach the Crystal Palace base in 50 minutes"

    "Fifty thousand cavalry!" Zou Zichuan's pupils suddenly became like needlepoints, and a golden light flashed.

    "Yes!" Tu Yiwan was stared at by the golden light, and his body seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer. His tyrannical body took several steps back, his face suddenly changed, and he looked at Zou Zichuan with a shocked expression, full of excitement.  Incredible expression.

    What kind of power is this?

    Tu Yiwan was extremely shocked. He had never known that someone could use his eyes to createThe power of the injury, the look in Zou Zichuan's eyes just now made him feel like his heart was about to burst. If it weren't for his strong martial arts skills, he would have died of a broken heart.

    Tu Yiwan naturally didn't know that Zou Zichuan's eyes were more lethal to Bei'er, and Bei'er couldn't stand even the slightest anger.

    "Why?" Zou Zichuan's golden light flashed away.

    "I don't know, but only three of the hundreds of brothers at the Man-eating Tree Forest Base escaped"


    Zou Zichuan didn¡¯t ask any more questions, shouted loudly, and strode towards the huge hall.

    In the air, a strong murderous aura is permeating

    Feeling the boiling murderous aura, Tu Yiwan and several masters looked at each other, with a trace of doubt in their eyes.

    To put it bluntly, murderous aura is the aura of a king. However, this kind of domineering aura cannot be cultivated by cats and dogs. There are many types of murderous aura. Pig-killers also have murderous aura, chicken-killers also have murderous aura, executioners also have murderous aura, and soldiers also have murderous aura.  Murderous intent, and robbers also have murderous intent. Not every murderous intent can make people fearful. Some people's murderous intent can scare animals, some people's murderous intent can scare children, and some people can make people afraid to approach

    Zou Zichuan's murderous intent is different. This is not the murderous intent formed by martial arts, but a kind of overwhelming power, but the murderous intent that regards life as an ant. This kind of murderous intent is not to kill people, but just gestures, just looking at it, and it will happen naturally.  It will make people fear and look up to

    Who is he?

    Almost at the same time, the dozen masters following Zou Zichuan all raised this question.

    Dazzling sparks kept lighting up in the hall. On the huge dragon skeleton, some outstanding people selected by Zou Zichuan were controlling laser welding. This is not a complicated process, as long as you master the time and accuracy.  In fact, Zou Zichuan has handed over many basic and simple tasks to other people, and he only needs to check them every day.

    The people in the hall obviously didn't know that there was already a large army outside. They were working in full swing and seemed extremely busy. No one was idle.

    Everyone here hopes to see the moment when this huge metal structure flies into the blue sky. Although they have seen several spaceships flying in the sky on holographic images, they want to see the spaceship they made themselves.  Fly into the blue sky, fly into the vast universe, and return to human society

    "Put down what you are doing."

    Zou Zichuan walked to a huge glass brick at the front end of the spacecraft and spoke slowly. His voice was not loud, but full of penetrating power. Immediately, the huge hall became quiet, and thousands of pairs of eyes fell on Zou Zichuan. People felt that  The murderous intention emanating from Zou Zichuan's body.

    "At the base of the Man-eating Tree Grove, more than three hundred brothers were surrounded by the Allied Forces of the Eighteen Nations. Forty minutes later, 50,000 cavalrymen from the Allied Forces of the Forty-Eight Nations came to the Crystal Palace. Now, we have two options. First, close the door.  The gate of the Crystal Palace is like a coward. Secondly, the blood of our brothers cannot be shed in vain, kill them!"

    Speaking of the word "kill", Zou Zichuan shouted loudly, the air seemed to vibrate violently, and the murderous intention spread like ripples in circles.

    Fifty thousand cavalry!

    In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire hall became suffocating. Among the thousands of troops and horses, the strength of an individual was simply insignificant. Even a rare and peerless master like Tu Yiwan could not face 50,000 cavalry.  A frontal impact, in the face of that powerful force, any personal strength will be trampled to pieces


    ps: fainted, the monthly ticket is motionless, I beg for a monthly ticket, stuff your teeth, and be overbearing (To be continued, if you want to know the funeral, please log on to, there are more chapters, support  Author, support genuine reading!)
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