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Chapter 265 Xiao Hei¡¯s Love [Please vote for the end of the month]

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    Looking at the black spotted beetles escaping on the ground, Xiao Hei looked proud of his victory. This was a low-altitude small battleship he designed specifically to hunt the spotted beetles. Now, he was on top of the entire Redel planet.  The emperor, these colorful scale insects are just his prey in captivity.


    It¡¯s no wonder that Xiao Hei is so proud. When humans are in a tug-of-war with the spotted scale insects and are in dire straits, he can already get whatever he wants from the spotted scale insects. In his territory, there will never be a tide of insects.  The brave and unafraid Beetle has become his toy. Whenever the assassin appears in front of the Beetle, he will

    The battleship driven by Xiao Hei has a majestic name: Assassin!

    "Assassin" is a small warship equipped with an anti-gravity system. It is less than ten meters long and has a wingspan of about the same length. It looks like a black bat. However, although this small warship is not big,  The weight is extremely scary.

    Because the Assassin does not have a cockpit, it is just a built-in optical brain. The entire battleship is molded from an alloy. Except for a small amount of long-range attack ammunition compartments, the entire spacecraft is actually solid. Therefore, the weight reaches an incredible 600.  Ton.

    In addition, with the anti-gravity system, even if the engine does not work, the assassin will not fall to the ground, but will float in the air. Therefore, there is no need to consider the issue of weight. In this atmosphere, the assassin can easily reach supersonic speeds.  speed.

    Generally speaking, few people install anti-gravity equipment on small battleships. After all, anti-gravity systems are very expensive equipment and are mainly installed on huge space battleships. If a space battleship weighing tens of millions of tons does not have  The anti-gravity system assists the engine and cannot escape the gravity of the planet to fly into the vast universe. Therefore, the anti-gravity system is a must-have equipment for almost every spacecraft.

    Of course, the gravity system can be converted. When entering the vast universe and losing weight, the gravity system will start, allowing humans to walk freely on the spacecraft like on the planet.

    The most powerful thing about the assassin is not the limited long-range attack ability, but the lethality of the assassin itself that scares the colorful shell insects.

    The assassin used a hard alloy for the first time. There was a three-meter-wide king-blue blade on the belly, which extended from the ship to the stern. The front of the blade was serrated and the rear was a sharp edge. At high speeds,  , this blade can easily cut through the strong shell of the scale insect, as well as the tendons under the bones.

    The assassin has become a nightmare for the beetle. Because of its high speed and huge weight, the sixty-ton beetle cannot resist it. Moreover, due to the gravity system and the addition of several tail fins, the assassin's flexible body can easily  It easily avoids the head-on collision of the spotted beetle. Its maneuvering and disguised movements are breathtaking. It can even make a right-angle turn. The moment it hits the spotted beetle, it flies in disguise, using its sharp blue blue blade to swipe at the beetle.  Passing through the body of a spotted scale insect

    Xiao Hei¡¯s most glorious achievement was hunting more than 700 spotted shell bugs in one day. Compared with the mecha¡¯s achievements, this was incredible.

    However, assassins can never replace the role of mechas, because assassins cannot walk on the ground. If the beetle hides in a complex environment, or inside a cave or building, the assassin will be unable to do anything. Assassins are better at gathering insects.  When hunting spotted beetles, the vast plains and the vast sky are places where assassins show off their skills.

    This colorful shell insect seemed to know the assassin's advantage and ran desperately through the complex terrain. Two kilometers ahead was a weathered stone forest and hilly area, with jagged rocks and undulating hills stretching for hundreds of kilometers.  Once inside, even assassins cannot hunt them. In fact, most of the colorful shell bugs on the entire Redel planet have been forced by assassins to survive in this environment.

    Xiao Hei's virtual arm flicked lightly, and the assassin's engine made a strong sound. The ship accelerated suddenly, drawing a black line in the air. If you look at it from the ground, there is another line in the black line.  The bright blue light exuded a cold aura. It was the sharp edge that made countless spotted shell insects frightened


    The black spotted beetle let out a shrill cry, and the blue blade cut across the black back, actually cutting a two-meter gap, and colorful liquid surged out from the gap, miserably.  The screaming black-colored shell insect rolled all the way and fell into the rocks and became silent.


    Several black lines suddenly flew up from the rocks, targeting the assassin flying in front of him. The black lines were extremely fast, not inferior to the assassin's speed.Moreover, it is more flexible, with a total of five black lines, blocking almost every flying direction of the assassin

    Under this swift attack, even though he was as nimble as an assassin, he was captured by the five black lines without any suspense.

    "Crack!" A black line approached the assassin, and it turned out to be a spotted shell insect. Unlike the black spotted shell insect, this spotted shell insect had golden spots on its shell, which was extremely dazzling.

    This black beetle with golden markings actually attached itself to the assassin's body. The black scythe penetrated deeply into the assassin's alloy body. Due to the weight of the beetle, the assassin was overwhelmed and slowed down for an instant.  , and at the same time, several other black beetles with dazzling golden spots approached quickly, and with three strikes, five divided by two, the small battleship was actually dismembered into pieces of scrap metal

    This is a shocking scene. If a human being sees a battleship being dismembered by a shell insect in the air, I don¡¯t know how much panic it will cause.

    However, Xiao Hei did not panic. Instead, he moved to another assassin as soon as the battleship was dismembered. His target was these top-notch colorful shell insects.

    At present, Xiao Hei has not found a better way to deal with these colorful shell bugs that have evolved to the top level. These colorful shell bugs do not seem to like to move and live in seclusion. It is almost impossible for assassins to hunt them down. Mechas are not these colorful shell bugs at all.  Insect's opponent.

    It seems that the only way is to use large-scale weapons to destroy these indestructible scale insects.

    Xiao Hei strongly suppressed his impulse. Although he was just a set of signals now, he was still a human being after all. He knew that weapons of mass destruction would damage the planet's environment just like using destructive weapons. So,  The entire planet Redel will be destitute and unable to adapt to human habitation.

    In fact, this is the reason why humans have not used weapons of mass destruction when facing the scale insect.

    If weapons of mass destruction are used to desolate a planet, it will be a lose-lose battle, and the living space of mankind will only become smaller and smaller.


    What¡¯s more, the beetles seem to know that humans possess weapons of mass destruction. Usually, the beetles live in scattered places, and the real effect of using large-scale weapons is minimal.

    When the colorful shells gathered in the universe, some people tried to use large -scale lethal weapons, but they finally gave up. Many of them could not be solved.

    First of all, when the scale insect swarm appears, it is usually in a state of stalemate with humans. If weapons of mass destruction are used, it will be the same as death.  ,

    Secondly, when beetles gather, they are usually very close to planets inhabited by humans. The consequences of using weapons of mass destruction in these places are unpredictable. Not only will it cause damage to satellites in the area, but it will also cause damage to the planet.  Direct damage can cause natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc. In severe cases, it may even change the future of the entire planet

    The rat-throwing weapon has become the biggest problem in dealing with the spotted beetle, and the spotted beetle seems to be well aware of this fact. Every time it launches an attack, the battle situation is mixed.

    Before the survival of life and death, human beings will not burn with colorful shell worms.

    Now, Xiao Hei is looking for this problem. Whether it is for human beings or for himself, it is imperative to find out the weakness of the spotted shell insect.

    Xiao Hei has been spying on this rapidly weathering hilly area for several months. He believes that this place hides the secret of the spotted shell insect

    Today, his thoughts were confirmed once again.

    Xiao Hei did not continue to attack. The assassin could not enter the stone forest to search. The mecha was no match for the spotted beetle, and it could not use weapons of mass destruction. He could only probe slowly. Today's harvest has been great, at least.  , Xiao Hei discovered that the spotted beetle also had very powerful computing power, and could actually calculate the assassin's flight trajectory. It must be said that this was a major discovery.

    Countless assassins gathered in the sky of the capital of the planet Redel. Then, they formed a formation and flew into a building like a swarm of bees returning to their nest. This was just a disguised entrance. Now the underground of the capital of the planet Redel is almost completely occupied.  It was hollowed out and turned into a huge fortress. Countless robots worked day and night, and some heavy equipment was moved underground. The ground of the capital once again returned to its ruins.

    In the outer space of the planet Redel, there is an unmanned space fleet cruising, not allowing any living things to enter.??, both humans and scale insects

    Xiao Hei has already walked out of the Redel planet. The Redel planet is just his temporary rear because the entire planet is undergoing demolition work. What Xiao Hei needs is not this kind of planet that can be inhabited. For him, this place is too dangerous.  , Human beings can tolerate the existence of spotted beetles, but they will never allow the existence of artificial intelligence. Countless optical brain calculations have shown that human beings' biggest enemy will be the artificial intelligence created by themselves.

    Xiao Hei needs absolute power to appear in front of humans.

    Now, although Xiao Hei has a power that scares humans, he does not yet have an absolute advantage. As an intelligent life that evolved from humans, he naturally understands humans' war potential.


    Xiao Hei doesn¡¯t need anything, all he needs is time, and what he lacks the most is time. As long as the universe exists, he can exist forever

    Looking at the densely packed robots on the holographic image busy in the underground base, Xiao Hei suddenly felt a little sad. If Karin was still alive, she would definitely be proud of him.

    Thinking of this, Xiao Hei's virtual holographic arm gently input a series of instructions on Skynet's main control board. Xiao Hei has never been able to change this habit. Although he can issue commands directly, he still has to use holographic images.  Making some human actions, these habits have been ingrained in his soul.





    A burst of rhythmic steps came, and two people walked out from behind a metal door that slowly slid open. If Zou Zichuan saw it at this time, he would be shocked, because these two people turned out to be Xiao Hei and Karin.  The expressions and movements are both lifelike. The only regret is that the two of them lack a bit of human charm, their movements are a bit rigid, and the color of their skin is too monotonous.

    Xiao Hei's hands jumped, and the holographic image suddenly disappeared. The eyes of Xiao Hei who walked out suddenly lit up, and the stereotyped movements suddenly became extremely harmonious, as if he was a real Xiao Hei. In fact, this was exactly what he was doing.  It's Xiao Hei. Xiao Hei's mind has entered the body of this simulated robot.

    "Karin!" Xiao Hei gently touched the simulation robot beside him, his eyes were extremely affectionate.

    "Master, Karin is here." The robot that looked exactly like Karin nodded respectfully, its movements still rigid.

    ¡°Call me Xiaohei from now on.¡±

    "Yes, Master." Karin nodded again.

    "Karin, are you happy?" Xiao Hei sighed.

    "Happy, happy, joyful, joyful, joyful, joyful, pleased, cheerful, happy, willing, willing, willing, happy, pleased, joyful, excited, happy, happy, happy, hard, energetic, excited  , exuberant, excited, jubilant, jubilant, joyful, cheerful, joyful, elated, happy, happy, happy, successful, gratified, contented, contented, joyful, cheerful, comfortableAre these all manifestations of happiness?" Karin  asked mechanically.

    "Karin, I love you!" Xiao Hei did not answer Karin's question. This robot only has super intelligence, and she can only ask questions.

    "Love! What is love?"

    "Love" Xiao Hei looked at Karin's blank face and couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. He felt that his eyes wanted to cry, but the robot did not have tear ducts.

    "Love is innate, so it can be considered a trait of nature. In other words, love is one of the essences that a human being must possess. Although cultural differences among various ethnic groups in the world make it difficult to define a universal definition of love,  It is not impossible to establish. Love can include soul or spiritual love, love for laws and organizations, love for oneself, love for food, love for money, love for learning, love for power, love for reputation  There are countless love and love for others. Different people attach different importance to the love they receive. Love is essentially an abstract concept that can be experienced but difficult to express" Xiao Hei's voice was a little hoarse.

    "Oh, I know, love is something that gives a person so much satisfaction that he is willing to die in order to love something. It can be used to describe the strong emotion, emotion or emotional state of love. In daily life, it usually refers to interpersonal relationships  Love between people. Perhaps because it is the first emotion, love is a common theme in art. Love is sometimes described as obsessive-compulsive disorder" Karin's voice was hollow, without any emotion.

    "Yes, obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder"

    Xiao Hei murmured, feeling his heart tingle. He was still unable to recover Karin's erased memory. It seemed as if those data had never existed.

    To make this robot have the idea of ??love, maybeIt will be ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years later

    What is lost is hard to get back!

    Xiao Hei gently touched his body. He prefers to have a real body. He is an intelligent life, but he should be a human being. Slowly, Xiao Hei's eyes turned to the holographic image.  The holographic image flashed, and a vast star map appeared on the holographic screen. He would be with this universe. He had time to wait for Karin to fall in love


    "Sir, we have lost contact with the Fanshuang!"


    Zou Zichuan, who was wearing a dark mask, looked at the irregularly rhythmic holographic image with a profound gaze. A few seconds ago, the Fanshuang, which was a thousand kilometers away, suddenly lost contact. It seemed that there was a mysterious force disturbing it.  signal in this airspace.

    Here, we are close to the Cashmere planet in the Cashmere galaxy.

    ¡°What should we do now?¡± A trace of anxiety appeared between Jisang¡¯s brows.

    "You are the high-ranking commander of the Hurricane Adventure Group. Every expression and movement you make will affect the confidence of the members!" Zou Zichuan turned around and glanced at Jisang indifferently.

    "I understand!" Jisang's body shook.

    "There is Captain Geer on the Fanshuang. He is a captain with rich combat experience and has participated in many battles. Don't worry, he will know what to do and proceed according to the original plan!"

    "Yes, sir!"

    Jisang¡¯s eyes were full of reverence. Your Lord is your Lord. With just a few words, he immediately regained his confidence.

    The Michelle began to approach the airspace of Planet Cashmere, and at this time, countless mecha wreckage and colorful shell insect corpses could already be seen floating in the space.

    The war was very cruel. While heavy mechas were becoming popular on a large scale, the Cashmere Galaxy still used light mechas. In space, the remains of the mechas were even equal to the corpses of the spotted beetles. As you can see from here, the war  It has reached such a harsh point

    Zou Zichuan¡¯s expression became more and more serious. The crisis on Cashmere Planet was more serious than he imagined. You can imagine how much pressure Michelle was under now.

    Immediately, a quiet woman appeared in Zou Zichuan's mind. That woman's face had a persistence that ordinary people didn't have

    And just when Zou Zichuan was thinking about Michelle, Michelle was also thinking about him.

    Michelle stood in front of the huge holographic screen of the battleship, quietly watching the tragic battle on the screen. The fleet grew from one hundred thousand to tens of thousands, and then to thousands. The number of mecha soldiers was getting fewer and fewer, but the number of colorful shell bugs was getting smaller and larger.  More and more came, and the entire Cashmere Galaxy fell into an insect plague. The outcome of the war was irreversible. She tried her best.


    PS: Those who are asking for monthly votes have dropped from 20th to 25th, and there is still a trend of falling. There are only two days left. Please support me with monthly votes!  (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log on to There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)
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