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Chapter 326 The Secret of Die City [Please vote for the end of the month!  ¡¿

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    Seeing Teng Qianqiu burst into tears, Zou Zichuan could feel that Teng Qianqiu was excited from the bottom of his heart. It seemed that there were still humans who were worried about that beautiful blue planet lost on a distant planet.

    In fact, in the early days of the development of the universe, countless giant spaceships were lost in the vast galaxy. After the Human Alliance invented the space jumping technology, these civilizations, who had lost three-thirds of humanity, were all excited when they returned to the Human Alliance.  Extremely, almost every civilization hopes to return to the embrace of the Earth Alliance, where is the true birthplace of mankind

    "But now, there is a very difficult problem. The only spaceship on this planet has turned into a city!" Zou Zichuan sighed lightly.

    "Yes, I know, Die City, the most sacred planet in the entire Gallen Planet By the way, why is it the only spaceship? How did you come to the Gallen Galaxy from the Human Alliance, if I remember correctly  , it takes more than thirty years to sail from the earth to here, and the route cannot make the slightest mistake" Teng Qianqiu was shocked and asked.

    ¡°I¡¯ll answer this question later. Now, it¡¯s time for you to tell me what you want to know.¡± Zou Zichuan asked, not wanting to reveal his trump card.

    "You are the only person in the Human Alliance who has arrived at the Gallon Star in the past thousand years. I believe that your arrival will change the entire Gallon Star and even the entire galaxy. Whatever you want to know, I can tell you everything I can answer!"  Qianqiu said with a serious face.

    "Just tell me, I have read the history of Gallon Star, and I want to know something that is not recorded in historical books and periodicals."

    "Well, it's a long story. Haha, it's really long. It started more than 800 years ago"

    ¡°I have plenty of time.¡±

    Zou Zichuan took a sip of tea and leaned comfortably on the solid wood sofa.

    Fuji Chiaki began to talk about the more than 800 years of history of the Galen Empire.

    More than 800 years ago, humans began a crazy interstellar expansion policy, and countless giant spaceships began interstellar voyages. Yun 899 was a very advanced spaceship at the time, with a crew of 5,000. This crew was a mixed bag, composed of  It is composed of all kinds of people, including family consortiums that provide financial support and gangsters from various religions, including some martial arts masters and scientists.

    In short, this is a condensed earth society, where almost every profession on earth is found.

    This voyage was long and lonely. I escaped the pursuit of antimatter rays, escaped the death vortex, and wandered around the edge of the antimatter fountain for several years

    During this period, countless people died and countless children were born. As time went by, one Earth year was used as the time standard. This spacecraft has been sailing in the vast universe for fifteen Earth years.

    During these fifteen years, due to the boring nature of sailing, the uncontrolled sexual life of humans, and everyone's desire to have their own children during this boring voyage, the population on the spacecraft expanded rapidly.  When the number of people reaches more than 10,000, and most of the entertainment facilities on the spacecraft have to be converted into residential accommodation, the space for human activities becomes smaller and smaller.

    Although the spacecraft is not lacking in energy, its food consumption is increasing. Yun 899, which was originally designed to fly for two hundred years, is overwhelmed. Through optical brain calculations, the spacecraft can maintain food for up to fifteen years.

    At this time, finding a planet has become a top priority.

    In the vast interstellar space, fifteen years is a short period of time. The scientists on the spacecraft began to spend a lot of time searching for planets with life, and some ordinary people also began self-rescue operations. In addition to recycling human excrement  Since then, people have begun to practice martial arts, because martial arts can not only prevent some organs of the human body from degenerating, but also enable humans to endure hunger for a long time.

    Without space for activities and entertainment facilities, just as scientists spent all their time searching for living planets, people spent all their time practicing martial arts. This voyage took thirteen years to end.  During these thirteen years, countless super masters were born.

    When a person regards cultivation as his entire life, the speed of cultivation is incredible.

    It is said that according to historical records, there were more than 500 level six masters at that time. This is simply unimaginable. You must know that the entire human alliance has a population of more than 100 billion, and there are only a handful of masters who can reach level six.  There are more than 10,000 people on board the spaceship, but there are more than 500 level six masters. If this news reaches the Human Alliance, it will definitely be a shocking headline.

    At this time, humans began to use conscious contraception. Unfortunately, the contraceptive effect was minimal, and the population exploded again.There were actually 22,000 people on board a spaceship with a diameter of three kilometers. Although humans took various means to save themselves, there was still a food crisis.

    The forces on the spaceship began to be divided. The Tek family, headed by the funder, began to form gangs to control food. The food for some ordinary people began to gradually decrease. Occasionally, old and frail people began to starve to death. On the spaceship  There is a pessimistic atmosphere of death.

    People began to practice meditation and reduce food to a minimum.

    Conflicts began to arouse more and more, because on this spaceship, there are all relatives connected with relatives. An ordinary person is likely to have a relative who is a level 6 master.

    Finally, a large-scale bloodshed occurred for food, and more than twenty level six masters were killed in the fight. Fortunately, scientists quickly resolved the crisis, and in the hologram of Yun 899  A beautiful blue planet appeared on the scanning screen. However, this battle for food caused serious estrangement and hatred among the humans on the spacecraft. This estrangement and hatred planted the seeds of bloody massacres later.

    This planet is now the Gallon Star.

    Of course, after people discovered this planet with abundant life, they were all ecstatic, temporarily forgetting the hatred on the spacecraft, and immersed themselves in the joy that life could continue.

    After Cloud 899 landed, it encountered no obstacles and people built countless strong castles.

    Whether it is a ghost leopard or a spotted shell insect, it is a joke to face a level six martial arts master. More than five hundred level six masters can almost sweep across the entire planet. The spotted shell insect weighing dozens of tons is just a clumsy prey.  That¡¯s all.

    The way humans deal with these ferocious animals is very simple. They send a large number of level six and level five experts to every corner of the planet every day, so that every animal can know and understand humans.

    Soon, humans have become the kings at the top of the planet's food chain. Facing level six masters who can create the world, no matter how powerful the beast is, they have to stay away.

    The results of this strategy are obvious. Later, even if a child is walking on the grassland, ordinary beasts will not dare to peek.

    On Planet Gallon, humans have become the most powerful and dangerous animals. On the entire land of Planet Gallon, except for the depths of the desert, there are human footprints in almost every corner.

    Of course, at the beginning, human beings still paid a lot of bloody prices, because not everyone is a level six master. Ordinary people still make up the majority. The most important thing is that the man-eating tree has a great impact on ordinary people.  The threat to life is so great that even a fifth-level expert would not dare to confront the man-eating tree head-on.

    It took more than three years for humans to gain a foothold on this planet and draw a map of the planet, including the distribution of minerals and resources.

    A more serious disagreement emerged than the fight for food.

    Someone wants to develop some minerals.

    Some people want to maintain the original appearance of the terrain and maintain ecological balance.

    At that time, the earth was extremely polluted, which had a profound impact and psychological shadow on mankind.

    Because many newborns grow up, what they learn from some books is not the beauty of the earth, but an ugly and polluted earth. Maintaining the original topography of Galen Star and maintaining ecological balance have gained the upper hand among humans.

    At that time, the Tek family, which funded the interstellar voyage and strived to develop the planet, launched an armed attack, killing more than thirty sixth-level masters and injuring many innocent people.

    There are more than thirty six-level masters, which is definitely a huge number, and this number has begun to kick off the bloody massacre on Gallen Star.

    This operation made some masters who were aggrieved in the last food war share the same hatred. All the forces were entangled to deal with the Tek family. Not only did the Tek family not gain control of the spacecraft, but the entire family was slaughtered.

    But the massacre was not over.

    The hatred against the Teck family has extended to a group of scientists, because in this operation, the scientists clearly supported the Teck family.

    In less than an hour, more than 200 scientists on Cloud 899 were slaughtered by the red-eyed masters. When people woke up from the bloody killing, it was already too late. At this time, the entire spacecraft was full of people.  A dying old captain is left.

    The old captain held on to his bloody body and knelt in front of some experts with tears streaming down his face, begging them not to destroy Yun 899.

    The old captain hopes to leave a way back to Earth for future generations, and this way is Yun 899.

    Looking at the old captain with white hair and blood all over his body, everyone felt pity.After all, during the thirty-year voyage, it was the old captain who took them safely to the Gallon Star.

    After getting everyone¡¯s approval, the old captain had all the books on the spaceship removed, and then sealed the Yun 899 saucer-shaped spacecraft.

    When the old captain closed the cabin, he said: "When someone can open this cabin, then this spaceship will be able to fly into the vast universe again"


    ¡°He was afraid that those people would destroy the spaceship.¡± Hearing this, Zou Zichuan sighed.

    "Yes, the old captain is right. If he had not sealed the spaceship, the spaceship would have been destroyed hundreds of years ago." Teng Chiaki said with a melancholy look on his face.

    "Well, continue."

    Zou Zichuan feels a bit heavy. This story is a bit tragic. It is impossible to comment on who is good and who is bad. Even the Teck family that was exterminated cannot be said to be evil.

    This kind of thing often happened in the early days of the development of the human universe. During the lonely voyage that lasted for hundreds of years, some people ate human flesh, some became insane, some slaughtered all the same kind on the entire spacecraft, and some became heroes  In short, it was a great era where anything could happen and everything was possible!

    The story of Fuji Chiaki is not over yet.

    When the old captain died and the Yun 899 spaceship was sealed, the Gallon Empire was established. The Gallon Empire was established by twenty super masters selected from the twenty ethnic groups on the spaceship.

    The Galen Empire originally existed in the form of a president under the control of parliament, but the first president became ambitious, established a royal family, and became the emperor.

    This situation did not last long. The other eighteen masters soon started anew and led some of their tribesmen to establish eighteen countries. At the beginning, because the land was vast and the people were sparse, they could not withstand the torment of war.  Committed to developing the country's economy, everything has been peaceful for decades

    "Is there another one?" Zou Zichuan looked at Teng Qianqiu with a deep look.

    "Another one became a businessman, because this family has been in business for generations, and they were a business family when they were on earth."

    "It seems that this family is the Teng family."

    "Yes, that's right, my ancestor is one of the twenty people. Precisely because of his famous name, our family has not been involved in these hundreds of years of grudges." Fuji Chiaki sighed deeply.  A sound.

    "It's better to do business honestly." Zou Zichuan thought of Belle's Huangpu family.

    "Yes, our family has become prosperous in these hundreds of years, because the other nineteen major families must communicate with me, especially the Edward family."

    "Well, go ahead, I have a lot of mysteries for you to solve."


    ??The next topic, Zou Zichuan understood the mystery of the disappearance of Gallon Star's high technology.

    When the twenty families parted ways, some scientific and technological books and periodicals had been buried in hidden locations by the Edward family, and some equipment had also been intensively destroyed by the Edward family, because the Edward family were out-and-out environmentalists.  Carrying out interstellar migration means being disgusted with the harsh environmental pollution of the earth.  When the nineteen families left the Galen Empire, they only took away some insignificant books.

    After more than twenty years of recuperation, the first generation of emperors were all old or died, and there were only a few in power.

    After decades of recuperation, the national power of the eighteen countries has become increasingly prosperous. Especially the Galen Empire, relying on its large population base, has begun to take a peek at the eighteen countries.

    Hundreds of years of war have begun!

    In the rounds of war, people used man-eating trees to make long bows, and corpse bird bones to make arrowheads and armor.

    Martial arts has also become a required course for human beings after they are born, especially dexterous body skills, because if you want to survive on this planet, you must learn martial arts, or at least have the ability to escape. This has resulted in  The scene of martial arts masters walking all over the place.

    It has to be said that Zou Zichuan is lucky. At least, in the era when he came, level six masters have become rare, because today's humans mainly rely on bows and arrows in addition to physical skills.

    During the war, humans quickly discovered that some ordinary technological weapons were no match for bows and arrows. Of course, the most important thing is that the metal here is very scarce, and the metal properties here are completely different from those on the earth. If according to  It is difficult to cast anything good using the earth's methods. Gradually, apart from replacing currency, metal has slowly faded out of people's sight.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??These are not the most important. In order to consolidate their rule, and the monarchs of the 19 countries are environmentalists, they have very strict restrictions on scientific and technological books and periodicals, which also restricts the development of science and technology.

    After those scientists were killed, over the next few decades, the first generation of humans who migrated from the earth slowly died. People knew less and less about high technology, and everything about the Yun 899 spacecraft was  Discussion is strictly prohibited


    Listening to Teng Qianqiu unraveling some mysteries, Zou Zichuan couldn't help but take a long breath. Teng Qianqiu didn't mention a key point, or maybe Teng Qianqiu himself didn't think of it.

    Eighteen countries have blocked high-tech development. The deeper reason is that they are afraid that the Gallon Star will contact the Human Alliance after its technology has developed to a certain level.

    Because, according to the laws of the Human Alliance, this Gallon Star should belong to the Teck family, because this voyage was funded by the Teck family. If the Gallon Star returns to the embrace of humanity, then all the masters and families who participated in the massacre of the Teck family will have to  Sent to the guillotine


    In the war that lasted for hundreds of years, although the Gallen Empire always had the absolute upper hand, the Gallen Empire could not completely eliminate the eighteen small empires, because although these empires were usually at odds and often had wars, these empires  Once small countries are invaded by the Galen Empire, they will immediately unite and share the same hatred.

    "Obviously, these small countries all understand the truth of lip loss and teeth cold.

    During these hundreds of years of war, except for setting off a frenzy of felling man-eating trees, humans have always followed the laws of nature and not destroyed the natural environment. Apart from limited production, the planet has remained almost intact for more than 800 years.  As before, the spotted scale beetle is still sleeping on the prairie, the ghost leopard is still wandering in the grass, and although the number of corpse birds has been poached, it has not decreased

    "Why war?" Zou Zichuan suddenly asked.

    "This" Teng Qianqiu hesitated.

    "I want to know the reason. There is a grand reason for the Gallen Empire to annex other countries. Then, if eighteen countries form a coalition to invade the Gallen Empire, it will definitely cause greater chaos. I want to know the real reason!"

    "Actually, the reason is very simple. Die City is the holy land for everyone on Gallen Star. In peaceful times, emperors from eighteen countries will also come to Die City for pilgrimage. Everyone on Gallen Planet will come to Die City at least once in their lives.  A pilgrimage to the city.¡±


    "Actually, there are only nineteen emperors and me who still know the secrets of Die City, and some people's worship of Die City has become a religious belief. People believe that Die City can take them to heaven, to a  wonderful world¡­¡­"

    "Well, let's not talk about the ordinary people. Let's talk about the mentality of some emperors who worshiped Die City." Zou Zichuan interrupted Teng Qianqiu. Needless to say, he could also imagine that after more than 800 years of speech blockade, some ordinary people simply did not understand.  He may also know the secrets of more than 800 years ago. Apart from those in power, the only person who knows is probably the owner of the Jubaozhai.

    "Theythey are atonement for the sins of their ancestors. Each of them wants to unify the continent and then unlock the secret of the spaceship."

    "The Galen Empire owns a spaceship, why can't it find a way to activate the spaceship?" Zou Zichuan asked doubtfully.

    "This, I still can't understand the emperor's thoughts" Teng Qianqiu shook his head.

    "Well, then, let me ask you, if I help the Edward family unify the Gallon Empire, do you think I will have a chance to open the spaceship's hatch?"

    "No!" Teng Qianqiu said with a bitter smile.

    "Tell me about it?"

    "The main reason why the Gallen Empire has reached this stage is that the current emperor of the Gallen Empire is unreasonable and very jealous. In fact, the Gallen Empire has produced numerous talents and famous generals in recent years. You have also seen it, General Zhao Lie  He is an extraordinary talent, but the emperor will not let him command the army unless it is absolutely necessary. Only when the situation becomes irreversible, Zhao Lie will be his life-saving straw" Teng Qianqiu sighed.

    "Haha, indeed!"

    Zou Zichuan smiled coldly.

    "You know?" Teng Qianqiu was stunned.

    "Since Da knows my identity and has agreed to my conditions, naturally, he is not prepared to fulfill his promise."

    "What are your plans? Are you really going to help that mediocre emperor conquer the country?"

    "Let's see and then talk."

    "Mr. Zou, I know that you are very powerful in martial arts. However, in the Gallen Continent, there are not even ten thousand but a thousand people who can compete with you. Especially there are several rangers who have reached the sixth level."??, it is no longer something that force can resist"

    "What kind of existence is a ranger?" Zou Zichuan asked curiously.

    "Ranger Haha, to be more precise, Rangers are non-racists. On the Yun 899 spacecraft, there used to be an astonishing number of martial arts masters. They are all borderless and non-racist. They hope that mankind will be one country.  , there is no need for national borders, there is no war, and there is no distinction between racial superiority and inferiority. After the Galen Empire split into nineteen countries, these masters lived among the people and became reckless heroes, playing in the world"

    "Humanity is a country, there is no need for national borders, there is no war"

    Zou Zichuan murmured in his mouth, and suddenly, an inexplicable longing arose. If the Human Alliance was a country with no borders and no wars, what a wonderful thing it would be

    "Bang bang bang" A rhythmic knock on the door came.

    "General Zhao, please come in!"

    Zou Zichuan and Teng Qianqiu shouted in unison. They first looked at each other in surprise, and then smiled at each other. Sure enough, the heroes saw the same thing!

    At this time, the door of the study room was pushed open, and a middle-aged man with an elegant face and an unusually majestic figure walked in. It was General Zhao Lie.


    PS: It¡¯s the last two days. If you have a monthly vote, vote. If you don¡¯t vote, it will be wasted!  (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log on to There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)
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