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Volume 5: The Eight Parts of the Dragon Chapter 356: Searching

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    Chapter 356 Searching

    "Bang!" The last golden drum sounded loudly, and the bodies of all the knights were shaken.

    "Let's go!" Ximu Quming's scimitar stabbed diagonally in front of her, and faintly spat out a word. The scimitar shone coldly in the bright sunshine.

    At the same time as he gave the order, he grabbed the horse's belly, and the horse turned over his hooves and trotted forward, thrusting straight out. The movement was not fast, but it was a bit leisurely.

    More than fifty cavalry behind him started at the same time, following closely behind him, with the same distance from front to back, left and right, and their armor was sparkling. Looking down, it looked like a dark iron plate.

    In front of you is a flat and vast grassland, empty, with yellowing weeds. A gust of wind blows, gently swaying and rustling.

    In front of the grassland, there is a high fence, and behind the fence there is the faint sound of people.

    Ximu put her scimitar back into its sheath, lowered her body and became one with the horse, rising and falling, her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked ahead.

    He seemed to relive the original scene before his eyes, riding his horse across the fence, breaking into the land of the Song Dynasty, and plundering gold, silver, treasures, daughters and children.

    There are fewer and fewer women in the tribe, and a new batch is needed. In the coming year, wolf cubs will be born. These wolf cubs are the foundation for the prosperity of the tribe.

    The horse under its crotch slowly accelerated, getting faster and faster, and more and more knights appeared around it. It was like a river flowing into the sea, and the teams of people and horses merged into a torrent, and the sound of hooves was like the galloping of ten thousand horses.

    The sound of hooves rumbling around her, Xi Mu Qu Ming squinted her eyes, as if she could hear the Song army behind the fence in a panic, some wanted to resist, some wanted to run, people were scattered, and they collapsed without a fight.

    "Zheng" A sound of the piano penetrated the sound of thousands of galloping horses and reached everyone's ears.

    "Bang" Everyone was shocked, and felt their hearts beating violently, as if they were frightened.

    "Zhengzhengzheng" The sound of the piano continued, three times in a row, piercing my ears.

    Everyone leaned over the horse and started sprinting. They leaned against the horse's back to avoid the bows and arrows. When the sound of the piano passed by, their bodies trembled three times and their speed slowed down.

    The sound of the piano passed by, and my heart beat with the sound of the piano, beating violently, as if it was about to jump out of the cavity, and my eyes went black for a while, and I couldn't see clearly.

    "Clang, clank, clank, clang" A series of piano sounds poured into the ears, like big beads and small beads rolling on a jade plate. The sound was crisp and sweet.

    Their bodies trembled to the sound of the piano, like sheep having an epileptic fit, the horses under their legs slowed down, and their strong legs became weak and weak.

    After the sound of the piano passed by, Ximu Quming felt that her eyes were turning black, and her body was sore and weak, as if she had never recovered from a serious illness and was weak as never before.

    He turned around and looked back, only to see that everyone under his command was foaming at the mouth, their eyes were distracted, and their hands were holding the horse's neck tightly, hanging down.

    "Ding ding ding" The sound of gold and iron echoed in the sky.

    Ximu listened intently, her face became stiff, she drew her scimitar and slashed in the air, then she summoned her energy and shouted: "Slow down!"

    As he spoke, the scimitar was sheathed, his hands weakly pulled up the reins, the horse neighed lightly, slowly slowed down, and after running for more than ten steps, the speed was already slow.

    "Turn around!" Ximu Quming shouted, and with a tug on the reins, the horse swung its tail sideways, turned its head in a beautiful pirouette.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out of its it¨O¨O¨O¨O all the persons behind him made this movement in unison, and even though they were all shaky, they were still as skillful in controlling the horse, as it were one man.

    Everyone turned around and returned together. When they reached the tent, the horses stopped naturally without their control, and the sound of "bang bang" was heard all of a sudden.

    ??????????These knights are all mentally tough and fearless of death. At this time, they finally relaxed. Darkness surged into their hearts like a tide, and they all fell into coma.

    Ximu Qu Ming endured the discomfort, her eyesight went dark, and everything around her was in a daze. Seeing two supporting soldiers rushing out of his tent, he pointed out: "Everything is all set up!"

    As he spoke, he slowly leaned sideways and slid under the horse.

    "Little leader!" The two soldiers were shocked and rushed forward. They caught his majestic body at the same time and suppressed his staggering.

    They helped Xi Mu Qu Ming and returned to the tent. A soldier with a handsome face and about twenty years old grabbed Xi Mu Qu Ming's right hand and pressed it between his wrists. He frowned and pondered for a moment.

    After a while, he raised his head and said: "Uncle, the little leader's breath is disordered, it's nothing serious."

    The other support soldier had thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was about thirty years old. He was a typical Xixia man with sparkling eyes. He stroked his yellow beard and said in a deep voice: "It was the sound of the piano just now!"

    "Uncle, the sound of the piano was so weird just now, what happened?" asked the handsome young man.

    The big man stroked his beard and shook his head: "I don't know, it's really weird! Let's go and settle the others, and they are allIt's hard to protect yourself!  "

    "Yeah." The young man nodded, stood up and followed him out of the tent, sighing: "Thankfully we have practiced kung fu!"

    The two of them went out, dragged the unconscious and foaming knights back to their tents, and pulled their horses in. They were busy for a long time.

    Ximu Quming was lying on the blanket, looking at the tent with wide eyes, her sharp eyes were dull, and she sighed from time to time.

    The curtain was opened, and a handsome and handsome soldier came in, carrying a plate with a roasted leg of lamb on it, golden in color and exuding a rich aroma.

    "Little chief, it's time to eat." The wooden plate was put down in front of Ximu Quming.

    Ximu Qu Ming lay lazily, turned to glare at him, and waved her hand impatiently: "Take it, take it!Xifeng, how can I eat something?!"

    "Little leader, if you don't eat, how can you have the strength to fight?!" Xi Feng advised.

    "Alas with a ghost like this, why are we still fighting?! God bless me if I don't get chased and beaten!" Xi Mu gritted her teeth in anger and unyielding anger.

    Xifeng sat down and sighed: "Little leader, who is this?!"

    Ximu gritted her teeth and said, "If we catch him, I will drink his blood and cramp his tendons!"

    "The sound of the piano is really weird" Xi Feng sighed, shook his head and said: "The general has sent people to search, but the person playing the piano has not been found Everyone is spreading the word in private, is there something wrong?  Ghost?"

    "Humph!" Ximu Quming rolled her eyes and gave him a cold look.

    Xi Feng shook his head hurriedly: "Little chief, I know, this is naturally done by humans I also know a little bit about martial arts, but I have never heard of such Kung Fu. It is the miraculous teaching of Kasyapa Tathagata Temple - Bei Yin Fan Sing,  It¡¯s not that powerful!¡±

    Ximu Quming said coldly: "The general has already gone to Kasyapa Tathagata Temple. He has personally invited the eminent monk to come and see how long that guy can continue to be rampant?!"

    "There are eminent monks from Kassapa Tathagata Temple, so they can be easily captured!" Xi Feng said with a smile.

    Ximu nodded in condescension, turned over and sat up, and said loudly: "Not bad, not badeat!"

    After saying that, he picked up the golden leg of lamb and gnawed on it. Xi Feng breathed a sigh of relief, poured a bowl of milk from the side and handed it to him.

    Ximu raised her head, her mouth full of oil, and said in a deep voice: "Are they all okay?"

    Ximu Qu Ming shook his head hurriedly: "It's nothing serious, but my body is a little weak and I can't mount the horse to fight. The sound of the piano is really evil!"

    "You come here every day, and after more than ten days, even a tough guy can't stand it!  If the general doesn't invite people to come back, he won't be able to hold on for a few days, and everyone will have to finish it!" Ximu Quming gnawed hard on the leg of lamb.  , said angrily: "We iron kites roam the world, when have we ever been so cowardly?!"

    Xi Feng held the goat's milk, nodded and sighed: "We are useless, we can't share the little leader's worries! Uncle went out again, vowing to find that person!"

    Ximu Quming gnawed on the leg of lamb, shaking her head while chewing: "Let your uncle stop wasting his efforts. So many people can't find him, how can he find it?!"

    Xi Feng hurriedly said: "Uncle is a very strong martial artist and is also the best hunter. He will definitely be able to find him!"

    "Okay, okay, let him do it!" Ximu waved her oily hands, gnawing hard on the golden leg of lamb, and took a sip of the goat's milk from time to time.

    "Suddenly" the curtain was suddenly opened, a bright light flashed, and a person came in.

    Xi Feng¡¯s eyesight was sharp and he hurriedly shouted: ¡°Uncle!¡±

    The person who came staggered, Xifengteng stood up, supported him and asked urgently: "Uncle, what's wrong?!"

    The man with thick eyebrows and big eyes slowly sat down and said humbly to Ximu who looked up: "Little chief, I found the piano player!"

    "Found it?!" Xi Mu Qu Ming was startled, threw half of the leg of lamb out, stepped forward and grabbed his shoulder and asked urgently: "Where is it?!"

    The middle-aged man snorted, his thick eyebrows knitted together, and Xi Mu Qu Ming hurriedly let go: "Are you injured?!"

    The middle-aged man nodded and said with a wry smile: "The person playing the piano is a man, a few years older than Xi Feng. He is accompanied by a stunning beauty. He has great kung fu and ruthless attacks!"

    Ximu Qu Ming hurriedly said: "Sit down quickly and recover from your injuries. I'll find someone to go with you and catch them!"
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