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Volume 4 Chapter 46 Special Training

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    Chapter 46 Special Training

    Ma Chunhua turned to look at her and nodded: "You also know about Walun Temple?!"

    She had some doubts. The master said that he had a dream at night, and he dreamed that someone was assassinating him at night, which meant that it was this girl in purple.

    As far as she knows, the master never dreams, because his state of mind is extremely high, which seems to be the state of Taoist mind, so Xiao Yuesheng never dreams when sleeping.

    She knew this, so she knew he was talking nonsense, but the master didn't tell her, and she couldn't ask, so she had no choice but to give it up, but she became wary.

    Last night, she sat cross-legged and entered a state of concentration. She entered the state of concentration so deeply that her five senses were closed. Even the thunder outside could hardly shake her mind.

    Because the master is by her side, she can come down completely. Even if Xiao Yuesheng is sleeping, it is still difficult to hide the slightest movement, so Ma Chunhua is extremely relieved.

    Being with Xiao Yuesheng, she will have a sense of stability in her heart. She will not worry about any danger at all. He can handle everything she encounters, so she can feel at ease and enter deep into the realm without paying attention to everything outside.

    The girl in purple nodded and looked at Xiao Yuesheng doubtfully: "Walun Temple is not well-known, how do you know?"

    Xiao Yuesheng smiled slightly: "I have an account to settle with Walun Temple."

    The girl in purple turned her bright eyes and vaguely guessed that they did not mean well. She shook her head and said: "If you are looking for trouble, I advise you to be careful."

    "Does the girl know their background?" Ma Chunhua asked.

    The girl in purple shirt nodded: "Of course! My home is not far from Walun Temple, so they know a little bit about it, but only a little bit The Walun Temple is mysterious and mysterious, and there are no incense offerings!"

    "Then tell us quickly." Ma Chunhua smiled as brightly as a flower.

    The girl in purple shirt glanced at Xiao Yuesheng, snorted softly, shut up, turned around, and packed her bags.

    Ma Chunhua turned to look at Xiao Yuesheng with a puzzled expression. She felt a little uncomfortable and felt that there was an unusual aura flowing between the two of them.

    Although she knew that her thoughts were random and innocent, she could not meditate. This was her own intuition. She entered the room with her virtual skills, and her intuition became more and more accurate.

    Xiao Yuesheng smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "Girl, do you have any grudge against me?"

    The girl in purple ignored him and continued to pack her bags. She had packed her bags, took a sip of water, picked up her water bag and baggage, and was about to leave.

    "Is it because of Feng Tiannan?" Xiao Yuesheng said softly.

    The girl in purple stopped walking, turned to look at him, and nodded fiercely: "You are right!"

    "I wonder what your relationship is with Feng Tiannan?" Xiao Yuesheng nodded and asked lightly.

    He thought in his heart that this should be the root cause, otherwise, how could this woman be hostile to him and have murderous intentions.

    When she shot out the ring, she wanted to save Feng Tiannan, but failed. Maybe she had a grudge.

    Fortunately, last night, for some reason, she wanted to kill herself, but stopped and dispersed her murderous intention. Otherwise, she would have died long ago and her soul would have returned to the underworld.

    He always strikes potential opponents first and nip them in the bud, and the same goes for this woman.

    "But he never knew whether she was an enemy or a friend, so he didn't kill her. Although he was ruthless and resolute, he was not an indiscriminate killer, and he also gave people a glimmer of hope.

    His soul is powerful and has the ability to penetrate people's hearts, but when he looks at this woman, he is confused and confused.

    This woman hates herself in her heart, but she also feels grateful. The two feelings are mixed together and are inexplicably complicated.

    No matter how deep he went, he couldn't see clearly, because the woman herself didn't know what her thoughts were, and she was crumpled into a mess.

    I can¡¯t see clearly, I want to see clearly.

    So last night, he deliberately set up a test to see whether this woman was an enemy or a friend, and what her true feelings were.

    At the beginning, he felt her murderous intention, so he deliberately created opportunities to let her take action so that he could get rid of her and avoid future troubles.

    Unexpectedly, she actually stopped her hand and withdrew her murderous intent.

    This deeply aroused his interest. He gave up the thought of killing and wanted to see what was going on with her. Playing hide-and-seek with the beautiful woman could also relieve the loneliness of the journey.

    With this kind of thought in mind, his demeanor became extraordinarily gentle, his temper seemed much better, and he allowed others to be arrogant.

    ¡°If it were normal, if I saw her like this, I would have scolded her or taught her a lesson.

    The girl in purple shirt slowly turned around and strode away. A clear voice floated into the temple along with a gust of wind: "The surname is Feng, he is my biological father!""Eh-?!" Ma Chunhua was surprised, her bright eyes widened, and she turned to look at Xiao Yuesheng: "Master, did she just say that she is Feng Tiannan's daughter?!"

    Xiao Yuesheng nodded and suddenly smiled: "Well, it's really interesting! My biological daughter It seems that there must be a twists and turns in the story"

    Ma Chunhua hesitated and whispered: "Since she is Feng Tiannan's daughter, does she want to seek revenge from us?"

    Xiao Yuesheng smiled, waved his hand and said, "Not really, let's take a look and then we'll talk."

    Although Ma Chunhua was confused, she still nodded and asked, "Then should we ask her where the Walun Temple is?"

    Xiao Yuesheng shook his head and said: "Don't worry about her, let's just go our own way."

    "Yes, Master." Ma Chunhua responded with a crisp voice, very happy. Looking at the woman in purple shirt, she always felt uncomfortable, purely intuitive.

    She went to untie the water bag and poured water for Xiao Yuesheng to wash her face. After finishing, she took a silk handkerchief, soaked it in water, washed it clean, and slowly wiped her face with gentle and elegant movements, which was pleasing to the eye.

    Having done this, the two of them ate some dry food, sipped a cup of tea, and then started on their way.

    At this time, no one was seen outside the temple, and the girl in purple clothes disappeared without a trace. She had not eaten breakfast and had already galloped away on a white horse.

    This white horse is an extremely powerful horse. It was able to keep up with Ma Chunhua's lightness skills before. What's especially valuable is its endurance. It chased closely without losing track.

    Ma Chunhua was very surprised. She thought that this girl would not give up and would still get involved. Unexpectedly, she was nowhere to be seen along the way.

    In front of the Walun Temple with red roofs and yellow walls, Xiao Yuesheng and Ma Chunhua, their clothes as new as new, stand out from the crowd, showing no sign of weather.

    Ma Chunhua is dressed in a moon-white Taoist robe, fluttering like a fairy in the dust, without a trace of the worldly atmosphere. Her beautiful face is still as beautiful as a flower, without any sign of haggard. Outsiders can't tell how she was tortured along the way.

    Thinking about the situation along the way, Ma Chunhua shuddered and quickly shook her head, trying to get rid of the entangled memories.

    This time, Xiao Yuesheng was cruel, iron-hearted, and ruthless.

    When he was at Guanlan Taoist Temple, he fought with the people from Walun Temple, and Ma Chunhua was carelessly injured. At that time, he had the idea of ????training Ma Chunhua hard.

    This trip back and forth to Xinjiang to find Walun Temple was a great opportunity. Along the way, they did not ride horses, but relied on light skills to travel.

    Xiao Yuesheng was in front, performing Qing Kung faster and faster, twelve hours a day, only stopping at night, and never stopping during the day.

    Throughout the day, I didn¡¯t rest or eat. I just drank some water when I was thirsty, but I couldn¡¯t stop drinking. I could only drink water while practicing Qinggong and walking quickly.

    Once, Ma Chunhua felt lazy and couldn't bear the fatigue. She wanted to secretly catch her breath. As soon as her feet slowed down, a white light suddenly shot out from Xiao Yuesheng's sleeves and hit her.

    This was a white chess piece. After being hit by it, all the acupoints in her body were immediately sealed, and she froze on the spot, motionless.

    Ma Chunhua felt bad. Although she could take a break, she knew that Master's methods would not be like this.

    Soon, she discovered the key.

    This small chess piece contained a strange force, like a small snake coming out of the chess piece, worming its way into her body and flowing through her meridians at an extremely fast speed. Then, a strange feeling surged through her body.  come out.

    Every place the little snake passed by began to feel numb and itchy, as if there was an ant crawling around. It was itchy and numb. It felt like my legs were numb after meditating for a long time and getting off the bed.

    This strange feeling became more and more intense. Eventually, it felt like my whole body was being eaten by countless ants. It hurt, itched, and was numb. It was more terrifying than torture. I wished I could hit my head to death, die in one go, and not have to suffer this pain again.

    But her acupuncture points were sealed and she couldn't move, making the pain even more unbearable.

    She felt like she was falling into Avici Hell, life was worse than death, her mind was numb, she couldn't think of any other thoughts, or even hate, she only had one thought: get through it!

    Half an hour later, her body suddenly became light, her stagnant breath suddenly moved, and the acupuncture points had untied themselves.

    It was only half an hour, but she felt as if it had been a hundred years. She was exhausted, unable to move, and she didn't even have the strength to curse.

    She fell down softly, but her body became lighter. A unique fresh air surged in front of her nose. Her familiar but unfamiliar breath. When she looked up, it was the smiling face of her master Xiao Yuesheng.

    Xiao Yuesheng held her in his arms and looked down at her with a smile: "Chunhua, how did you feel just now?"

    Ma Chunhua¡¯s face was pale, as if she was seriously ill. She stared at him bitterly, speechless.

      Xiao Yuesheng chuckled and said: "Chunhua, don't blame Master for being cruel. Your martial arts is really bad. If I don't force you, you won't be able to practice martial arts well."

    Ma Chunhua closed her bright eyes, too lazy to speak, feeling very sad.

    Seeing this, Xiao Yuesheng patted her vest gently, showing a comforting look.

    A cool breath came from his hand and passed into Ma Chunhua's body, and she immediately moved around at a very fast speed.

    Wherever the breath travels, the meridians are moisturized, just like the rain after a long drought. You feel an indescribable sense of relief, and your whole body feels like a fairy.

    Her concentration was still weak after all, so she quickly immersed herself in this pleasure, with a smile on her delicate lips.

    After Ma Chunhua woke up, she still ignored him, but Xiao Yuesheng was not soft-hearted because of this, and her tone was firm and would not be disobeyed.

    Although Ma Chunhua was angry with her master, she never dared to disobey her orders. She could only practice hard and diligently, and made rapid progress.

    Arriving in front of Walun Temple, Ma Chunhua's internal strength increased greatly, and her internal strength was twice as strong as before arriving. It was an astonishing improvement.

    Although Ma Chunhua was very angry, she also felt satisfied when she saw the remarkable results. The hard-earned achievements were not in vain.

    As for the girl in purple shirt, after her sudden appearance, she was never seen again, and she had been left far behind by them.

    Although her white horse divine steed is far behind Xiao Yuesheng's Qinggong, she can't even catch up.

    Looking at Walun Temple, the conical house looks very strange. Buildings of this style are rare in the Central Plains.

    The temple door is closed and deserted. It does not look like an ordinary temple with its door open for people to offer incense.

    Xiao Yuesheng understands that this kind of building seems to be common in foreign countries, and it has not yet been introduced to the Central Plains.

    "Master, I'll call the door." Ma Chunhua said, rolling her eyes at him.

    Xiao Yuesheng nodded, looked around, and said in a low voice: "This Walun Temple is not that simple. You must not underestimate the enemy."

    "I understand." Ma Chunhua said impatiently.

    Back then, the four monks at Walun Temple had excellent martial arts skills and she was no match for them. How could she underestimate this Walun Temple?  !

    She took a few steps forward, climbed the steps, came to the temple door, and knocked lightly on the door knocker.

    In the blink of an eye, someone opened the door, but it was a young lama, about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a tall hat, tithing, and looking respectful and humble.

    Ma Chunhua titheed and said softly: "Where is the abbot of your temple? We want to visit!"

    The little lama looked at her blankly, pointed at his own mouth, then at Ma Chunhua's mouth, and shook his head.

    Ma Chunhua suddenly slapped her forehead, turned around and left, walked down the steps, came to Xiao Yuesheng, and said: "Master, we forgot something important we can't understand what they said!"
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