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Cute Girl and Gay Friends Chapter 26 Imperial Legion

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    Chapter 26 The Imperial Regiment

    Just when epla began to expand its staff on a large scale like a balloon, mass-producing weapons and equipment in preparation for military expansion and war, after the autumn harvest and long sea wandering, coupled with the month-long trek, the wait was almost as fast as day lilies.  The newly formed 38th Army of EPLA finally found its opponent - the Seventh Army of the Osa Empire.  ¡¶¡·Íø.com

    How many legions are there in total in the Osa Empire?  To be honest, this is a very difficult question to answer.

    As a feudal country, everything in the empire is based on the feudal system, and its army is no exception.  Lords large and small recruited men and horses from their fiefs as private soldiers.  And when these noble lords entered the court and held public positions, their private soldiers became the official army of the empire. At this time, although the people were still the same people and the soldiers and horses were still the same, this army had changed from the original one.  The lord's private army became the official legion of the empire.

    Therefore, unlike modern armies, each imperial regiment is different in size.  Under normal circumstances, the size of the imperial regiment is determined by the scope of the recruiting area: a feudal country with a vast territory and rich finances will naturally have a larger regiment, and vice versa.

    In most cases, the number of people in a legion ranges from 40,000 to 200,000 - regardless of size, they are all commanded by the lord.  Of course, it is still relatively rare for the lord himself to personally command the army. Under normal circumstances, it is commanded by a general entrusted by the lord himself - in short, it is commanded by officers who are not affiliated with the imperial government.  Moreover, unless under special conditions, the imperial government will not administratively forcibly divide a legion into two parts, or combine two legions together.

    The identity of the Imperial Regiment is gained when the lord enters the court, and is lost when the lord leaves office - of course there is an exception for one legion, that is, the "grand legion" that is all recruited from the areas directly under the emperor's jurisdiction.

    In modern terms, the "Grand Army" is the strategic reserve of the entire empire. Its scale is astonishingly large (1.2 million infantry, cavalry and artillery, as well as fleet and legion-level flying dragon units. It can be said that it is a sea, land and air force.  The three armies are fully prepared, and from a certain perspective it is somewhat similar to the USMC of later generations).  (¡¶¡·Íø7*)

    It is nominally under the command of the emperor, but of course it is still managed by generals in most cases.  What is actually directly commanded by the emperor is usually the Royal Forest Army composed of noble children from the Gyeonggi region, with a number of only 30,000.

    Whether it is a "big legion" or a small legion, the composition of the arms is almost the same - the long-term cultural homogeneity has penetrated into the marrow of each feudal state in the empire.

    Take the Seventh Legion as an example, a typical medium-sized imperial regiment, generally composed of noble troops and civilian troops.  Under normal circumstances, "technical" units are composed of noble troops, while those who serve as subordinates or cannon fodder mainly come from the civilian class - including those recruited by the lords to join the army, and those who lead the army's pay.  "Man" also included serfs who were dependent on their owners and were almost indistinguishable from prisoners of the colonial regiments.

    Among the noble troops, the most "noble" troop is the vanguard of the Imperial Regiment - the cuirassiers.  These heavy cavalry use straight swords as weapons, and their number is generally around 5,000 - considering that the knights who make up these troops are all nobles with very high titles, this is already a quite astonishing number.

    These knights mainly focus on impact, supplemented by close-range spellcasting. Because they need to be used flexibly on the battlefield, their power is at the triangular level. Although the heavy cavalry themselves have high magic power, under normal circumstances, they do not have time to spend time on horseback.  Singing complex high-level spells on his back.

    In actual combat, these knights are equipped with expensive magic armor, coupled with their own spell bonuses, their impact and defense are extremely terrifying - for this era.  In the previous contest with the Wagang Army of the Eastern Continent, even the magic-equipped puppets that the Wagang Army was proud of could hardly block the charge of these heavy cavalry head-on.  "¡·Íø.com Any conventional weapons in this era, as well as spells with four stars or less, can hardly pose an effective threat to these heavy cavalry that are like iron cans.

    In addition to heavy cavalry, the dual-purpose dragoons are also the backbone of the Imperial Regiment's cavalry.  There are about 5,000 of these dragoons - among them, they are distinguished in detail between grenadiers who focus on protection and mainly engage in frontal combat, and light dragoons who are highly mobile and responsible for fire support.

    The heavily equipped grenadier cavalry is equipped with a protection level second only to the heavy cavalry, and is equipped with large throwing grenades like iron watermelons, but the main weapons are still sabers and dragon muskets.  The light dragoon troops are similar to the dragoon troops of the colonial corps. They mainly use dragon muskets and sabers as weapons, and focus more on mobile combat and fire support.  These cavalry are also composed of nobles - generally small and medium-sized nobles who are relatively young and have relatively low military merit and title.  Compared with the heavily protected heavy cavalry, these are relativelyThe mortality rate of armored cavalry on the battlefield is higher.

    Heavy cavalry and dragoons are the main combat troops, and the noble mage troops responsible for supporting are all light cavalry - these "battlefield elixirs" generally have about 4,000 people, and their functions are many and flexible:

    They can use triangle-level or even quadrilateral-level spells to output firepower, and they can also use water-attribute magic to treat their own troops (of course they must be noble cavalry, lowly Yeomen and serfs cannot be rescued), and some of them are "  The mages of the "Association" can also form team-level cooperation and cast certain large-scale defensive or offensive spells.  Most of the members of these troops are young nobles. Because it is difficult for this type of cavalry to obtain military exploits, the chances of promotion and promotion are naturally less.

    There are also about 2,000 cavalry and artillery troops in the support force-these lightly-armed troops are also responsible for battlefield fire support.  They can use both the Rune Cannon, which attacks from a distance, and the Dragon Cannon, which shoots grapeshot at close range to attack enemy infantry.  Because the accuracy of artillery attacks in this era was simply poor, they often needed to rush in front of the enemy and get close to fire.  For this reason they wore the dragoon uniform.

    In addition to these ground cavalry units, some imperial regiments-such as the current Seventh Empire Army, are also equipped with some special cavalry-that is, the air knight troops.  Under the command of the Seventh Army of the Empire, there are two independent griffin cavalry regiments, responsible for fighting the enemy's air power in the absence of the flying dragon regiment, and responsible for launching air strikes against the enemy's ground troops.  Of course, it is impossible for the Imperial Regiment to achieve integrated air-ground joint operations like modern armies.

    These are the main types of cavalry units composed entirely of nobles - the rest are the main body of the Imperial Regiment, infantry units composed of civilians such as Yeomen and serfs.

    Like the Colonial Corps, the main force of the infantry unit is also the battle infantry that relies on formations to fight.  The Seventh Army of the Empire has four battle infantry regiments equivalent to those of the Colonial Corps in Emera. Their combat methods and weapons and equipment are basically the same as those of the Colonial Corps.  The difference is that, except for a few officers who lead the team, these battle infantry are all composed of "yeomen" who have been recruited by the lords to join the army.

    The result is that the combat effectiveness of these battle infantry regiments is actually lower than that of colonial regiments - the reason is very simple. For battle infantry with the same weapons and equipment, the better the military discipline, the higher the combat effectiveness.  As free men, these "yeomen" were fighting for the honor of the empire, and naturally they could not be restrained by strict military discipline like those prisoners.

    Of course, for the Imperial Regiment, this is not a problem - after all, the noble master does not want a group of civilians to compete with him for military glory.

    In addition to the battle infantry, there are also engineering troops and artillery troops responsible for support - these troops are also composed of Yeomen.  The engineering force is mainly responsible for building cities, erecting bridges, setting up roadblocks, street fighting assaults, etc., and is equipped with siege axes, while the artillery force is equipped with howitzers and infantry cannons.  Among them, the infantry cannon has a longer barrel and a higher muzzle velocity, and is responsible for direct fire support, while the short and fat howitzer fires "special artillery shells" such as flames and magic in a curved direction, and is generally used to attack small cities.

    In this expedition, the Seventh Legion of the Empire also used a heavy-duty weapon of mass murder level - the "Urban" cannon specifically to fight against the legendary monsters and monsters owned by the rebels.

    It is said that during the time of the First Emperor, the engineer Urban who invented this cannon (later verified to be actually a dwarf), with the full support of the First Emperor, worked hard to create this unprecedented giant cannon.  At that time, the newly born Osa Empire provided the engineer with all the raw materials he needed.

    Workers dug a huge special casting pit, melted the bronze, and began to pour this unprecedented weapon in history.  When the mold was shattered, what appeared in front of everyone was a "terrible and extraordinary monster" (in the words of the First Emperor) - the Urban Cannon.

    The gun is 17 feet long (approximately 5.18m) and weighs 17 tons. The barrel is 8 inches thick (approximately 20cm to withstand the huge impact when firing), and the caliber is as high as 30 inches (approximately 762mm), which is enough to accommodate  For an adult, the granite cannonball weighed 1,500 pounds (approximately 680 kilograms).  Until now, it is the most powerful firearm besides the modern artillery used by EPLA artillery.

    After the cannon was successfully cast, the First Emperor ordered the first test firing to be held outside the palace.  The cannon was placed outside the palace gate. The reloading was long but smooth. With a roar that shook the earth and the mountains, the cannonball sank into the mud 6 feet deep a mile away.  Urban fulfilled his promise, and the First Emperor had the tools that would enable him to achieve great things.

    In order to transport and install these heavy metal cannons, a large number of suspended magic crystals were attached under the gun mounts, and an extremely complex pulley system was also used.  At the same time, in order to prevent the defensive firepower from destroying thisIt is an expensive weapon, with a defensive array attached to the gun and a metal shield installed.  Serfs were entirely responsible for the transportation of artillery, while the artillery squad consisted of two groups of well-trained Yeoman team members, who were fully responsible for the arrangement, loading, firing and even maintenance of the artillery.

    Finally, there are some spearmen equipped with super-long spears, responsible for resisting the charge of the enemy's heavy cavalry - these real cannon fodder are naturally composed of serfs.  If they tried to escape, the officer in charge of supervising the battle would chop off their heads with a knife without hesitation.

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