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Cute Girl and Gay Friends Chapter 23 Anti-aircraft Missile

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    Chapter 23 Anti-aircraft missiles

    "Attention everyone, lower the altitude - Emera is ahead. The leader of the rebel bandits should have landed by now. Pay attention to the search!" After waiting for a while, and seeing that the puppet just now did not continue to attack, he decided to continue  go ahead.  (¡¶¡·Íø.com) Although his "Eagle" Griffin Corps suffered losses in previous air battles, he is still very confident in dealing with targets on the ground¡ª¡ª

    Although griffons do not have as powerful an attack and defense as dragons, every griffin knight is an excellent warlock - imagine a group of them flying in the sky, capable of firing fireballs and other offensive magic.  The destructive power produced by the warlock is so terrifying

    Since the founding of the First Emperor, air forces such as the Griffins and Dragons of the Imperial Royal Air Force have been the decisive force in all wars.

    But this time, they are destined to stay in Emera forever as the price they must pay for invading Emera¡¯s airspace


    "The enemy's Group A has 59 targets left and is currently lowering its altitude. It is still 3 kilometers away from the Cassandra coastline." In the eadc command hall, well-trained radar soldiers quickly reported the target changes.

    "Archer, this is the Overlord, and the target has entered my airspace."

    "Here are the archers, we have entered the position. Everything is ready, request to attack."

    "You can attack, repeat, you can attack."


    A convoy of thirteen "Hummer" high-mobility vehicles flew along the road specially built by the Corps of Engineers and entered the predetermined interception position, preparing to intercept the Griffins invading towards Cassandra.  ¡¶¡·Íø.com

    Although the griffon is relatively small, it can still pose a considerable threat to Cassandra - the sky knight's magic is integrated with elven magic to a certain extent (although the empire itself does not admit it), which is more lethal than the magic used by ordinary warlocks.  The force is even greater - roughly reaching the level of aviation rockets.  Imagine if dozens of A-10 or Su-25 attack aircraft loaded with rocket nests launched an attack on a city, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

    However, the officers and soldiers of the 1st Company of the 3rd Field Air Defense Battalion of the 1st Air Defense Brigade of the EPLA Air Force who had already entered the position would not give them this opportunity under any circumstances - soon, the company commander's command vehicle carried the American Thunderbolt  The AN/MPQ-64 "Sentinel" field air defense radar produced by the company has discovered and locked targets in the sky 30 kilometers away, and transmitted the target information to other launch vehicles in the company through high-speed tactical data links.

    "Attention, all vehicles, enter fire control data, the attack begins!" The company commander decisively gave the order to fire.

    ¡°Swish, swish, swish!¡±

    A series of land-launched AIM-120 air-to-air missiles flew out from the rack on the roof of the "Hummer" high-mobility vehicle.  The "Avenger" they are equipped with is an improved version. In addition to the original fim-92 "Stinger" anti-aircraft missile, it can also launch the land-based aim-120-slamraam ("sl" means "surface launch", that is, land-based launch  ) and land-based aim-7m "Sparrow" missiles.

    "Second wave, launch!" As the command was given, a series of missiles were launched.  Soon, more than 60 land-based AIM-120 and AIM-7M missiles from several launch sites were all fired into the sky. In order to ensure the complete annihilation of the enemy, Jiang Yucheng specially told the air defense forces to  They don't have to worry about ammo consumption.  After all, there are still a considerable number of aim-120 missiles in the ammunition depot at the field airport that was originally used as a "prize", and they will not be exhausted in a short time.  Moreover, the reverse mapping and imitation work of air-to-air missiles has also begun. It is expected that in another month, the first Aimela locally produced air-to-air missile will come off the production line and join eplaaf's combat sequence.  (¡¶¡·Íø7*)

    ¡°All anti-aircraft missiles have been launched!¡±

    "Start mid-course guidance!"

    Under the guidance of the "Sentinel" radar, the aim-120 missile quickly flew the first dozen kilometers and entered the terminal guidance stage.  With the warhead radar turned on, the anti-aircraft missile began its final sprint like a cheetah that had discovered an antelope.  The "Sparrow" is guided by the ground fire control radar and continues to fly towards the target. Since the radar of the anti-aircraft missile does not need to make violent maneuvers like a fighter jet, whether the missile itself has a seeker head actually does not have a big impact.

    "Enemy attack! Ground!" the scout exclaimed again, with a hint of crying.

    Everyone looked in the direction pointed by the scouts, and saw that the things that had attacked before were once again flying towards them at high speed.  different from beforeWhat's more, this time anyone can clearly see that the attack is coming from the ground.  Moreover, what made them extremely desperate was that this time, dozens of these things came at once, flying towards them in dense numbers.

    Although the griffin cavalry were separated more widely due to their experience in being attacked, the number of missiles this time was too much, even one dozen and one was more than enough.

    As the last missile blew Baron Joseph and his mount into pieces, the world was finally clean again

    "It has been confirmed that Cluster A has been completely destroyed." In the command center, the radar soldier reported, "Cluster B is 10 kilometers away! It is about to land from area C1! Bearing 030!"

    "Tianlei, this is Overlord." The EPLA Air Force officer on duty has fully assumed the command of air defense operations. "Launch an attack on the enemy's B cluster immediately!"

    "The thunder has been received, the attack begins!"

    In the forest outside Cassandra, the Hongqi-9 anti-aircraft missile launch vehicle drove into the preset missile launch site - when the order was received, the first vehicle in position had begun to slowly stand up  Its quad launcher.  On a high ground on the periphery, a phased array radar vehicle had already turned on its own phased array radar, scanning the sky for the location of enemy targets.

    At the same time, due to the unsatisfactory effect of theater anti-aircraft missiles against medium and low-altitude targets, an entire company of pgz-04a self-propelled anti-aircraft guns has entered the forward position outside the anti-aircraft missile launch site.  The 25mm anti-aircraft gun muzzle and missile cannon are integrated into the "Vanguard-2" individual air defense missile, pointing to the sky like a sharp sword - next, under the guidance of the command vehicle, they will use artillery shells and missiles to prepare for the coming  The criminal enemy weaves a death web of steel and fire.

    In the anti-aircraft missile command vehicle, the missile launcher solemnly pressed the launch button after completing the final launch confirmation.

    "Bang, bang!" Two slender Hongqi-9 anti-aircraft missiles were ejected from the launch tube by compressed air. When they flew to a height of about 20 meters above the ground, the engines were ignited, and the anti-aircraft missiles quickly flew away with tail flames that exceeded their own length.  Turn around and pounce hard on your target.

    The Hongqi-9 air defense missile is the most important component of the entire Hongqi-9 air defense missile system.  This missile not only has land-based models, but has also been developed into a ship-based Haihongqi-9 regional air defense missile, which has joined the Chinese Navy's combat sequence with the 052c air defense destroyer.  Its warhead weighing more than 100 kilograms can produce nearly 20,000 killing fragments after explosion, creating a large death airspace.

    "Second wave, launch!" As the command was given, two more missiles were launched.

    At the other two missile launch sites, almost the same situation was happening. Soon, there were already 12 Hongqi-9 anti-aircraft missiles flying towards the Griffin group in the sky.

    Under the guidance of ground radar, the missile, which had reached Mach 3, quickly flew to the terminal guidance point.  With the warhead radar turned on, the anti-aircraft missile started its final sprint like a wild boar in heat.

    ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ªThe dividing line is here¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª

    "Sir, we are about to enter the coast of Emera! In front of us is the female leader of the Wagang rebels!"

    The "Sea Eagle" gryphon cavalry regiment carried by the Imperial Navy's "Mystical Light" battleship is currently racing against time to chase the escaping Wagang army's magically costumed puppet, said to be piloted by the leader of the Wagang rebel bandits - although Wagang's  The Gangjun's magic puppets are indeed very powerful, but after a protracted battle, the magical energy of the magic puppets should have been exhausted by now - after all, the main magic crystal ore producing areas are controlled by the empire, and Wagang  The army could not get supplies at all.

    "I have captured the female bandit leader, and the credit will be mine!" Viscount Germain Bartley, the leader of the "Sea Eagle", thought to himself, "Let that damn guy Joseph go to hell!"

    Through the light mirror technique, Viscount Bartley successfully locked onto the humanoid magic puppet that was sprinting forward with all its strength, and fired a fireball at it.  This fireball hit the puppet's back with great accuracy - as the energy was exhausted, the puppet's magic shield was finally broken.  It began to lose altitude, and finally landed reluctantly on the beach - or, more accurately, fell.

    "Haha, we hit it!" Viscount Bartley shouted excitedly, "Boys, come on! Whoever catches the female bandit leader first will be rewarded heavily!"

    "Enemy attack! Ground!" Before they could celebrate their victory, the scout shouted loudly.


    They saw a total of 12 huge columnar objects flying towards them at high speed - anyone could clearly see that the attack came from the ground

    "Boom!" "Boom!"

    Fireworks of death exploded continuously in the sky.  A lot ofThe broken pieces almost covered the entire sky.  The gryphon knights of the "Sea Eagle" Corps were either blown to pieces on the spot or beaten into sieves by the fragments.  Since they had not suffered similar attacks before, they did not break up their formation before this - so, they were tragically trapped, and no one was spared.

    "Ri" looked at the intelligence returned from the tactical digital terminal. The company commander of the field anti-aircraft artillery company cursed, "These imperial dogs are too inexperienced. They were all wiped out before I even showed up!"

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