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Volume 5: The Eight Parts of the Dragon Chapter 529: Escort

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    Chapter 529 Escort

    "Ten women are dressed as men, all of them are handsome and charming, with fluttering green shirts, making them look more frail and slender. Their charming graces make people feel pity for them.

    Hearing the master's praise, Meng Tong and the tall young man beside him curled their lips and turned away.

    He was disdainful. They looked petite and slender, and could be knocked down by a gust of wind. Moreover, they were so young, even if they had strong martial arts skills, how could they be so tall? Dressing like this was just a gimmick. If they really met  It's not a good idea to be a thief.

    They are all dressed up like this, which is too shocking, but any man will inevitably be tempted!  Can you escape from a prostitute?  !

    At this time, Xia Niang Pingping walked over and said with a smile: "Sister Ruyue, you guys arrived very quickly. Young Master thought he would arrive at noon."

    Ruyue¡¯s smile was as bright as a flower, and she stepped forward and took Xia Niang¡¯s hand: ¡°Sister Xia, you haven¡¯t been to the Villa for a while!¡±

    "I'm busy making autumn clothes for the young master right now, so I can't spare any time. I was thinking of going out to play in two days." Xia Niang replied with a smile.

    The two held hands and chatted softly.

    Everyone¡¯s eyes are fixed on the hands held by the two people. One is exquisite and delicate, the other is slender and soft. Both are snow-white and gentle, as if carved from white jade. They complement each other and are touching.

    On the other side, Dong Niang told the girls what to pay attention to and comforted them.

    Li Xiaoman stood in the crowd, looking at Ruyue and the others from time to time, worried that these delicate women might not be able to protect themselves.

    It seems that their bodies are not as strong as mine. Although I am a wealthy lady, I have been doing rough work these days, chopping wood and fetching water. My body is much stronger, so I can definitely beat them.

    Meng Tonghe saw the two women whispering and chuckled from time to time, but Xiao Yuesheng turned a blind eye and just looked at the poor women. He thought to himself that it seemed that the rules of the Wuliang Sect were loose and Mr. Xiao was not able to control them well.

    ??Looking at his disciples, they all looked dignified and looked straight, one in the sky and one on the ground, I couldn't help but feel proud.

    It seems that Mr. Xiao is not an all-rounder. He is powerful in martial arts, but he is not good at teaching his disciples. He is so unruly!

    After talking for a while, Dong Niang came over and said to Xiao Yuesheng: "Young Master, we have already agreed. They all agreed to go to Daming Mansion with us."

    "Well, let's go then." Xiao Yuesheng nodded and turned to Meng Tonghe: "What other instructions does Master Meng have?!"

    Meng Tonghe said hurriedly: "I have been in seclusion recently. Now that the nine big bandits are gone, I feel relieved. I want to go to Daming Mansion for a visit, so how about going together with me?"

    Xiao Yuesheng smiled, knowing that Meng Tonghe was worried, so he didn't point it out, and said with a smile: "It's okay, they are not familiar with Daming Mansion. With Meng Daxia here, they won't have a black eye."

    Ten carriages walked slowly out along the first line of the gorge. On the shaft of each carriage sat a young girl in green clothes with a long sword on her waist, looking heroic.

    The surrounding mountains and forests are vast, but the road is quite smooth, but overgrown with weeds, and rarely used. The nine major bandits are here, who dares to come and die?  !

    The carriages were rumbling along, not very fast. There were more than a dozen people sitting in each carriage, which was a bit crowded. Moreover, their bodies were fragile and they could not bear the bumps.

    Meng Tonghe led a group of disciples to clear the way in front. Dong Niang, Xia Niang, and Ruyue walked half shoulder to shoulder with him, their feet fluttering, and they hurried on using Qinggong.

    Meng Tonghe¡¯s four major disciples were on the other side of him, glancing at the three girls from time to time. If the master hadn¡¯t been in front of them, they wouldn¡¯t have dared to act recklessly, otherwise they would have been staring at them closely.

    Just walking alongside them, the four of them felt that the air became fresh, with a faint fragrance, and everything around them became extremely beautiful.

    Cheng Jinglun is the eldest disciple of Meng Tonghe. He is tall and bearded. He looks more powerful and imposing than Meng Tonghe.

    He is now thirty years old, but he has never had a woman because he practices Shaolin Boy Kung Fu, which requires reaching the fourth level of perfection before he can lose his virginity.

    Now, he has just climbed to the fourth level. According to this progress, it will take four to five years to reach the fourth level, where he can marry a wife and have children.

    He knew it well, so he no longer had any delusions. He calmed down and became calm, even when he saw a beautiful woman, he could remain calm and calm.

    As time went by, his skill in cultivating his mind had become extremely high, but at this moment, he couldn't help but glance sideways from time to time, stealing glances at Dong Niang and the other three.

    Meng Tonghe is a veteran of the martial arts world. He is heroic and chivalrous, but not stupid. He has matured into a mature man through experience in the martial arts world. Seeing his eldest disciple in such a state, he feels bad.

    "Jinglun, go outside and take a look." He said to Cheng Jinglun

    "Yes, Master." Cheng Jinglun nodded reluctantly.He turned his head, hugged the three Dong Niangs on the other side, turned around and left.

    Ruyue watched him leave in a hurry, then slowly withdrew her gaze, turned to Meng Tonghe, and said with a smile: "Master Meng, this Young Master Cheng has such pure internal strength."

    Meng Tonghe shook his head, but a smile appeared on his face: "As a senior disciple, I am not very smart, and I am not very honest. I only have a persistent spirit, so I am not useless."

    His words seemed to be criticism, but his tone was filled with pride.

    Ruyue nodded gently: "Zhiyang Zhigang's internal skills are limitless in the future!"

    Meng Tonghe stroked his beard and smiled, quite pleased with himself.

    Meng Tonghe said: "Miss Ruyue, this journey is not very peaceful, we have to be careful."

    "I'd like to hear the details." Ruyue nodded solemnly, clasping her fists.

    "Both the imperial court and the martial arts community had nothing to do against the Nine Bandits. The trees were big enough to enjoy the shade, and some bandits also came over. This area became a den of thieves!  In addition to the Nine Bandits, there are also Tongtian Village and Hualin Mountain, all of which have masters in charge.  "

    "It's very good. It's best to come out together and solve it all at once to save trouble." Ruyue smiled like a flower and said it lightly.

    "Hey" A handsome man shook his head and laughed.

    Ru Yue turned around and asked with a smile: "Gu Shaoxia, why are you laughing?"

    This handsome man is about twenty years old, with a tall and straight figure, like a jade tree in the wind. He looks clear and clear, and has a clean temperament.

    He has sharp eyebrows and handsome eyes, with a hint of arrogance in his eyes. He is Gu Yuzhang, a close disciple of Meng Tonghe. He is extremely talented and smart.

    He cupped his fists and smiled: "Miss Ruyue, any one of these people is a rare master, otherwise they would have been eliminated long ago!"

    As he spoke, his expression was arrogant, and he had the aura of looking down on all living beings.

    "Well, thank you, Mr. Gu, for reminding me." Ruyue nodded with a smile.

    Gu Yuzhang was startled. He thought Ruyue would retort and be angry at his slight, but he didn't expect that she would just say thank you in an understatement.

    He felt like he was punching in the air, and they didn¡¯t even respond!

    Meng Tonghe shook his head, these disciples can be regarded as outstanding people, and they are all good, but compared with Miss Ruyue, they lose a bit in magnanimity.

    The Wuliang Sword Sect is indeed extraordinary, but looking at this Ruyue girl and the other ten girls, he can't see through the cultivation of each of them.

    He doesn¡¯t believe that their cultivation is far superior to his. He practices Shaolin¡¯s authentic mental methods, and his skills are pure and profound. Even if he started practicing from his mother¡¯s womb, he can¡¯t compare to him.

    He then thought about it and suddenly understood that it was the Wuliang Sword Sect's unique mental method that could hide the aura and make it difficult for others to detect it. Mr. Xiao was like this. He looked like a weak scholar. Who would have thought that he would be a peerless master?  !

    Meng Tonghe coughed slightly and said, "Miss Ruyue, what Yuzhang said is a bit off. These guys are all doing evil things but can be carefree. They are indeed difficult to deal with!"

    "I hope they can come. When Meng Daxia said this, I really want to meet these people for a while!" Ruyue pursed her lips and chuckled, looking up into the distance. They had to pass through the mountain trails in the vast mountains.

    There are overgrown weeds on the side of the road, as tall as a person. People are hiding on both sides of the road and cannot be noticed at all. If you want to rob, you can easily succeed by hiding in the grass on both sides and making a sudden attack.

    After a while, they walked two miles. Ruyue and Meng Tonghe talked and laughed, and got along very well. Meng Tonghe told some martial arts anecdotes, and Ruyue listened with great interest.

    Suddenly, she frowned, turned to look to the right, raised her arm and said, "Stop!"

    The carriage stopped about a foot away behind her. The girls in green clothes on the carriage jumped up one after another and landed lightly on the roof of the carriage. They stood firmly and looked down and around.

    "Sister Dong Niang, Sister Xia Niang, let me go and have a look!" Ru Yue turned around and said.

    Dong Niang looked cold and shook her head gently: "No need, just use a hidden weapon to drive him out!"

    "Okay!" Ruyue responded, stretched out her sleeve with her left hand, and moved her palm towards the ground, and a stone as big as a palm flew into her hand.

    A long and clear voice came out of her mouth: "The hero in front of you doesn't have to hide your head and tail, please show up and see him!"
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