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Volume 5: The Eight Parts of Tianlong Chapter 390: National Preceptor

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    Chapter 390 National Preceptor

    "Who?!" Zhezong's eyes lit up, his eyes were shining.

    Princess Danyang pursed her lips tightly, glanced at Zhe Zong, and hesitated for a moment.

    "Danyang, how long has it been and now you're trying to whet my appetite?!" Zhezong said helplessly, while Danfeng stared at her: "I don't believe there is someone who is more capable than the national master!"

    "How can the Imperial Preceptor compare with him?!" Princess Danyang snorted, biting her red lips with disdain: "You also know this person among the officials."

    "Oh¡ª¡ª?!" Zhe Zong raised his sword eyebrows, then frowned, lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Did you mean Mr. Xiao?"

    "It's Mr. Xiao!" Princess Danyang nodded heavily.

    She has been hesitating in her heart whether to recommend Mr. Xiao to the official family. This is naturally a good thing for the official family, but for Mr. Xiao, it may not be.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? CURE A GUARDIAN'S FAMILY, HAS BENEFITS AND DISADVANTAGES. He'll offend the Imperial Hospital and the Imperial Preceptor, and will inevitably be plotted against him. Now that he's being hunted by Xixia, he's already in a very embarrassed state, and with the Imperial Preceptor on top of it, he's even more miserable.

    If the officials cannot be managed well, the consequences will be even worse.

    Therefore, she was hesitant and undecided as to whether she should tell Guan Jia. She didn't expect Guan Jia to be so ill and couldn't care about anything else. She could only give it a try.

    "Haha" Zhe Zong laughed, waved his hand, shook his head and said: "Mr. Xiao is a martial arts master. He is good at killing people, but he can't save people."

    "Hmph, how do the officials know that Mr. Xiao is not good at saving people?!" Princess Danyang snorted and said lazily: "I heard from Sister Xueqing that Mr. Xiao is so powerful that he can restore life to the dead!"

    "Haha" Zhezong laughed again, shaking his head but saying nothing.

    People cannot be resurrected after death. This has been true since ancient times. I have heard that some people have returned to the sun, but that is just a legend and no one has ever seen it with their own eyes.

    ?????????????????????????????? When a person is resurrected, it is just a fake death, he held his breath and passed away, and slowly came up, so he came back to life again!

    Seeing him like this, Princess Danyang was anxious and angry. She had good intentions, but the officials didn't believe it at all. How stubborn!

    She took a breath, rolled her eyes at Zhe Zong, and hummed: "Guan family, if it's true, can't we just let Mr. Xiao try it?"

    Zhe Zong shook his head, with an inexplicable smile: "If there is really a way, I don't believe that Mr. Xiao will die and refuse to save him!"

    "Hmm" Princess Danyang was startled, and her slender black eyebrows frowned.

    "Oh, by the way, Mr. Xiao gave me a mantra." Zhe Zong suddenly slapped his forehead.

    "Ah¡ª¡ª?!" Princess Danyang was overjoyed when she heard this. She hurriedly stretched out her jade hand and said hurriedly: "What formula, let me see!"

    "No!" Zhezong shook his head and refused with a smile.

    "I knew that Mr. Xiao would not die without rescuing him!" Princess Danyang was full of joy and was about to take it when she was suddenly startled when she heard Zhe Zong's words and said hurriedly: "Why not?!"

    Zhe Zong spread his hands and said with a helpless smile: "Mr. Xiao told me not to let others see this mantra!"

    Princess Danyang stamped her lotus feet vigorously: "It's true!"

    Zhe Zong reached into his arms, took out an envelope, pulled out a piece of plain paper from the envelope, and said with a smile: "It seems that this mantra given by Mr. Xiao should be a good thing!"

    He was going to take a look around casually, but had no real intention to practice. The master¡¯s cultivation is profound, and the mental method he taught is also mysterious and subtle, far superior to the world¡¯s people. If he changes to other mental methods, he will abandon the pearls and jade in front of him to pick up rubble!

    "That's natural!" Princess Danyang nodded hurriedly and hummed: "There is nothing that Mr. Xiao does that is not precious!"

    She added: "What's more, he treasures it and doesn't allow it to be passed on to others. It should be an extremely mysterious mental method. Official, how about you tell me?"

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:????? She was laughing, with a sullen face, and leaned her head forward, the fragrance floating in the air.

    Zhe Zong quickly backed away to prevent her from seeing it, and quickly put it away, hiding it in his arms while shaking his head: "Since I have promised Mr. Xiao, how can I break my promise?"

    Princess Danyang said with a calm face and a smile: "Guan, you are the emperor, even if you don't keep your word, Mr. Xiao won't say anything!"

    ¡°Then I can¡¯t break trust from others!¡± Zhe Zong shook his head and smiled.

    "Oh, okay!" Princess Danyang pouted, sighed helplessly, and flashed a look of unwillingness.

    Zhe Zong chuckled and said: "Xiao Danyang, you also know that Mr. Xiao's martial arts is very powerful. If he really passes it on to you, he might kill you if he doesn't kill me!"

    Princess Danyang rolled her eyes at him without any explanation, and sneered in her heart, XiaoAlthough he killed a lot of people, he was not that cold-blooded.

    "Okay, I'm leaving!" Zhezong stood up slowly while pressing the edge of the couch, and said with a smile, "I'll be in a good mood after coming to your place for a walk!"

    Princess Danyang smiled and said, "Then the official family should come here more often. It's boring for me to be alone!"

    "Come and stay with me more often, don't be lazy!" Zhe Zong said with a chuckle. Mr. Cheng bent down to help him put on his boots. He smiled and said: "I can't come out often, and you can't go there often?!"

    "Okay." Princess Danyang nodded in agreement with a smile.

    Zhezong left Princess Danyang's mansion, and under the strict protection of the imperial guards, he quietly entered Daqing Gate in a bright yellow sedan chair and returned to the palace.

    When I was passing through the Daqing Hall, I wanted to go straight to Qingshou Palace, but suddenly a little eunuch reported: "The national teacher is waiting for driving."

    When Zhezong heard this, he quickly asked people to turn around and go straight to Chui Gong Hall.

    In the Chui Gong Hall, the light is soft, quiet and peaceful.

    At the bottom of the jade steps, there are two lacquered gold-carved animal stoves on the left and right, with light smoke curling up and rising slowly. The hall exudes a subtle fragrance, light but not endless, if it is there or not.

    In the empty hall, a Taoist priest sat on a futon on the west side. He closed his eyes and took a steady breath, motionless, and his whole body was filled with a touch of majesty.

    Wearing a light blue Taoist robe, the two bright eyebrows on the temples are slender and soft, hanging down to the corners of the eyes. The beard is as white as silver and grows to the chest. With the slender face, he can be said to be an immortal.

    A whisk is placed beside him. The handle is white and shiny, and is made of white jade. His hands are in seals, and his sleeves and robes are spread on the carpet, as if he is integrated with the earth.

    Suddenly, his eyes suddenly opened. Danfeng's eyes exuded a superb divine light, and they turned out to be double pupils.

    He raised his hands and formed a seal all the way from the top of his head to his Dantian. Then he took a long breath, and the fine smoke from the beast stove suddenly floated away and flew in all directions.

    Picking up the jade whisk, he slowly got up. At this moment, footsteps hurriedly sounded, the door curtain was opened, and Emperor Zhezong strode in.

    The old Taoist priest bowed his head and said, "I have met Your Majesty!"

    "There is no need to be polite, the Imperial Preceptor." Zhe Zong stepped forward to help him up and said with a smile, "Why did the Imperial Preceptor come suddenly?"

    The old Taoist priest still insisted on bowing and said kindly: "I have just made a pot of Nine Reincarnation Pills. I am eager to present it to Your Majesty, so I took the liberty to come here."

    He looked calm and calm, as if he didn't care about anything in the world. As he spoke, he took out a white jade bottle from his arms.

    "Oh¡ª¡ª?!" Zhe Zong nodded happily: "I have a national master!"

    Eunuch Cheng stepped forward, carefully took the white jade bottle, then presented it to Zhe Zong, then quietly stepped back and stood behind Zhe Zong.

    Zhezong took the jade bottle, opened it, took a look, and said with a smile: "The Imperial Master really took the trouble, and I accept it with a smile!"

    The old Taoist priest bowed with a calm expression: "I am very lucky to be able to share your Majesty's worries!"

    "Master, please take a seat!" Zhe Zong raised his hand, and Eunuch Cheng walked to the east side, pushed open the small door, took out a chair and placed it behind the old Taoist priest.

    Zhe Zong also sat on the chair and said with a smile: "Master, I got a formula from a stranger, and I plan to practice it to test its effectiveness."

    The old Taoist priest was startled, then frowned: "Your Majesty, what is your intention?"

    "It's a secret, maybe it can cure my disease." Zhe Zong said with a smile.

    The old Taoist priest shook his head and frowned, but said calmly: "Your Majesty, I will take a look at this mantra first to see if there is any danger."

    "I'm afraid it won't work." Zhe Zong shook his head and said, "I have promised others that the Dharma will not be spread to the six ears."

    "I wonder which stranger passed it on?" the old Taoist priest asked slowly, with a concerned look on his face.

    He was really worried that His Majesty was terminally ill and there was no cure. He refined the Nine Reincarnations Pill, supplemented it with the mental method he taught him, and used both to extend his life as much as possible.

    Once you stop practicing, your life will inevitably deteriorate, your life will pass quickly, and the consequences will be unpredictable.

    "Xiao Guanlan, Mr. Xiao, does the Imperial Master know?" Zhe Zong asked with a smile.

    The old Taoist priest raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "It's him?!"

    "Exactly." Zhe Zong nodded with a smile and sighed: "This Mr. Xiao is a strange person!"

    The old Taoist priest shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Xiao is indeed a master of martial arts, but he is not a Taoist and does not know the art of long-term vision!"

    He added: "For Taoist cultivators, martial arts is just movement and minor skills. Practicing movement without practicing stillness will simply cost your life!  Your Majesty, proceed with caution!"

    Zhe Zong looked at him, his smile faded, his expression hesitant.
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