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Part One: The Divine Condor Chapter 58: Cause and Effect

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    Xiao Yuesheng glared at Yang Ruonan angrily, then turned to look at Xie Xiaolan, his expression changed very quickly, and now he had a faint smile: "Xiao has only heard about the Lingjiu Palace at Piaomiao Peak in Tianshan, and has never seen it in person, but according to reports  I know that the Lingjiu Palace was founded by a child from Tianshan who has excellent martial arts and a large number of followers. As the master of the Lingjiu Palace, Miss Xie has a high and powerful position, so why does she live in seclusion here silently?"

    Sisters Guo Fu and Cheng Yinglu Wushuang had never heard the story told by Xiao Yuesheng, so they were still a little confused and just stared blankly at the other people with excited expressions.

    "What's going on, Ruonan? Do you know Lingjiu Palace?" Guo Fu gently pulled Yang Ruonan, who had a face full of excitement and eyes shining, and asked in a low voice.

    "Hey, in the stories my godfather told me before, the Eagle Palace at Piaomiao Peak in Tianshan Mountain appeared. It was so majestic. I'll tell it to my godmother tonight!" Yang Ruonan put her small cherry mouth to Guo Fu's ear and pressed it down hard.  the voice said.

    Guo Fu smiled slightly, nodded, and held her little mutton-fat jade hand, very intimately.

    Xie Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, looked at the concerned eyes of the girls, took a breath, and smiled lightly with a calm expression, "It has surprised me that Master Xiao knew about Lingjiu Palace. For more than a hundred years, Lingjiu Palace has  It hides in the martial arts world, and few people know of its existence."

    "Sister Xie, does Lingjiu Palace really have such a skill as the Talisman of Life and Death?" Xiaoxing suddenly interjected and asked.

    Xie Xiaolan was stunned and surprised. She couldn't help but look at Xiaoxing carefully, looking a little confused.

    "Where did sister Xiaoxing hear about the life and death talisman?"

    "I heard it from my young master. It sounds like this kind of skill has great merits. It's a pity that I didn't see it with my own eyes. Sister Xie, it seems that there really is a martial skill like the Life and Death Talisman! Do you know how to do it?"  Xiaoxing, who was as cold as ice, actually showed a smile at this time.

    This smile actually gave Xie Xiaolan a bright feeling.

    Xie Xiaolan couldn¡¯t help but nod.

    "Then Sister Xie must do something to open my eyes!"

    Xie Xiaolan nodded.

    Under Xiaoxing¡¯s cold and eager gaze, she really couldn¡¯t refuse.

    "The ladies in Guanlan Villa each have their own charms, and they are really powerless to refuse," Xie Xiaolan lamented in her heart.

    Xiao Yuesheng was also extremely indulgent towards Xiaoxing, a martial arts enthusiast. When he saw that she had got her wish, he quickly interrupted: "Thank you, Miss Xie, then why do you, as the palace master, live in seclusion here?"

    Xiaoyu pulled Xiaoxing's shirt sleeves through Xiaofeng, glared at Xiaoxingfeng who turned around, and moved her lips lightly: "Xiaoxing, how can you be so rude?!"

    She uses the art of sound transmission to condense sounds into lines and transmit them directly into the other party's ears, making it impossible for others to hear.

    Xiaoxing looked at the stern look in her eldest sister's eyes, hurriedly raised her lips, forced a smile, and showed a rare child-like expression of begging for mercy. She knew that the eldest sister was blaming her for not having the rules, ignoring the young master's random remarks, and behaving rudely.

    "Next time if you do it again, you won't be allowed to practice swordsmanship for a month!" Xiaoyu snorted, turned around, and let her go.

    Xiaoxing¡¯s expression changed, and although she returned to a cold expression, people familiar with her could notice that she was listless.

    Not being allowed to practice swordplay for a month is really a severe punishment for Xiaoxing, just like not being able to eat for a month.  For Xiaoxing, practicing swordsmanship is as natural and indispensable as eating and sleeping. Not letting her practice swordsmanship is the same as not letting her eat.

    Xiao Yuesheng glanced at Xiaoxing, who had his head lowered, and felt funny in his heart.

    For him, transmitting sounds into secrets was the same as speaking loudly in his ears. Xiaoxing was a stubborn girl, but in front of the eldest sister Xiaoyu, she was like a kitten. She could only be honest and obedient. Looking at it made him want to laugh.  .

    Xie Xiaolan's face became more solemn and her voice was low: "Although the Lingjiu Palace was once very prosperous, and people in the martial arts world changed their colors when they heard the life and death talisman, but it was based on the invincible force. Since Patriarch Xu Zhuzi took over as the palace master,  With kindness, he lifted the life and death talismans of the subordinates in the Vulture Palace, winning countless praises and loyalty."

    She paused for a moment, took a breath, and said with a sigh: "But after two generations, people's hearts have changed. Without the control of the life and death talisman, the people of Thirty-six Cave and Seventy-two Islands have long forgotten life and death."  With the power of the talisman, how can you be willing to be driven by a woman?" At this point, Xie Xiaolan picked up the bowl of lotus seed soup in front of her, took a sip, and moistened her throat.

    Facing everyone's eager eyes, she smiled slightly and continued with a hint of self-deprecation and sarcasm: "Although Master Xu Zhu* is powerful in martial arts, he is not good at teaching it, which makes the martial arts of his disciples of different generations far inferior.  In the previous generation, in the end, many factors were entangled together, causing the Thirty-six Cave and Seventy-two Islands to rebel, collude together, and counterattack the Vulture Palace!"

    "Ah!" Yang Ruonan clenched her fists tightly.? He breathed out nervously.

    "Then what, Sister Xie?" Xiaofeng asked with a bit of uneasiness, her face full of nervousness and uneasiness.

    However, Xiao Yuesheng had a faint smile and was calm, just playing with the jade cup in his hand casually.

    At this time, the night wind came slowly, fluttering everyone's skirts and skirts, and the fragrance suddenly became stronger and stronger.

    Xie Xiaolan gently smoothed her long hair that was blown to her face by the wind, and suddenly a charming aura hit her face.

    She glanced at the nervous jade faces of everyone and said calmly: "Fortunately, the founder of the sect was wise and had already prevented this situation. He shut down the engine and sealed the Vulture Palace, leaving a secret passage leading to the bottom of the mountain.  Only by being inaccessible can the disciples of Lingjiu Palace escape danger.  However, from now on, Lingjiu Palace cannot be entered and becomes a palace of death."


    "so far so good!"

    The sounds of rejoicing kept ringing out, and all the women on the table stopped to listen. When they heard this, they all let go of their held breaths.

    " Xiao Yuesheng played with the jade cup, feeling amused in his heart. These wives of his are all innocent and kind-hearted. They are so easy to get involved in the story and like to worry about the ancients.

    "No wonder, it turns out that there is no one in Lingjiu Palace. No wonder I can't find it!" Yang Ruonan suddenly realized.

    Xiao Yuesheng glanced at her. It was impossible to find Lingjiu Palace where he was going. It is said that although Lingjiu Palace is in Tianshan Mountain, it is not in a land of ice and snow, but is surrounded by mist, which is why it is called Piaomiao Peak. The place they went to  It was too high and far away from the Vulture Palace. But he didn't bother to tell this little girl, so as not to bother him with taking her to find the Vulture Palace.

    "What about from now on? Has Lingjiu Palace just let it go?" Xiaoyu asked, with a thoughtful expression on her face. She was constantly inferring the truth and falsehood of Xie Xiaolan's words and the situation at that time.  , to find out the hidden parts.

    Xie Xiaolan didn¡¯t know why, but she always felt a little in awe of this quiet and gentle Xiaoyu. Her clear and calm eyes always gave her an inexplicable sense of sharpness.

    Xie Xiaolan smiled bitterly: "It may be unbelievable to say that the Lingjiu Palace suffered minor losses and its vitality was not injured. It should have had enough power to severely punish these rebels, but the result was not like this. Instead, the Lingjiu Palace was disbanded.  end!"

    "Eh¡ª¡ª?" Xiaoyue was surprised, her round face expression darkened, her round and big eyes flashed with water, and there was a faint sparkle, which actually brought a bit of coldness, and her delicate voice was slightly lowered, "  We must not be merciful to these rebellious people, otherwise how can we control them in the future?"

    Xiaoyue is in charge of the prison pavilion, responsible for personnel promotion and transfer, and is well aware of the dangers of rebellion.

    Xiaoxing also nodded in deep agreement. She was completely attracted by what Xie Xiaolan said at this time. The emotional impact of the eldest sister's reprimand had been eliminated. She was just afraid that she would not be able to practice swordsmanship for a month, so she began to be cautious about her words and actions.  , say less and make less mistakes.

    Even Xiao Yuesheng was a little curious and surprised.

    ¡°Back then, the second-generation palace owner, Patriarch Xu Zhuzi, passed down a legacy, and the dissolution of Lingjiu Palace was all based on this legacy!¡±

    "Legacy? By the way, Aunt Xiaolan, according to my godfather, your ancestor Xu Zhuzi was once a monk in the Shaolin Temple. Is it true?" Yang Ruonan asked the question in a sputtering voice, like pouring beans.

    "Ruonan, shut up!  Ignore Ruonan, sister Xie, go on, what is the legacy?" Wanyanping said hurriedly, rolling her eyes at Yang Ruonan.

    "My goddaughter is a childish child. I don't care whether I should ask or whether I can ask. Being disrespectful and disrespectful to others' elders is really the most taboo thing."

    Xie Xiaolan was a little stunned by Yang Ruonan's question. She really didn't expect that Xiao Ruonan would ask this question to her face.

    She sorted herself out and regained her composure, but she couldn't help but blush secretly. It was inevitable that such a private matter would be known to others, and she would feel embarrassed.

    Seeing the nonchalant expressions of the others, she calmed down a little, smiled, and said: "At that time, Master Xu Zhuzi passed down a legacy: when fate comes, they gather, and when fate ends, they disperse. Don't force it. Lingjiu Palace gathers and disperses in its own time."

    Everyone was surprised and admired.

    Xiaoyu pursed her lips and smiled secretly. It seems that what the young master said is true. Listening to this legacy, it is very similar to the tone of the young monk Sabaka. This Xu Zhuzi was a young monk in his early years, so it seems that it cannot be false.

    Wanyan Ping sighed softly: "Sister Xie's ancestor is indeed a senior master, with a unique mind and magnanimity. He is so free and easy, he is really very human!"

    Then he glanced at Yang Ruonan, who was sitting next to Guo Fu. The look in his eyes prevented her from talking casually.

    Yang Ruonan is ice-smart and has a tacit understanding with all the godmothers. He is completely able to read the eyes of the godmothers.I had no choice but to pout my mouth and groan angrily while listening to what others were saying.

    Guo Fu saw everything in her eyes, suppressed her smile, and gently shook the little hand she had been holding with Ruonan to show comfort.

    Yang Ruonan smiled playfully at Guo Fu, but she wasn't really angry, she was just being petty.

    Xiao Yuesheng sighed, put down the jade cup he had been playing with, and patted the table and said: "Thank you, Miss, this Xu Zhuzi Patriarch is indeed a wonderful man! It's a pity, it's a pity that Xiao was not born at the right time and could not see it with his own eyes.  His grace!¡­ What a pity!¡±

    " Xiaoyu rolled her eyes at her young master. She knew him very well, so how could she not hear the objection in his words?

    She was afraid that Xie Xiaolan would see the clues, so she hurriedly asked: "What happens next? Why is Miss Xie injured?"

    Xie Xiaolan really didn't hear the hidden meaning of Xiao Yuesheng's words. When she heard Xiaoyu's words, her expression became a little heavy and her voice was low: "Since then, Lingjiu Palace has been completely disbanded and has become a single lineage of the palace master. I will  He is the master of the Lingjiu Palace of this generation, but it is a pity that it sounds bluffing. There is only one palace master in the entire Lingjiu Palace, and the name really does not live up to the reality!"

    She paused for a moment, smiled bitterly, and then a hint of anger rose up on her crystal face, and she said fiercely: "No one can hurt a tiger's heart, but a tiger can hurt others' thoughts. Those thirty-six people that Lingjiu Palace let go so lightly  Those traitors in the Cave and Seventy-Two Islands have become so emboldened that they actually started to hunt down every generation of the Vulture Palace Masters, it¡¯s really hateful!¡±

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????In her cold star-like eyes, her long hair moved automatically without the wind, and an overwhelming aura surged out of her body.

    Xiaoyue sat next to her and gave her a quick and gentle slap on the back, and everything returned to calm.

    Xie Xiaolan smiled gratefully at Xiaoyue, but was shocked at the same time.

    Since she woke up, she found that she had been reborn and undergone earth-shaking changes. All the meridians in her body were opened and became extremely wide. Her original internal energy turned into moon-white inexplicable internal energy. It was pure and concise, and it was different from the original internal energy.  And Yu, his skill has increased to more than ten times its original size. This internal strength is enough to make people laugh and make the world proud. He no longer has to worry about being chased by those traitors!

    ¡°With my own physique and meridians, my future practice will definitely be rapid and vigorous, with infinite possibilities. Even my current skill must be the highest since the Lingjiu Palace sect was founded.

    The joy in her heart was naturally beyond words.

    But Xiaoyue's slap woke her up. Even now, she can't see clearly the depth of his inner strength except Guo Fu.

    Only when you climb a mountain can you know how high the sky is. The higher your martial arts are, the more you can understand how high their martial arts are. She was filled with shock.

    She felt turbulent in her heart, and the other women also felt unhappy.

    "These people are really too much!" Cheng Ying, who had always been silent, said quietly. When she saw the looks from everyone, Xiuya's face blushed slightly, adding a bit of beauty.

    She had been wearing a mask for a long time, and after taking it off, she was not used to being watched by so many people.

    But after all, she was a master and a disciple, and she had also experienced many big scenes. She quickly calmed down and said calmly: "In the early years, I followed my master to see some people in the Thirty-Six Caves and Seventy-Two Islands. I saw that they were cheerful.  How heroic, I didn¡¯t expect to do such a thing!¡±

    There was an awe-inspiring look on her elegant face. A gust of breeze blew by, causing her light green clothes to flutter, and her long, disheveled hair to rise slightly.

    For a moment, everyone felt that this graceful and graceful body actually contained an awe-inspiring and inviolable demeanor.

    Xiao Yuesheng was not affected by it. He glanced at this slender and graceful body and smiled in his heart. These women really don't understand the dangers of the world and the dangers of human relationships. I hope they never know, let alone  Have the opportunity to experience it for yourself.

    He was playing with the green jade cup in his hand, looking up at the sky. In the night sky, the stars were twinkling, and he was quietly watching the warmth and coldness of the world and the grudges and resentments that happened all the time.

    "Thank you, Miss -" Xiao Yuesheng's eyes left the sky and looked at Xie Xiaolan calmly, "I'm very curious. With the strength of Miss, there are only a handful of people in the world who can hurt you like that! Who is he?  ?¡±

    Xie Xiaolan's expression suddenly changed suddenly, and her originally calm face became cloudy and uncertain.

    She remained silent, her cold star-like eyes flashing constantly.

    After a long time, Xie Xiaolan¡¯s voice sounded: ¡°Mur¡ªRong¡ªYe¡ª!¡±

    She spoke slowly and lowly, mixed with anger and hatred.

    "Murong Ye?" Xiao Yuesheng stopped holding the jade cup, frowned, and turned to look at Xiaoyu.

    Xiaoyu nodded.

      "Why are you involved with Murong Ye again?" Xiao Yuesheng pondered slightly, and then quickly continued: "Is he related to the rebellion of Thirty-six Holes and Seventy-Two Islands? Well, he was among them.  Adding fuel to the flames?"

    Once Xiao Yuesheng¡¯s mind was activated, he was far more powerful than an ordinary person. He instantly speculated on many possibilities and named the most likely possibility.

    Xie Xiaolan nodded vigorously.

    She didn¡¯t show surprise at Xiao Yuesheng¡¯s sharp reaction. She was so excited that she didn¡¯t think of anything else.

    "Sister Xie." Xiaoyu said, but Furong's face was still as calm as ever, "As far as Xiaoyu knows, Murong Ye's martial arts is on par with Sister Xie's, how could he hurt you so badly? Could it be that he is good at using tricks?  What trick can¡¯t work?¡±

    Xie Xiaolan bit her pink lips lightly, shook her head, clasped her jade hands tightly, and said bitterly: "The rebellion in Thirty-six Holes and Seventy-two Islands is, in the final analysis, the fault of this Murong Ye. I don't know.  How he instigated and provoked them to rebel at the same timeAfter the dissolution of Lingjiu Palace, this old thief pursued me even more and insisted on putting me to death!"

    She paused, looked at Xiaoyu, and calmed down a little, "As for Murong Ye's martial arts, it was indeed as good as mine in the past. We were indistinguishable from each other. A year ago, we fought against each other in Lin'an, and neither of us could compete."  No matter who, but in just one year, his skill has more than doubled. I am far from his opponent. If not for the last moment, I fought to die together and used the skill of destroying the heaven and the earth. I am afraid that all three of us, master and servant, would have died.  There¡¯s no way to escape his vicious hands!¡±

    "Miss¡ª¡ª!" Aunt Sun, who had been sitting silently next to her, couldn't help but shout softly, her eyes slightly moist.

    Xiao Yuesheng nodded, "I see, your meridians are all cut off, must be the result of that heaven-destroying and earth-destroying skill? And Murong Ye's skill is far greater than yours. Even if you want to die together, you can't do it. Instead, you will  Your heart and internal organs were shattered, it seems that this Murong Ye¡¯s martial arts far exceeds yours!"

    As soon as his mind moved, he seemed to become another person, faintly becoming a leader in the business world in modern society.

    Xie Xiaolan showed a surprised expression and couldn't help but nodded.

    Seeing her surprised look, Xiao Yuesheng smiled slightly, drank the jade cup that Guo Fu had filled, and then leaned back on the chair, playing with the green jade cup in his hand.

    At this time, he became the lazy and unruly Xiao Yuesheng again.

    The other girls just listened to the two of them talking quietly while eating exquisite dishes.

    Xiaoyu is constantly thinking in her mind. The expression on her jade face is calm and calm, like the jade face of a water hibiscus. There is a little bit of charm in the dignity.

    For a moment, the hall was silent, with only the night breeze coming slowly, combined with the slight sound of chewing.

    Before the dinner was over, no one spoke anymore. They just bowed their heads and ate in silence. Some were thinking about something, or concentrating on the delicious food.

    "Xiao Yuesheng drinks like water. He won't get drunk at all. Drinking is just for fun.

    But it¡¯s not an exaggeration to call the wine he drinks ¡°qiongjiangyuye¡±.

    Being proficient in the art of alchemy and wine-making is naturally a natural skill, and he is proficient in modern chemistry knowledge, which is of great help.

    Biwudan is the most commonly used elixir among his numerous.

    It has no other use, it¡¯s just for mixing drinks.  Put Biwudan into water and dissolve it, and the water will immediately turn into nectar and jade liquid.

    If paired with high-quality sweet spring water, it will be even more mellow and fragrant, with endless aftertaste, making people intoxicated immediately after hearing it.

    A finger-sized piece of Biwudan can be turned into a vat of nectar. If you mix it with more water, the taste will be a bit bland, but even this faint mellow aroma is far beyond comparison with other ordinary wines.

    After drinking this fine wine made from Biwudan, if you drink other wine, it will be tasteless.

    After dinner, everyone came to the inner courtyard.

    Xie Xiaolan, the master and the servant, naturally stayed at Guanlan Villa for the night. Xie Xiaolan felt heartbroken to see Xing'er's spirit still sluggish after this day's shock.

    The life-and-death fight in the morning was extremely brutal. Myolie, who did not know martial arts, was the most frightened. Seeing Aunt Sun and Miss Sun with blood on their noses and mouths, it was so sad and scary. This scene will make you dream about it for a long time.  entangled her.

    ¡° Even if we encountered such a situation before, because Xie Xiaolan¡¯s martial arts skills were extremely high and she rarely encountered danger, she could handle it easily. Myolie would regard such things as fun.

    But the scene this morning was very different from usual. For the first time, she saw the shadow of death and felt the approach of death. It was inevitable to be frightened. After all, she was just an ordinary little girl who had not experienced anything.

    The inner courtyard of Guanlan Villa, Xie XiaoLan was no stranger to this. Most of the places where she taught piano were in the rooms of the girls in the inner courtyard.

    But she always came to Guanlan Villa to teach piano and be a guest during the day, and she had never seen the inner courtyard of Guanlan Villa at night.

    Above the green grass, the jade tables and jade piers are all shining brightly, shrouding the surrounding peach trees. The peach blossoms are slightly closed, and the peach leaves are swaying in the light with the breeze. The ground is like green grass, under the  In the glistening light, the green is fresh and extremely bright.

    The dream-like scenery immediately fascinated Xie Xiaolan. She looked at the peach trees shrouded in light and the jade table exuding the moonlight, as if she was in a dream.

    Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang also followed the girls to the peach tree. They gradually got used to it and became obsessed with the life of Mrs. Xiao Yuesheng. Every day after dinner and before going to bed, they went to the peach tree and sat with a few people.  Together, or lying on the grass, looking at the vast night sky, chatting aimlessly, relaxing and comfortable, all worries and worries are swept away.

    Looking at Xie Xiaolan's intoxicated expression, Cheng Ying pursed her lips and chuckled. Seeing her expression, she thought of herself. She must have been so rude when she first saw this place!

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