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Part 2 Yitian Chapter 75 Secrets

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    Chapter 75 Secrets

    The sky has cleared, the air after the rain is mixed with a faint fishy smell, and the leaves have been washed green, fresh and moving.

    They are so good at internal energy that they can hear the sound of raindrops falling on the eaves and branches, which is clear, sweet, and ethereal.

    Li Ruoyun and the others were riding horses, surrounding Xiao Yuesheng. They moved their hooves lightly and galloped along the official road in a direction away from Jinning City.

    The road is already soft, but it is an official road after all. When the horses' hooves step in, they will sink slightly. Fortunately, their horses are extraordinary and are not affected by it.

    Song Yuezhu and Liu Feiyun were riding on horseback. They were a little confused. They couldn't see the shadow of those people at all. How on earth could they catch up with them?

    "Besides, he didn't look at the horse's hoof prints in the ground. He just casually admired the scenery, and it didn't look like he was following them.

    But when they saw that Li Ruoyun and the girls had no objections, instead chatting and laughing, pointing and discussing the scenery after the rain, they suppressed their curiosity and worry and joined in.

    Listening to their heavenly voices, Liu Feiyun was so intoxicated that he wished he could continue like this forever. This road would never end.

    After walking along the official road for a long time, about two or three miles, he suddenly turned down the official road and walked towards the desolate grassland. Soon he came to a pine forest. Xiao Yuesheng suddenly raised his hand.

    The girls stopped talking and laughing, their bright eyes turned to him with clear eyes.

    "Dismount, be careful." Xiao Yuesheng calmly ordered, getting off the horse first.

    The girls immediately stopped talking, knowing that they had reached the end of the field. Huang You and his entourage stopped nearby and followed suit. They got off their horses and stood on the ground, tiptoeing. Fortunately, there was a piece of grass here. If you stepped on it, you would not immediately get stuck in the mud and be unable to pull out.

    Xiao Yuesheng's horses were quite aware of human nature, and followed them silently, walking into the pine forest, entering more than ten steps away, so as to hide the horses' figures from others.

    "Put the horse here, let's go over and have a look." Xiao Yuesheng patted Shenjun's black horse, turned around and whispered to the girls.

    Their horses do not need to be tied to trees, they are just scattered in the forest, letting them graze on their own. Song Yuezhu and the others do not tie their horses. With these horses around, their horses will not run around.

    Everyone followed Xiao Yuesheng and walked through the pine forest.

    Song Yuezhu then realized that this Senior Brother Xiao was by no means incompetent in martial arts. The branches in the pine were tangled and slanted, making it extremely difficult to walk. However, he seemed to be strolling in a garden, with ease and ease.

    Even a person like me, who is very good at Qinggong, feels unparalleled by his flowing movements. It is obvious that his Qinggong is extremely brilliant!

    Li Ruoyun and the others' figures are elegant and graceful, and their steps are curling, as if they are treading on the snow without leaving a trace or sound.

    Xiao Yuesheng suddenly stopped and waved his hand towards the tree.

    Li Ruoyun and the others tiptoed, and their delicate bodies floated up leisurely, landing on the branches hanging with water drops, still silently.

    "Gang Leader Xu, what a good method, Huang admires it!" An unhurried voice sounded, with a hoarse voice and a slight lack of breath, as if he said it through gritted teeth.

    Song Yuezhu and Liu Feiyun also took the opportunity to move carefully and came to a tree. They stepped on the branch of the trunk, slowly poked their heads out and looked towards the source of the sound.

    "Haha, I'm ashamed. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, I have no choice but to take this step. As for reputation, I don't care." A majestic laugh followed, full of energy and faintly explosive.  Such strength and deep inner strength.

    What Song Yuezhu saw in his eyes was a small pavilion among the pines, with cornices and hanging corners. The red paint on the three pillars had faded. There were weeds growing next to it. It was obvious that no one cared about it.

    At this time, Huang Youzhi was standing outside the small pavilion, guarded by three big men. His face was yellow and green, and his expression was calm, but scary.

    Song Yuezhu was a little strange. He didn't know why one person was missing. Huang Youzhi originally had four guards.

    There were six people in the pavilion, which was a bit crowded. A majestic man sat firmly at the stone table, stroking his beard and smiling. Four strong men stood behind him, their eyes gleaming, and they were extremely tough.

    Next to him was a petite young girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with bright eyes, white teeth, and beautiful appearance. However, at this moment, her eyes were round and she stared at the person sitting hatefully.

    Huang Youzhi looked at the person sitting with an awe-inspiring look, obviously not very friendly.

    "Haha, only Gang Leader Xu can say such high-sounding words!" Huang Youzhi laughed angrily and shook his head.

    "What a shame! Haha" Gang Leader Xu stroked his long beard and laughed proudly: "How about it, Gang Leader Huang has thought clearlywhether you want a daughter or??Secrets?  "

    "If you miss the move, what can you do?!I'll give you the secret!" Huang Youzhi looked solemn and nodded slowly.

    The beautiful girl immediately looked over, her bright eyes showing an anxious look, but she couldn't move, it was obvious that her acupuncture points had been tapped.

    "Okay, okay!" Gang Leader Xu raised his hand and clapped his hands, his rough face full of admiration, and nodded fiercely: "As expected of Gang Leader Huang, Xu did not misjudge the person!"

    "I have asked a brother to leave. If someone else is unfortunate, the news of the secret will be spread, and everyone in the martial arts knows it." Huang Youzhi reached into his arms with his right hand, took out a piece of yellow cloth, uncovered the yellow cloth, and revealed  A silk book glows with a faint yellow light in the sunlight.

    Gang Leader Xu, who was sitting at the stone table, couldn't help but look away from the silk book and chuckled: "Gang Leader Huang must have left a copy, right?"

    "That's natural!" Huang Youzhi replied calmly.

    "Haha, okay, okay!" Leader Xu stroked his beard and praised, with a smile on his face, and waved his hand: "Throw the secret book over here first, and let me verify whether it is true or false."

    Huang Youzhi snorted softly, turned his wrist slightly, and the silk book with yellow light was thrown out, stabbing Gang Leader Xu like a lancet.

    Gang Leader Xu casually took the silk book in his hand, his rough face showed excitement, and he slowly opened it. The more he looked at it, the more excited he became.

    "Haha, haha" Putting the silk book in his arms, he suddenly laughed loudly and was extremely satisfied: "Pure Yang Secret Code, Chunyang Secret Code, hahaha"

    "Okay, let him go!" Huang Youzhi stared at him closely, his eyes flashed, then disappeared, and he snorted coldly.

    At this moment, although his face was calm, his body was as tight as a bow and extremely nervous.

    Song Yuezhu, who was lying on the tree trunk, already held a money dart in his hand, and his whole body was tense, ready to throw the money dart out at any time.
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