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Volume 1 The Divine Sculpture Chapter 258 Duanmu

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    Chapter 258 Duanmu

    On the Tianshan Mountains, there is snow all year round, and there are many steep glaciers. Under the sun, they shine with magnificent and colorful light, holy and mysterious.

    In a place that is inaccessible to humans, the white snow remains with traces of the cold wind blowing, like an endless desert with no human habitation.

    The snow here is spotless and too white to bear to step on, but no one can reach here. The mountains are high, cold and suffocating, blocking people from exploring.

    But there are no absolutes in this world, and in this pure land where there is no way to set foot, two figures suddenly appeared.

    Xiao Yuesheng hugged Xiaofeng's slender and elastic willow waist, and suddenly appeared on the white snow, extremely unexpected.

    Both of them were dressed in snow-white mink fur, and the fur on their heads was also white. Standing on the snow, they looked like two snowmen standing side by side.

    The soft fine hair on the mink armpits at the brim of the hat flows gently in the wind, like a dandelion in bloom, making the gentle and watery face look as bright and flawless as if it were polished white jade.

    Xiao Yuesheng was wearing a mink fur coat, but he still couldn't hide his chic demeanor. He stepped on the snow under his feet with his soft deerskin boots. He put his hand in front of his eyebrows to block the rays of the sun hanging high in the sky and smelled the faint smell of snow.  Qingqi, watching the situation around.

    He teleported based on the map that was deep in his mind. At this time, he realized that the appearance of his surroundings had changed, and it was inconsistent with the original impression.

    He looked around, put down his hand, and smiled at Xiaofeng who was leaning next to him: "It seems like it's snowing a lot here!"

    Xiaofeng also lightly stepped on the thick soft snow under her feet, squatted down gracefully, held up a handful of white snow in her jade hands, looked at it carefully, nodded in agreement, her bright eyes were like a pool of autumn water in the bright sunshine, flashing gently  .  He asked softly: "The snow lotus is all buried underneath?"

    The gentleness of her voice made people's hearts beat involuntarily. Even the most stubborn man could only bow his head and obey orders after hearing such a beautiful voice.

    As her skills become more and more sophisticated, the magic contained in her voice becomes more and more powerful. Xiaoyu can affect the world around her with just a raise of her hand or a frown. All the girls in Guanlan Villa have this charm, which is closely related to the mental methods they cultivate.  association.


    I¡¯m afraid this side is gone, we have to turn to the other side!  "Under the snow light, Xiao Yuesheng stroked his mustache that became increasingly black, nodded, turned to look at the snow peak, as if he wanted to pass through the silvery peak in front of him and see the other side of the peak.

    The other side of the mountain is far from the calmness where I stood just now.  The strong wind was fierce, with a faint whistling sound, as if it wanted to blow away the Diao Dai on their heads.

    The bright yellow petals of the snow lotus are not difficult to distinguish on the white snow. Under the cold wind, the bright yellow petals tremble slightly.  Still firmly planted in the snow and blooming in the wind, it looks delicate but not weak, with a sense of nobility and pride.

    Xiaofeng cherishes these snow lotuses very much.  It is so holy and beautiful, but it can cure diseases and save people. It is really a treasure given to the world by God.

    I carefully appreciated the snow lotus around the flawless snow around, and she was not in a hurry. Xiao Yuesheng was not in a hurry, holding her slender willow waist, smelling the faint fragrance of her coquettish body, looking forward to the four parties.

    Overlooking the magnificent scenery of the surrounding vast peaks, the dancing silver snakes on the mountains are so majestic that you can't help but feel a sense of relief.

    "Haven't you seen enough?!" Xiao Yuesheng looked at the surrounding mountain peaks. When he turned around, he saw Xiaofeng still staring at the snow lotus on the white snow around him, his bright eyes like autumn water shining with intoxication, as if he had drank several cups of green.  Wujiu can¡¯t help but be funny.

    "I haven't seen enough!" Xiaofeng's intoxicated mind was disturbed by Xiao Yuesheng's words.  It is difficult to immerse yourself in the artistic conception just now.  She couldn't help but glare at her husband with an angry look.

    It¡¯s just that her appearance and temperament are as gentle as water, but she is so angry.  It also carried a gentle and intoxicating style, which made Xiao Yuesheng's heart flutter.

    "Then move a few plants back to the villa!" Xiao Yuesheng tightened his big hands, letting her soft body close to his chest, and said with a smile: "You can enjoy it to your heart's content, all the time!"

    "That can't be done!" The little phoenix and mink shook her head under the hat, and gave her husband a charming look, and said coquettishly: "Young master, you don't know, only in this ice and snow, do you look more beautiful!"

    Xiao Yuesheng smiled gently. He stroked his black mustache and frowned slightly. He thought for a while and secretly wondered if there was a way to create a place in the villa with a terrain like the Tianshan Mountains, where Snow Lotus could enjoy its beauty.  bloom.

    It is not difficult to create a climate like the Tianshan Mountains. With the help of formations, the surroundings can be made as cold as winter, or even snowy, so that the snow will not melt all year round.

    But creating a mountainous terrain is much more difficult. Although there are mountains behind Guanlan Villa, they have very few ups and downs and are not dangerous at all.

      While he was thinking, Xiaofeng was no longer just admiring. She took off the snow-white and soft mink hat on her head and gently flicked her head. The black and shiny green hair poured down to her shoulders, covering her  The already gentle and watery temperament is even more highlighted.

    She did not wear a god-soothing hairpin on her shiny black hair, but the black jade bracelet on her bright wrist had the same effect as the god-soothing hairpin. The whistling cold wind could not invade her body, and her soft black hair was draped over her body.  The fragrant shoulders only undulated gently with the delicate body and were not lifted up by the wind. They looked a bit strange in the biting cold wind.

    Taking off the mink hat, she bent her legs slightly, squatted down, pulled out a jade-yellow snow lotus from the snow next to her soft deerskin boots, and placed it carefully and with utmost care into the flawless white mink hat.

    Xiaofeng is already very skilled in picking snow lotus. The snow lotus she picked was only older and had too little growth time. She carefully let it go and picked it now. It was really a pity and it was better to keep it.  , for the future.

    After she filled the mink hat, she handed it to Xiao Yuesheng, who was standing aside, stroking his black mustache, with a smile on his lips, watching her pick the mustard seeds, and let him put them into mustard seeds.

    On the mountainside two hundred meters below them, the snow was deep. Although it was a little less cold and a little more airy than where they stood, it was still inaccessible.

    But at this time, there was a group of snow mist rolling continuously, and a figure could be vaguely seen in the snow mist.

    From time to time, a flash of lightning-like sword light flashed through the rolling snow and fog. Even in the bright sunshine and flawless white sky, it was still a bit dazzling.  It's even more chilling to watch.

    On the slightly flat and plump mountainside, a person walked slowly forward, not walking upwards, but walking flat along the mountainside, as if he wanted to go around in a circle.

    The man holding the sword is a young man wearing sheepskin pants and sheepskin jacket. He has a strong and well-proportioned figure and a square face.  His features are delicate and handsome, but his outline is a bit dark, which not only adds a bit of heroism to him, but also shows his extraterrestrial ancestry.

    This man holds a scimitar in his right hand, which is very common here, and holds a scimitar scabbard in his left hand. The eyes that are slightly sunken into the eye sockets emit a firm and solemn light, and the feet wrapped in sheepskin take every step.

    Then he picked up a ball of snowflakes, and the upward momentum of the snowflakes was gone. Just when it was about to fall, the sword flashed, and the snowflakes that were gradually spreading were split into two.  Then there was another flash of sword light, splitting two into four, and then flashing again, splitting into eight.

    When the snowflakes fell to the ground.  He had been slashed nine times, and with the stirring of the last slash, the snow mass turned into snow mist, drifting away in the wind, shrouding him in it, making his figure wielding the sword hazy, making it difficult to see clearly.

    The speed and accuracy of his sword skills are extremely rare in the martial arts world.  There has never been anyone so young with such superb swordsmanship.

    This person is Duan Muyu, who once had a relationship with Xiao Yuesheng.

    When Xiao Yuesheng rescued Duanmu Yu, before leaving, he was touched by his filial piety and gave him some pointers. He once said to him that a top martial arts master will have at least three famous teachers in his life.  One is people.  Explain the basics of martial arts to them and lead them to get started.

    The second is the nature of heaven and earth, and the third is the original mind.

    Duan Muyu¡¯s aunt is a disciple of the Tianshan Sword Sect and has some attainments in martial arts. Although she adheres to the sect¡¯s rules and cannot teach her the martial arts of the Tianshan Sword Sect, it is easy to help her lay the foundation.

    Wearing the Guanlan Jade Pendant, Duanmuyu's mind is particularly clear. In addition, his mother is a lady, and he has been enlightened since he was a child. He has excellent understanding. He quickly learned the basics of martial arts and then practiced by himself.

    Taking nature as his teacher, he began to practice cutting snowflakes with his sword, specializing in the speed and accuracy of his sword movements, and he had achieved some success.

    With the Guanlan Jade Pendant, his ability to withstand the cold has greatly increased, and he can now climb to inaccessible places in the Tianshan Mountains. Occasionally, he can encounter ancient snow lotuses, pick them off and sell them, which is enough to make his life rich and his mother no longer has to worry about it.

    As for the place where Xiao Yuesheng and Xiaofeng picked the snow lotus, it was too high and manpower was limited after all. Even if Duanmu Yu had great martial arts skills, there would be no hope in this life if he wanted to reach it.

    After practicing for a long time, he gradually felt that his arms were sore and weak, and he was already sweating hot inside his sheepskin jacket. Heat was rising vaguely from his collar, as if the tea had been left out for a while.  A trace of heat was rising, and with the cold outside and the heat inside, snow mist condensed on his face, and a layer of ice shavings was involuntarily applied to his lower jaw.

    Even though the power of the sword has slowed down and it is no longer as fast as lightning at the beginning, it is still very sharp. Every time the sword is struck, the accuracy does not decrease at all.

    "Good sword skills!" A clear voice suddenly rang in Duanmuyu's ears, causing him to withdraw his sword sharply, holding the sword and quickly turning around to look back. He was surprised, he didn't expect anyone to be able to climb to such a height.

    On the pure white snow, two figures stood quietly. The biting cold wind seemed to be unable to blow on them, and the velvet on the snow-white mink hats did not move.

    ??"Senior Xiao!" Duanmuyu, who was standing still with the sword in his hand and full of vigilance, suddenly shouted loudly. His slightly sunken eyes suddenly widened, and his face covered with a layer of ice shavings showed a look of surprise. Then he put away the sword and lay down.  On the messy snow, he shouted loudly: "Young man Duan Muyu has seen Senior Xiao!"

    Although Xiao Yuesheng was wearing a snow-white mink hat and the mink fur collar covered his mouth, making it difficult to see his face clearly, the chic and unrestrained demeanor that could not be concealed by the mink fur made Duanmu Yu deeply impressed in his heart, and he knew it as soon as he saw it.

    Even if he had never seen his face and only seen his back, he would have guessed whether this person was Xiao Yuesheng. When he saw Xiao Yuesheng's deep and unpredictable eyes, Duanmuyu was instantly sure that the person in front of him was him.  I am deeply grateful and respectful to Senior Xiao!

    "Haha, no need to be polite!" Xiao Yuesheng gently flicked his sleeves, and an invisible force slowly lifted up Duanmuyu who was lying on the ground. He said with a smile: "I didn't expect that we would meet here again, little brothers.  Congratulations on the amazing speed!"

    "Boy, I'm ashamed! After taking Senior Xiao's elixir, my mother recovered and became stronger, but she never had the chance to thank Senior for saving her life. This time, no matter what, please stay at the boy's house for a few days. My mother also  I look forward to meeting my senior and personally thanking him for his great kindness!"

    Duanmuyu's mother was a lady, and she gave him a good education. When she spoke, she was not as straightforward as everyone else here, but was gentle and polite, quite like a scholar.

    As for Xiaofeng, he didn't dare to look at her for a long time, but at a glance, he felt that her face was made of ice and snow, and her face was so beautiful that she couldn't look directly at her.

    Although he was secretly surprised, he didn't know who the woman next to Senior Xiao was, but she was so beautiful, no less beautiful than Fairy Yang whom he had seen last time. It was only natural for such a divine figure to be accompanied by such a beautiful woman, but it made him so beautiful.  He admired Xiao Yuesheng even more.

    Duanmuyu's home is not far from Bogda Peak in the Tianshan Mountains, so it is normal for Duanmuyu to often go to the Tianshan Mountains to practice swordsmanship. However, the scene when Xiao Yuesheng took him down the Tianshan Mountains made him very excited. The three of them stepped on  Three pairs of sleds, facing the wind, poured down like a waterfall. This speed far surpassed that of Qinggong, which made the vigorous Duan Muyu excited and couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and scream.

    In a place slightly higher on the grassland, there seems to be a yurt, which is Duanmuyu¡¯s home.

    On the east side is a wooden hut, which is filled with hay. On the west side is a group of about forty or fifty sheep. From time to time, they bleat and play happily in the shed.  There was a smell of fishy smell all around.

    When we arrived at the yurt, there was no fishy smell, but a light fragrance lingering around. Although the furniture inside was simple, it was elegantly decorated. It was obvious that the owner here was very talented.

    When they opened the curtain and entered, the hostess was sitting cross-legged on the felt couch on the west side of the bag. She was holding a leather coat in her hand. She was sewing and mending with laborious needlework. Her beautiful face was full of peace and tranquility.

    ?Looking at her face, she had a melon-shaped face, delicate brows and eyes, a snow-white complexion, and almost no frown. It was completely different from the red and black complexions of the women they saw when they passed by.

    "If Duanmuyu hadn't respectfully stepped forward to call her mother, it would have been hard to imagine that she would have such a big son. She looked like just a charming and charming young woman.

    This is the effect of taking the Cleansing Pill. Duanmuyu's mother was not very old. She only experienced too much wind, frost and hard work, became sick due to overwork, and her body was exhausted, so she became old and frail. As it worsened, she became seriously ill.  Immediately, there is no cure.

    After taking a dust-cleansing pill, all the maladies in her body were gone, and she returned to her best condition, as if she was ten years younger. It was only the kindness and love on her beautiful face that showed that she was no longer young.
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