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Part 2 Yitian Chapter 205 Slap

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    Chapter 205 Slap

    Lin Xiaoqing's delicate body swayed, and she suddenly returned to Wen Yubing's side. She stood pretty and became silent again. Under Wen Yubing's light, she was no longer so dazzling.

    People looked at her with different eyes. Wei Yixiao, the Green-winged Bat King, was a feared demon with unparalleled lightness skills and deserved to be the best in the world. Unexpectedly, he fell into the hands of a woman. It was really unbelievable.  If you tell me, no one will believe you.

    Lin Xiaoqing was not surprised by the attention of everyone. When she was first looked at like this, she was still full of joy and pride, but after too many times, she became numb and felt nothing.

    "Jinyi, Zhiruo, have you killed them?!" Master Miejie turned around and looked at Bei Jinyi and Zhou Zhiruo who were coming to her side.

    The two women shook their heads, and Bei Jinyi said softly: "Brother said that if we kill them, they will definitely make those people red-eyed and desperate. It is better to frighten them away first, and wait for our six sects to gather together, and then  Fight it out."

    ???????? Master Miejie snorted softly, she is a person who would rather be a piece of jade than a piece of shit. When she heard Xiao Yuesheng¡¯s words, she frowned. Speaking like this, she looked down on the Emei sect too much.

    However, although she was angry, she was still fair. What Xiao Yuesheng did was a safe move. These people from the thick earth flag had strange abilities and were quite difficult to deal with. If the six major factions gathered together and had more people, they would be more powerful.  It can reduce damage.

    Master Miejie snorted softly and glanced at the two women. The martial arts advances of Bei Jinyi and Zhou Zhiruo were too astonishing. She thought to herself that if she fought against them, she didn't dare to say that she could definitely win. It seemed that they could win.  , this Xiao Nanqiu is well trained, no wonder several disciples of Shuiyun Sect are all unparalleled masters.

    He Taichong and Ban Shuxian were the most complicated. When Bei Jinyi and Zhou Zhiruo attacked, their movements were extremely fast, like a rabbit rising and a falcon falling. They were extremely agile and agile. They asked themselves, if they attacked them, they would end up with the same fate as those two.  .

    He is just the leader disciple of the Emei Sect, but his martial arts is already so high. Is it possible that the Emei Sect is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?  !  My own Kunlun sect has fallen so far behind?  !

    According to their observations, the two women are not only superb in light kung fu, but also in hidden weapon kung fu. They are also extremely tyrannical. If they had not taken action, most of the Kunlun disciples would have lost most of them. Thinking of more than a dozen black tubes emitting flames at the same time, shrouding them.  , having nothing to hide from, he shuddered.

    At this time, Bei Jinyi and Zhou Zhiruo were also quite surprised. They did not expect that they would make such great progress after only learning with their husband for such a short time.

    "Now it seems that the martial arts of my fellow brothers and sisters have become much worse. I can win with just three or two moves. Is it really possible for my martial arts to advance so quickly?"

    He Taichong and Ban Shuxian straightened their clothes, walked in front of Master Jiejie, and thanked Bei Jinyi and Zhou Zhiruo again. As leaders of a sect, they did not lack this kind of magnanimity.

    "Miss Lin has such light skills, why don't you go forward and kill them?" Ban Shuxian looked at Lin Xiaoqing, who was wearing a veil, and asked slowly.

    Although her tone was calm, the underlying meaning was very obvious, with a hint of resentment. She was very angry because she was humiliated by the Fire Flag people but could not avenge her.

    With Lin Xiaoqing's Qinggong, it was easy to kill the people who wanted to kill Liehuoqi, but she did not take action. Ban Shuxian was not happy, thinking that she was deliberately indulging the enemy.

    Since Bei Jinyi and Zhou Zhiruo had saved their lives, they couldn't help but complain to Lin Xiaoqing.

    As soon as these words came out, Master Jue's face suddenly darkened. He glared at Ban Shuxian with sharp eyes, as cold as ice. He snorted loudly: "If you want to kill someone, just step forward with your sword!"

    "You" Ban Shuxian's old face sank, she glared at Master Jue, and pressed her right hand on the hilt of the sword, as if she wanted to draw the sword.

    She is Senior Sister He Taichong. Without her help, He Taichong would not be able to take charge of the Kunlun Sect. Therefore, in the Kunlun Sect, he is no different than the leader of the Supreme Sect. He Taichong can only obey her words.

    She has always had no scruples and had a great temper. If she hadn't been worried that her martial arts skills were not as good as those of Miejie Shitai, she would have drawn her sword and stabbed him out.

    He Taichong was dressed in a green shirt, and his behavior was somewhat chic, without losing the bearing of the head of a famous sect. He stepped forward quickly, stood in front of Ban Shuxian, and said softly: "Senior sister, forget it."

    "Get out of the way!" Ban Shuxian raised her eyebrows, glared at him, and scolded in a deep voice.

    In front of outsiders, his wife didn't care about his face at all. He Taichong was really angry when she scolded him like this. However, Ban Shuxian had already accumulated great power, but he couldn't muster the courage to resist. He took two deep breaths, exhaled twice, and slowly  Said: "Senior sister, now that we are facing a formidable enemy, we should unite sincerely and be united in facing the outside world"

    "She went too far!" Ban Shuxian was still unwilling to give in. She glared at Master Jue with a look of stern expression but deep anger inside.

      Master Miejie was too careless and looked away, too lazy to look at her, but he kept sneering in his heart.

    Wen Yubing on the side smiled bitterly, but her face was hidden under the white gauze, so outsiders could not see it. She had never thought that the leader of a sect could do whatever he wanted. Didn't he have to stay calm and work hard for the sake of the sect?  !

    Seeing that Ban Shuxian stopped saying anything, a faint sneer appeared on Master Miejie¡¯s face, and she glanced sideways at the two of them, with contempt in her eyes.

    She is already very courageous and has never been afraid. Even Wudang and Shaolin are not afraid of it. Now with Xiao Yuesheng, an outstanding master, she is even more courageous. The little Kunlun Sect is not worth mentioning!

    Wen Yubing acted carefully and didn't say much. Bei Jinyi and Zhou Zhiruo looked on with cold eyes, feeling unhappy and a little more disgusted with Ban Shuxian.

    Lin Xiaoqing, on the other hand, has eight skills and is very comfortable getting along with others. When she saw that the Kunlun and Emei factions were getting into trouble, she spoke up and said in a sweet voice: "Mrs. He, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't Wei Yixiao  He is very good at Qinggong, but after a battle, the little girl's internal strength has been completely exhausted, and she is really powerless."

    Her voice was gentle and gentle, which made people feel calm and made it difficult for them to refute.

    Although Ban Shuxian was impulsive, she was not a brainless person. It was better not to mess with the Emei sect. She wanted to find a place to go down the stairs. Lin Xiaoqing's words just made her go down the stairs. She snorted lightly and stopped.  speech.

    Wen Yubing's eyes flashed, and he cast an admiring look at the three disciples. He was afraid that he would not be able to do this.

    After all this fighting, there was not a single corpse. It was really weird, as if all the work was in vain.

    The four people who were knocked down by Bei Jinyi and Zhou Zhiruo did not lose their lives, but their acupoints were tapped and they were unable to perform their exercises within ten days.

    After a life-and-death battle, everyone was exhausted. At the moment of life and death, the body could not help but tense up and tightened, consuming a lot of mental energy. Now that the enemy is gone, fatigue is coming up like a tide. No matter how difficult it is to stop it, what I want to do most is  The best thing is to lie down and have a good sleep.

    Master Miejie and He Taichong were quite experienced, so they ordered the disciples to rest where they were. Even though it was noon, they set up their tents and wanted to rest for an hour before continuing on their way.

    As soon as everyone sat down, there was suddenly a clanging sound of the piano, like the tinkling sound of clear spring water, which made the whole body feel refreshed and full of vitality.

    The sound of the piano is like a trickle, flowing in the heart. The original fatigue and boredom, fear and anxiety seem to be slowly washed away by the clear stream. There is no sadness or joy in the heart, only a touch of joy.

    The sound of Cong Cong came from nowhere, but the male disciples of Emei and Kunlun sects only felt their hearts throbbing, as if a scene appeared before them: a woman sitting on a low table, with her back to them,  She plays the piano with her bare hands, elegant and indifferent, and her figure is graceful and graceful, which makes you lose your mind.

    With the faint sound of the piano, they each thought about it, and they felt that the woman was infinitely beautiful, and all the women in the world pale in front of her.

    "Who is playing the piano here, making such noise and disturbing people?!" A cold shout suddenly sounded, the voice was slightly hoarse, and it was directly passed into everyone's ears, and its internal strength was quite strong.

    The sound of the piano is still there, unaffected.

    But everyone was extremely disgusted with this person who burned harps and boiled cranes, causing great disgrace to the scenery. The disciples of the Kunlun Sect remained silent as they realized that the speaker was their master's wife, Ban Shuxian, who was known as the Supreme Master.

    At this time, Ban Shuxian's face was as pale as a piece of white paper, bloodless, but no one else noticed.

    Her husband, He Taichong, was also quite elegant and dabbled in the art of playing the harp. The sound of the harp was like the sound of nature, which could not be heard in the human world. He closed his eyes slightly and was intoxicated by it. He felt that his whole body was pure and clear, and he couldn't say no.  It feels relaxed and comfortable.

    Ban Shuxian's face was as pale as paper. As soon as she said what she just said, she heard a sudden shout in her ears: "Shut up!"

    This sound was like spring thunder exploding in her ears, making her ears ring and her eyes dazzled, her internal organs trembled, and fear surged from the bottom of her heart, an involuntary fear.

    But Ban Shuxian is also very human. Otherwise, the talented He Taichong would not be able to talk to her. She was stubborn and stubborn, and even five cows could not pull her back. She soon drove away the fear in her heart and became angry instead.

    "Who is it?!" Ban Shuxian unsheathed her sword, got out of the tent, stood in the open space, looked around, and shouted loudly: "Who is it?! Sneaky, get out!"

    The long sound of the piano suddenly intensified, covering up her voice. Others didn't notice it at all. They only felt that the spring water was flowing along the mountain. Suddenly, it met a mountain stream and poured down. It changed from stillness to sound momentum, and there were a few more sounds.  Very excited.

    Ban Shuxian was even more angry, knowing that the person who shouted angrily in her ear just now must have a lot to do with the piano player.Because of the relationship, he got angry at others and shouted loudly: "Who is playing this broken piano? It sounds so unpleasant and you still can't stop?!"

    "Humph!" A faint cold snort sounded in Ban Shuxian's ears again.

    Ban Shuxian's body trembled and she almost collapsed. She felt a surge of blood all over her body. Her chest was depressed and her throat was sweet. She hurriedly swallowed the heat.

    It¡¯s just that Ban Shuxian had a surly temper. Not only did he fail to scare her, but he intensified and became even more ferocious. Suddenly, he let out a sharp roar, word for word, loudly: "You have the guts to come out, you sneaky villain!"

    The sound of the piano stopped suddenly.

    Ban Shuxian felt a flash of white light in front of her eyes, and then the right side of her face hurt slightly. There was a clear "pop" sound in her ear, and a spicy feeling suddenly came over her.

    It was only then that she realized that she had been slapped!  !

    "It's you?!" Ban Shuxian glared at Bai Ying fiercely. She saw clearly and screamed.

    She had seen this person before. She was the woman who had just sent a letter to Bei Jinyi and Zhou Zhiruo. She was cold and indifferent and had never greeted her.

    Knowing that she must be a disciple of the Shuiyun Sect, Ban Shuxian couldn't help but feel courageous. She covered her face with one hand to relieve the pain, glared at Li Ruoyun fiercely, and shouted sternly: "How dare you hit me?!"

    The sound of the piano stopped, and everyone was still immersed in the artistic conception. Suddenly they were awakened by Ban Shuxian's sharp shout. They didn't know what happened, and they got busy, watching from a distance, but they didn't dare to come around.

    Li Ruoyun¡¯s face is covered with white gauze, and she is only wearing a snow-white Luo shirt, without wearing a mink fur. She is holding a purple Yao Qin at an angle, standing against the wind. People can recognize her at a glance, she is the fairy just now.

    Those with keen reactions, seeing her holding the piano, can guess that the sound of the piano just now must have come from her hands, and only such an otherworldly beauty can play such fairy music!

    "As the wife of a leader of a sect, her lack of oral ethics will really bring shame to the Kunlun sect!" Li Ruoyun said lightly, with a clear and elegant voice and a calm tone, with the air of an elder lecturing a younger one.

    Her words immediately resonated with the disciples of the Kunlun Sect, but Ban Shuxian was so powerful that no one dared to say more.

    "You little bitch, shut up!" Ban Shuxian was so embarrassed and annoyed by being lectured in front of so many people that she cursed indiscriminately.

    "Bang!" The sound was extremely clear, and everyone around could hear it clearly.

    Ban Shuxian immediately covered the left side of her face. She felt a burning sensation, even worse than the slap just now. She stared at Li Ruoyun's bright, calm eyes, as if she wanted to kill her with his gaze.

    Everyone looked at Li Ruoyun with surprise and surprise. Among the people present, the only one who had the courage to beat Ban Shuxian was Master Jue. They didn't expect that she would be so courageous at such a young age.

    They were extremely curious and wanted to see clearly what the jade face under the white gauze looked like, but they were also conflicted and faintly afraid that they would be disappointed if they saw the true appearance.

    "This girl" He Taichong also came out of the tent, walked slowly, came to the two of them, and cupped his hands.

    Li Ruoyun's clear eyes turned slightly and glanced at He Taichong. He frowned slightly and said lightly: "I have met Master He."

    He Taichong is a man, so he is more sensitive to women than Ban Shuxian. When he first saw her clear eyes, his heart flashed, and he felt familiar, and suddenly he remembered that he had seen this look in the Shuiyun Sect before.  .

    "It turns out to be Miss Li!" He Taichong hurriedly cupped his hands with a very gentle expression.

    Ban Shuxian was furious on the side, a wave of evil fire arose, and she yelled: "Okay, so you guys recognize it, is there something up to it?!"
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