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Chapter 169 Mesha [a chapter worth reading]

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    Now, what General Mesha is most concerned about is the newly equipped heavy-duty mecha Noel  Close combat heavy mecha.

    "The results are brilliant. One thousand heavy fighting mechas have wiped out more than 20,000 spotted beetles. However, because there are too many beetles, it is not difficult for a thousand heavy mechas to turn the tide of the battle. Moreover, the heavy fighting mechas  Armor has become the main target of the spotted scale insect, causing heavy casualties"

    "More than 20,000good!" General Mesha was refreshed.

    "Close to the battlefield!" General Mesha waved his hand.


    An officer who looked like an officer was suddenly in a panic. It was undoubtedly an extremely risky thing for the flagship to approach the chaotic battlefield. This was a flagship!  Everyone has lingering fears about what happened last time. The last time he returned to the Imperial Federation from the Redel Empire, he was attacked by Banlan Kechong. At that time, General Mesha happened to be patrolling on a main battleship. When he evacuated from the battleship, Mesha  The generals were all injured, and now that the flagship was approaching the battlefield, everyone in the main control room became nervous.

    "Let the newly equipped heavy mecha team be ready for battle, and the interstellar snipers be ready for support!"

    General Mesha's body stood as tall as a mountain, his deep eyes fixed on the holographic screen, his face filled with an expression of indomitable perseverance.


    Although everyone was unwilling, no one dared to disobey General Mesha's order.

    The Nuwa began to approach the battlefield, and the huge interstellar dock gate was also opened, and teams of fighting mechas were lined up and ready for battle.

    The individual small assault warships are completely useless in that kind of melee, because the speed of the assault warships is too fast. Without the ability to use long-range artillery fire, it is impossible to cause damage to the spotted shell insects. Moreover, in that kind of high-speed  In this case, the individual assault battleship and the colorful shell insect's strong exoskeleton collided and basically ended up dying together. This is a bloody lesson learned from many battles!

    Of course, if the individual assault warship is on the battlefield and there is no stalemate between the enemy and the enemy, its lethality is several times that of the fighting mecha. Unfortunately, so far, the Piercing Beetle has not given the small assault warship a chance to show its power. Instead, it has ignored them.  Countless small assault warships were swamped by the insect tide

    In ten minutes, 50,000 fighting mecha warriors were all dressed in formation, all the way from the cabin to the dock deck. Under the illumination of the cold aviation lights, the densely packed fighting mechas exuded a cold metallic luster, which was a spectacular sight.

    This is a shocking steel force, and it is also the hope of mankind!

    The Noel  Stronger.

    The biggest advantage of this kind of mecha is that it has changed the previous criticism of mechas being top-heavy. Instead, it has moved the center of gravity downwards. The wide feet are five meters long, but the overall height is compressed to nine meters. The cockpit and engine parts are kept as low as possible to prevent them from being attacked.  The points are reduced, and the defense ability is greatly improved.

    This design is not only for space combat, but also for ground combat. In ground combat, the wide metal feet can stand more stable, and the low body has stronger impact.

    In several small battles with the spotted beetles, the combat effectiveness of Noel  Each mecha is equipped with a special metal shield, which is much more resistant to physical attacks.

    ??Among them, the biggest feature of this fighting mecha is that the length of a mechanical arm exceeds the length of the scythe of a spotted beetle, and the mechanical arm that holds the shield is the same as an ordinary mecha mechanical arm.

    This is the first time in human history that this kind of asymmetrical humanoid mecha has been manufactured on a large scale.

    Zou Zichuan never dreamed that the design inspiration of Nuoer X Jiujiu came from his transformation of Nuoer  Its function and impact resistance are not inferior, because the metal used is different, and even surpasses it by many.

    Finally, the Nuwa approached the edge of the battlefield. The colorful shell insects seemed to sense the threat of this behemoth. Immediately, a wave of insects surged over

    "Attack!" General Mesha's rich voice commanded.

    Immediately, the order was issued through the mothership's powerful main control optical brain.

    Fifty thousand heavy-duty combat mechas formed a team-by-team battle formation, forming a steelThe torrent, no, it was a steel city wall. This city wall blocked the entire airspace in front of the Nuwa, making it airtight.

    This rolling torrent was like a huge black arrow inserted into the raging insect tide. Immediately, this giant steel arrow tore a huge hole in the insect tide.

    The holographic image returned through the fighting mecha is played on the huge screen in the main control room. You can see the magnetic blade in the hand of the twenty-meter-long mechanical arm constantly cutting the sturdy outer shell of the spotted shell insect.  Although there is no sound as the bones are divided, people seem to be able to hear the strong exoskeleton of the scale insect being cut open like tofu under the magnetic blade. In the quiet space, yellow liquid is floating everywhere.  ¡­

    General Mesha stared at one of the holographic screens. This is the fighting mecha team charging at the front. This is the front end of the huge steel arrow. This is an ace mecha on the Nuwa mothership.  Fighting Team, the last time General Mesha was in danger, they were the ones who rescued General Mesha from the swarm of scale bugs.

    It is indeed an ace unit!

    The arrow has no obstruction at all, just like a sharp blade cutting into the air without any resistance.

    The fighting power of the spotted beetle is also very strong, and it is not afraid of death. It snipes at this charging heavy fighting mecha like a moth flying into the flame.

    The first time the colorful shell bugs collided wildly, this fighting mecha team was as immobile as a city wall, still sweeping away the bumping colorful shell bugs like a hurricane at the speed and target they set


    General Mesha¡¯s pupils suddenly contracted. In front of the holographic screen, he saw a group of colorful shell insects shining with silver light

    In just an instant, this small swarm of silver-colored shell bugs suddenly collided with this ace fighting mecha stormtrooper.




    General Mesha's heart skipped a beat. In fact, there was no sound in the battle in space, but General Mesha seemed to hear the sound of the mecha's thick armor breaking.

    It only took a few seconds to collide, and the airspace was filled with mecha wreckage and the bodies of the mechas. The speed of the silver beetles was very fast, and the thick scythe of the silver beetles could still penetrate the cockpit of the mecha.  , causing fatal damage to the fighter.

    The number of silver spotted beetles was not large, and they were immediately overwhelmed by the mecha craze. Although the silver spotted beetles were powerful, mechas weighing two hundred tons could still kill them. The only difference was that the mechas could not  It's as easy as cutting tofu with a knife.

    In these brief seconds, the speed of the entire mecha team was restrained. Immediately, the overwhelming swarm of insects flooded over, the steel arrows were disrupted, and the entire mecha team immediately fell into a melee


    Looking at the vast stalemate battlefield, General Mesha's face was expressionless, and his eyebrows occasionally twitched.

    Now, from the perspective of the overall battle situation, with the addition of heavy fighting mechas, the colorful shell insects are already at a disadvantage, and it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out.

    Now, General Mesha is thinking about the appearance of this team of silver-colored shell insects.

    Undoubtedly, these silver colored shell insects appeared very timely. They broke the charging rhythm of the heavy fighting mecha. This is not the performance of low-level creatures.

    ???????????????????????? The Colorful Beetle has always been able to grasp the situation of the entire war. Even when it is at a disadvantage, it can still concentrate its superior numbers to deal a heavy blow to the mecha troops

    Why does this happen?

    This is not only the first time for General Mesha to fight against the spotted beetles, he has even been on the front line to observe the fighting methods of the spotted beetles. In many battles, this situation has happened many times.  .

    "General, that civilian spaceship is flying towards us!" The adjutant's voice interrupted General Mesha's thoughts.


    General Mesha couldn't help but was stunned. He had forgotten about the civilian spaceship. He didn't take it to heart at first. It was almost certain that a civilian spaceship was caught in the swarm of shellworms.  , it is almost impossible to escape, because the hulls of civilian spacecraft are very thin and there are no armor plates. Moreover, according to the initial holographic image, the civilian spacecraft does not even have an energy protective cover, which is equivalent to being naked.  It was impossible to escape while naked and rolling among the sharp knives.

    It was under such circumstances that he actually heard the news that the civilian spaceship had rushed out from the core of the battlefield. This was really incredible.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??, the largest holographic screen in the main control room switched to the position of the civilian spacecraft.

    Suddenly, everyone in the main control room looked blankly at the civilian spacecraft named "Mermaid". This was an old spacecraft. The outer shell of the spacecraft was full of pits and was filled with meteorite impacts.  The traces looked terrible.

    The Mermaid shuttled swiftly among the densely packed beetles and mechas, constantly performing some difficult maneuvers in disguise.

    Everyone¡¯s eyes opened wider and wider, because in their eyes, this was not a civilian spaceship, but a high-speed battleship. Even if it was a battleship, it might not be able to perform those dazzling and gorgeous maneuvers in disguise.

    Every face became shocked.

    It has been ten seconds. This spaceship has been clashing on the battlefield, but it has not even hit the body of a spotted shell insect. Every time it is about to hit, often at the moment of the hit,  That clumsy spaceship will make incredible moves to avoid these obstacles

    The shock has turned into horror!

    Everyone here knows that a spaceship is not a battleship, let alone a flexible assault ship. It can be called a spaceship. No matter how small it is, as long as it is a spaceship, its maneuverability will be greatly reduced, such as the Nuwa  The mothership, in this kind of intensive battle, is impossible to make evasive actions, because she is a model of spaceship, and her huge shell limits her maneuverability.

    Of course, in the confrontation between space battleships, the confrontation is often millions of kilometers away. When the laser cannon forms a barrage, some simple evasive actions can be made based on the holographic scanning information, such as accelerating to avoid the barrage, but the action  The amplitude is very small. It just flies away from the original position, and it is impossible to do any rollover movement. For the Nuwa mothership with a hull length of 12 kilometers, it may take dozens of seconds to do a rollover movement.  , and within tens of seconds, the opponent had already been blasted into dregs

    The main embodiment of tactical actions is small assault warships. This kind of warship is fast, small and very flexible. When the battleships of both sides confront each other, they often send assault fleets to insert into the enemy for close combat. Don't underestimate this kind of warship.  The lethality of small battleships. Such carrier-based assault ships are controlled by a single soldier, and tens of thousands can be dispatched at a time. In large-scale wars, there are millions of single-soldier small battleships. Under the siege of such wolf pack battleships  Under this, it is not difficult to destroy a mothership.

    Precisely because the people here are military experts, they naturally know the difference between spaceships and battleships, but now they are watching helplessly as a civilian spacecraft escapes from the core of the battlefield

    Not only the people in the main control room of the Nuwa mothership looked at the spaceship getting closer and closer to the edge of the battlefield with shocked faces, but there was also a suffocating depression in the main control room of the Mermaid.

    Everyone looked at Zou Zichuan¡¯s standing figure with a blank expression.

    When people first discovered that the mermaid had plunged into the core of the battlefield, almost everyone was despairing. Millions of colorful shell bugs and fighting mechas were fighting in a stalemate, making it impossible to escape from the battlefield.

    However, they discovered that they were wrong. Under the calm command of the fat man, the mermaid really turned into a fish, a fish that could swim in space, and a fish that could swim in this chaotic battlefield.  ¡­

    This fat man¡¯s calmness makes people feel a heavy sense of oppression.

    From beginning to end, the fat man's body did not move, only his two hands were jumping in the air. No one could observe these hands, because these hands were always at a high speed, like a mass of mist, and everyone even heard it  There is a slight "silk" sound in the air, which is a speed that is about to break the sound barrier

    What is the speed of sound?

    Many people immediately thought of this problem. It is simply impossible for human limbs to reach the speed of breakthrough sound. This is simply incredible.

    Of course, Zou Zichuan¡¯s hand speed has not yet reached that level of fear, it¡¯s just because the air is too oppressive, which creates an illusion.

    "General, that spacecraft collided with our mothership. It must be that their scanning system was too backward and did not detect our spacecraft" the adjutant suddenly said.

    "It's okay, let them hit you."

    General Mesha stared at the spaceship closely and said calmly.

    Everyone in the main control room looked at each other without making a sound. The Nuwa mothership has the most powerful energy shield, which can withstand even a round of laser cannons. Even if such a small civilian spacecraft collides with it, it will not  It will cause the slightest impact, and most likely, the biggest damage will be just scraping off a piece of metal paint.



    The distance between the two is less than five kilometers, and the spaceship is still rushing over at lightning speed. Obviously, they have not discovered this huge mothership with powerful stealth capabilities

    General Mesha's pupils gradually narrowed, and the hearts of everyone in the main control room seemed to be grasped by a huge hand.

    In fact, at this time, the Nuwa mothership only needs to send out a beam of signals. General Mesha is a little confused about his current mentality.

    Four kilometers!

    In just a blink of an eye, the optical brain data showed that there was only four kilometers away. At that high speed, this was almost a hopeless distance.

    Everyone¡¯s heart sank for a while. In fact, they did not want the spacecraft that had finally escaped to crash when it was about to leave the battlefield

    Many people couldn¡¯t help but glance at the general. They didn¡¯t understand why General Mesha had trouble getting through a civilian spaceship.

    Who can know the general¡¯s thoughts?



    "Ah Fatty, look"

    Beier, who had been standing next to Zou Zichuan, suddenly screamed, pointing her arm at the small holographic screen next to the large holographic screen, with a horrified expression on her face.

    Immediately, everyone looked over. This holographic image was not a holographic scan, but the result of an optical mode scan. In this era of technological explosion, although holographic scanning occupies the mainstream, the optical mode does not  Eliminated, every spacecraft will be equipped with optical instruments as auxiliary navigation tools.

    Looking at the huge armor flashing with metallic light on the screen, a chill went down everyone's spine.

    This is a huge space battleship. The optical mode cannot actually see its full picture, which shows how big this battleship is. At this moment, no one screamed, and everyone's eyes moved from the screen to the tall, generous and firm back.  This back view gives people a sense of security, an inexplicable sense of security

    Four kilometers!

    Zou Zichuan's expression did not change at all, and his deep eyes seemed to have a trace of flame beating. In the midst of this electric light, his hands and feet were all moving, and his hands were flying wildly on the main control board, like two wisps of smoke jumping up and down.  ¡­


    In an instant, Zou Zichuan entered a series of instructions, and finally, his right hand suddenly grabbed the joystick and pushed

    The mermaid's hull suddenly trembled violently, and the arc-shaped bow suddenly raised, flying vertically up close to the armor plate of the mothership



    "Oh yeah!"


    A burst of cheers suddenly erupted from the main control room of the Nuwa mothership. General Mesha glanced at a group of men, his brows jumped, and then he watched the civilian spaceship on the holographic screen disappear into the desolate and vast depths of the universe.  He strongly resisted the urge to order the cannon to fire.

    From the moment he saw the spaceship escaping from the core of the battlefield, General Mesha had a strong urge to destroy this small spaceship.

    General Mesha himself didn¡¯t know why he had such a strong desire.


    The spaceship turned into a small dot. General Mesha let out a long sigh. He suddenly thought of a person, a soldier with the same status and respect as him. Ever since he got to know that person, he had a strong desire.  Kill that man!  But today, I actually had the same desire. This desire was just for a spaceship and a person who had never arrived.

    ??Could it be that you really can¡¯t look down on people who are stronger than yourself?

    General Mesha shook his head, smiled bitterly and slowly walked to the sofa to sit down. He suddenly lost interest in the tragic battlefield and felt dull.

    The spotted scale insects are always just low-level creatures. No matter how smart they are, they cannot really fight against humans. At least, for now, the Empire Federation has resisted the attack of the spotted scale insects.

    The victory of mankind is only a matter of time.

    Since the death of that man, General Mesha felt as if he had lost his goal in life.

    It¡¯s so cold at high places!

    Suddenly, General Mesha thought of General Mike. General Mike had lost contact with him since the planet Redel was occupied by the shell bugs.

    When I contacted General Mike for the last time, I mentioned the news about that person. It seems that I found a clue. Is it true that the person is not dead?

    Mesha now suddenly regrets leaving General Mike in RedOn the planet, he discovered that he had made a fatal mistake. If the man died, there would be no point in leaving Mike there.

    If that man hadn¡¯t died, how could General Mike have been able to deal with it!

    ¡°Whether that person is dead or not, leaving General Mike on the planet Riddell is a wrong decision.

    Are you still alive?

    Are you still alive?

    Are you really alive?

    General Mesha's eyes fell on the wall of the main control room. There was a photo frame hanging there, a photo of two people. One was himself, and the other was a young man in military uniform. The young man had thick eyebrows and was thin.  His face stood straight, and a pair of deep eyes seemed to be looking at him


    "Ha ha¡­¡­"

    "Wow haha¡­¡­"

    "We escaped"

    "We are not dead!"


    Earth-shaking shouts rang out from the main control room of the mermaid, and everyone had an expression of ecstasy. The thrilling, life-and-death rush just now brought people so close to death for the first time.

    People felt their blood boiling, and pairs of fanatical eyes fell on the tall figure. Even the seven swordsmen and the seven pirates showed a scorching gaze.


    The cheers stopped, because that generous figure always stood still, like a sculpture, even the hand placed on the main control board remained motionless.

    "Fat man, fat man, don't scare me" Beier, who was originally surprised, looked at Zou Zichuan in panic. She did not dare to touch Zou Zichuan.


    Zou Zichuan¡¯s tall body fell straight down and fell heavily to the floor. His face was pale, his eyes were closed tightly, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. It was shocking


    ps: Brothers and sisters, the overbearing monthly ticket is almost motionless, and the girl behind is catching up. Wuwu I am crying and asking for some monthly tickets. I am in urgent need of monthly tickets. Monthly tickets, monthly tickets, please help. Brothers, you can¡¯t do it.  Losing to a woman, woo hoo!  (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log on to There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)
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