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Cute Girl and Gay Friends Chapter 37 Battle Infantry

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    Chapter 37 Battle Infantry

    Unfortunately, however, their survival instinct is actually wrong - if they really break up and escape, even if Jiang Yucheng really intends to kill every Imperial soldier, EPLA's mechanized troops want to  It is also very difficult to hunt down these fleeing soldiers - just like what Wang Yaowu, the commander of the Kuomintang's Second Appeasement District, said during the War of Liberation: "Even if you let 50,000 pigs out and ask the Communists to catch them, they won't catch them for three days."  Endless. (¡¶¡·Íø7*¡±

    This is one of the reasons why Jiang Yucheng did not choose to attack at night before.  If they really were running away like tens of thousands of pigs, then EPLA's mechanized infantrymen responsible for making dumplings would have to bear considerable pressure, and their chances of escaping would be relatively high.

    But now, they gathered together spontaneously - they had no idea that in the face of EPLA's overwhelming firepower, their array shield was as fragile as a hymen and could be broken with a single poke.  But their gathering together allowed epla's heavy firepower to be fully utilized.

    Everything that happened next can be described as ¡°massacre¡±:

    Inside the Type 05 tank, Jiang Yucheng glanced at the tactical information coming back from the on-board computer screen and said: "Our attack aircraft will be arriving soon! Their time is very accurate!"

    "General, look, they are coming!" the driver sitting in the front replied.

    A group of green-painted emb-312 "Super Tucano" propeller trainer attack aircraft roared past from low altitude, and the ear-piercing screams stung the eardrums of every emperor.

    The planes began to attack the depths of the Imperial Army. Rows of rockets roared into the depths of the Imperial Army's front. Suddenly, pillars of black and red fire erupted everywhere.  (¡¶¡·Íø7*

    Immediately afterwards, the attack aircraft flew over the Imperial Army's battle infantry formation, and in accordance with EPLA combat doctrine, dropped one load after another on those Imperial Army missiles that formed a neat formation and tried to rely on array shields to block the enemy's ground troops against EPLA.  Gasoline 250 pound class jdam bomb.

    "Rumble" a thunderous explosion sounded, and huge red, black and yellow flames suddenly jumped from the ground, mercilessly swallowing a large Imperial Army infantry phalanx into the red flames.

    After dropping the bombs and firing the rockets, the EPLA Air Force attack aircraft did not leave. Instead, they used aviation machine guns to shoot at the Imperial Army soldiers whose formations on the ground were not directly hit.  Since the shield itself can isolate even the air, the incendiary bombs will have no damaging effect on the shield unless they enter the formation along the undefended part at the top and explode.  Since the area of ????the "skylight" is not very large, even jdam may not be able to hit it accurately.

    However, the Imperial battle infantry, which relies on array shield defense, can withstand bullets fired from the front and 30mm rapid-fire cannon shells, but it cannot dodge aviation machine gun bullets fired almost vertically from the air.  One after another, the planes swooped down, and a torrential rain of machine gun bullets penetrated into the Imperial Army's formation along the "skylight" of the shield.

    "Swish, swish, swish" bullets like raindrops penetrated into the fragile human body, causing bursts of blood mist to spurt wildly.

    "These emperors who want to use shields to fight against EPLA can only be cut apart and eliminated piece by piece, and they don't even have the ability to fight back.  Some soldiers raised their flintlock rifles without knowing what they were capable of, and wanted to shoot into the air. However, it was not certain whether they could hit the high-speed attack aircraft flying in the sky with the firing speed and accuracy of the flintlock rifles. Moreover, even if they shot  Hit, with the power of a flintlock gun, trying to penetrate the thick armor of an attack aircraft is just a dream.  Holy Church Latest

    The soldiers who tried to fight back were quickly shot to pieces by a burst of machine gun bullets.

    Of course, these soldiers who were killed by machine guns were actually relatively lucky - at least, they were able to get a happy ending.  The fate of those soldiers in the phalanx who were hit by napalm bombs was extremely tragic¡ª¡ª

    The emperor, who was sprayed with napalm, rolled on the ground but was unable to extinguish the fire. The more he struggled, the more he splashed the burning napalm onto his companions, causing secondary damage!

    The lethality of 250-pound napalm bombs is completely different from the white phosphorus-burning warhead 107 rockets used by Jiang Yucheng when he commanded the National Guard. As long as one bomb falls into the "skylight", the array will be destroyed.  An internal explosion can create a huge fireball in the middle of the array.  Hundreds of soldiers around the explosion point were covered with burning napalm, and from above it looked like a firewood pile fueled by human flesh.

    Frightening screams were heard everywhere, and the "Burning Men" whose bodies were on fire were running away and howling in pain. Having absorbed the lessons of the previous colonial corps, the surviving officers ordered the array to disperse immediately.  , while using his pistol to kill those who were attacking him.The "burning man" who ran over from the ? direction relieved their pain while also preventing himself from being burned.

    After a round of bombing, more than half of the emperor's battle infantry were wiped out in an instant.  However, the remaining infantrymen were not fools - under the command of the officers, the private soldiers who had narrowly escaped began to regroup.  This time, the square formation they formed was no longer a large formation with thousands of people, but a small square formation with only a few hundred or even dozens of people - more accurately, a "circular formation".  As a result of the reduction of the square array, the "skylight" has also been greatly reduced.

    "Click, click, click!" Machine gun bullets fell from the sky again, but the effect of this round of attacks was far less than the previous attacks - most of the bullets were blocked by the top shield, and only a small part  Successfully penetrated the "skylight" and knocked down several privates in the center.

    Due to limited fuel and ammunition, the attack aircraft had to withdraw from the battlefield.  The task of cleaning up these battle infantry still has to be completed by the ground forces themselves.

    "Hmph, the mantis is blocking the car." Inside the Type 05 tank, looking at the circular formations formed by the imperial army on the opposite side on the on-board computer screen, Hughes sneered (Jiang Yucheng and Hughes were both inside the Type 05 tank  ), "Do they really think that their defense is impeccable? They are really overestimating their capabilities."

    "Speaking of which, why has no one chosen to surrender until now?" Jiang Yucheng asked a little strangely - after all, for the army on earth, if the casualty rate reaches a certain level, the army will often collapse directly.  , an army that "fights to the last man" like the Tube Army is extremely rare.

    But now, the empire's army has maintained a very tenacious morale even when it was being overwhelmingly massacred. In Jiang Yucheng's view, this is almost completely unimaginable - even the volunteers back then at least had various tunnels.  The fortifications can be relied on, and the "human sea tactic" that actually costs human lives to fill machine guns has actually never been used.

    "Isn't this simple?" Contrary to Jiang Yucheng's reaction, Hughes was very calm about this, "Before, the Imperial Vatican tried their best to demonize our army, and if I guessed correctly, their brainwashing skills  From a certain point of view, it should not be much worse than Prophet Kane and the others - before the war officially started, those Yeomen probably thought that this battle was purely to gain military glory and become a noble."

    ¡°So it turns out that we have been underestimated,¡± Jiang Yucheng suddenly realized.

    "Now it seems that they are simply overestimating their capabilities." Hughes said scornfully, "They actually believed the nonsense of the Imperial Vatican - even if the First Emperor really descends to earth, he will definitely come to punish them from heaven."

    While the two were talking, Epla's main battle tank had already turned its muzzle and aimed at the Imperial Army soldiers who formed a small circular formation in front of them - the strong heat radiation signals they emitted were "in the eyes of the on-board fire control system"  "It's no different from a main battle tank.

    "Boom!" "Boom!"

    According to EPLA's combat doctrine, when facing the Imperial Army's battle infantry, light infantry should try their best to choose deflection weapons and kill the Imperial Army through the "skylight".  For tanks, artillery or aviation, when faced with battle infantry using array shields, the combat method they need to choose is much simpler - just destroy them with heavy firepower.

    For main battle tanks, the typical combat method is this: Facing a circular array, a Type 99 tank first fired a 125mm large-caliber armor-piercing projectile at the center of the array.  Amidst the sound of shattering glass, the entire shield was easily penetrated from beginning to end by the armor-piercing projectile.

    Of course, the armor-piercing projectile itself has extremely limited damage effect on infantry - therefore, the tank gunner then controlled the automatic loader, loaded a 125mm high-explosive grenade, aimed it at the center of the array, and pressed the launch button hard  .  After a huge explosion, the Imperial soldiers who had just had their shields broken and had no time to recover or disperse were directly blown to pieces by powerful high-explosive shells.

    Finally, after seeing that the array shield was as fragile as paper in front of the main battle tank, these Yeomen finally lost their last will to fight - the remaining circular formations, like an avalanche, fell in an instant  It completely fell apart.  The soldiers in the formation fled like headless flies - but even so, few soldiers still chose to surrender. The EPLA infantry soldiers who originally followed the armored troops and were preparing to receive prisoners were basically empty-handed.  What decent results were obtained?

    "It finally collapsed." In the car, Jiang Yucheng looked at the imperial soldiers who were frantically fleeing for their lives and said, "But, do you really think I will let you go like this?"

    "Order the 110th Division to start closing the net now - don't let an imperial dog go!"

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