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Cute Girl and Gay Friends Chapter 22 The mission of the Air Force is to attack

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    Chapter 22 The mission of the Air Force is to attack

    That night, EPLA Air Force "Blade" Base

    A series of mighty and majestic war eagles are parked neatly on the airport runway - the belly of each F-15e "Strike Eagle" fighter-bomber is covered with SDB bombs. Through the composite pylon, an F-15e "Strike Eagle" fighter-bomber  The -15e can carry up to 24 bombs.  The latest chapter of the Temple Of course, for self-protection, each F-15e is equipped with two additional aim-120d missiles and aim-9x missiles. The resulting pylon occupation reduces the bomb load of the F-15e  Arrived 20 pieces.

    However, despite this, this attack will also bring a devastating blow to the emperor.  The basic organizational structure of the epla air force is the three-level command structure of air force headquarters-theater or sub-command-aviation division, base or missile brigade common to the world's major military powers.  Each aviation division has two combat flight regiments and one ground support regiment.  For tactical fighters or tactical bombers, a regiment usually has 20 to 24 aircraft, so a division has 40 to 48 aircraft.

    For modern warfare, aircraft of this magnitude can already be regarded as a battle-level strike force.  The current EPLA Air Force Central Operations Command will dispatch up to 9 divisions (brigades) at a time to launch a devastating blow against the Imperial Air Force.

    In order to maximize the effect of the raid, this operation was arranged at night. Although it may sound more difficult, in fact, for modern fighters, all-weather combat is the most basic capability. In fact, generally,  As long as an aircraft is equipped with an airborne radar, it can be considered to have all-weather combat capabilities.  For the empire, night is an almost insurmountable obstacle.

    Now, the officers, soldiers and representatives of all the participating troops have gathered on the empty runway of the "Blade" base airport - this time, the officers and soldiers will listen to the "Aimela God of War", epla Army Chief of Staff Jiang Yucheng  The general's instructions.  ("") The general's last lecture was almost a year ago during the showdown with the Imperial Regiment.

    Jiang Yucheng was seen wearing a straight 07-type army uniform, and the general star on his shoulder reflected silver light under the illumination of the searchlight.  Accompanying him was EPLA Air Force Commander Talisman?  Lieutenant General of the Brest Air Force and his adjutant, Nyarlathotep?  Brest Air Force Colonel, and Air Force Chief of Staff Larry?  "pixy"?  Air Force Lieutenant General Folkman - these two are the original ace pilots of the EPLA Air Force.

    Today General Brest is wearing a flight suit, while General Folkman is wearing the blue uniform of the Air Force. Later, according to relevant sources, the two initially argued over who flew the aircraft and who stayed in the early warning aircraft to command.  for a while.  In the end, the two decided to decide in the form of a best-of-five coin toss.  As a result, General Brest won the final victory in a dangerous way and got the opportunity to fight in person.

    "Brave EPLA Air Force officers," standing on the makeshift podium, Jiang Yucheng's voice was broadcast to the entire airport through the loudspeaker, "I know you have been confused - why I have not allowed you to  Move out. Yes, you are indeed the iron wings of my Emera, the proud sons of my epla. But¡ª¡ª"

    Jiang Yucheng changed the subject, "Although you have been flying in the sky to fight the enemy under the name of the Air Force, in my eyes, you cannot be called the Air Force in the true sense.  !¡±

    "????" Everyone below, including Xiao Zhengtai, was shocked.

    "Why do you say that?" Jiang Yucheng continued, "It's not because your training is insufficient, your skills and tactics are not sophisticated, nor is it because your equipment is not advanced enough - of course, these two points do account for some factors, but the real reason is not  It lies in this.¡±

    "The real reason is that you have not mastered the true essence of air force operations - or in other words, limited by the conditions, you are not capable of fighting like a truly powerful air force. A powerful air force in the Holy Church can only  Two things need to be done - one is to attack! The other is to prepare for the attack!" Jiang Yucheng said loudly, "The so-called attack means that the air force is required to act independently and assume the main combat tasks without using the army at all.  Next, destroy the enemy on the ground! This not only requires you to have strong air combat and ground attack capabilities, but also requires your command and organization system to be strong enough, and your electronic warfare capabilities to completely neutralize the enemy's air defense!"

    "That's why I didn't approve your request for a battle before - firstly, the enemy has not yet completed their assembly - and after the enemy's assembly is completed, we can attack them in one fell swoop; secondly, before  Before the large-scale joint confrontation drill, you actually did not have the ability to launch such a large-scale battle-level attack - because such an attack would not only test your personal abilities, but also??Your campaign organization and air dispatch capabilities, as well as electronic warfare and system application capabilities.  "

    "But now, after long-term practice, I believe that you already have such ability!" Jiang Yucheng continued, "You are the most powerful iron wings of my Emera, and the most elite and proud sons of epla! Tell me,  What is your slogan?" Jiang Yucheng shouted loudly.

    ¡°Wherever Iron Wings go, it¡¯s all my airspace in Emera!¡± All the pilots shouted loudly.

    "What is your mission?" Jiang Yucheng continued to ask.

    "Attack! Attack! Attack!" the pilots continued to shout loudly.

    "What are you going to do to your enemies?"

    "Destruction on the ground!"

    "Very good - this is the powerful, real air force I want!" Jiang Yucheng said, "Now, I wish you all a victory! All troops, attack!"

    "Yes, General!"

    The pilots boarded the plane one by one and prepared to take off. At the same time, Jiang Yucheng also boarded an e-3c strategic early warning aircraft with pixy.  On this night, the people of Emera had a sleepless night. On the one hand, they were a little excited after hearing that the EPLA Air Force was going to take the initiative to launch a large-scale attack and wipe out all the enemies. On the other hand, it was also because a large group of jet fighters were dispatched.  , the deafening sound echoed throughout the sky, making it really difficult to sleep.

    At the same time, on the sea thousands of kilometers away, under the protection of several 054a frigates and "Polaris" battleships, several temporarily built cargo ships were quietly approaching the coastline of the Eastern Continent - on the deck of each cargo ship,  Four MH-60 "Pave Hawk" utility helicopters, two OH-58 "Giowa Warrior" armed reconnaissance helicopters and two AH-64D "Longbow Apache" armed helicopters have all prepared for the attack.  Final preparation.

    "Everyone board the plane! Pay attention to the weapons and ammunition! Watch your numbers! Don't go wrong!" Youliang greeted loudly - this time, the task of raiding the enemy radar station was also given to the one who had done it in one fell swoop during the Grisma battle.  The SS Battalion of the 101st Air Assault Division who made extraordinary achievements.

    I saw rows of strong figures starting to steadily enter one cabin after another. The SSS camp, which had been dormant for a long time, finally got the opportunity to take action with all its strength after a long wait.  Although the use of special forces to carry out special operations on earth has long been an indispensable part of modern warfare, for epla, this is the first time that such special operations have been carried out in the true sense.

    Slight sounds came one after another, and pairs of military leather boots stepped forward firmly on the cold steel plates. The huge "Wings of Freedom" combat plan in front of them would be quite difficult even in another world - twenty  Under strict electronic cover, the two helicopters were to directly cross a distance of 500 kilometers and land on the other side to carry out a series of special operations operations.

    This operation will not only ensure that all helicopters are in place at once, but also ensure that the helicopters are not discovered through strict electronic deception.  Obviously, the pressure on the fifty-six SSS battalion commandos led by You Li can be imagined - any flaw in any link will lead to the most catastrophic and irreversible consequences.

    "You Li, how are you preparing?" Hughes, who came to see them off in person, came over.

    "Report to the commander, everything is ready and can start action at any time!" Youliang and several other SSS battalion soldiers stood at attention and saluted Hughes.

    "Very good." Hughes returned the salute to You Liang, "This operation, your part, is the only part of the entire operation handled by our army, and it is also the most critical part. I believe that as the elite of our army,  You will definitely not embarrass our army!"

    "Report to the commander and ensure the mission is completed!"

    "Then, here, I wish you a successful start!"

    "Thank you, Commander!"

    "Final inspection! Don't let anyone embarrass our SSS battalion! If we do encounter one, we'll beat him up!"

    Sitting in the cabin of the MH-60 "Pave Hawk", Youliang felt that his breathing was slightly tense for the first time - after all, any special operations may lead to unimaginable disaster scenes.  On April 24, 1980 in the history of the earth, ninety U.S. special forces soldiers rescued fifty-three American hostages detained by Iranian revolutionary students in the U.S. Embassy and the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This was what happened -

    Without any attack, just a sandstorm and the nervousness of a few pilots caused the death of four of the eight RH-53D "Sea Shenma" helicopters and the six C-130 "Hercules" transport aircraft.  One was completely scrapped, and the special rescue plan that had been simulated and rehearsed for several months collapsed in the desert at the cost of eight team members' deaths before even half of it was implemented.  But now, the situation that the SSS camp is facing is far more complicated than this operation.Too much?  ?  ?

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