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Volume 5: The Eight Parts of the Dragon Chapter 648 Gathering of Talents

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    Chapter 648: Gathering Talents


    The two heroes of the You family are famous, You Ji and You Ju are all heroes, and the villa is built with great style.

    In the early morning of this day, the villa was bathed in the glow. Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves sounded outside the door of the villa. In a blink of an eye, the sound of hoofbeats became louder and carried a wisp of yellow smoke to the front of the villa.

    "Xi Yuyu" A dark horse stopped at the steps of the villa, with its front hooves in the air, and after two strokes, it stood still. The knight in blue shirt sat firmly on the horse, as if fixed on the horse's back.

    There were four warriors standing in front of the villa. They were extremely energetic, with bright eyes and sharp gazes. They were pressing the hilts of their swords, bowing slightly and staring at the knights with squinted eyes.

    "But Juxian Village?" The young man in blue shirt tightened the reins and asked with clasped fists.

    One of the warriors was in his forties, with a square face and big ears, and a dignified appearance. He cupped his fists and returned the salute: "This is Juxian Village, where is the hero?"

    He was secretly awestruck. This young man looked ordinary, but sitting on the horse, he looked like a tiger lying down, with a majestic wind blowing in his face.

    The young knight¡¯s eyes were as bright as paint, and he said loudly: ¡°I, Feng Guangming of Wuliangjian, have come to invite the two village owners to attend the wedding ceremony of the leader of our sect.¡±

    After saying that, he took out a greeting card from his arms and sent it away lightly. He leisurely came to the middle-aged warrior, tightened the reins, and the horse neighed lightly. In the blink of an eye, it had disappeared from their sight.

    ¡°What a good horse!¡± A big man next to him exclaimed.

    The other two big men nodded in admiration. They were mesmerized by the horse. Its fur was shining like a piece of black satin, and its muscles and bones were like steel. It was galloping with infinite power.

    " Such a horse, you can tell at a glance that it is a good horse that can travel a thousand miles a day and eight hundred miles a night. It is rare to see it.

    The middle-aged man took the invitation, looked through it, and pondered, looking at the road in the distance, there was no one there anymore.

    This is indeed a good horse, but now it is riding on an ordinary disciple. This Wuliang Sect is indeed rich and extraordinary!

    A man turned around and asked: "Brother Zhang, is the wedding leader of the Wuliang Sect, Xiao Guanlan, who is known as the best master in the world?"

    ¡°Well, who else could it be besides him?!¡± The middle-aged man nodded thoughtfully.

    The big man smiled proudly and said: "Hey, it seems that our Zhuangzi has a lot of face!"

    "That's natural!" A man next to him said proudly: "Our Juxian Village is also a leader, who dares to look down on it?!"

    "Okay, please stop saying a few words and watch carefully. I'm going to inform the two village owners. I don't know if I'm getting up right now" The middle-aged man waved his hand and turned around and entered the door.

    The middle-aged man walked inside holding the post, passed through two courtyards, and came to a spacious place on the east side. It was a small martial arts training ground with a green brick floor. It was clean and tidy. There were two weapon racks at the south end, with swords, guns, and swords on them.  complete.

    At this time, in the small martial arts training ground, in the early morning glow, two middle-aged men and a young man were practicing martial arts together, full of energy.

    "Master of the first village, master of the second village!" The middle-aged man came closer and saluted with his fists clasped.

    The three of them stopped and turned around to look. The two men had similar faces. They were both very ordinary, with slightly purple skin and bright eyes.

    The young man is also similar to the two of them, with a hint of childishness. He is You Tanzhi, the son of You Ju.

    ¡°Brother Zhang, what¡¯s wrong?¡± the older You Ji said warmly.

    The middle-aged man presented the invitation with both hands: "A man came just now, claiming to be a disciple of the Wuliang Sect, and presented this invitation."

    "Oh¡ª¡ª?" You Ji glanced at it, handed it to You Ju, and said with a smile: "It's actually Xiao Daxia?"

    "Xiao Guanlan, the best master in the world, Xiao Daxia?" You Ju asked, looking down at the invitation.

    You TanZhi was overjoyed: "Xiao Guanlan, Daxia Xiao?! Uncle, is it really Daxia Xiao?"

    You Ji smiled and said: "Haha, it must be true. I'm sorry no one in the world will accept the fake Xiao Daxia!"

    "Well, anyone who dared to do this would have been killed long ago." You Ju nodded, handed the invitation to You Tanzhi, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect an invitation to be sent to us!"

    Both of them felt flattered.

    In terms of status, Daxia Xiao is at the top of his game and is undoubtedly the best in the world. No matter how high his martial arts skills are, his assassination of the Emperor of Xixia is already unparalleled.

    "Brother, we have to prepare well, we can't lose the face of the villa!" You Ju said with a smile.

    You Ji chuckled and said, "Yes, let's get some good gifts for Xiao Daxia's wedding, but this is a prosperous era in the martial arts world and there is no room for carelessness."

    "Uncle, dad, take me with you, okay?" You Tanzhixingasked excitedly.

    "Tanzhi, why are you joining in the fun?!" You Ju frowned.

    You Tanzhi stared at You Ji with earnest eyes.

    You Ji softened his heart and waved his hand: "Second brother, I think let's let Tan join us. It's rare to be so lively. It won't hurt to broaden your horizons and gain some knowledge."

    "I'm afraid that there will be a mixed bag of fish and dragons. If something goes wrong" You Ju hesitated.

    You Ji disagreed: "Who dares to mess up Xiao Daxia's wedding? Don't worry!"

    "Okay then, don't be naughty after we go out, and stay with us honestly!" You Ju reluctantly agreed and glared at You TanZhi.

    You Tanzhi smiled broadly and agreed hastily.

    A month later, a group of three people set off, riding horses, leaving Juxian Village and heading to Taihu Lake.

    Along the way, they met many martial arts figures, all of whom were heading to Taihu Lake to attend Xiao Guanlan's wedding ceremony, which gave You Tanzhi a lot of experience.

    He has never seen so many martial arts masters. Although there are heroes coming to Juxian Village, there are not so many heroes. Everyone is famous or a powerful person.

    "Compared with these people, my uncle and father are nothing, they are more powerful, and the young owner of Juxian Village can't do anything about them.

    On this day, they were speeding on the road. As the ceremony was approaching, they were delayed on the road. They had to hurry up to avoid being late. That was a joke.

    They were relieved when they arrived in Suzhou, and were on the way to Suzhou City.

    The three of them were walking quickly. Suddenly, there was a sound of rolling hooves behind them. It made a rumbling sound, like rolling thunder, and the momentum was astonishing.

    You Ji hurriedly pulled the reins, and the three of them stopped and took shelter by the road. They saw a group of people approaching from a distance, their horses galloping at an extremely fast speed.

    In the blink of an eye, they were already in front of them. A heroic man was followed by more than a dozen horsemen, and they were riding forward like a dragon.

    You Tanzhi shuddered, and felt an inexplicable cold air coming from the person opposite. He felt strange and turned to look at You Ju: "Dad, who are they?"

    You Ju¡¯s face was solemn and he said slowly: ¡°Qiao Feng?!¡±

    You Ji nodded, his face heavy: "It's Qiao Feng, I didn't expect him to show up again!"

    You Ju whispered: "I heard that after he resigned as the leader of the Beggar Clan, he left seclusion to form the Qingfeng Clan and became the leader!"

    "Yeah, that's true." You Ji nodded and stared at the visitor.

    Qiao Feng came on horseback, wearing a purple shirt and a flying cloak. When he came to You Ji and the others, he suddenly pulled the reins, the horse neighed lightly, and they stood up.

    A dozen riders behind him reined in their horses at the same time. The horses neighed loudly. They all stood up straight and landed firmly on the ground. The knight on the horse did not move at all.

    Qiao Feng clasped his fists on the horse and laughed: "Master Youda Village, Master Second Village!"

    "I've met Gang Leader Qiao." The two clasped their fists and smiled: "Is Gang Leader Qiao entering the customs for Daxia Xiao's wedding?"

    "That's right!" Qiao Feng nodded and said with a smile: "My second brother is getting married, how can I not come? I have three people to work with. When we get to Taihu Lake, let's have another talk and say goodbye!"

    After saying that, he laughed, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and the horse shot out. The other riders followed closely behind, and the yellow dust rolled and rushed towards You Ji and the others.

    The three of them took a few steps back and waved their hands to fan the wind.

    "Dad, he is Gang Leader Qiao, he is indeed heroic!" You Tanzhi watched Qiao Feng and his group rolling away, filled with admiration.

    You Ju shook his head and sighed: "I forgot, Daxia Xiao and Gang Leader Qiao are sworn brothers!"

    You Ji watched for a while, and when Qiao Feng and the others were gone, he waved his hands and sighed: "Okay, we don't have to worry about these things, let's go quickly!"

    You Tanzhi asked curiously: "Uncle, why doesn't Gang Leader Qiao become the leader of the Beggar Clan?"

    "It is said that he is a Khitan." You Ji sighed and shook his head: "Under his leadership, the Beggar Gang became very powerful. As soon as he left, the Beggar Gang declined immediately. It is really sad"

    "There's nothing we can do about it." You Ju sighed and said, "If he really turns against you, the trouble will be endless, so we can only drive him away!"

    "He is a Khitan?!" You Tanzhi was shocked and asked hurriedly: "Then Daxia Xiao is still a sworn brother with him?!"

    "That's what it is" You Ji shook his head and said disapprovingly: "Xiao Daxia did a bad job!"
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