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Volume 3 Infinite Team Battle Chapter 48 Killing the Ant Queen

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    After trudging for half a day through the dense jungle of Worm Valley, everyone finally arrived at the inner perimeter of Worm Valley after killing several mosquitoes, flies and other weak demonized creatures.

    I saw a large open grassland suddenly appeared in the jungle, and countless ants with bodies as big as calves were busy crawling around on the grass.

    I saw them using their powerful fangs to bite off huge trees from their roots, and then carried them to a mysterious place with their powerful strength.

    Li Zhi and others quietly followed these busy ants for a while, and finally saw a huge ant nest.

    I saw that the ant nest was made up of huge trees, with branches and leaves on the outside and roots of trees on the inside. At a glance, it looked like a big green mountain.

    Countless ants crawl in and out of the ant nest and move all kinds of food they find into the ant nest for the queen and young ants to eat.

    There are even some special ants that plant some white fungi on the ant nest, and the shade of the ant nest is covered with huge white fungi.

    There are also some soldier ants, whose heads are as big as adult buffaloes and whose bodies are shining with metallic luster. They are patrolling the surroundings with sharp eyes, as if they are soldiers on guard duty.

    And in the ant nest, there was a vague roar of some kind of terror, as if a huge demon was roaring.  This seems to be the sound made by the queen ant who is desperately eating and laying eggs at the same time.

    "What should we do? There are so many ants, how can we fight them?" Yao Mei asked with a pale face.  Shu Bei and Wang Zi also turned pale and retreated in their hearts.

    "Well, let's take a look first and then talk!" Li Zhi frowned and said.

    At this moment, a large group of people suddenly and sneakily touched the side of the ant colony from another direction.

    "Hidden, there's a situation!" Li Zhi waved his hand and told everyone to hide.

    I saw that there were hundreds of people in that group, all of them were super soldiers with the ability to transform.

    After the super warriors reached the vicinity of the ant colony, the leading super warriors suddenly launched their transformations, fiercely rushed into the group of busy worker ants and started to kill them.

    I saw that the super warriors headed by them were flashing with various kinds of magic energy from time to time, displaying various wonderful talents and abilities, and quickly killed dozens of worker ants.

    The one who rushed to the front was a burly bear-man. His claws were flashing with red fire, and he thrust hard into the head of a worker ant. There was only a soft "pop" sound, and the bear-man's flaming claws  Like a hot knife cutting through butter, he easily cut into the head of the worker ant. Then he tore it hard and tore the head of the worker ant in half. The brain mixed with blood flowed to the floor.  .

    The other tiger-man was flashing with golden metallic light, and he swung his fists and hit a worker ant hard, immediately smashing the unlucky worker ant into a pile of meat paste.

    There was another greyhound man, his claws flashed with dazzling cyan light, and he instantly swung his claws at the most vulnerable compound eyes of the two worker ants at the same time. The huge current instantly electrocuted the two worker ants into coke from the inside.

    There was also a fox man with blue electromagnetic light flashing on his body. He used a magnetic field to control a huge knife wheel.  The head was cut off.

    With these powerful second-level super warriors as the tip of the knife, the group of super warriors was like a sharp knife, piercing through the ant colony.

    Hundreds of worker ants were killed immediately, and at the same time, the group of super soldiers harvested the magic core in an orderly manner.

    "Quick, retreat immediately before the soldier ants come over!" The leader of the Ursine waved his hand and led the super soldiers to retreat to the outskirts of Worm Valley without looking back.

    However, a huge roar suddenly came from the ant nest, and then a large number of mounds of soil suddenly appeared on the ground in the direction of the group of super soldiers. Finally, soldier ants the size of adult buffaloes burrowed out from under the mounds.  came out and stopped in front of the group of super soldiers.

    "Damn it, when did ants learn to dig tunnels and ambush!" The fox man suddenly exclaimed when he saw this.

    "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and break out if you don't want to die!" The bear man suddenly passed by the fox man and rushed towards the group of soldier ants without flinching.

    There is no doubt that the Bearman's choice is the most correct, because if he turns back at this time, he will not only disrupt his team's formation, but also fall into a swarm of ants.

    However, it seems that the bear man does not have the final say in this team, and several other leaders are not of the same mind as the bear man.  As a result, only the bear man rushed towards the group of soldier ants in front of him, while the other three second-order superThe soldiers led a group of men to flee from the left, right and rear.

    Even the Bearman¡¯s own men chose to abandon their leader and join the other three teams because they did not dare to face the powerful soldier ants.

    Suddenly, the bear man was surrounded by soldier ants.

    ¡°Damn it, you idiots, you¡¯re so mad at me!¡± The bear man roared angrily while swiping his flame claws and scratching the head of a soldier ant to pieces.

    But soon, he could no longer care about swearing. Under the frequent attacks of a large number of soldier ants, he had to give up the attack and fell into a difficult defense.

    Fortunately, the bear man has natural abilities such as thick skin and rapid healing, so he can barely hold on under the siege of many soldier ants and will not die immediately.

    The three teams that escaped separately were not much better. Soon, a large number of soldier ants appeared in the direction of their escape.  In the end, they were also surrounded by a large number of soldier ants.  Not only are these soldier ants larger and more powerful than ordinary worker ants, but they also possess the innate ability of being indestructible. Their defense power is astonishing. Only second-level super warriors with magical powers can barely break through their defenses.  And their huge fangs can also form a powerful bite force, and their attack power is also not weak.

    Soon, the three teams were besieged by a large group of soldier ants and suffered a large number of casualties.  The first casualties were naturally those of the weaker first-order super warriors.

    Each and every unlucky guy had his limbs and body dragged out of the crowd by the soldier ants, and then was quickly torn into pieces.

    As the number of people became smaller and smaller, the second-level super warriors in the team also suffered casualties.  I saw a cat man who used lightning speed to rush left and right in the ant colony, killing many soldier ants, but suddenly his movements slowed down and stopped.  It turned out that the magic energy in the body was exhausted.  Suddenly, he was jumped by a soldier ant, and his throat was instantly bitten.

    ¡°Gather, gather, only by gathering together can we have a chance to escape!¡± The bear man shouted loudly while desperately defending against the attack of the ant colony.

    The people of the three teams finally realized that the Bear Man was right and began to concentrate in the direction of the Bear Man.  Finally, after paying the price of half of the casualties, the remaining super soldiers finally reunited.

    "Follow me, charge!" The bear roared, displayed his flame claws again, and led everyone forward to break through.

    Under the leadership of the bear man, the other three team leaders who were at the peak of the second-level super warriors also used their own unique skills to rush forward.

    Finally, after paying the price of another twenty corpses, the super soldiers broke through to the periphery of the ant colony.

    Seeing that everyone was about to break out, suddenly there was a thunderous roar from the ant nest, and then there was a "rumbling, booming" sound of huge footsteps from beneath the ground.

    Finally, with a loud "bang", the ground ten meters in front of the super soldiers suddenly cracked open, and a huge thing as big as an adult elephant emerged.

    I saw that the monster had the upper body of an ant, but the lower body turned out to be a huge ball of flesh.  As the monster advances, the mass of flesh continues to give birth to a large number of insect eggs.  This is the queen of the ant colony. Unexpectedly, she actually committed suicide herself.

    "Roar!" The Ant Queen looked up to the sky and let out a huge roar, then took heavy and powerful steps and rushed towards the four peak second-level super warriors in the lead.

    "Damn it, why did you provoke the queen ant too!"

    With the sound of "boom, boom, boom" footsteps, the Ant Queen opened her huge fangs and bit the leader of the bear menacingly.

    The bearman gritted his teeth, and without dodge, he used his flaming claw skill and thrust it into the Ant Queen's head.

    There was a crisp "click" sound, and the bear man's claws were inserted into the head of the ant queen. However, the ant queen's shell was not only as tough as metal, but also much thicker than ordinary demonized ants.  The bear man's claw failed to penetrate the ant queen's shell.  However, the huge force of the shock caused his hands to break, and he was thrown backwards heavily.

    The attribute limit of a second-level creature is sixty points, but the size of its body is related to the combat power that these attributes can convert into.  The larger the body size, the greater the combat effectiveness displayed by the same attributes.

    And this huge ant queen has a body length of eight meters, a height of three meters, and a weight of at least six to seven tons, which is six to seven thousand kilograms.  The weight of an adult is only about a few dozen kilograms, which is hundreds of times different.  In other words, its actual combat power is a hundred times that of ordinary second-level super soldiers.

    Being hit head-on by the Ant Queen, the Bear Man felt like he was hit by a high-speed car.After being hit by a driving heavy truck, not only his hands were completely fractured, but more than a dozen bones in his body were broken. He spat out a mouthful of blood while in mid-air, and finally fell to the ground with a "plop".  Unable to move.

    Fortunately, the bear man was only knocked away by the Ant Queen. Although he was seriously injured, he would not die immediately.  If he was bitten or stepped on by the ant queen, the bear man might not be so lucky.

    "Run away!" Seeing that the bear man was seriously injured and fell down in one move, the others immediately shouted and fled again.

    Because the bear man slightly blocked the pace of the ant queen, the others were able to escape from the encirclement of the soldier ants. This time, everyone successfully escaped, but the bear man was unable to move because he was seriously injured.  His companions abandoned him callously.

    "Damn Hu Lina, Wang Ergou, Zhang Dahu, you must die a good death!" The bear man, who was abandoned by his companions again, let out a shrill curse.

    The Ant Queen couldn't catch up with the Fox Girl and others, so she immediately turned around and walked towards the Bear Man with her six big feet "bang bang bang".  As she approached, the Ant Queen kept drooling wildly, as if she wanted to taste the bear-man.

    "No, don't come over!" The bear man turned pale with fright and struggled desperately to get up, but he couldn't get up due to multiple fractures in his body.

    Seeing that the bear man was about to be eaten by the Ant Queen, suddenly there was a flash of lightning in the air, and then a fire-thunder knife condensed with blue flames fell from the sky in an instant, hitting the Ant Queen heavily on the head.

    In an instant, huge heat and electricity penetrated the Ant Queen's body, electrifying her whole body to the point where she was trembling and unable to move.

    Moreover, this current was getting stronger and stronger, and gradually, the sound of boiling hot water was heard above the Ant Queen's head.

    In the end, there was only a loud "bang" sound, and the Ant Queen's head exploded, and the boiling brains immediately splashed out and fell to the ground.

    After a while, the Ant Queen's huge body slowly fell down, and landed next to the Bear Man with a "bang".

    "This, how is this possible? It can actually kill a second-level peak demonized creature instantly. This is at least a third-level attack power!" The bear man looked at the dead ant queen in disbelief, dumbfounded.

    PS: I will prepare three updates today, and there will be another update tonight. Please save and vote for it. Thank you.
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