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Cute Girl and Gay Friends Chapter 34 Jiang Yucheng¡¯s Big BBQ (3)

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    Chapter 34 Jiang Yucheng¡¯s Big BBQ (3)

    "Attention all combat units, organize in threes and threes, prepare to drop bombs - pay attention to the interval between bombs being dropped. The latest chapter of the Holy Church"

    Since the bombs carried by bombers are all satellite-guided JDAMs, pilots basically do not need to manually aim at the target. They only need to fly over the target and drop the bomb - the missile wing integrated with the satellite guidance module will automatically control the bomb.  , flying towards the pre-calibrated target.

    Captain Irvine had just received the order from Major General Li Mei, who was leading the team, when he felt the nose of the plane begin to descend - he turned his head and saw Jiang Zhengyi, the God of War, happily nudging the control lever.  On the screen of the onboard computer, the b-1r's wing sweep angle is increasing, the terrain matching radar has been activated, and the engine throttle has been pushed to the maximum - it turns out that Jiang Yucheng was playing too high and wanted to  Relying on the performance of the variable-sweep wing bomber at both high and low altitudes, it can play an ultra-low-altitude penetration role.

    "General, you must not!" Captain Erwin was so frightened that he quickly stopped him. He quickly used the operating lever on his co-pilot position to level the nose of the plane again and climbed to high altitude at full speed.  After flying back to the original height, he breathed a sigh of relief.  Then, he said to Jiang Yucheng with a bluffing face: "General, Commander Brest specifically told me before setting off that No. 01 aircraft will never be allowed to penetrate the defense at ultra-low altitude - you must abide by this rule.  Otherwise we will go back!"

    Looking at Captain Erwin's serious face, Jiang Yucheng could only smile bitterly - because he also knew that ultra-low-altitude penetration itself was also a technical job. Even with advanced terrain matching radar, it would not be as good as playing a game.  Easy - if he really hits a mountain or building, even he will definitely die.  ""

    Unable to penetrate the defense at ultra-low altitude, God of War Jiang simply gave up driving and handed over complete control of the plane to Captain Erwin. He lay beside the window and watched Li Mei's gang of boys scramble to lower the nose of the plane.  Fortunately, the two wingmen accompanying him did not make him feel too embarrassed and continued to maintain the same altitude as the lead aircraft.

    "Speaking of which," Jiang Yucheng said to himself, "Li Mei is a really good name???"

    "What happened, General?" Captain Erwin was a little confused, "What happened to our division commander's name?"

    ¡°Ah, it¡¯s nothing, nothing???¡±

    In World War II, there was an American general who believed in violence.  "" He talks little and never smiles (his facial nerves were necrotic due to frostbite, so he cannot smile); he regards heavy bombers as confidants.  He is the believer and practitioner of the U.S. strategic bombing ideology, Curtis, known as the "Cold War Eagle"?  Li Mei.

    In early 1945, under the arrangement of General Arnold, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, General LeMay began to be responsible for using B-29s to bomb the Japanese mainland.  The most glorious moment of General LeMay's military career began here. The "Fire Attack on Japan" operation he planned caused devastating damage to Japan's war capabilities and greatly accelerated Japan's surrender.  In the strategic bombing operation commonly known as the "Le Plum Barbecue", 334 B-29s dropped a total of more than 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs. The high temperature generated was enough to burn all combustibles (including human bodies) in the area, killing nearly 40,000 people.  People died and nearly 41 square kilometers were burned.  Its actual killing effect is almost no different than the atomic bombs used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    "Attention all units, the bomb magazine is open."

    "Thirty seconds to prepare for bombing."

    As Captain Erwin opened the belly door, the "Lancer" began to bump, and there was a loud wind in the cabin - this was the effect of air turbulence after the magazine was opened. As long as the door was closed after dropping the bomb, it was fine.

    A series of bomb icons appeared on the b-1r's onboard computer screen - as well as the coordinates of their corresponding target points.  Captain Erwin selected the bomb, locked the target, and gently pressed the button.

    Eight 500-pound napalm bombs quickly detached from the pylon and flew out of the magazine.  Then, the "Diamond Back" bomb wings opened, and the bomb seemed to have eyes. Under the guidance of the GPS guidance module, it flew towards the pre-calibrated target coordinates.  From the ground, looking down at the three bombers that dropped their first round of bombs in the sky, they looked like a hen laying a lot of steel eggs.  Captain Erwin, who felt the fuselage was light, immediately closed the hatch after confirming that all the bombs had left the magazine. Soon, the "Lancer" resumed its smooth flight.

    Heaving a sigh of relief, Captain Erwin quickly pulled up the plane and saw Jiang Yucheng holding open the window to see the bomb's killing effect. He smiled slightly and pressed a few buttons to turn on the screen of the onboard computer.  Switched to the ground viewing pod, allowing the God of War Jiang Gong to see more clearly.

    When the first ball of fire rose up, Jiang Yucheng's eyes almost popped out of his head - all he saw was that roses seemed to suddenly bloom on the target ground.The flower of death, fireball and gunpowder smoke instantly swallowed up the mansions of several major nobles in the capital of the empire.

    If the eight 500-pound incendiary bombs dropped in the first round were not too fatal, then the subsequent bomber formations brought a real disaster-each of the three or three groups of them carried several  Ten bombs weighing at least 500 pounds¡ªall powerful napalm and fuel-air bombs.  When the last "Stratofortress" of the first formation dropped its bombs, the ground seemed to tremble.

    Everyone in later generations knows about carpet bombing, but only a few people can see it, and few people know how the term came into being. Jiang Yucheng finally understands now - in order to deter the empire to the greatest extent, all bomb attacks  The coordinates are set as two straight lines - the detonation point after the bomb falls will continue to extend forward, and subsequent bombers will always move the bombing point a little further forward on the previous formation target.  The result is that the impact point of the bombing will continue to extend forward, just like covering the earth with a carpet full of "mushrooms"!

    Moreover, the lethality of the fuel-air bomb itself is also very terrifying - a larger fuel-air bomb can even be as powerful as a small nuclear bomb!  The huge shock even made people mistakenly believe that this was a heavenly punishment sent by the First Emperor.  The wooden houses were torn apart by the huge shock waves generated by the fuel-air bombs, and then were swallowed up by the flames like hellfire.  Since it was September, the dry weather helped the flames, and the strong winds carried the choking smoke and spread quickly. This apocalyptic scene made the devout people of the empire kneel down to pray - and the result of this was  If you are directly swallowed by the flames, you will die faster.

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