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Volume 5: The Eight Parts of the Sky and the Dragon Chapter 83: Valley

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    Chapter 83 Valley

    The two came to the easternmost mountain wall in the valley.

    This wall is steep and straight, as if someone had cut it down with an axe. The wall is covered with moss and covered with green vines, and the stones below cannot be seen.

    Xiao Yuesheng looked at it carefully, his eyes moving back and forth on the stone wall.

    Wang Yuyan looked up, her eyes like water, climbing up the mountain wall, up, up, and finally saw the blue sky, and suddenly felt as small as an ant.

    She turned around and asked: "Can you climb up from here?"

    Xiao Yuesheng smiled and shook his head, stretched out his left hand, sneer, Shaoze's sword came out, and the sword energy hit the stone wall, as if a small hole was made.

    "Bang!" There was a sound, and Wang Yuyan was startled. She looked around and saw a cave entrance suddenly appeared. It was about a person tall and dark.

    She got closer to get a better look. As soon as she got closer, a strong wind suddenly blew in her face, causing her hair to flutter and her clothes to flutter.

    This gust of wind rushed out from the entrance of the cave and blew on her body. She quickly stepped back, not daring to look anymore. She turned to look at Xiao Yuesheng, her bright eyes showing questioning.

    "Let's go in." Xiao Yuesheng walked forward without hesitation, and pulled her little hand with his right hand. It was as soft as boneless, delicate and gentle, and it was wonderful.

    Wang Yuyan hurriedly tried to break away, but she couldn't get away. Xiao Yuesheng kept walking. She, the little ant, couldn't shake the elephant, so she could only follow behind.

    As soon as she entered, her eyes were completely dark, and then it lit up. As if her body was immersed in a hot spring, the original darkness became clearly visible.

    She suddenly felt emotional that it was good to have inner strength. Even if there was no light at night, she could still see clearly, so there was no need to be afraid of the night.

    Xiao Yuesheng was walking very fast. In the blink of an eye, she was pulled for nearly a hundred meters. Suddenly, there was a bright light in front of her eyes.

    He walked out directly and saw a valley in front of him, surrounded by mountains. The peaks were as straight as a barrel, like a round barrel.

    Xiao Yuesheng Yuan Shen shines brightly. This valley is about one mile in radius, twice the size of the valley outside.

    There is a forest in the valley, and the birds are chirping, which makes the valley more tranquil. There is a faint and crisp shouting sound, which seems to be the voice of a child.


    Connected to the foot is a sloping slope that stretches to the base of the mountain wall. The slope is covered with green grass, like a small meadow.

    There is a pool at the base of the easternmost mountain wall. It is as clear as a mirror. The steep mountain wall and the blue sky and white clouds are reflected on the water.

    By the pool, nearly a hundred children were doing Green Gong. They were all working hard and looked like little adults, with stern and serious faces.

    "Who are you?!" Two men suddenly stood up among the children, but they were men in their forties or fifties. Their burly bodies were covered in black clothes, and their faces were full of ferocity.

    The two of them placed their right hands on the hilts of the knives and approached slowly, looking wary and staring at Xiao Yuesheng with piercing eyes.

    "Are you also a member of the Black Demon Cavalry?" Xiao Yuesheng stood with his hands behind his hands and looked at the children in the distance. Their faces were all tense and hostile.

    "How did you get in?" One of the big men shouted. There was a scar on the left side of his face, diagonally scratching from the left eye to the mouth, like a centipede.

    Xiao Yuesheng clicked two fingers in the air, silently, using a Yang finger.

    The two of them froze in place, motionless like statues.

    Xiao Yuesheng's eyes flickered as he glanced at the group of children and slowly came to the two of them, about ten feet away.

    Looking closely, the two men were stiff, only their eyes could move, and they looked anxious.

    "Don't worry, I won't hurt these little guys." He smiled at the big man with the scar on his face, and turned to look at the kids.

    They stared at Xiao Yuesheng with their eyes wide open, curiously looking at the field. They didn¡¯t know why.

    Xiao Yuesheng asked with a smile: "Little guys, you have been wronged here. Do you want to kill them two?"

    "You are not allowed to harm Master Sun and Master Wang!" The children shouted one after another, swarming over and surrounding the two ferocious men. Their petite bodies protected them and glared at Xiao Yuesheng, like a hen protecting its chicks.  .

    Xiao Yuesheng touched his nose, showing a hint of embarrassment, and looked at Wang Yuyan.

    Wang Yuyan couldn't help but purse her lips and smile. He had always been confident and knew everything about the world at his fingertips. It was rare for him to be so embarrassed.

    She took a few steps forward and said softly: "Little brother, are they good people?"

    This little boy is about 11 or 12 years old. He has bright eyes and is handsome and cute: "Master Sun and Master Wang are both good people. They teach us martial arts and protect ourselves!"

    "Are those people outside good people?" Wang Yuyan asked softly.

    "They are all bad people!" the little boy said loudly, showing an angry look

    "What's wrong?" Wang Yuyan's expression became softer and she touched his head.

    The little boy tilted his head, not wanting her to touch him, and said loudly: "They often beat us, make fun of us, and want to kill us. They are bad people!"

    Wang Yuyan showed a look of pity and turned to look at Xiao Yuesheng.

    "That's it." Xiao Yuesheng nodded, the clear light in his eyes slowly dissipated, and he flicked his sleeves towards the two big men in the air.

    They trembled, resumed their movements, and took a long breath. They looked at each other, with a look of surprise, and punched and unblocked the acupoints from a distance. With such a miraculous skill, they had no power to fight back.

    "Seeing that your hands are still clean and not stained with too much blood, I'll give you a chance to change things." Xiao Yuesheng looked at the two of them and said with a smile.

    The big man with scars on his face clasped his fists: "That's all sir's orders are. As long as you don't hurt these little guys, don't dare to refuse!"

    Xiao Yuesheng put his hands on his hands and smiled: "Okay, I am Xiao Guanlan, the head of Wuliang Sword East Sect, and I will accept you two as my disciples today!"

    "This" The two of them were startled and hesitated.

    Xiao Yuesheng narrowed his eyes: "Why, my temple is too small to accommodate the giant Buddha?"

    "No, I'm afraid we are both incapable of learning" the big man with the scar on his face said hurriedly.

    Xiao Yuesheng waved his hand: "Although you two are not strong in martial arts, what I value is your character. You can stand out from the mud and take care of these little guys with all your heart!"

    Hearing this, the two of them felt relieved, and then they surmised that this person was also a kind person, so they appreciated their actions.

    "Furthermore, Xiao Guanlan is a man with strong martial arts skills. His eyes are deep and penetrating. He must be determined and determined. He will not tolerate others' disobedience. If he disobeys, he will be killed directly."

    The two of them specialize in supporting talented people and have studied the art of observing people extremely well. They saw Xiao Yuesheng's character at a glance and were very worried.

    Everyone is destined to die, and death is not terrible. What is terrible is to die useless, worthless, and come to this world in vain!

    Thinking of this, the big man with the scar on his face looked determined. He gritted his teeth, knelt on one knee, clasped his fists and said solemnly: "Sun Pengfei meets the leader!"

    Another big man was startled, and he knelt down and clasped his fists: "Wang Fuhu comes to see the leader!"

    Xiao Yuesheng laughed, looked at the two of them, his eyes flashed, and waved his hand: "No need to be formal, find a place to sit down and talk."

    "Yes, Master!" Sun Pengfei nodded and stood up, turned his head, and hummed with a downcast face: "You brats, bad girls, why don't you go practice kung fu?!"

    ¡°Yes¡ª!¡± the children shouted, and scattered like birds and beasts, and each returned to the pond to practice their martial arts.

    A smile appeared on Sun Pengfei's fierce face. They fought tooth and nail to protect him, which made him feel very warm in his heart. Although he was usually strict, these little guys were all sensible and knew it was for their own good.

    " Xiao Yuesheng smiled secretly. He had the Taiqing Yuxia Ziying Guan Sutra and could see through the two people's thoughts. He found that they were kind-hearted. Although their martial arts were not very strong, they were rare talents.

    As the leader, he knew the importance of talents. Such a person was worth dozens of disciples who could fight and kill. He couldn't miss it, so he took it by force.

    The three of them came to a pine cabin. Wang Fuhu brought a cup of tea, and the four of them sat on the bright pine floor and talked. There was no bed here, and the mattresses were laid directly on the ground to sleep.

    Xiao Yuesheng talked about it, and talked about the matter again. He heard that he killed the old man in black. Sun Pengfei and Wang Fuhu looked at each other with a look of excitement.

    Sun Pengfei raised his eyebrows with joy: "Master, you have eliminated a great harm to the world!  His Majesty loves to eat people's hearts, one heart at a time!  Heishaqi kills people just to poach people's hearts and rob him.  Looting money is only secondary, I don¡¯t know how many people have been killed over the years!¡±

    Xiao Yuesheng said "hmm" and said warmly: "Are all the people from the Black Devil Cavalry here?"

    Sun Pengfei thought for a moment and said: "No! It seems that he met a master, and the boss gathered a group of people to do it for him."

    Xiao Yuesheng said: "So, the Heishaqi people have been eliminated."

    "He who is the boss?" Sun Pengfei's mind was spinning very quickly.

    Xiao Yuesheng nodded: "Well, he is dead, and all of his hundreds of men are dead, not a single one is left."

    Sun Pengfei¡¯s expression changed slightly and he cheered up: ¡°Congratulations, Master, for destroying the Black Evil Cavalry, your merits are immeasurable!¡±

    A clear light flashed in Xiao Yuesheng's eyes. He glanced at the two of them and nodded: "Okay, Old Sun, go to the Central Plains and deliver a letter to me."

    "Yes!" Sun Pengfei nodded without hesitation.

    He wrote a letter, and Sun Pengfei put it away and rode away. He and Wang Yuyan lived in the valley, accompanying the gang.The wife practices Qigong.

    He is very eloquent, speaks directly to people's hearts, and his teaching methods are profound and simple, far surpassing those of Sun Pengfei and Wang Fuhu. He often speaks to the hearts of children and quickly wins their love.

    Wang Yuyan put down her reserve and played with the children, which was very different from her usual aloofness.

    Children are the most careless, innocent, lively and cute, which infected Wang Yuyan.

    She has been living in Mantuo Villa and rarely goes out. Most of the time she sits in Langhuan Jade Pavilion and reads books. She has never experienced hardships in the world and her childlike innocence is still intact, so she can play with children.

    Xiao Yuesheng searched out some martial arts secrets from the valley outside, all of which were hidden by the old man in black. He also pointed out the treasures in the dark places and was secretly astonished.

    After getting it, he lost interest and paid more attention to the martial arts secrets. He took them out to read and comprehend, and occasionally taught the children how to practice as a rest.

    Wang Yuyan also practiced martial arts with them. She originally thought that it was not suitable for her daughter's family to touch or touch her, as it was not in line with women's ethics. But now she understands that if she doesn't know martial arts, she can't move forward and can only let mermaids do it.

    Xiao Yuesheng taught her Lingbo Weibu.

    Wang Yuyan is proficient in the Book of Changes, extremely smart, and learns extremely quickly. She always uses her footwork and her internal energy develops quickly.

    Seeing her floating in the air, as graceful as the God of Luoshui, it was pleasing to the eye, and Xiao Yuesheng was very happy, just like enjoying singing and dancing.

    Xiao Yuesheng is studying another set of Qinggong - Floating Light, which is a mental method of Qinggong performed by the old man in black, which is extremely fast.

    This skill is even better than the Shen Xing Jue. If you don't have deep internal strength, you can turn formless into form and use the Sound Killing Technique, the consequences will be unpredictable.

    When the old man in black performed this skill, Xiao Yuesheng had already seen it clearly. At this time, he compared it with the secret manual, and he understood it more deeply and mastered it as soon as he learned it.

    When he used it, his speed was faster due to his deeper inner strength. He disappeared in a flash and appeared ten feet away.

    It is so unbelievable that the human eye is useless. Xiao Yuesheng was amazed by it. He meditated on its essence and benefited a lot.

    At noon on the third day, the sun was shining brightly.

    Xiao Yuesheng was in a small room, closing his eyes and thinking deeply, thinking about the secret of the transformation between innate Qi and acquired Qi, when the sound of light footsteps came.

    He opened his eyes and said to Wang Yuyan, who was standing motionless outside the door, "What's the matter, Yuyan?"

    Wang Yuyan's soft voice came: "Old Sun is back, and your men are following him."

    Xiao Yuesheng stood up and left the room, walked into the sunshine, and took a look at Wang Yuyan. Her face was as white as jade, and she wore a moon-white blouse. The tailoring was well-fitting, and her figure was even more graceful.

    She practiced Lingbo Weibu, her blood was strong, her face was white and red, and it could be broken by a blow.

    "So fast?" Xiao Yuesheng was confused, and without stopping, he left the valley directly, came to the outer valley, and entered the main hall.

    Wang Yuyan used the Lingbo Microstep, which was very fast and she could barely keep up.
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