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Volume Four: Conquering the Outside World and Containing the Inside Inside, the Top of the World Finale Remarks and New Book Description

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    Last night, when I uploaded the finale of The Strongest Man, I felt a sense of relief, but also reluctance to give up. I had a complicated mood. I smoked two cigarettes silently and posted a Weibo post to commemorate it.

    Just now, I uploaded the postscript, so this book is completely finished.

    This is the fifth crazy urban book after "Wandering in the Flower City", "Special Teacher", "Hunting in the Flower City" and "The Ultimate King".

    The first four books have all entered the premium channel, and two of them have received over 10,000 high-order orders. Two of them, the Huadu series, have received 5,000 orders each. The average order of the King has reached 8,000, with high orders of nearly 20,000. This one, "Super Strong"  It achieved similar results to "The Ultimate King" in the same period, and after the plot got on track, it has always occupied the top ten in the urban category of Tieba and the top fifty in Baidu novel search.

    Here, I would like to thank my brothers and sisters again for their support. Without your support, even if Crazy smashed the keyboard and swallowed it in his stomach, it would not be possible to do this.

    After thanking you, let¡¯s talk about this book.

    First, update.

    If there is one thing about this book that dissatisfies me and everyone the most, I¡¯m afraid it has to be the update.

    Although there are not many interruptions, due to the lack of archives, the update time of this book is not fixed, and the number of outbreaks is only a handful

    This is my fault, I sincerely apologize.

    But having said that, I actually want to explode.

    If this book can become more popular, I think both subscriptions and popularity will be better.

    Butas Pei Donglai said in the book: There are no ifs in this world.

    You can¡¯t have your cake and eat it too.

    Because of my busy work and trivial matters in life, I cannot break out frequently. I can only use my off-duty time to stay up late every day to write, and often write until midnight

    ??In a sense, although this book has not had many explosions, I have actually tried my best to update it.


    Second, content.

    I don¡¯t know how you feel after reading the ending. For me, when I wrote the ending that I set before the book started, and wrote the scene where the Pei family father and son reunited, the story ended.

    This book can be regarded as the story of a grassroots person who got a golden finger and relied on his own efforts to finally soar into the sky.

    If you can sum it up in one word: hard work.

    Working hard may not change your destiny, but if you don¡¯t work hard, you will eventually be eliminated by this era.

    This book can also be regarded as a story about a father who carefully arranges and provides a platform for his children, and hides behind the scenes to appreciate the growth of his children.

    If you can sum it up in one word: fatherly love.

    Poor parents in the world.

    Father's love is the heaviest love.

    It is not as meticulous as maternal love, but it can be used as your strongest backing - if the sky falls, the cripple will carry it.

    Although this book can be read as two stories, it actually has only one theme: the relationship between individuals, families, countries, and humans.

    Through this book, while ensuring entertainment, I used a small amount of pen and ink to explain the relationship between the four, and more of it was groping.

    For example, in the book Dragon King Ye Gucheng said: First there is a country, then there is a family.

    For example, Pei Wufu knew that Pei Donglai had a narrow escape from encountering a Japanese martial arts genius, but he resolutely chose to let Pei Donglai accept the challenge. He even did not save Pei Donglai when his life was hanging by a thread.

    In his words: Pei Donglai represents not only an individual, but also the Pei family and the entire Chinese martial arts community. If he takes action, it will be a disgrace to the Chinese martial arts community!

    ¡°The country comes first, then the family, and then the individual. This is the truest portrayal of the heart of Pei Wufu, who is regarded as the guardian of China.

    Compared to Pei Wufu, Ye Shi is an absolute negative example. If he were given a choice, he would first choose his own position, then consider the entire Ye family, and finally the country.

    In fact, given his identity and status, he should be the first to think of the country.

    This is a great irony, butare there few people like this in reality?  !

    As for Pei Donglai.

    ¡°It is unrealistic for Pei Donglai, who was initially the laughing stock of Shencheng No. 1 Middle School, to have such an understanding of the country and humanity.

    I didn¡¯t write it that way.

    Rather, while Pei Donglai¡¯s strength and identity are changing, his state of mind is also constantly changing.

    If not, he would not have been able to understand the essence of "Pei Jia Quan", "Wushen", and become a hero for all mankind.

    To be honest, this proposition is very big, so big that even I can¡¯t be sure: in the current environment, in the end??One choice is the right one.

    I can only try my best to explain it and let everyone answer it.

    That¡¯s like, after I wrote about the ungratefulness of the Nalan family, I asked everyone: What is the relationship between kindness and interests?

    There seems to be no answer to these. At most, it can be explained with a little pen and ink, which can serve as a starting point.

    This is actually a very literary and thankless thing, but I still can¡¯t help but do it.

    Of course, the core word of this book is "cool", and everything is based on the premise of "cool".

    This is the soul of online writing and cannot be changed.

    Third, about the new book.

    Some time ago, because I was too busy, some people said that I must be writing old books and new books at the same time.

    To be honest, I couldn¡¯t help laughing when I saw it.

    Because I wish I could do what he said, but unfortunately time does not allow it.

    So far, the concept and outline of the new book are basically in place, but the outline and the like have not been finalized yet. I have set a date for publishing the book on November 15th.

    Why are they four months apart? The reasons are as follows.

    1. Outline.  With a serious attitude, this strong book has nearly 50,000 words in outline and sub-outline. The outline of the new book should only be a lot more. This is a very time-consuming and thought-provoking thing.

    2. Get married.  Everyone must know that I am getting married in September, and I have to do all kinds of things before marriage, especially decorating and buying furniture. I think it is one of the biggest pains for men.  In addition, in the past few years of working, because of work and writing books, I basically have no time to spend with my wife. I owe her a lot, so I will take the opportunity of marriage to make up for it.

    3. Charging.  Currently, my writing has reached a bottleneck. I want to recharge myself so that I can make greater breakthroughs and improvements in my next book.

    4. Get a driver¡¯s license.  Well, regardless of how awesome Donglai's drag racing is in my book, in reality I don't even have a driver's license.  I applied in September last year and passed the first subject. I only went to driving school once and the instructor even forgot about me.  Let me tell you in a low voice, although I don¡¯t have a driver¡¯s license, I have driven on the road before, and it was my first time driving on the road. As a result, I didn¡¯t slow down when turning and almost overturned the car. The faces of my friends who were with me turned pale with fright.

    5. Save the manuscript.  Regardless of whether I resign at the end of the year and devote myself to coding full-time, I must have some manuscripts for the next book. I no longer want to be like a strong person. You are tired of chasing me, and I am even more tired of staying up late.

    I said I was giving myself a break, but I found that in the next four months, I will still be extremely busy.

    HmmI almost forgot a very important piece of information: the new book is still good at urban themes!

    That will be my sixth urban book, and it is also the one I am determined to break through and improve. It should not disappoint all my brothers and sisters.

    Regarding the information about the new book and personal updates, I will explain on Weibo from time to time. My Weibo account on Tencent is 'I'm crazy', and on it's 'I'm crazy', both with a V. Welcome.  Come and harass everyone.

    Finally, brothers and sisters, on November 15th, a new journey, I am waiting for you!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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