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Volume 5: The Eight Parts of the Dragon Chapter 332: Entering the Pavilion

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    Chapter 332 Entering the Pavilion

    They traveled for a day and talked to Chun Niang and the others. After an hour, they became tired, so everyone took a rest.

    Secondly, entering the courtyard due to the north, there are three rooms in a row. Xiao Yuesheng is located due east, separated by one room, Wang Yuyan is in the west, and Fang Xueqing lives in the east wing.

    Xiao Yuesheng didn't need to practice meditation. When he returned to his bedroom, he felt no sleepiness for a while. The ball of soul became more and more solid. He was energetic. Even if he didn't sleep, he didn't feel sleepy. He was energetic and full all the time.

    I couldn¡¯t sleep, so I took a book, leaned on the couch, and read leisurely. There was a round table in front of the couch, and a white jade cup on the table. The cup was half full of fine wine, which was a gift from Princess Danyang.

    Occasionally, he stretched out his hand, and the white jade cup floated up, as if it had wings, and floated into his hand. He took a sip, let go, and the white jade cup floated back to the round table.

    While drinking wine and reading a book, my expression was leisurely and indescribably relaxed.

    Since the pill formation, his lifestyle has completely changed. He can settle down and enjoy life. He also has time to do things that he usually has no time to do.

    What he was holding in his hand was a Taoist scripture called the Shangqing Great Cave True Scripture. He got it hard and looked through it, but he couldn't figure it out. He felt that it was so mysterious that he could not hear it.

    So, he put it down casually, and as the golden elixir began to form, he could faintly hear the rules of heaven and earth. When he encountered the law, he was destined to the law, but he could not recognize it, but it was undestined. There was no need to force it, because it was not his own way.

    At the moment, his most urgent thing is to train his body. Only by making his body tough and invulnerable can he avoid the risk of accidental death.

    Even if you have the ball of soul and the power to break open space, you will always lose your mind. Only by empowering your body with its own divine power can you be safe.

    He thought for a while and thought of Shaolin¡¯s unique skill - the indestructible magical power of the Vajra.

    This skill is the pinnacle of foreign martial arts. Once mastered, the body will be invulnerable and the palm force cannot be broken. It can be said to be the best horizontal martial arts in the world.

    "It's just that this is Shaolin's unique skill. Although no one has mastered it, it has its intimidating power. It may be difficult for others to practice it.

    He shook his head, remembering that when he went to Shaolin to seek the Yi Jin Jing, he was rejected. Although the knot in his heart was sown, it was later cut off.

    Now, if you want to pursue the secret knowledge, it is obviously not possible. Besides, as the master of Wuliang Sword, if you go to Shaolin, you will naturally be a little shorter and the prestige of Wuliang Sword will be weakened.

    It seems that he can only find a way by himself. He thought for a while and suddenly thought, since he couldn't ask for it, why not just go and have a look?

    Since the achievement of the golden elixir, he has felt that the fetters in his heart have been swept away one by one, as if a beaded net has been swept away, revealing a superb heart.

    Nowadays, you should act according to your heart. As long as you want to do something and it does not violate the way of heaven, just do it naturally. There is no need to worry or hesitate.

    While he was thinking, he suddenly looked up. There was no sound outside the house, but he could feel someone approaching, silently, but he couldn't escape his intuition.

    The ball of soul hanging in the mind swirled, and a brain wave spread out like a sound wave, reflecting the entire Xiao Mansion in the blink of an eye.

    "Young Master?" A soft voice sounded, but it was Fang Xueqing.

    Xiao Yuesheng put down the book and said warmly: "Xue Qing, come in."

    Fang Xueqing gently opened the door and came in silently. She turned around and closed the door, opened the bead curtain, and came to Xiao Yuesheng's bedroom.

    She was dressed in a moon-white robe, with a silk sash around her waist. She tied the loose robe around her waist, revealing her slender waist.

    The hair is spread loosely, shining under the light, like black satin, draped softly on the shoulders, as gentle as water.

    "Young Master." She came forward Yingying, her jade face was flushed, her eyes were shining with a vague luster, as if she was drunk, she was so charming and radiant that it was irresistible.

    A clear light flashed in Xiao Yuesheng's eyes, a wry smile appeared, and he pointed to the chair next to the table in front of the couch: "Sit down, Xue Qing!"

    Fang Xueqing first helped him fill the white jade cup, sat down, and said softly: "Young Master"

    Xiao Yuesheng interrupted her and said warmly: "Xueqing, how has your kung fu been in recent days? Has it fallen behind?"

    "No, how dare I be lazy?!" Fang Xueqing rolled her eyes at him, her eyes moving, extremely charming.

    Xiao Yuesheng smiled: "Have you ever figured out the strength of the Murong family?"

    "Sure enough, there are some masters hidden!" Fang Xueqing nodded slightly and hummed: "They have a lot of weapons and pills, their strength is amazing!"

    "Well, they take the restoration of the country as their own responsibility and have accumulated it over several generations, so it's obviously not too bad." Xiao Yuesheng saidHe nodded slowly, lifted up the brocade quilt, and got down on the bed wearing a moon-white coat.

    Fang Xueqing hurriedly stepped forward, bent down to help him put on his boots, her black hair flowing down, covering her charming face.

    Xiao Yuesheng put on his boots, walked slowly on the ground, and said warmly: "Now it seems that the Murong family is nothing to worry about, so there is no need to pay any more attention to it."

    "Yes, young master." Fang Xueqing nodded lightly.

    At the beginning, Xiao Yuesheng gave Fang Xueqing a task to closely monitor the movements of the Murong family so as not to cause any more trouble.

    The Murong family has great power to collect treasures. After all, they have accumulated many generations of hard work, which is naturally different from ordinary aristocratic families.

    ?????????????????? These powers are often latent, and you don¡¯t feel them at ordinary times, but at critical moments, they suddenly appear, making it difficult to guard against, and extremely terrifying.

    Although he is powerful in martial arts, he does not regard people in the world as idiots. He does not think that he is invincible and can sit back and relax. It is his style to strike first and gain the upper hand.

    Fang Xueqing stood quietly in front of him, panting softly, with a faint fragrance that penetrated his nose. Xiao Yuesheng raised his brows, took a few steps, and distanced himself.

    Xiao Yuesheng suddenly stopped: "Xueqing, go to Princess Danyang tomorrow and stay with her to prevent anyone from taking advantage of her."

    "Hmm." Fang Xueqing hesitated and nodded lightly.

    Xiao Yuesheng opened the bead curtain, pushed the door open and walked out. The night was as cool as water and the air was fresh.

    Fang Xueqing followed, and the two passed through the moon gate, came to the garden behind, and entered the small pavilion.

    Several strings of lanterns were hung at the four corners of the pavilion, which illuminated it brightly, as if it were daytime. The surrounding flowers and plants were reflected, making it look like a jade palace in a fairy palace.

    Xiao Yuesheng looked at the fence, turned around, and said warmly: "Xue Qing, what happened?"

    Fang Xueqing's face suddenly turned red and she whispered: "Sir, it's nothing"

    Xiao Yuesheng waved his hand and scolded with a smile: "You, you can't hide your thoughts in front of me, what are your thoughts?"

    Fang Xueqing lowered her head and shook her head. The blush had spread from her face to her ears.

    Xiao Yuesheng chuckled, knowing what she was thinking, but pretending not to know.

    Fang Xueqing asked softly: "Sir, why did you marry Miss Wang?"

    "We will talk after this period of time has passed and things have calmed down." Xiao Yuesheng smiled, shook his head and said: "When the time comes, we will withdraw from the martial arts world, and I will step down as the leader. Let's go live on the prairie and be free!"

    "That's good!" Fang Xueqing nodded hurriedly.

    "It's getting dark, let's go back." Xiao Yuesheng reached out and patted her shoulder, smiled, turned around and left the pavilion.

    Fang Xueqing looked at him steadily, her bright eyes twinkling, biting her red lips.

    Xiao Yuesheng's figure flashed and disappeared suddenly. The next moment, he had appeared in front of Songshan Shaolin Temple, sizing up the ancient temple.

    At this time, Shaolin was shrouded in moonlight, quiet, solemn, and extremely solemn.

    Xiao Yuesheng closed his eyes slightly, and the ball of soul turned in his mind. The whole Shaolin appeared clearly, and he quickly locked onto the Sutra Pavilion.

    The figure flashed, disappeared on the ground, and flashed again, suddenly appearing in the Sutra Pavilion.

    There are no lights in the Sutra Pavilion. This is to prevent a fire from setting the Sutra Pavilion on fire. Even if the Sutra Pavilion is saved, the Buddhist scriptures will be burned.

    But at night, there were still people in the pavilion, because the Shaolin disciples practiced martial arts a lot and focused on seeking peace, and their internal strength cultivation was very smooth, far better than ordinary martial arts people.

    ???????????? Under this condition, their cultivation is mostly profound, and when they read at night, even if there is no torch, it is not in the way and they can still see clearly.

    Xiao Yuesheng suddenly came in and appeared in a deserted corner.

    The Sutra Pavilion was quiet. Occasionally, there was the sound of turning pages of books, and the faint sound of murmuring scriptures. The atmosphere was solemn.

    He suddenly turned his head, frowned, looked at it for a moment, and then shook his head.

    Just for a moment, he felt a gaze falling on him, but when he turned around to look, it disappeared again, which was extremely strange.
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