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Cute Girls and Gay Friends Chapter 7 Iron Sky 4: The Lord of the Sky¡¯s Judgment

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    Sheffield witnessed with his own eyes a warrior in pure white armor leapt from the giant red bird and landed firmly on the back of his flying dragon - you must know that they were flying in the air now, and Sheffield was sitting on the saddle and leaning forward and back.  The white-armored warrior stood on the uneven dragon's back as if there were roots under his feet.  However, although her armor was exquisite, it had basically no decorations or battle wounds. She was probably a rookie. Sheffield shouted:

    "I am Leonard Alex Sheffield, the 43rd Earl of Sheffield, the First Emperor of Mongolia and the leader of the Sword Dragon Knights who bless the glorious and lucky Sword Dragon Knights.  Put your name!"

    A female voice like a silver bell burst out laughing: "It's such a long name, I didn't even catch it clearly, but since you asked sincerely, I will tell you mercifully" [com]

    The voice like a silver bell suddenly became full of power: "Listen carefully: The person in front of you is not a mortal, but a king who exercises divine power. This is my territory, and you are my subjects. I am Alpha, I am  Omega, I am the judge of the past, the present, and the omnipresence. I am the star of the morning, the bringer of light, the monarch of the sky, the regent of outer space and inner space. If you think these names are too long," she said softly.  He laughed and said, "I am Red Navy Cavalry Lieutenant, Han Yingqiu."

    The long title made Sheffield a little confused - among so many words, the only ones he could understand were "cavalry lieutenant" and so on. It seems that this Han Yingqiu is an alien who likes to brag, and maybe a demon.  .  Sheffield stood up from the saddle, drew his sword, and his mount obediently began to glide smoothly, creating a few steps as smoothly as possible for the duel on his back.

    Han Yingqiu also showed off her weapon: a metal stick as long as the palm of her hand. She waved it lightly, and a red light blade about a foot and an inch long grew out from both ends of the stick, turning it into a  A short sword with a spike on the handle.

    When Sheffield saw it, he muttered to himself: "The devil's creation." He prayed in his heart to the First Emperor and the god Akaba to protect him, and the sword in his hand also moved.

    ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ªGround dividing line¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª

    The bell tower of Cassandra Cathedral is the tallest building in the entire city. Its burning is like lighting an alarm beacon, announcing that the city is in crisis.  Originally, pressed by the spreading fire, the residents rushed into the church to take refuge, because according to the traditional laws of war, this is a sacred place and should not be attacked. However, when the news of the fire in the bell tower came, people's hearts were full of doubts.  The hope of survival has been completely shattered - even the church is not safe, how can we avoid those eternal flames?  !

    Fear spread among the depressed crowd: some people began to tell the story of the ancient times, when the First Emperor sent down fire from heaven and reduced the sinful city of Saragones to ashes.  They began to wonder whether the preparations for this grand, extravagant, and anti-imperial celebration had angered the First Emperor.  In their extreme despair, they even began to doubt whether they were guilty of serious sins.  A middle-aged woman held the body of her child who was no longer breathing, her eyes dull:

    "This is the punishment imposed by the First Emperor. No one can be spared??"

    "The First Emperor will not punish us!"

    The woman looked up: Archbishop Mantouka was wearing simple casual clothes, standing on the pulpit with his head held high, his resolute look completely different from that of the timid girl.

    "The First Emperor said, 'The road to glory is full of thorns,' and he also said, 'Those who endure hardship, I will bless him'!" Mantou Ka quoted from scriptures in his impassioned speech, "All of these,  These are all tests by the Emperor and also the devil¡¯s poisonous schemes. If anyone wants to repent, it proves that his soul has been tainted by the devil!¡±

    "But, those flying dragons?" A trembling hand pointed out the window.

    "Those are the messengers of the devil, and the First Emperor will punish them with heavenly punishment." The Garden God categorically asserted.

    The solemn and solemn hymn music just reminds me of it - it seems that the band's managers, Mr. and Mrs. Kimmel, played the ancient and huge organ.  It is said that when Cassandra Cathedral was completed 231 years ago and the pipe organ was installed, Panra, the god of starlight, once transformed into an old woman and personally blessed it.  Regardless of whether this legend is true or not, the music of the pipe organ does have extraordinary magic. Those who just talked about sin and divine punishment in a trembling voice are now singing softly to the tune, "O Lord, the First Emperor, you are my warrior."  Car, my shield¡±

    Looking at the crowd who were gradually calming down, Mantou Ka breathed a sigh of relief.  However, there are still many things that worry her:

    "Homula-chan? How's it going?"

    ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ªDividing line in the sky¡ª¡ª??¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª

    On Feilong's back, Han Yingqiu had already exchanged several moves with Sheffield - so far, both sides were unscathed.  Every time, Sheffield followed the attitude of a knight and attacked with all his strength, but Han Yingqiu was able to block the attack easily without any effort.

    Sheffield retreated again and again and waited again, while Han Yingqiu just raised the dagger in her hand to prepare for the opponent's next move, and did not take the initiative to attack.  This attitude finally made Sheffield anxious, and he shouted:

    "Why don't you try your best?!"

    Han Yingqiu replied matter-of-factly: "If you use all your strength, you will die, and the battle will be over."

    "Even if you die in battle, I hope you can fight with all your strength!" Sheffield was a little angry, "If you don't concentrate on fighting, what's the point?!"

    "Oh? Is it meaningful to concentrate on fighting?" Han Yingqiu smiled a little disappointedly, "You flew thousands of miles here just to set fire to the sleeping women and children, and then be killed by me?"

    "It's for honor!"

    "Hmph!" Han Yingqiu gently shook the weapon in her hand, letting it reveal its true colors: the handle of the dagger suddenly extended and turned into a double-headed light spear. At the same time as the weapon in her hand changed, she  The malice in his heart was also skyrocketing, "I remember someone said something stupid like this -"

    But Baron Sheffield didn't care about this. He was praying for the First Emperor's blessing for his next sword: he would infuse this sword with the power of dragon fire, confident that this time he would be able to break the light blade forged by the devil.

    "¡ª¡ªThat guy turned into a sieve later," Han Yingqiu lowered her head and snorted. She lowered her body, held a spear on the side of her hands, and pointed the spearhead at Sheffield:

    "Heavy rain¡ª¡ª"

    An unprecedented sense of fear suddenly seized Sheffield's always fearless heart - the breath of death rushed towards his face.  The flying dragon under his feet seemed to have noticed something, and let out a sharp roar. He waved the sword in his hand, but Han Yingqiu's weapon was longer than him, and his movements were much faster:

    "¡ª¡ªPear Blossom!"

    The spear head burst out like a shotgun. It was 18 consecutive shots fired in a very short period of time. In the Baron's eyes, it looked like a hydrangea made of light blades was blooming in front of him.  Even though Sheffield had three heads and six arms, he was unable to parry - in fact, his death was not painful. The fatal blow that penetrated his forehead was only a few moments after the first hit, and his nerves had not had time to deal with it.  The pain sensation is transmitted to the brain

    Han Yingqiu watched Sheffield's body lose its balance and fall into the streets of Yehuo. She sighed boredly and turned her eyes to the flying dragon at her feet:

    ¡°Your master can¡¯t help but play, so I¡¯ll ask you to replace him¡ªShang Xiang.¡±

    The tip of the light blade pierced the flying dragon's back, and the giant beast let out a long wail, then flapped its wings like crazy and flew towards one of its companions.

    Note 1: A strong man snaps his fingers, sixty-five seconds

    ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ªGround dividing line¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª

    "O Lord, the First Emperor? Are you my chariot? My shield? My savior?"

    Hei Changzhi was chanting a hymn in her mouth, leading her RPG team to fight in the streets and alleys, shooting the flying dragons approaching the ground with rockets.  Of course, the effect was just a drop in the bucket - the armor-piercing rockets hit the dragon's scales, but they only burned some scars that were as painless and itchy as blisters.  Compared with the danger to the dragon, Hei Changzhi and his brave workers' pickets pose a more serious danger to themselves - they are exposed in the streets and may be burned to ashes by the dragon's fire at any time.

    "You guys should go take refuge." The unfavorable war situation made Hei Changzhi finally make up his mind, "Don't go to the church - it only seems safe there. Go to the Miracle Compound, where it is really safe."

    The workers followed the instructions of the union chairman and left after saying goodbye to each other. Heichang stared at the giant beast in the sky and curled his lips:

    ¡°Supreme First Emperor, please protect me. If you don¡¯t bless me, I will beg the devil for protection??¡±

    Saying this prayer that was either pious or blasphemous, Hei Chang closed his eyes, held his breath, put his right hand into his pocket, took out his treasured Garden God Pangzi, and put it firmly on his head:


    In an instant, countless death angels with their butts on fire rushed up to the sky in neat formations, one moment forming the word "festival", the other moment forming the character "fuck"

    The dragon knight Weissenstein, who was hovering at low altitude, saw this large group.Arrows were coming towards him, more than 100 in number, so he turned the faucet and sprayed out a large mouthful of flames.  Even if the rockets had the numerical advantage, the two were still tied: Dragon Fire detonated the rockets, but he was also torn apart by the explosion.

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