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Volume 3 Postscript 2012 The whole world is here

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    Postscript 2012 The whole world is here

    It is now 4:50 in the morning, and the sky outside the window has turned white. At this time, "Dance Master", which has been with me for more than four months, has finally been completed. My mood at this time is a little difficult to express, so I  I want to say something about this book.  .net

    how to say?  In the same sentence, I am very excited and very happy that I have finished writing this book, not for anything else but to commemorate that time I had.

    Friends who can read this postscript, I believe they are all people who support me. I think I need to say something. Where to start? I would like to thank you first. Thank you for following me all the way and giving this story a happy ending.  , and what follows is an explanation of this book.

    However, the reason why I put this postscript after the main text is because I want more people to see this article. After all, because of the network environment, you all understand, so I ask for your understanding.

    I believe that many friends will have doubts after reading this book, why is the protagonist in this book so bad?  Why is his fate so miserable, and why do the people in the book look weird?

    Or, why do you seem to have regressed, Lao Cui?

    No, it wasn¡¯t until I finished writing the last word that I really realized that I was more mature than before. In fact, this was exactly the result I wanted. As for why, I will tell you slowly.  .

    In fact, this book was conceived because of some of my experiences along the way to where I am today. I think everyone has had this experience, that is, when you think that you are very important in the environment or in the hearts of others, you don¡¯t expect that you will.  The mentality is based on the deception of others.

    This is a very uncomfortable feeling, but it is also the most real feeling, so I want to record it in the form of a novel to remind myself that when I read it again after many years, it can be regarded as a memory for myself.

    In fact, most of my novels are formed in this way, because I will only write what I want to write, rather than writing articles that I don¡¯t want to write, no matter how cool it is.

    In fact, the reality is so cruel, happy things are forgotten quickly, and only pain will be unforgettable.

    But speaking of it, this book is really not a tragedy. It can be said that this is the book that I have used the most metaphors so far, and its theme is 'deception and promises'.

    Let¡¯s talk about the title of the book first. What is ¡®Dancing Master¡¯?

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: Dance of the Gods has two meanings, it originally referred to a psychic ritual, and later became a derogatory term. This derogatory meaning includes deception, showing off, and sensationalism.

    It can be said that my book is not about ¡®skills¡¯, but about ¡®people¡¯.  Because all the people in this book are more or less ¡®dancing the gods¡¯.  " .Pure text"

    Yao Yuan is a real person who dances with the gods, because he has his own pain. For a promise, under the pressure and encounters of life, he can only live by deceiving others, but his heart is always lingering in the pain.  between.

    " Han Wanchun is playing the role of a master. This old master with some skills can see the overall situation clearly but can't afford to make a living, so he can only pretend to be a ghost in the world.

    Qian Zha paper is jumping gods, and he is crazy.

    Hu Baihe is dancing with the great god, deceiving the tribesmen with the appearance of a woman and a man.

    Daoan was dancing, hesitant and struggling, but he was submissive. Because he didn't dare to face himself, he lost his heart and did some betrayal and deception that he regretted.

    Huang Shan is dancing to the great master: he thinks he is smart, but he is actually pitiful.

    Ma Tianshun is dancing like a master, crazy and extremely morbid.

    Shao Yu is playing the role of a great master and is very smart, but before cause and effect and greed, he still looks like a clown.

    Even the supporting character in the book is like this. He is obviously Lu Quanyou who believes in Islam, but he has loved eating pork since he was a child, and in the end he became an imam.

    Of course, this is a compilation of novels, but in reality, there are not a few people who are inconsistent with their appearance. They look like saints in front of others, but they do some dirty things behind the scenes.

    Speaking of which, the whole book is actually a process of jumping up and down. From the beginning when Qingbatulu set up a trap before his death to the later Taoist Priest Xuan Nai's crazy poaching, it is full of absurdity and unruliness at all times.

    This may be something I want to express. I want to write about whether innocence and truth can be achieved in an absurd world.

    In fact, Yao Yuan is a person who dances to great heights, but he is also not a person to dance to great heights, because from the beginning to the end, he never showed off or maliciously deceived anything. He is a person struggling with ideals and promises. Although I  It's not his kind of character, but I doI like his character very much.

    It doesn¡¯t matter if others say you are cowardly, as long as you think you are cowardly and cowardly.

    In fact, everyone has their own power, and everyone is the protagonist of their own story. Of course, this is another reason why I wrote this book.

    It's amazing. The story I want to write is never a straight line, but a circle, a circular world. In this world, the protagonist of this book may just be a passerby in another book, and this passerby inadvertently  One move in time may affect the fate of the protagonist.

    "As is the case with books, isn't it also the case with life?"

    In life, we also play protagonists and supporting roles. In other people's world, we are just passers-by.

    Have you ever complained, why am I so unlucky?

    In fact, everyone has this idea, just like Cui Zuofei and Zhang Shifei back then. Once upon a time, they always thought that they were unique, even unlucky, but they didn't know that they were actually not the only ones.  Around us, there are countless people who have the same experience as us. This is also what this book wants to express. This is the real world. After all, the world is so big and we are so small.

    This is a very interesting idea. Watching yourself create a world, a ridiculous and bizarre world. In this world, there is pain and joy, coldness and warmth, human nature and monsters, and everything is changing with the times.  It slowly expanded with time and my fingers tapping the keyboard, and finally formed a complete world view.

    Stories are not reality, but reality needs stories. After a few years, maybe the story will become a legend and become a bedtime story for your children. This may be the result I want most.

    Speaking of which, this story may be a little cruel, but from beginning to end, Yao Yuan never gave up. Maybe it was because of this that he was able to change his destiny with his stubborn temper, or in other words, he made it into a  The shape you want.

    In the end, he fulfilled his promise and got the warmth he wanted.  congratulations.

    This story is also filled with a meaning that I want to express. This meaning is very ordinary, but also very helpless.

    ?????Have you ever had this thought in front of your computer: Why do you get no rewards for doing good deeds, but you get wealth and glory when you do bad deeds?

    No, because I think you can¡¯t look at things superficially. This is exactly what I said before, happy things come and go quickly, and often only unpleasant things can be remembered.

    There are actually many people who do good deeds in daily life. At least in my family, there is no such thing as an old lady falling down and no one dares to help her up.

    We hate indifference, probably because we are already accustomed to indifference. Tragedies often happen in just a thought.

    Don't be afraid of doing good deeds, and don't be afraid of good deeds being repaid, because this idea can only make society more impersonal. Society is made up of people one by one. If you do good deeds, society will have a little more humanity. If you don't  A good thing, society will only become more callous and ruthless, and there will be more and more such tragedies.

    ¡°Perhaps it is precisely because of the increasing indifference that the whole world is dancing to the gods.

    So it¡¯s still the same sentence, but do good things, don¡¯t ask about the future, don¡¯t be afraid of people¡¯s words, just want to be clear in your heart.

    Although there are many things or forces in this world that neither you nor I can change, we cannot give up being a good person in the sewage.

    I share these words with you.

    It seems a bit far, but this is what I want to express in this novel. In the end, the protagonist is actually not as capable as Shao Yu, who has practiced for many years. The reason why he can win and survive is actually already destined.  , because he did not give up, and finally got the reward he deserved.

    This is not luck, it is destiny, and it is also cause and effect. Cause and effect is not superstition, because you will always get more from helping someone than harming someone.

    Sometimes, life is like this too. Someone you help inadvertently may reach out to help you get up from the ground when you are in the most difficult time.

    That¡¯s probably it.

    It seems that I have said a bit too much, but I think this is also an explanation for myself. Let¡¯s talk about what happens after finishing this book.

    This book took me nearly half a year, but everyone who knows me knows that I write about one book a year, so in the next few days I will use the royalties accumulated from writing to travel, and at the same time start planning the next book.  The book "Dance God" has an unusual meaning to me. Likewise, it may also be my last supernatural book in a short time.? said.

    ?????????????????????????? This is the only novel I haven¡¯t written the wrong chapter title, and I¡¯m a little unsure whether this is something worth showing off

    Speaking of which is really depressed, the writing of this book has suppressed everything I wrote.

    So, I thought to myself, would it be better for me to write a purely hilarious novel next time?  Well, I do have this plan now, because I have about three themes to choose from, including urban ones and fantasy ones, and one is the last step in the Destiny series. In the past six months, these three Destiny books and a hilarious one have been  The outline of the novel has already been formed, and the only thing left is to choose. If it is a destiny series, it will continue the style of Yin Yang and Peacock and tell the last story.

    ?????????????????????? And if it¡¯s hilarious well, it¡¯s definitely hilarious, there¡¯s nothing wrong with it at all, I even want to laugh when I think about a few of the jokes.

    ¡°In this way, I will probably launch a poll in the forum of Lao Cui¡¯s Backyard after a while, and I will write which book you want to read, so that it will be harmonious.

    Harmony is good.

    Okay, I¡¯ve said a lot, it¡¯s already bright outside the window, it¡¯s cloudy here today, what about you?

    No matter what the weather is, I hope everyone can maintain a good mood, open the windows, say good morning to the world, and start a happy day.

    At this point, more than four months later, at the beginning of September, the Dance of the Gods officially came to an end. Lao Cui would like to thank everyone for your support and sincerely wishes everyone all the best, peace and joy.

    We will see you next book.


    ?Written in Longjiang County at 5:37 am on Saturday, September 1, 2012

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