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Volume 5: The Eight Parts of the Dragon Chapter 553: Preparation

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    Chapter 553 Preparation

    Xu Zhu raised his head: "Second brother?"

    He looked at the dishes on the table, looked at Xiao Yuesheng, and said with a sad face: "Second brother, the dishes here are like this, and the abbot eats these, there is no other way"

    Xiao Yuesheng picked up the bowl, took a sip of the porridge, and said with a smile: "This porridge is well made. It's just that I have a bad mouth and can't blame others."

    Xu Zhu thought about it with a sad face, his eyes lit up: "How about, let's go outside the temple and make some mushroom soup? It's very fresh!"

    Xiao Yuesheng waved his hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome. If I'm hungry, I can just go home and have something to eat in the evening. You eat yours, and I'll drink porridge!"

    "Okay then." Xu Zhu nodded shamefully, lowered his head and continued eating.

    When he eats, he eats slowly, chewing each mouthful for a while, and then swallowing it slowly, which is a good way to maintain health. Xiao Yuesheng laughed when he looked at it.

    Xu Zhu's internal energy is now profound, and his internal organs have become stronger, far better than ordinary people. The digestion capacity of his stomach has greatly increased, and there is no need to be so delicate.

    Before the two of them finished their meal, a loud bell suddenly sounded in the night sky, ringing five times.

    "A distinguished guest has arrived!" Xu Zhu quickly put down the bowl.

    Xiao Yuesheng also put down the porridge and said with a smile: "Let's go and see the excitement!"

    Xu Zhu nodded and hurriedly put away the dishes and chopsticks. His movements were clumsy. He really didn't look like a martial arts master. Xiao Yuesheng wanted to laugh.

    Xu Zhu put all the dishes and chopsticks into the wooden tray, picked them up and left. He was swept out like a gust of wind. In a blink of an eye, he came back, straightened the monk's robe and said: "Second brother, let's go to the Main Hall quickly!"

    Xiao Yuesheng nodded, and the two of them left the monastery and passed through the Prajna Hall. They made three turns and two turns, and monks kept pouring out from around them, heading towards the Main Hall.

    When they arrived at the main hall, it was already full of people. Although there were many people, it was not chaotic. Everyone stood in an orderly manner, standing on both sides, and leaving a passage in the middle.

    Xu Zhu walked through the passage, walking calmly, his eyes half lowered, his expression solemn like a Bodhisattva.

    He is young but has a high position. In front of the monks, he pays great attention to his appearance and demeanor, for fear of being looked down upon by others and embarrassing Prajna Hall.

    Xiao Yuesheng walked side by side with him. Facing the confused eyes of the monks, he just smiled slightly, calmly and peacefully, showing the demeanor of a master.

    Xu Zhu came to Abbot Xuanci, put his hands together as a tithe, then took two steps back and stood on the east side. In front of him were four old monks, their eyebrows were like frost, their eyes were closed, as if they were in a state of concentration.

    "Sir, you are here, and I welcome you from afar." Abbot Xuanci was dressed in a purple and gold cassock, which was very polite, and he said slowly to Xiao Yuesheng.

    Xiao Yuesheng returned the gift and said with a smile: "Abbott, you're welcome. I'm here to see my fourth brother. I don't want to make a big show of it. Please forgive me for being rude."

    "You're welcome, sir." Abbot Xuanci smiled kindly.

    Xiao Yuesheng smiled, said nothing more, and stood directly next to Xu Zhu. All the monks looked over, some were puzzled, some were surprised, and some were curious.

    After whispering for a few times, the monks slowly calmed down and looked at Xiao Yuesheng with a burning gaze.

    They have heard of Xiao Yuesheng's name. In private, they will talk about heroes and martial arts figures when they practice. They are fully aware of Xiao Yuesheng's actions.

    Now, when I heard that the person in front of me was Xiao Guanlan, I was really surprised and excited.

    Although he is a Shaolin disciple with a different status, he rarely leaves the temple. He is more and more curious about a legendary figure like Xiao Yuesheng and wants to meet him. Now that he has seen him inadvertently, it is quite shocking.

    Abbot Xuanci coughed slightly, and the hall suddenly became silent, and you could hear a needle drop.

    He pronounced the name of the Buddha and said slowly: "Previously, the Tibetan national master Jiumozhi came to this temple. Now, another Tibetan Dharma King, the Dharma King Karmapa, has come."

    After saying that, he shook the greeting card in his hand.

    A middle-aged monk frowned, titheed, took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Abbott, why is this great treasure Dharma King here?"

    Abbot Xuanci said calmly: "It's said that we are participating in the Buddhist teachings together and discussing the mysteries of martial arts."

    "Hmph, that's nice to say, but you're not here to set up trouble!" The middle-aged monk snorted heavily, and the hall shook. His internal strength was so strong.

    He is tall and tall, as strong as an iron tower, and has a rather ferocious face, full of flesh. When he stares, his eyes are full of fierce light, which can stop a child from crying.

    "Huilun, keep your voice down!" Abbot Xuanci waved his hand.

    The middle-aged monk Hui Lun hurriedly said, lowering his voice: "Yes, I am rude."

    Even though he lowered his voice, his internal energy leaked out, still making everyone's eardrums ache.

    "Abbott, Junior Brother Huilun speaks plainly.But I understand that the former Dharma King is not good.  "Another middle-aged monk stood up and Heshi said.

    Abbot Xuanci nodded slightly and turned to Xu Zhu: "Xuzhu, what do you think?"

    Xu Zhu was startled and hurriedly took a step forward and saluted: "Abbott, does the Tibetan Dharma King admire the profoundness of Shaolin Buddhism and come here to learn the scriptures?"

    Xiao Yuesheng shook his head, this fourth brother is still so innocent.

    The monks suppressed their laughter and looked at Xu Zhu.

    Abbot Xuanci showed a smile: "Xuzhu, you have a kind heart and think too much about people."

    Xiao Yuesheng's lips moved slightly, and his voice sounded in Xu Zhu's ears.

    Xu Zhu thought for a while and then said: "Abbott, we are guests from afar. Let's just treat each other with courtesy. Let's talk about Buddhist scriptures, Zen, and compete in martial arts. We in Shaolin are not afraid of people, so there is no need to be so nervous."

    Abbot Xuanci looked over, his eyes flashed, he smiled and nodded.

    "Haha, Senior Nephew Xu Zhu, you are really a scholar for three days. You should look at him with admiration. Yes, yes, your mind is much stronger than mine!" Huilun laughed loudly, the hall was shaken, and everyone looked bad.

    Xu Zhu looked ashamed: "This disciple is stupid and doesn't dare to do it."

    "Why don't you dare to take it? You are so unlucky!" Hui Lun waved his hand and said proudly: "Abbott, Xu Zhu's nephew is right. Our Shaolin Temple is afraid of whoever comes. If he wants to come, he can come and stay with him till the end."

    Xuanxu nodded lightly and said with a smile: "Well, very good, let's go and greet the guests!"

    After saying that, he slowly walked down the steps and came to Xiao Yuesheng: "Mr. Xiao, please¡ª!"

    Xiao Yuesheng was not polite and said with a smile: "Please¡ª¡ª!"

    The two of them walked down side by side, with the monks following behind them in great numbers.
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