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Volume 4: Doomsday Hegemony Chapter 66: Killing Angel

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    However, God seemed to be deliberately against Li Zhi. Just as he was determined to protect everything in front of him, three huge waves of momentum suddenly erupted in Senluo City behind him, and then a series of huge explosions sounded in Senluo City.

    Li Zhi quickly turned around and saw three figures with three pairs of energy wings rising slowly from the forest city, but no other transformed forms. They were actually three strange angels.

    I saw three angels flying slowly while constantly releasing flames, lightning and shock waves, blasting the residents of Senluo City to pieces of flesh and blood and corpses everywhere.  Xie Wanrou and other powerful men flew into the air to stop them, but they were easily blasted to the point where they vomited blood and escaped with serious injuries.

    "Damn angel, stop it!" Li Zhi roared, releasing the aura of a fifth-level powerhouse, and then transformed insect wings and flew towards the three angels as fast as lightning.

    "Hahaha, perfect body, you are finally willing to show up. We thought you would wait until we killed everyone in the city before you came out?" A gentle-looking angel with red, blue and green wings on his back said with a sneer.

    "Youare Dr. Lehman's people?" Li Zhi asked a little uncertainly.  Because according to the information given by the Desire Witch before, Dr. Lehman only has four second-level strong men, and he himself is a fifth-level strong man. However, since these three angels call him the perfect body, then they should be Lehman  There is no doubt that the doctor is under his command, but I don¡¯t know how Dr. Lehman created these three fifth-level angels.

    "Hey, of course we are Dr. Lehman's people. Have you ever seen other angels?" Another angel with a rough look and three-color wings of gold, red and green sneered.

    "Hmph, I have indeed seen other angels, and they are much stronger than you trash. Compared with real angels, you are just a piece of shit!"

    When the three angels heard this, their faces were livid with anger.  One of the angels, who had a gloomy face and said nothing, with three-color wings of gold, red, and blue, snorted coldly: "You called us a piece of shit, so what do you think you are about the same strength as us?"

    Li Zhi smiled slightly and said: "You are shit, because you have powerful talents, but you have only evolved such weak power. As a human, I am not born with good genes, but I can have almost the same power as you, so  I am a genius, we are different!"

    When the three angels heard this, they were immediately speechless.  Indeed, in their minds, as members of the angel clan, their genes are the best, but their strength is about the same as that of a human being. This is really not a glorious thing.

    Finally, the three angels became angry.  The rough-looking angel stared at Li Zhi fiercely and said, "It's no use having bare teeth and a sharp mouth. Today, I, Gabriel, will let you see how powerful an angel is!"

    ¡°Be careful!¡± The gentle-looking angel said lightly.

    "Don't worry, Raphael, I will definitely be able to defeat him!" Gabriel said confidently.

    With that said, Gabriel drew out a familiar dark golden sword and fiercely rushed towards Li Zhi.

    "Damn, it's the Seraph Sword again. Can it be called a divine weapon if there are so many of them?" Li Zhi cursed in a low voice, and quickly gathered the Fire Thunder Sword and faced Gabriel.

    I saw that Gabriel injected a large amount of lightning into the Seraph Sword, inspiring a dazzling lightning sword light, and at the same time, using the power of lightning acceleration, he kept wandering around Li Zhi.  While walking around, he used the fire magic energy to inspire powerful explosive power, and quickly slashed the long sword at Li Zhi hundreds of times per second.

    Li Zhi, however, only used the powers of insect eyes and consciousness overclocking, and waved the fire and thunder knife casually without moving, blocking Gabriel's lightning sword light one by one.

    Since he had to face three fifth-level powerhouses at the same time, Li Zhi had to hide most of his cards in order to prepare for a surprise and heavy blow to the enemy.

    While Li Zhi was fighting Gabriel, Li Zhi¡¯s fifth-level zombie clone also led ten other fourth-level zombie clones to the vicinity.

    However, Li Zhi did not let them show up to help him, because the enemy had three fifth-level zombies, and even adding fifth-level zombie clones would not help.  Although a group of fourth-level people could barely contain the fifth-level ones, in the end it was still difficult to resist the powerful fifth-level experts.

    Therefore, Li Zhi let his zombie clone hide in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to take action.

    "But he himself fought hundreds of moves with Gabriel in an instant.

    Gabriel is extremely powerful and agile, and is even stronger than Li Zhi in close combat.  If Li Zhi didn't use hydraulic transmission, he really wouldn't be his opponent.  However, Li Zhi never used hydraulic transmission. He only relied on the ordinary powers of lightning acceleration and consciousness overclocking to fight Gabriel. Gradually, Li Zhi fell into a disadvantage and seemed to be defeated and killed at any time.

      Gabriel becomes more courageous and excited as he fights.  I saw him waving the Seraph Sword while laughing wildly: "That idiot Michael died unjustly. This kid is so weak. If the doctor had helped us strengthen it to the fifth level earlier, maybe Michael would have been killed last time.  Just take him back."

    "Hmph, don't be careless. The Perfect Body has advanced to the fifth level by its own strength. Uriel, if something goes wrong, we will take action immediately. We must not let him kill Gabriel!" Sven Angel Raphael Leng  hummed.

    "Well, Gabriel is too reckless. Although the Perfect Body looks embarrassed, it still has some strength left. Once the Perfect Body launches a counterattack, it will definitely be a powerful offensive like a storm. If Gabriel is not careful, say  You might suffer a big loss!" Uriel, the angel with a gloomy face, nodded and said.

    At this time, Gabriel has already displayed his unique skill.

    He roared angrily, swung the Seraph Sword violently in his hand, and instantly slashed hundreds of lightning sword lights at Li Zhi: "Thunderstorm Hundred Cracks!"

    Suddenly, hundreds of lightning sword lights intertwined into a huge power grid, covering Li Zhi overwhelmingly.

    Seeing this, Li Zhi's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light, and he suddenly used the flame shield, laying a circular flame shield on the body surface. Then he used hydraulic transmission and sprinted on the ground, and rushed towards Gabai without dodging.  Lie rushed over.

    Immediately, Gabriel released the sword light grid and hit Li Zhi's flame shield heavily.  However, since flames are conductive plasma, most of Gabriel's electric sword energy was guided by the flame shield to the ground under Li Zhi's feet.

    But Li Zhi took advantage of the moment when Gabriel used too much force and couldn't change his moves, rushed to his side, swung the Fire Thunder Knife and slashed at his neck.

    "Oops!" Raphael and Uriel nearby screamed at the same time and rushed towards Li Zhi, hoping to stop Li Zhi's attack.  However, at this moment, the fifth-level zombie clones and the ten fourth-level zombie clones that had been hiding nearby also took action to stop Raphael and Uriel.

    Gabriel looked at the Fire Thunder Knife, which was getting closer and closer, his eyes widened, and he let out a huge roar. At the same time, he quickly leaned back to avoid using the speed increase brought by the hormone burst.  However, no matter how he dodges, he can't match the speed of Li Zhi who uses hydraulic transmission.

    In the end, the fire-thunder knife in Li Zhi's hand still slashed across Gabriel's neck.  Blazing flame energy and violent lightning energy instantly poured into Gabriel's body, destroying his last vestige of life.

    "What an amazing perfect body, I actually lost!" Gabriel touched the blood gushing from his neck in shock, and turned back to look at Li Zhi blankly, but before he could turn his head halfway, he suddenly "  It fell from his neck with a click.  A large amount of blood suddenly spurted out like a fountain, turning into a bloody rain.  After a while, Gabriel's headless body fell softly to the ground, twitching and gradually dying.

    "Damn, it's all idiots like Gabriel. If only the three of us had come together and killed the perfect body earlier!" Uriel said with a gloomy face and gritted teeth.

    "Don't be presumptuous. If I had known earlier, I would have stopped Gabriel no matter what. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as regret medicine in this world!" Raphael said with a bitter smile.

    "Now, let's settle the score!" Li Zhi turned to look at Raphael and Uriel, his eyes cold as he said.

    "Humph, there is nothing to talk about between us. Although you have the advantage in numbers now, the two of us will fight to the death to complete the doctor's mission by killing you!" Uriel snorted coldly.

    "You two, you want to kill me, what a dream!" Li Zhi smiled contemptuously, and suddenly used Gabriel's Thunderstorm Hundred Splitting Slash, and hit Uriel fiercely.

    "What, you actually learned Gabriel's own unique skill all at once!" Raphael and Uriel couldn't help but feel shocked when they saw this.

    And at this moment, Li Zhi actually took advantage of this opportunity and used his spiritual power to blast Uriel fiercely.

    Suddenly, Li Zhi and Uriel both groaned and froze in place with pale faces.

    However, the power grid blasted by Li Zhi is still constantly covering Uriel. This is the method Li Zhi came up with to use mental powers in actual combat. He first launches an attack, and then uses his mental powers to stun the enemy so that he cannot dodge.  Block.

    Raphael saw that the situation was not good, and was about to use water magic to block Li Zhi's power grid, but Li Zhi's fifth-level zombie clone rushed towards Raphael with a "bang, bang, bang".  At the moment, Raphael had to deal with the offensive of fifth-level zombies.

    I saw Raphael condensing a ball of fire with one hand, and then pouring a large amount of lightning into the flame with the other hand. Soon, heA ball of flashing lightning condensed on his hand.  Then, Raphael slammed the ball lightning in his hand towards the zombie clone.

    Seeing this, the zombie clone quickly used a flame shield to resist Raphael's attack. However, the ball lightning cast by Raphael actually had huge explosive power. The zombie clone's flame shield was like a thin layer of paper. By the way,  Torn apart by the huge explosive force, a large amount of blazing flames filled with lightning instantly ignited the zombie clone's body.

    At this time, Uriel was also hit by the power grid sent by Li Zhi. Suddenly, there was a "ziz" sound all over his body, and he fell to the ground trembling.

    Li Zhi rubbed his sore temples, desperately enduring the pain, and charged towards Uriel fiercely with the Fire Thunder Knife.

    "Stop!" Just when Li Zhi was about to chop Uriel to death, Raphael finally stopped in front of Uriel.  I saw another ball of lightning condensed between his hands, and it hit Li Zhi fiercely.

    Li Zhi had no choice but to shoot the Fire Thunder Saber to block the ball lightning.  There was only a loud "bang" sound, and the ball lightning exploded violently, releasing a large amount of lightning and flames, blocking the footsteps of Li Zhi and the zombie clones.

    "Damn perfect body, just wait. Next time we will assassinate all your men first, and then torture you to death to avenge Gabriel!" Raphael carried Uriel on his back and took the opportunity to flee.  go.

    "Don't run!" Li Zhi's expression changed when he heard this, and he wanted to chase Raphael regardless of the obstruction of lightning and flames.  If these two terrifying fifth-level powerhouses were allowed to hide in the dark and attack secretly, he might be fine, but Xiao Gang and the others would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

    "Hmph, I want to run away!" Just when the two angels were about to escape, a cold snort suddenly came from the distance, and then a Gauss sniper rifle bullet excited by a huge electromagnetic field flew instantly, and it was as fast as lightning.  The force penetrated deeply into Raphael's eyebrows.  It turned out that Ji Yu had been lurking nearby for a long time, and finally seized an opportunity and shot the enemy's vital point instantly.

    "This, this is the Gauss gun made by the doctor. I, I actually died under the doctor's weapon. Even if I die, I will have no regrets!" Raphael showed a weird smile and fell softly to the ground.  ,died.

    "Raphael, ahhhhh!" Uriel had just recovered his ability to move, but in the blink of an eye he saw his companion killed by a headshot, and he immediately went crazy.  A blue light flashed on his body, a large amount of golden energy condensed on his hands, and a blazing fire burned on his body.

    Then, Uriel swung his fist at Li Zhi desperately: "Explosive Flame Cracking Air Fist!"

    I saw Uriel throwing hundreds of punches in an instant. Each punch released a large amount of fist wind mixed with explosive flames and golden aura. In the blink of an eye, a rain of punches formed, overwhelmingly hitting Li Zhi in front of him.  .

    Li Zhi has fought with so many strong men, and Uriel's punch frequency is the fastest. He can throw out thousands of punches in one second, and each punch is as fast as a meteor, as heavy as a mountain, and the coverage range is huge.  It was so wide that it was difficult for him to dodge.

    Seeing that Li Zhi was about to be killed by Uriel's Explosive Flame Cracking Fist, suddenly, ten figures rushed in front of Li Zhi as fast as lightning.  But it turned out to be Li Zhi's ten fourth-level zombie clones.

    In an instant, these ten fourth-level zombie clones were torn apart by Uriel's punch, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.  But under their protection, Li Zhi finally survived with only minor injuries.

    After Uriel punched out with all his strength, he immediately fell into a state of destrength where the old strength was gone and the new strength was not yet generated.  As a result, the fifth-level zombie clone jumped him down, pinned him to the ground and started biting him fiercely.

    "Ah, let me go, damn madman, ah ah ah, don't be proud, the doctor will take revenge on us. If he can't get you, he will never let you continue to exist. Just wait to be buried with us.  , ah!" Uriel roared one last time, and was finally bitten off his neck by the zombie clone, and finally died.
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