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Volume 2 The Road to Escape Chapter 39 Joining the Gold Hunting Group

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    Li Zhi suddenly woke up from his hallucination and found that his back was soaked.  When he saw the black-winged angel in the illusion just now, he almost thought that he would be killed. The murderous intent, the crazy and violent murderous intent, was really frightening.

    ¡°So, are there really aliens?¡± Li Zhi looked up at the sky above him blankly.  I just feel that the sky is vast and vast, and I am just a small thing compared to it.

    "Yes, this universe is so vast, so what is impossible?" Li Zhi smiled bitterly.  Although he had heard about the existence of aliens for a long time, it was not until he fused the alien memories from this crystal skull and saw the real images of aliens that Li Zhi truly believed in the existence of aliens.

    "So, the Angel Clan once had a war near the Earth, but I don't know when the war broke out. This crystal skull should belong to the Sirian who fell to the Earth, but the spaceship is obviously  After falling into the sea, how could his skull appear on the ground, and why would it cause a fight between the Doomsday Inquisition and Alcatraz Island?" After muttering to himself, Li Zhi frowned.

    Li Zhi found that the more he knew, the more questions he had.  In the end, he found that no matter how he reasoned, he was just guessing.  Shaking his head, Li Zhi stuffed the crystal skull into his jacket pocket and kept it close to his body.

    Soon, Li Zhi returned to the armored vehicle and urged Xiao Gang to leave the fire scene quickly.

    After the armored vehicle continued to drive on the highway for several hours, Li Zhi and others finally arrived at their destination.

    Surrounded by a vast barbed wire fence, a huge military camp appeared in front of Li Zhi and others.

    In front of the military camp, there was a large group of soldiers with live ammunition, pointing their guns at Li Zhi and others: "Who is it!"

    "Don't get me wrong, we are survivors who have come to seek refuge in the base!" Li Zhi raised his hands, opened the door first and walked out.

    "Since you are survivors who have come to seek refuge in the base, please hand over your weapons first, and then let our people register you!" A soldier who seemed to have a higher status shouted loudly.

    Xiao Gang, Ji Yu and others all looked at Li Zhi.  Li Zhi frowned, and finally nodded slightly, while whispering: "It doesn't matter, our main combat effectiveness does not rely on weapons anyway, but our transformation and abilities, but wait for them to come over, everyone must  Be careful, don¡¯t let them plot against you!¡±

    Hearing this, Xiao Gang and others put down their weapons one after another.

    Soon, a group of soldiers came over and put away all the weapons that Xiao Gang and others had put down.

    At this time, the soldier who just spoke slowly walked over.

    "Report to Mr. Zhang, all weapons have been collected!" A soldier said loudly, giving the guy a military salute with a bang.

    "Well, you give them a note, and then put away the weapons!" The soldier known as "Master Zhang" said sarcastically with his hands behind his back.

    "Master Zhang?" Li Zhi's expression suddenly changed slightly when he heard this.  From this title, Li Zhi heard many mysteries.  First of all, this army has changed.  Secondly, the changes in the army seemed to begin to degenerate towards feudalism.  Obviously, the leader of this army seems to have separated from the leadership of the central government and has even proclaimed himself king.

    At this time, the soldier in charge of collecting weapons took out a stack of white slips, took out a pen and wrote a few big characters on it, then handed the white slip to Li Zhi's hand, turned around and wanted to leave.

    "Wait, why do you confiscate our weapons!" Niu Dali stopped the soldier and said in a rough voice.

    With a "swipe" sound, dozens of guns were pointed at the heads of Li Zhi and others.

    "Humph, when you come to our base, you must abide by the rules of the base. If everyone goes in with weapons, isn't it a mess?" That "Master Zhang" put his hands on his hips and yelled loudly.

    "Hehehe, don't be nervous, everyone, our little brother is ignorant, don't blame him!" Xiao Gang took out a pack of cigarettes and distributed them to the surrounding soldiers.

    "Hmph, I see you still know each other, I will spare your life this time!" "Master Zhang" glanced at Li Zhi and others with contempt, pointed to the row of wooden shelves behind and said, "I saw the hanging corpses over there.  Well, those are all so-called super soldiers. When they first came here, they were all very arrogant, but in the end, they were taken care of by us. Don¡¯t think that you are awesome just because you gained some power. There are many people in our army.  Hidden dragons and crouching tigers, there are tens of thousands of first-level super warriors alone, there are thousands of ordinary second-level super warriors, and our lord is an extremely powerful third-level super warrior, if you don't behaveJust abide by the rules of the base and wait to go to the gallows!  "

    Hearing this, Li Zhi frowned immediately.  Niu Dali and others were even more commotion.

    However, Xiao Gang showed his characteristics as a veteran, and took out another bottle of liquor and handed it to "Mr. Zhang", and said with an apologetic smile: "We are new here and don't understand anything. Please give me some advice, Mr. Zhang!"

    "Master Zhang" took the bottle of liquor, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Okay, seeing that you are also aware of current affairs, I will give you some pointers. First, this armored vehicle must be donated to the base, and then after entering the base, it must  Hand over all the food you have and let the base distribute it uniformly, because this is an extraordinary period and food is in short supply. If we don¡¯t distribute it this way, many people will starve to death. Do you have any objections to this?"

    "No objection, no objection!" Xiao Gang said, shaking his head repeatedly.

    "Well, that's fine. In addition, fighting and making trouble are not allowed in the base, otherwise it will be a dead end. Of course, if you can afford to pay the fine, we can also be lenient. Well, by the way, the currency used in our base  , is gold and silver, as for the price issue, you can investigate it yourself!" After "Master Zhang" finished speaking, he waved his hand and asked his men to take away Li Zhi's armored vehicle and the food on it.

    Li Zhi and others looked at each other, and finally shook their heads and sighed, and walked into the base helplessly.

    ¡°The moment Li Zhi and others entered the base, a group of weirdos wearing black windbreakers and black sunglasses also came to a forest outside the base.

    "Witch, are you sure that boy is the perfect body that Dr. Lehman has been looking for?" One of the weirdos in sunglasses who seemed to be the leader asked a graceful woman next to him.

    "Hmph, of course, the butterfly's sense of smell is very powerful. It can smell the sex hormones emitted by the opposite sex from a long distance, and then rely on the smell to find the ideal mate. As soon as I got close to that boy, my instinct told me that that boy  He is the most perfect spouse because his genes are flawless and he is the most perfect human being!" the witch said with a sinister smile.

    "Oh, if that's the case, why are you willing to betray him to us?" asked the leader of the weirdo in sunglasses.

    "Huh, it's precisely because he is so perfect and his fighting power is so powerful that I have no chance to control him. However, I don't want to mate with him, but I want to obtain his transformation. Because of his transformation,  It seems to be a fusion of the genes of many insects. After swallowing it, it should give me great power!" the witch said calmly.

    "Okay, after catching him, I will reward you with his magic core. Anyway, none of us have insect-like transformations, and the doctor only needs the genes of the perfect body to clone a large number of perfect bodies.  "The leader of the weirdo in sunglasses nodded and said magnanimously.

    "You should have taken action earlier. Now that he has entered the Chinese military base, it will be difficult to catch him!" The witch frowned and said worriedly.

    "Hmph, don't worry, we know the situation in this base and they will come out again soon!" the leader of the weirdo in sunglasses said with a sneer.

    "Oh, is that so? But don't blame me for not reminding you. This kid and his companions are very powerful super warriors. Even our leader who has the powerful power of the indestructible body was killed by him, because  This kid has a natural ability that allows him to explode beyond the second level of strength in a short period of time." The witch said calmly.

    "Beyond the second level? Don't worry. As long as it's not the real third level, you don't have to worry at all. You can't imagine the real strong third level. And we, the super warriors selected from the elite American agents, have all gone through Lei  Although Dr. Man's special transformation is not yet a third-level powerhouse, it is a peak existence that surpasses the ordinary second-level, and he is proficient in cooperative combat. No matter how powerful that kid is, he will still be able to catch us without mercy!" As he said, the weirdo in sunglasses  The leader laughed arrogantly.

    "Really, I hope your strength is as strong as you said!" The witch said silently with a cold smile on her lips.

    Li Zhi and others did not know that they had been targeted, and were walking blankly in the base.  The base was in a mess, with refugee camps everywhere.  Seeing the arrival of Li Zhi and others, a group of hungry and emaciated children rushed over, stretched out their hands to Li Zhi and others and begged: "Please, give me some food, we haven't eaten for several days."  I¡¯ve run out of food and am about to starve to death!¡±

    Several more pretty women squeezed over shyly and begged in a low voice: "Please, give me some food. As long as you have a little food, you can enjoy my body as you like!"

    "Don't be like this, we really have no food!" Although Ji Yu and Xiao Mi are determined to rescue these refugees, the food on their bodies is?It has been confiscated a long time ago, so it is powerless.

    "Damn, what are you doing, brother? Didn't you say that you will distribute food? Why are these children so hungry?" Ji Yu bit her lip and said through gritted teeth.

    "Huh, I'm afraid the owner of this base is no longer your brother Ji Feng!" Li Zhi said with a cold smile.

    "What, you mean, there was a mutiny in this base!" Ji Yu's face changed when he heard this, and he said in a trembling voice.  If a mutiny does occur, her brother Ji Feng will be in danger.

    "It should be about the same. Can't we find out if we ask someone?" Li Zhi nodded, then casually grabbed a guy who looked like a sharp-mouthed monkey.

    The guy was taking advantage of the cover of the refugee child and stretched out a hand to put his hand into Yao Mei's pocket to steal. Unexpectedly, he was caught by Li Zhi.

    "Ah yo yo, let me go!" The guy's hand was tightly clamped by Li Zhi's, and he couldn't help but scream loudly.

    "What's going on!" A group of armed soldiers heard the screams and came over immediately.

    "It's okay, my friend and I were joking, right, friend!" Li Zhi smiled faintly, let go of the guy's hand, and hooked his other hand around the guy's neck and whispered in his ear.  He shouted coldly in a low voice: "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will break your neck!"

    "Haha, it's okay, it's okay, we are friends!" The wretched man waved his hands and said.

    "Hmph, you'd better behave yourself and don't cause trouble in the base and cause us more trouble. If you dare to shout loudly next time, I will kill you!" The leading soldier snorted coldly and turned around and left with his men angrily.

    "Let's go to the side and have a good chat!" Li Zhi chuckled and dragged the wretched man to the side.

    Xiao Gang and others also gathered around, surrounding the wretched boy band in the middle.

    "You, what do you want to do!" The wretched man looked at Li Zhi and others, and his expression suddenly changed. He clasped his hands on his chest and clamped his buttocks tightly.

    "Don't worry, as long as you answer my questions obediently, we won't hurt you!" Li Zhi smiled coldly and used his mental powers to torture the wretched man.

    Under Li Zhi¡¯s mental power, even if a wretched man wants to lie, it will be extremely difficult for him.  In the end, Li Zhi succeeded in eliciting information about the base from the wretched man.

    It turns out that a mutiny actually took place in this base.  After the mutiny, Ji Feng, who was originally the commander of the base, mysteriously disappeared. Duguying, the original deputy commander of the base, came to power, proclaimed himself a lord, and awarded several generals who attached to him to the nobility.  Since then, this base has implemented a very strict system, and the lives of the refugees who have come to seek refuge have become increasingly difficult.

    Although Mr. Zhang said that the base would distribute food to everyone, in fact the food distributed was moldy food that was difficult to eat, and the portion was not enough to fill the stomach.  In order to survive, the refugee women in the base had to sell their bodies and be humiliated by the soldiers, while the men could only sell their labor and work hard in mines and farms in exchange for food to survive.  And those children are the worst off. A large number of children starve to death due to malnutrition every day.

    "Damn bastard Duguying, I must kill him, for my brother and for the sake of these suffering refugees!" Ji Yu said through gritted teeth.

    Li Zhi frowned and said: "I'm afraid, this is a bit difficult. I didn't expect that this Duguying was really a third-level super warrior. This wretched man had seen him take action with his own eyes. He just waved his fist casually and used the wind of his fist to kill more than a dozen people."  A second-level super warrior was blown to pieces, with such strength, it is no less than the legendary Saint Seiya!"

    "Asshole, why can such a person become a third-level powerhouse? God is so blind!" Ji Yu bit his lip and said bitterly.

    Li Zhi patted Ji Yu's shoulder and comforted: "Stop blaming others. If you want to defeat the enemy, just practice hard and make yourself stronger than the enemy. I got a piece of information from the memory of that wretched man. It turns out that this  There is actually an arms market spontaneously formed by super soldiers in the base. Many super soldiers put the magic cores and weapons they obtained to sell in the arms market. Maybe we can get an opportunity to become stronger there!"

    With that said, Li Zhi led Ji Yu and others towards the arms market.

    Soon, Li Zhi and others came to an open-air square, and saw thousands of super soldiers each occupying a corner and placing their goods on street stalls.  Some displayed magic cores obtained by hunting demonized creatures, while others displayed a large number of weapons and equipment. It was not known how these weapons and equipment were brought in through the inspection of the base.

    Li Zhi and others were at the stallAfter searching carefully, each of them soon found something useful to them.  Li Zhi discovered the magic core of a demonized beetle. According to the stall owner, the demonized beetle belonged to a huge demonized beetle.  Not only does this demonized beetle have a huge body like an elephant, but it is also extremely powerful. It also has thick chitin armor that cannot be penetrated even by anti-tank rocket launchers.  In the end, it was the vendor's companion who sacrificed himself, jumped into the mouth of the demonized beetle, and blew up the demonized beetle from the inside with his gun, and then obtained this precious magic core.

    This magic core is undoubtedly very suitable for Li Zhi, but the vendor insisted that he would only sell it for one thousand taels of gold or ten thousand taels of silver.  Li Zhi, on the other hand, didn't even have a gram of brass, not to mention a thousand taels of gold, so he had no choice but to live in vain.

    This magic core was very popular. In the blink of an eye, several people came to inquire about the price. Fortunately, because the stall's asking price was very high, the transaction was never completed.

    Ji Yu, Xiao Gang and others also fancy a lot of things, but they also have no money to buy them.

    "Damn it, if I had known before coming to the base, I would have collected some valuables such as gold and silver!" Li Zhi said with a frown.

    Suddenly, a fat man wearing gold-rimmed glasses came over and said to Li Zhi and others: "Everyone, from the looks of you, you must be worried about money. I have a way to make a fortune, but I need to take some risks.  I wonder if you are interested?"

    "Oh, what kind of path is it and what kind of danger is it?" Li Zhi asked.

    The big fat man quickly explained: "Haha, to be honest with you, before the end of the world, I was the president of a nearby big bank. In my bank, there was a vault with a large amount of valuable gold stored in it. It is estimated to be worth a lot.  Ten thousand taels of gold. It's a pity that the bank is located in a downtown area, so it wants to be close to the crisis. And according to my last investigation, there are already two second-level zombies there, which are the second-level zombies transformed by our accountants.  Electromagnetic zombies, and the second-level King Kong zombies that our security captain turned into!"

    After a pause, the big fat man continued: "If these two zombies were alone, I would have a way to deal with them, but the two together form a terrible combined force. The electromagnetic zombies can actually superimpose their own magnetism on the King Kong zombies.  , allowing it to display the terrifying power of the third-level zombies. The last gold-hunting group I formed finally advanced to the vault, but was attacked and killed by them all. Only I managed to escape with my flying transformation.  "

    Li Zhi's eyes flashed when he heard this, and he said calmly: "You tell me this, aren't you afraid that I will tie you up and ask for information, and then monopolize this batch of gold?"

    The big fat man chuckled and said: "Of course I'm not afraid, because I have already contacted the other two groups of people. If you dare to touch me, they will never let you go. Moreover, without my cooperation, you can't even think of opening that  The vault, because the safe in that vault not only requires a fingerprint to open, but also a voiceprint and special instructions, which only I know."

    Li Zhi nodded and said: "Very good, it seems that the method you mentioned is indeed true. Well, we can join your gold mining group, but we must obtain one-third of the gold."  ."

    "No, I contacted three teams in total. Your three teams plus me make a total of four parties. Each party will get a quarter. This is only fair!" The big fat man shook his head repeatedly.

    Li Zhi thought carefully for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, a quarter is a quarter, I agree!"

    The big fat man said happily: "Very good, let's set off right away. The other two teams are already ready!"

    "Okay!" Li Zhi nodded indifferently.

    PS: Five thousand words are presented, and I will continue to hit the list this week. I hope everyone will continue to collect and vote for it.  In addition, special thanks to all the readers who voted last week. They were very helpful and pushed me to the seventh place on the science fiction public new book list and the 29th public new book list. I hope to get a better ranking this week. Please continue to support me.  .
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