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Cute Girl and Gay Friends Chapter 2 Although I don¡¯t understand it, I feel powerful

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    Chapter 2 Although I don¡¯t understand it, I feel powerful

    PS: Armored Corps will be completed in July, and the new game "Da Ming Sea Wolf 1900" will be launched soon?  ?  ?

    "This is the divine bird, approaching the target and preparing to intercept."

    The twelve F-15 fighter jets that the EPLA Air Force can dispatch now are all equipped with various types of missiles, ready to intercept the Emperor's flying dragons.

    Considering that the lethality of the aim-120d medium-range missile against the flying dragon is really unsatisfactory, and the F-15 lacks effective large-scale long-range air-to-air missiles, the ground crew of the EPLA Air Force chose the fighter for this sortie.  An extremely special "all-empty optimal mount":

    If you look purely at the mounting scheme, these F-15e should not be performing air interception missions, but ground support and battlefield interdiction missions - each F-15e carries two aim-9x and two aim-  In addition to the 120d, they all carry many missiles starting with agm.

    For example, the two fighters in the first wave that followed Shota and Pixy carried six AGM-65 "Maverick" air-to-ground missiles on their belly pylons.  This missile, which is mainly used to attack tanks and armored vehicles, has a maximum range of up to 48 kilometers. It adopts infrared imaging guidance and its warhead is a concentrated high-explosive gun weighing 58.7kg. It has all-weather combat capabilities and can operate in day, night and bad weather conditions.  It can be used under various conditions and in smoke-filled battlefield environments.

    "Maverick" missiles were used in the Vietnam War and the Middle East War, with a hit rate of more than 87%.  In the Middle East War in October 1973, Israel used 58 Maverick missiles to destroy 52 tanks in Arab countries.  Now, this kind of air-to-ground missile is regarded as an air-to-air missile, used to deal with the rough-skinned and thick-skinned flying dragons - this means that the fighter jets must maintain a considerable height difference against the flying dragons. If they want to use air-to-air missiles  It is simply impossible to shoot straight or upward like that.

    In addition, some fighter planes carry AGM-84e "Slam" long-range air-to-ground missiles. This type of off-zone air-to-ground missile based on the "Harpoon" anti-ship missile is more lethal and has a longer range.  However, the amount of ammunition mounted is really limited - the same problem also occurs with targets flying at high speeds, and the hit accuracy is really worrying - fortunately, Feilong should not be able to make violent maneuvers, otherwise the EPLA Air Force would really be  We have to face the dilemma of being organic and inelastic.

    This painful weapon configuration not only forces the fighter plane to maintain a certain height difference with the flying dragon, but also makes it impossible for the fighter plane to approach the enemy at supersonic speeds and break away to complete the mission with one blow, as in normal interception operations. Due to the limited range of the weapon,  Due to the shrinkage and the need for manual control, the fighter plane may also get into a dogfight with the flying dragon. Although the flying dragon is very slow, its low-speed performance is surprisingly good. If it really gets into a dogfight, the fighter plane may not be able to take advantage of it.

    Just when the F-15 fleet was flying in the direction of Feilong at a speed (m0.9) that they thought was unbearably slow, what Han Yingqiu called "interesting stuff" appeared¡ª¡ª

    I saw two fighter jets that I had never seen before flying out from the direction of Cassandra Cathedral.  Among them, the first one was the "Red 36" that sentenced three Imperial Dragon Knights to death "on behalf of the party and the people" at the end of the Cassandra air battle.  The huge and graceful fuselage and sexy lines make this fighter jet look like a mature royal sister.

    "And following behind her was a pure black fighter jet with a cold metallic look that looked very sci-fi.

    This huge aircraft has wide sides, and there are two black full-motion canards at the nose of the aircraft in front of the main wings.  There are two bulges at the nose inlet, the bubble-shaped integrated canopy shines with blue light, and the bright red Bayi Red stars on the tail and main wings are particularly conspicuous on the all-black fuselage.  .

    This is the pride of the Chinese aviation industry - developed by Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute (611) and manufactured by Chengdu Aircraft Factory (132 Factory), the world's fourth stealth fighter and the main force of the Chinese Air Force in the new era - J-20A  "Weilong", compared to her other name - "Fourth Sister" or "Black Silk", is obviously more widely known.

    The powerful aerodynamic layout coupled with canards and side wings enables the aircraft to pursue supersonic performance while also possessing powerful super maneuverability - its predecessor, the J-10, relied on the instant pointing ability brought by the canard layout.  Beat the su-27 "Flanker" series to pieces.  The excellent stealth design and craftsmanship make this aircraft comparable in low detectability to the Lockheed, which is equipped by the US Air Force and pursues ultimate stealth?  The Martin F-22A "Raptor" fighter jet has reached the same level, and the RCS is far lower than the low-end F-35 "Lightning II" series and the Russian Sukhoi SU-49 (ie T-50 production model) with exposed engine blades.  .

    Because the "Four Sisters" entered service in the Chinese Air Force's combat sequence, they had the advanced ability to carry out supersonic cruise at a speed of 1.8.  The huge built-in magazine allows her to use not only the Thunder Stone seriesSatellite-guided bombs perform many ground attack missions. They can also rely on their supersonic cruise capabilities to mount pl-21 ultra-long-range air-to-air missiles to perform "assassination" missions against important nodes such as enemy early warning aircraft.

    "Ancestor, are these the J-15 and J-20?" Looking at the two fighter planes in the sky, Han Yingqiu asked excitedly, "You should have flown them before, right?"

    "Huh??? No, this is the original Su-27 of the Soviet Air Force. I have never flown either of these aircraft???"

    At this moment, in the sky

    "Child, let me give you a ride first???" A voice from a royal sister came through the communication channel, "I will leave this world after that."

    "But??? You???" Judging from the voice, the speaker seemed to be an immature girl, "Why do you???"

    "I'm a wandering traveler???" Yu Jie's voice seemed to be a bit more vicissitudes of life, "I travel between planes, and I won't stay in each plane for too long?  ??I am a person who has lost his motherland - and you have to take on the task of protecting your motherland???I won¡¯t say more now, prepare to meet the enemy.¡±


    In the hall of the eadc headquarters, the radar operator was surprised to find that there were two more targets on the screen that he had never seen before.

    "Sir, an unknown target was found over Cassandra! The iff (identification friend or foe) signal is unknown!" The operator quickly reported to the officer on duty - this location is so sensitive that people can't help but feel their scalp tightening, "Unknown aircraft model!  The reflected signal is weak??? They disappeared!! Wait, they appear again!"

    "What?! This is???" The officer looked at the screen and was shocked, "Could it be that the Empire???"

    ¡°They are heading towards bearing 033!¡± the operator continued to report, ¡°This is the direction from which the enemy is coming! Oh my god, his speed??? 1800! Are you kidding me, the cruising speed is 1800!?¡±

    The so-called "cruise speed 1800" means that this object is continuing to fly at a speed of m1.8 - for a typical third-generation fighter aircraft, it is completely unimaginable to fly at such a speed for a long time.

    Even the F-15, which is known for its supersonic performance (its appearance is quite similar to the "double three aircraft" mig-25, and was designed for an important purpose, was to be deployed in Alaska to intercept Soviet bombers, so its supersonic performance  It¡¯s not bad either), you also need to install light air superiority mounts and turn on the afterburner to reach such a fast speed.  Due to the surge in fuel consumption after afterburning is turned on, and the increase in supersonic resistance caused by the fully external plug-in structure, it is simply impossible to fly at supersonic speeds for a long time - this is one of the main advantages of fourth-generation aircraft over third-generation aircraft.  one.

    "The direction from which the enemy is attacking?!?! Also, why is it so fast?!" The officer immediately thought of Jiang Yucheng, "Overlord, this is the East China Sea. An unknown target has been found and is attacking the enemy Feilong troops.  The incoming direction is moving forward at high speed! Please confirm whether it is a friendly unit!"

    Although it is not stated clearly, in fact, the entire EPLA army basically knows that their chief of general staff, General Jiang Yucheng, has certain special abilities - he can "transform" weapons, equipment and even reinforcements from certain enemies.  Troops, and in many cases these reinforcements are very powerful.

    The most typical examples are the "Red Baron" Yu Baochen and the "Winged Fairy" Pixy who appeared in time when Cassandra was attacked by an air attack.  Without these two great masters, the EPLA aviation force, which at that time had only one person, Brigadier General Brest Air Force (that is, Koshota), would have been unable to deal with these huge flying dragons swarming in.

    Therefore, now when the Empire's Flying Dragon Legion attacks again, and they detect that such an "unknown but powerful" target is flying towards the Empire's Flying Dragons, the first thing that naturally comes to their mind is whether Jiang Yucheng is  What kind of master was invited again?  ?  ?

    "East China Sea, this is Overlord." On the other end of the communicator, Jiang Yucheng was also confused. "I have not sent any reinforcements. Please confirm again."

    "Donghai received it, it has been confirmed that a target is approaching the enemy at high speed??? Wait a minute! Now they have begun to engage the enemy! It is confirmed that an air-to-air missile has been fired!! An enemy target has been hit!  !!¡±


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