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Volume 3 Smiling Proud Chapter 1 Seriously Injured

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    Chapter 1 Seriously injured

    Beiyue Hengshan is located in Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province. It stretches for 500 miles from northeast to southwest. It has 180 beautiful peaks, the main peak is Tianfengling, and is known as the master of thousands of mountains in the North.

    The Hengshan Sect on Jianxing Peak is one of the Five Mountains Sword Sects. Although they are all women, they are so prestigious that they are not inferior to men.

    On this day, at dusk in midsummer, the sun set in the west, and the scorching sun turned into an orange-red disk hanging in the western sky. The sky was full of sunset, reflecting the Hengshan Mountain beautifully and softly.

    A heavy rain had just fallen, and the mountain road was muddy.


    The little nun who walked at the end was extremely beautiful, delicate and refined, like a pearl and jade dew, not stained by a trace of dirt. She was a rare beauty. It made people sigh and sigh at the waste of natural resources. Such a person has such a beautiful body.  He confuses all sentient beings. Why did he become a nun?  !


    But the more careful she was, the more mistakes she made. When she reached a narrow mountain path, her foot slipped and she reached out to hold the mountain wall. Her almost transparent white hands were immediately covered with moss.

    She looked at her slender hands a few times, frowned and thought for a moment, stopped, raised her head and said to the nun in front of her: "Senior Sister Yihe, my hands are dirty and I need to wash them."

    The voice is extremely charming, as mellow as the oriole in the valley.

    "Okay let's go up the mountain to see the master first. You can catch up quickly." The middle-aged female nun at the front said.

    "Yes." The beautiful little nun nodded in agreement, turned around, and walked back.

    She was very familiar with the road here. After walking for more than ten steps, she turned down and came to a small stream. The gurgling water flowed out of the valley. It was crystal clear and fish could be seen swimming.

    The little nun came to the stream, squatted on a bluestone in the stream, stretched out her slender hands, washed the moss off her hands, took out the cloth handkerchief from the wide sleeve of her robe, and wiped her hands.

    Just as she was about to turn around, her figure suddenly became firm. She took a step forward and looked sideways. Her bright, watery eyes immediately widened, and she saw a piece of cyan clothes!

    Out of curiosity, she jumped lightly and landed lightly on the other side of the stream. She found a man in Tsing Yi lying on the ground behind a big stone.

    Her beautiful little face showed a bit of fear. She clasped her hands together and recited a sutra in a low voice. After her mind calmed down, she gently walked up to the man in Tsing Yi and carefully turned him over.

    This is a young man with an ordinary appearance, which is difficult to attract attention. At this time, his face is pale and green, and he seems to be dead.

    She was even more frightened. She bit her soft lower lip, stretched out her little hand tremblingly, and put her green-white index finger to the tip of his nose. She paused for a while, and her delicate brows filled with joy.

    It was not a dead person. Her fear immediately disappeared and she wanted to save the person.

    "It's just that she has little experience and doesn't know how to save people. At her wits' end, she wanted to greet some senior sisters.

    At this moment, the man in green under her feet suddenly trembled and murmured: "Water, water"

    His lips were extremely cracked, with dried blood seeping from the cracks, and the color was dark red, as if there had been no water in them for several days.

    The little nun didn't hear clearly, so she hurriedly lay down, put her thin white jade ears to his mouth, and listened attentively.

    When you could hear him murmuring clearly, you stood up again, ran to the stream, picked up a handful of water with both hands, ran back, brought it to his mouth, and slowly dripped it onto his dry lips.

    "Cough cough, cough cough" The man suddenly shook and coughed violently, with a stream of blood pouring out of the corner of his mouth as he coughed.

    "Youyou" The little nun was suddenly at a loss and didn't know what to do.

    He coughed twice and then stopped. The man's eyelids trembled and he slowly opened them. The little nun squatted down beside him.

    The man¡¯s eyes were confused and hazy, looking at the sky without moving. Then they gradually became clear and turned around, and his eyes fell on the little nun¡¯s face.

    "You're awake" The little nun saw his clear eyes and felt reassured.

    The man twitched his lips, forced a smile, turned his head and looked around, looked at the little nun, and said weakly: "Little master, where are you?"

    "This is Hengshan, are you injured?" The little nun then remembered to look at his body.

    Although it had just rained heavily, his clothes and boots were very clean, but the front was a bit damp. There was a big cut in his lower abdomen, and the flesh and blood were exposed and turned white. She was so scared that she quickly turned her eyes away, not daring to look anymore.  .

     "Hengshan" The man in green murmured to himself, his eyes dazed again.

    "Do you still want to drink water?" The little nun saw that he was in a daze and didn't know what to do. She looked at him with her beautiful eyes and asked aloud.

    The man in green clothes came back to his senses, glanced at her, grinned, his voice was hoarse and dry, and said gently: "Okay, thank you very much, little master!"

    The little nun had a tender face, and two blushes appeared on her white jade face. She hurriedly turned around and went to the stream to grab a handful of water, ran over and brought it to his mouth.

    The man in green opened his mouth, and when all the water in her hand dripped into his mouth, along with the blood, he drank it in one gulp.

    His voice was no longer so hoarse, and he said warmly: "My name is Xiao Yihan, also known as Yuesheng. What is my little master's name?"

    The little nun tithes with a solemn expression and a coquettish voice: "My name is Yilin, and I am a disciple of the Hengshan Sect."

    "It turns out to be little Master Yilin," Xiao Yihan raised the corner of his mouth, smiled gently, nodded slightly, and said warmly: "Just call me Brother Xiao I can't move, so help me sit up.  OK?"

    Yilin nodded, put her hand on his back, struggled to help him up, and leaned against the big rock behind him.

    Just moving like this made him gasp for breath like a broken bellows. Sitting against the stone, he shook his head: "Oh, it's really useless!"

    "XiaoXiaoBrother Xiao, your injury?" Yilin glanced at his abdomen, then quickly turned away, and said softly: "I have Tianxiang Intermittent Glue, let me apply it on you."

    Although the master warned that Tianxiang Intermittent Glue is not easy to prepare and should not be used by bad people, Yilin felt that Brother Xiao in front of her was a good person, gentle with others, with pure eyes, and he was not stingy.

    "Then thank you so much, little master." Xiao Yihan nodded without politeness. He looked around him and stopped at the long sword at Yilin's waist. He said warmly: "How about lighting the fire first? I'm weak.  , a little cold."

    Yilin nodded and climbed to the mountainside to look for dry branches and leaves that had not been soaked by the rain.

    " Xiao Yihan looked at her graceful figure on the mountainside in trance, shook his head and smiled bitterly. Unexpectedly, this time of bad luck, he actually possessed an injured and dying man, and he was a person who died from trauma.

    When he possessed it, the body had lost too much blood and had just lost its vitality. The soul had dissipated, but the memory was captured by him.

    Under the impact of the powerful Yuan Shen, he forcibly gathered a glimmer of vitality again, but such an unnatural move caused a great loss of Yuan Shen, and it has withered like an ordinary person. The difference in luck is far worse than the previous two times.

    He is naturally Xiao Yuesheng.

    His eyes were hazy, and the expression on his pale face kept changing. He thought of Wen Yubing and the others, as well as Wanyanping and the others. His longing for them surged up like a tide, and his heart felt like it was being twisted hard by a sword, and the pain was unbearable.

    ?????????????????????????????? The soul has been damaged like an ordinary person, his strong Taoist heart has disappeared, he has lost his original transcendent state of mind, and can no longer suppress his seven emotions and six desires.

    Yi Lin quickly picked up a handful of dead branches and lit a fire next to him. The flames rose and warmth came, and his complexion improved a lot.

    "Roast the sword on the fire." Xiao Yuesheng tried his best to raise his right hand and pointed at the long sword hanging on her slim waist.

    "Oh." Yilin nodded, pulled out the long sword, and took a look: "XiaoBrother Xiao, this sword was given by the master and cannot be damaged."

    Xiao Yuesheng shook his head and laughed, and said with a gentle smile: "It will only take a while, don't worry, it won't be damagedjust bake the tip of the sword!"

    Yilin was relieved and stretched the tip of the sword to the flames. The jumping firelight shone on her face, as beautiful as a newly blooming rose.

    "It's done." Xiao Yuesheng stretched out his hand.

    Yilin handed over the hilt of the sword and looked at him nervously, wondering what he was going to do.

    Xiao Yuesheng did not take action, but blew on the tip of the sword, naturally showing a leisurely look, and said with a gentle smile: "This sword is not bad at all."

    After a while, the tip of the sword cooled down. He lowered his head and looked at the wound where the flesh and blood had turned up. With a wave of the long sword, the white flesh from the wound flew away and blood suddenly poured out.

    Yilin hurriedly took out the Tianxiang Intermittent Glue. When she raised her head, she saw Xiao Yuesheng tapping his fingers twice near the wound, breathing heavily and turning even paler.

    "XiaoBrother Xiao, Tianxiang Intermittent Glue can stop bleeding, let me apply it on you." Yilin hurriedly knelt next to him, carefully dug out Tianxiang Intermittent Glue from the porcelain bottle, and applied it to his wound.

    "Okayokay." Xiao Yuesheng nodded, panting heavily, shaking his head and smiling bitterly: "Oh -! It's reallyit can't be done!"

    The blood gushing from the wound has slowed down, and it stopped quickly after applying Tianxiang Intermittent Glue.

    Xiao Yuesheng didn¡¯t dare to turn around with all his strength.? He raised his head and looked at the sky, and said warmly: "Little Master Yilin, it's getting late, should you go back?"

    "Oh! Senior sister Yihe will definitely talk about me!" Yilin then remembered that it seemed to have been delayed for a long time.

    "Does your senior sister Yihe treat you very harshly?" Xiao Yuesheng leaned on the big stone, his breathing gradually subsided, and he smiled gently.

    "Sister Yihe treats me well, but she is a little impatient." Yilin shook her head.

    "That's it," Xiao Yuesheng nodded and said with a smile, "Then go back quickly, don't let her scold you."

    "Yeah." Yilin nodded, then looked at him hesitantly: "But XiaoBrother Xiao, what should you do?Can you leave?"

    "It can't happen now," Xiao Yuesheng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Let me take a break and see, maybe I can walk around once I regain my strength."

    Yilin frowned and thought hard.

    Xiao Yuesheng looked at her funny, feeling that this nun was indescribably cute and charming.

    "Ah, there is a cave not far from here," Yilin smiled and said, "Xiaobrother go there first, and I will bring you food in a while, okay?"

    "Okay." Xiao Yuesheng nodded and smiled.

    Yilin clasped her little hands together and recited a sutra in a low voice. With a solemn expression, she bent down to hold Xiao Yuesheng's arm, lifted him up, and walked slowly forward along the stream.

    Xiao Yuesheng walked slowly, each step feeling laborious. His eyesight turned black and he was about to faint. He tried hard to adjust his breathing and breathed slowly with a strange rhythm, constantly pulling himself back from the edge of fainting.

    Yilin supported him while paying attention to his face. Seeing that his face was getting paler and paler, and he was sweating non-stop. She felt worried for him and kept asking: "Do you want to take a rest?"

    Xiao Yuesheng didn't speak, just shook his head, gritted his teeth, and walked slowly step by step.

    After walking about a hundred steps, I turned a corner and saw a valley in front of me. There were many trees, all kinds of trees. It was full of greenery and was illuminated by the sunset, making it even more quiet.

    The terrain here is flat, and the creek flows out from the woods, like a jade belt surrounding it.

    They walked forward along the stream. When Xiao Yuesheng was about to lose his strength and fainted completely, they turned through the woods and saw a small pool in front of them, like an oval mirror.

    "Brother Xiao, the cave is over there." Yilin said in a cheerful voice, pointing to the pool.

    Xiao Yuesheng forced a smile, his face was as pale as paper, without a trace of blood. He looked up and saw the vague entrance to the cave not far away.

    This cave is blocked by branches. It is quite clean inside, covered with hay and two futons. There is a faint aroma in the cave.

    Seeing him looking around, her eyes fell on the futon. Yi Linxiu blushed and whispered: "This is where I play with my senior sisters."

    "It's a good place." Xiao Yuesheng smiled gently and slowly sat down, almost paralyzed, but still crossed his legs: "Cover the entrance of the hole and go back quickly."

    Yilin agreed and hurriedly turned around and went out.

    Watching her graceful figure disappear from the entrance of the cave, with the sound of rustling, the entrance of the cave was covered by branches, Xiao Yuesheng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

    Although I was unlucky, I was pretty good. Someone finally rescued me. Otherwise, I don¡¯t know what would have happened. Thinking about it, I broke out in a cold sweat.

    "Now this body is extremely weak, and the qi and blood have been damaged again and again. It will take a lot of effort to recover."

    He closed his eyes slightly, pinched his fingers to form a secret, and slowed down his luck.

    His eyes suddenly widened, and he smiled bitterly again. Then he remembered that the skills of this body had been destroyed. During the fight, he was kicked hard in the lower abdomen, the lower Dantian was destroyed, and the internal energy was scattered. It had become  Useless person!

    He closed his eyes again, and a scene from his memory appeared in his mind.

    He was an old man in black clothes. His sword was as bright as lightning and his martial arts were extremely high. However, he was blind. As the escort of the escort agency, he relied on his brute strength to follow him bravely, trying to find out his lair.  , so that we can report it to the escort bureau in the future and recover this escort.

    The old man's swordsmanship was extremely fast. He only took two or three moves, but he was unable to parry. He was hit by a sword and kicked by him again, and his skills immediately dissipated.

    The old man took out his handkerchief and wiped the sword, put the sword back into its sheath, and glanced at himself: "It's rare for a small hand to have such strength. I'll spare your life!"

    After saying that, he turned around and jumped away, a little faster than himself.

    Thinking of this, Xiao Yuesheng opened his eyes and sighed secretly in his heart. His body seemed to have died unjustly. If he had been carrying wound medicine, and if there had not been this heavy rain, he would not have died.

      The original Xiao Yihan was indeed a bit honest. He was just a troublemaker in the escort agency. Why did he work so hard?  It is indeed difficult to survive for a long time in the world with such a lack of vision.

    In his eyes, this old man's skill was extremely high, but in Xiao Yuesheng's eyes, it was not worth mentioning. But now that Xiao Yuesheng's soul is no longer strong and there is no true energy in his body, he is no different from a useless person and is still extremely weak. If he encounters  I'm afraid this old man's life is still in danger!

    "Fuwei Escort Agency" Xiao Yuesheng murmured and shook his head. With such a shallow martial arts skills, he was able to become a sniper of Fuwei Escort Agency. It was indeed a bit lucky.

    The Fuwei Escort Bureau is an unusual small escort bureau. It is quite famous in the martial arts world and spans ten provinces. The current chief escort agency, Lin Zhennan, is very good at running the business.

    Lin Yuantu, the ancestor of the Lin family, was an invincible swordsman who defeated heroes all over the world. The scale of the Fuwei Escort Agency is mostly due to his reputation.

    Xiao Yihan was from Fuzhou, and his father was a bodyguard of the Fuwei Bodyguard Bureau. He later died while guarding the bodyguard.

    Xiao Yihan's qualifications are average, but he has a lot of brute force. Although he is not smart, he can practice hard and has extraordinary perseverance. However, his father died early and his mother followed him. He is alone. He has not received the true teachings of the Master, so he just works hard.  After practicing, his personality is somewhat withdrawn.

    Lin Zhennan, for the sake of his late father, let him join the escort agency and become a bodyguard, so that he could have no worries about food and clothing.

    This was his first time sending escorts. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered Shanxi, he was targeted. In the end, the old man took action, wounded escort Shi on the head, and easily snatched the escort away.

    Although Xiao Yihan's martial arts skills were low, he had a serious energy and chased after the old man. The old man hurried on, letting him hang behind him.

    Finally, when passing by the foot of Hengshan Mountain, the old man suddenly took action and injured Xiao Yihan. Xiao Yihan was seriously injured and died, and Xiao Yuesheng was possessed.
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