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Volume 1 The Divine Condor Chapter 184 Eight Ding (Part 2)

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    Chapter 184: Eight Ding (Part 2)

    There is a small school martial arts field in Guo Mansion. Although it is not big enough, it can be used for about a hundred people to practice formations, but it is enough.

    The warm sun is shining high in the sky, almost in the middle, the sky is clear and cloudless, and it is refreshing and bright. It is a rare good weather. Even in Xiangyang, it is beginning to feel like spring.

    The school martial arts field in Guo Mansion is paved with blue bricks. It has some pits and is not very smooth. It seems that it has been used quite frequently. Fortunately, the surrounding area is like this. If it is close to the center of the school field, it is much smoother and does not hinder its use.

    Guo Jing runs his family like he runs an army. Every five days, the servants in the house gather for training. Except for the women, the old and the weak, everyone is required to participate.

    This is also Guo Jing¡¯s painstaking effort. He is really not sure whether Xiangyang City can be defended. If the city is really broken, these trained people will have more opportunities to escape than ordinary people.

    Guo Jing, Huang Rong and his wife, the four guest ministers from the Guo Mansion, the elders of the Beggar Clan, Lu Youjiao, Sun Qiufeng and Sun Qiuyu, as well as the young heroes of the Guo Mansion, Lu Yun and Xia Houjie, were sitting at the end of the school martial arts field with Xiao Yuesheng.  On the stage, he looked at the noisy crowd not far away below.

    Among a group of men, Huang Rong, who was wearing a blue and white ruqi, was like a flower set against the green leaves, fragrant and moving, attracting everyone's attention with every move she made.

    Guo Jing was sitting on a wicker chair in the middle, holding three small flags in his hands, one each in red, yellow and green. The flags were all full in color and extremely conspicuous in the bright sunshine.

    Huang Rong sat on his left side, Xiao Yuesheng sat on his right, and the others sat on both sides. Sun Qiufeng and Sun Qiuyu stood behind Guo Jing.

    Everyone on the stage remained silent and carefully observed the two groups of people below the stage. They had no idea why they were here.

    Guo Jing held a bright little red flag on his right, pointed at the crowd not far below, and said to Xiao Yuesheng beside him: "Guanlan, these people are servants in the house, and they know some basic kung fu."

    Then he pointed at the eight people who were alone in the group: "The eight people selected are smarter and about the same height. They have been practicing your Eight Ding Formation for more than ten days. Although they are still a little unfamiliar, they can barely walk correctly.  Footwork let's see today how powerful this formation is!"

    Xiao Yuesheng nodded with a smile and looked carefully. The eight people were all dressed in brown shorts. They were all young and strong men with plenty of energy and medium build. They stood together and looked very neat. They were very different from the height of the other group.  different.

    The eight people gathered in a group, whispering to each other in low voices, which seemed very quiet, and very different from the noisy chatting and laughing of the other group of people.

    It seems that a preliminary tacit understanding has been formed among these eight people. Xiao Yuesheng nodded, feeling a little more confident.

    The Eight-Ding Formation created by Xiao Yuesheng seems simple. It only has eight positions, and each person occupies one position, and then moves around endlessly, like a horse watching a lantern, but the difficulties are complicated.

    If the formation does not move, everyone only needs to remember the exact position of the eight directions. When moving, step on the footprints of the previous person and walk around the center of the formation. This is not difficult.

    But if the formation moves, everything will be turned upside down. It is not easy for eight people to maintain a distance from the people in front, back, left, and right. If there is even a slight difference, the formation will be broken.

    Huang Rong was still smart and quick-witted, and she came up with a method, which was to use the weapon and arm as a ruler. She only had to touch the weapon once with the person behind her and the person on her right to determine the exact position.

    After solving the position problem, it is about tacit understanding and rhythm. When running, eight people need to move at the same time. Even if one person is faster or slower, the formation will immediately break down.

    There are also some trivial problems, which feel like they are countless. Just one of them can give you a headache for a long time. Xiao Yuesheng can't help but lament that it is easy to create a formation, but difficult to practice it!

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Out of the sect of Guanlan Villa, he threw out a set of formations, and they were able to learn it in a short period of time. Ordinary people cannot ask this.

    The Bading Formation was already extremely simple. Seeing how hard these people practiced it, he gave up the idea of ??letting them practice more powerful formations.

    "If this formation is really as powerful as you said, then spread it to our Beggar Clanah? Guanlan, how about it?" Huang Rong's clear eyes turned from those people to Xiao Yuesheng, and asked with a smile,  Lu Youjiao, who was beside Huang Rong, immediately pricked up his ears.

    "Okay, if mother-in-law doesn't mind, go ahead and use it!" Xiao Yuesheng replied in a hearty voice, which made Huang Rong smile like a flower. The sky and the earth lit up. Huang Rong now has a tendency to become younger and younger as she gets older.

    "Ahem!Okay, let's start!" Guo Jing saw that all the pear wooden knives of the same size were distributed, so he coughed and announced the start. He couldn't wait.

    With the knife in hand, I am lazy and noisyThe momentum of everyone in the crowd suddenly changed, and they each found their own positions. There was no more noise and talking, and the school martial arts field suddenly became solemn.

    The quiet atmosphere was filled with inexplicable pressure, and a cold aura spread from the neatly arranged crowd.

    Xiao Yuesheng secretly admired that his father-in-law was a master of military training for being able to train his servants like this!

    "Attack!" Guo Jing stood up fiercely and waved the green flag vigorously. His deep voice echoed in the air, like a bell clanging in the sky.

    "Kill!" The crowd stamped with all their strength, and there was a loud "bang" sound. The whole school seemed to tremble, and then they roared in unison. The momentum was so majestic and violent that it was like a hundred people roaring in unison.

    An ordinary timid person may be frightened and fall to the ground when he hears this roar. If he is not a real war horse, he may be frightened away when he encounters this roar.

    The green flag on Guo Jing's right hand fell like a slashing knife. Ten people rushed out of the crowd and divided into two teams. They kept a fan shape. Their steps were neat and heavy, holding the wooden knife tightly, and rushed towards the eight people standing with the knife, like a wave of waves.  Towards the reef.

    The eight people were going through the battle for the first time, and they were frightened by their momentum. They were a little panicked. The ten people rushed over like galloping horses with flying scarves. They all had fierce expressions, gnashing their teeth and widening their eyes with anger, as if they saw a sworn enemy.  To the enemy, one can see Guo Jing's skill in military training. His expression is also a kind of weapon, making it a deterrent and able to deprive the enemy of morale.

    "Form up!" one of them shouted loudly. When the ten people rushed in front of them, eight people quickly moved back to back, hugging each other like hedgehogs.

    The wooden sword was raised horizontally. Like an eight-handed monster, it could block attacks from any direction. Before the ten people got close, it had begun to rotate slowly, like a gear. The wooden sword stretched out in three directions, up, middle and down. Sitting on the school platform  In everyone's eyes, the eight people looked like three-petaled lotuses blooming and spinning.

    ¡°Tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk¡­¡± the muffled sound could not be heard without stopping. The two teams finally came into contact with each other, and their wooden swords struck and collided with each other.

    "Ahhh" "Damn it!" "It hurts so much!" "I'm dead, I'm going to die!"

    The screams suddenly sounded, and it was so chaotic that it lost all the uniformity it had just now.

    Ding Chengang, the childlike-faced Infinite Sword man, stood up and was about to jump down. He was going to supervise the casualties of the two groups of people and remove those who were hit by wooden swords in vital parts and count them as dead in battle.

    Hearing the screams, Ding Chen stopped and looked up, only to see that the ten people who had been so powerful fell to the ground, and wooden knives were scattered on the ground.

    None of the ten people were standing, either stroking their wrists or touching their bellies, wailing on the ground. The ones with less willpower were rolling and howling. The sound was so shrill that it was horrifying to hear.

    Fortunately, the school ground is paved with blue bricks and there are dedicated people responsible for cleaning. They rolled around on the ground, but no mess was found.

    Ding Chen glanced at Guo Jing and saw that he had no expression on his face. His originally dull face was highlighted by his dazzling eyes, and he suddenly became dignified and solemn. His aura was as thick as a mountain. Seeing his cheeks rolling, he must have gritted his teeth in anger.

    Ding Chen jumped down, his crane cloak fluttering, and landed in front of the eight people who were standing blankly with blank expressions. He first looked at their wooden knives, but there was no blood on them. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned around to look at the wooden knives on the ground or on the ground.  Ten people lying down, sitting or rolling.

    At this time, the condition of the ten people improved, and the rolling and howling stopped. They were just pale and a little depressed.

    Ding Chen leaned over to check one by one, and found that they were indeed seriously injured. In just a short while, the wrists of three of them were swollen like steamed buns, purple and shiny, and two others were chopped on the neck, with bloody marks, and they were unconscious.  , the rest of them were injured in their arms or stomachs, but they were not serious, they just hurt a little.

    Everyone sitting on the stage, except Xiao Yuesheng and Guo Jing, did not see clearly how those ten people were knocked down. They looked at each other in shock and surprise.

    From what Huang Rong said to Xiao Yuesheng just now, they already knew that they were invited to watch. It was the formation of these eight people. Although they had watched it carefully, they still couldn't see it clearly. It was really surprising.

    The group of people standing quietly not far away tightened their wooden knives in their hands, their expressions were solemn, their momentum did not diminish, but there was no longer any contempt in their hearts.

    "Carry them down and let the doctor treat them well!" Although Guo Jing was angry, he was kind-hearted after all. He snorted angrily, waved his hand, and had the ten people on the ground carried away.

    "It looks like it's okay!" Huang Rong turned her head slightly, her eyes were wandering, and she whispered to Xiao Yuesheng through Guo Jing.

    "There are too few people!" Xiao Yuesheng stroked his mustache that looked darker and brighter in the sun, and shook his head: "There are too few people, and we can't tell the good from the bad."

    "Father-in-law, let's try it with twenty people!" Xiao Yuesheng suggested. He was not afraid of Guo Jing's cold expression.

    "Okay, twenty people!" Guo Jing groaned, nodded in agreement, and replaced the red flag in his hand with an apricot-yellow flag.

      Guo Jing is so disappointed in his servants!  I couldn't help but blush for them. Why did they howl so loudly?  !

    With everyone around him in silence, and under their burning gazes, Guo Jing stood up.

    "Attack!" He shouted angrily, and the apricot-yellow flag shook vigorously on his head.

    "Kill!" Everyone in the school grounds immediately stamped their feet and roared, full of murderous intent. The birds passing by in the sky were frightened, accelerated suddenly, and fled away.

    "It's a pity that the school grounds are too tidy. If there is dust, it will fly into the air when they stamp their feet, adding to the momentum of the battlefield."

    The apricot-yellow flag that had been waving for a few times was suddenly chopped down. Four groups of twenty people rushed out of the formation. Holding knives in both hands, they fiercely attacked the eight people standing back to back.

    But those eight people stood proudly with their swords raised, motionless, expressionless, and extremely calm. Their eyes moved, but they revealed a hint of pride. The round just now had given them great confidence in the formation they had practiced.

    "Form up! Stretch your arms!" The twenty people had just rushed halfway when the thinnest one among the eight shouted in a hissing voice.

    The eight people immediately raised their wooden knives horizontally, with their tips facing each other, converging at a point. At the same time, they stretched out their left arms, forming a circle. The eight people walked around the circle, as if they were ignoring the twenty people rushing towards them.

    The eight people walked faster and faster, changing places. One person's footsteps landed on the position of the previous one, with great precision. They went back and forth endlessly, like a wheel. After two rounds, everyone watching on the stage felt that the eight people had transformed into  Seeing sixteen people, if it is real or illusory, is extremely mysterious. Even if you shake your head vigorously, wipe your eyes and look again, it is still the same, as if there are really sixteen people.

    In the blink of an eye, the twenty people rushed in. They had learned the lesson of the ten people and no longer dispersed. Instead, they formed two rows and attacked like a wave, focusing on the three most advanced people in the formation.

    With a hissing roar, he raised the knife with both hands and struck hard, with an indomitable momentum and no spared strength.

    "Tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk" The sound of the wooden knife hitting was endless, as fast as rain hitting plantains.

    The fierce attack of these twenty people did not stop the eight people. They either held the sword horizontally on their chests, or diagonally downwards, or diagonally upwards. They just kept running according to their steps, regardless of the wooden swords coming in front of them.

    There were external blows, which stimulated the eight people to speed up their pace, and gradually they were divided into thirty-two people. However, their qualifications were limited and their speed was not fast enough. Their figures were vague and vague, not as clear as the sixteen shadows.

    "Ah!" "Ah!" "Ouch!" "Fuck!"

    The shouts were heard again, mixed with the wooden swords that kept flying up to the sky. Wuliangjian Ding Chen, who was supervising the battle on the side, was very busy. Anyone who was hit with wooden swords flying away or hit in vital parts was caught by him like an eagle.  It was raised like a chicken.

    His movements were elegant and swift, and he possessed the charm of Qinggong of the Tianshan Sword School, which made everyone on the stage marvel in admiration. However, Guo Jing, his wife, and Xiao Yuesheng stared at the eight people in the formation, unable to take their eyes away.

    In the blink of an eye, half of the twenty people had been eliminated, and only ten people were surrounding them with knives. The remaining ten people had injuries on their legs, arms, or even cheeks. No one was intact.  There were no defects, but they were not fatal injuries, so they were not carried away by Ding Chen.

    Everyone on the stage was stunned. Xiao Yuesheng whispered in Guo Jing's ear: "Father-in-law, thirty more people will be added!"


    During Guo Jing's slight hesitation, the Eight-Ding Formation moved more smoothly, only to see a shadow of a knife covering thirty-two figures, with no water splashing in, making it dazzling.

    After all, the ten people who had been stabbed a lot were not real soldiers. They were suddenly defeated and fell to the ground one after another. Some were knocked away by wooden swords, or were cut to critical points. They were all carried away like chickens by the Infinite Sword Ding Chen. Guo Jing specially ordered  , Don¡¯t be too polite to those who are defeated.

    "Attack¡ª¡ª!!" Guo Jing stood up from his seat, waved the red flag as bright as blood, and quickly chopped it down.

    "Kill!" everyone roared and stamped their feet with great force, causing a loud shock.

    Even though there are only half of the original number of people, the momentum has not decreased but increased, and the green bricks seem to be cracked by stamping on them.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? did not turn into?wastes when they were all turned into?wastes?by those young juniors, it was really "tolerable, but who can't be tolerated"!  Even if they risk their lives, they can't be so proud!  Otherwise, I won¡¯t be able to see anyone in the future!

    After stamping their feet, the remaining servants rushed over, clenching their teeth more tightly and opening their eyes wider, charging straight forward like a glaring King Kong. Their speed was much faster than those in front of them, and they were almost as strong as cavalry.

    Knowing that specialization is not enough, they use groups as a unit, and each group attacks one person. This is their specialty. In daily training, they usually use groups as a unit.

    It¡¯s just spinningIn front of Rufei's Bading Formation, this move had no effect. They could only see a shadow of knives, but could not see the person clearly. Five knives struck at the same time, but they often missed the target.

    "Oh!" "Ah!" "Humph!"

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:?? Enduring the pain in their bodies, they continued to attack themselves and didn¡¯t believe in evil anymore!  There are just eight people in such a circle. Even if they hide, they can't hide anywhere!  At this time, everyone's eyes were red and bloodshot, and they had already fired up the real fire.

    Ding Chen, the Infinite Sword, showed no mercy. He kept moving through the crowd and had no time to handle it lightly. He threw everyone out of the battle group.

    "His internal strength is superb, and he controls the internal force in his hands exquisitely. Anyone who lands on the ground falls gently. This exquisite use of the internal force in his hand makes Lu Yun and Xia Houjie admire and envy them in their hearts.

    In everyone's surprised eyes, the eight-person formation suddenly suffocated. In the shadow of the sword, the thirty-two vague figures suddenly disappeared, revealing the true bodies of the eight people, but one of them had an empty hand.  The wooden knife flew a dozen steps away.

    In the blink of an eye, this man¡¯s clothes were torn to pieces and criss-crossed, he had been stabbed more than a dozen times, his face was as pale as paper, his steps were disordered, and the Eight Ding Formation was suddenly broken.

    After endless attacks, only a dozen or so people were left. Seeing the dazzling silhouette of the sword in front of them suddenly disappear, they couldn't help but froze, and the sword slowed down.

    "Tiancan Formation!" Among the eight people, the young man with the brightest eyes shouted loudly.

    The remaining six people in the formation changed their steps when the opponent raised their swords to strike. Before Wuliang Sword Ding Chen could lift the injured person away, the other seven people formed an irregular circle with him as the center.  Start running.

    However, their steps were obviously not very proficient, and they were not yet able to form a formation. More than a dozen people on the other side had already reacted, and more than a dozen swords were slashed at them all at once. The swordsmanship of these seven people was not better than that of the other party, and they were even weaker because of their youth.  Some.

    "Ah!" "Oh!" "Hmph!" "Yeah!"

    Under the happy gazes of a dozen people with red eyes, the seven people who had not started their footwork were suddenly stabbed one after another and screamed in agony. It can be said that the situation is changing.

    ¡°Stop¡ª¡ª!¡± Guo Jing stood up and shouted loudly, like spring thunder. The servants with little martial arts skills in the field suddenly had tinnitus in their ears, their eyesight turned black, and their hands holding wooden swords became extremely soft.

    This battle has never been better. There are wounded everywhere, and almost no one is spared.

    Huang Rong sent more people to ask a few doctors to come over and give him a good treatment. Everyone followed Guo Jing back to the hall.

    The front windows of the hall were all opened, and bright sunlight shone in from the windows, making the hall extremely bright.

    The breeze blowing in from the window was still a bit chilly. Huang Rong did not greet the servants, but walked up to pick up her clothes, stretched her arms and waist, and closed the windows one by one.

    Except for Lu Yun and Xia Houjie, who were too young and not qualified to discuss matters, everyone else gathered together and discussed what they had just seen.

    Speaking of formations, the Beggar Clan also has a dog-beating formation, which is very powerful, but compared with the Eight-Ding formation just now, it is really nothing.

    And Lu Youjiao heard the gang leader say that he wanted to come to the Beggar Clan to use this formation. At this time, the excitement in his heart could not be expressed in words.

    "Compared to these servants who have crude martial arts skills, four or five disciples of the Beggar Clan can beat them four or five times. If they learn this formation, how can they still do it?"  !

    The more Lu Youjiao thought about it, the more excited he became. He picked up and put down the dark green and slightly yellow dog beating stick. He picked it up and put it down. In the blink of an eye, it had changed several positions.

    Huang Rong saw that her son-in-law was frowning and silent, just stroking his black mustache and frowning in thought. She couldn't help but sit down next to him, came up to him, and asked softly: "What's the matter, Guanlan?"  ?¡±

    "Huh?" Xiao Yuesheng woke up from the misty clouds, and looked up to see his mother-in-law's smooth and jade-like face full of concern, and couldn't help but smile: "It's nothing."

    Huang Rongbingxue is smart and thoughtful. She turned her bright eyes, pursed her lips and smiled softly: "Guanlan is not satisfied with the Eight-Ding Formation?"

    "Yeah." Xiao Yuesheng didn't hide it from his mother-in-law. He chinned slightly, put down his left hand that was stroking his beard, shook his head and sighed: "Alas! This formation is not very useful!"

    In the bright hall, everyone's chatter suddenly dropped a few degrees, and their ears perked up. Although they were not very clear about the abilities of the Guo family's eldest son-in-law, they deeply respected him, and they naturally paid attention to his words.  abnormal.

    "How do you say this?!" Huang Rong's delicate eyebrows suddenly frowned slightly. She knew that her son-in-law would not make unreasonable targets, and her heart sank involuntarily. She glanced around and stared at him with bright eyes.

    "This formation is still too difficult for ordinary soldiers to learn Besides, this kind of tacit understanding cannot be formed in a short time."

    Xiao Yuesheng smiled bitterly, blaming himself for not coming outThings have been going on for too long, and I have become a little idealistic. After thinking about it, I sighed: "It seems that we can only select some smart people to form an elite team! But I'm afraid that time is too tight and I won't be able to make it in time."  ah!"

    It is almost spring now. Although it is not as good as autumn, we still have to guard against Mongolia sending troops to attack the city.

    "It would be enough if we could form a small team, but Guan Lan is too greedy!With their help when defending the city, if one is equal to ten, the city will be impregnable!" Huang Rong rolled her eyes at him first, and then smiled sweetly, disapproving of her son-in-law's pessimism.  .

    Guo Jing, who was listening silently, also nodded and agreed with his wife. There are elite and ordinary soldiers. It is an incredible achievement to make the elite even more elite.

    "If that's the case, then we need to practice harder, they won't be able to use the Tiancan Formation at all!"

    Xiao Yuesheng thought about it. He was indeed too greedy. The most important thing for Xiangyang City was to defend the city, rather than engage in field battles with the Mongolian soldiers. Under the cavalry, these small formations would not work at all. It seemed that an eight formations had to be designed.  It looks like a big formation!

    The Tiancan Formation is composed of seven people. When the Eight Ding Formation is broken and one person is missing, the Tian Can Formation can be used to resist the enemy, and its power is even greater than that of the Eight Ding Formation.

    The name of Tiancan is by no means empty talk. Once this formation rotates, the seven people in the formation will be like the seven stars of the Big Dipper gathering in the sky. The energy and spirit of the whole body will be connected into one. The footwork and the mental method are in line with each other. The mental method is an inspiring one.  The potential method, after half an hour, it takes more than a month to recover.

    After the Tiancan Formation, there is the Five Elements Formation, which emphasizes balance, contains vitality, and emphasizes defense. The five elements are all present, constantly flowing, moist and full of vitality, just like the movement of Heaven, which is constantly improving.

    If it is after the Five Elements Formation, the Four Symbols, Three Talents, and Two Instruments, these formations will be of infinite use to a person in the martial arts world. For an ordinary person, if the martial arts is not high, the power will be limited and it will be difficult to exert the effectiveness of the formations. Moreover, against  The requirements for understanding are too high. Instead of spending so much energy, it is better to practice Bading, Tiancan, and Five Elements Formation.

    "Gang leader" Seeing that they had stopped talking, Lu Youjiao hesitated. He scratched the back of his ears with his thick-jointed hands. His hesitant attitude was quite inconsistent with his always straightforward temperament, but he had a different kind of honesty.

    "What's the matter, Elder Lu? There are no outsiders here!" Huang Rong turned away from Xiao Yuesheng and said coquettishly, with a smile on her face.
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