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Should Chapter 203: If you have the guts, just jump

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    Chapter 203 If you have the guts, just jump

    After walking for a while, Wang Bi'an suddenly said, Mom, look.  "

    Actually, there was no need for Wang Bi'an to remind Chen Wei that there were several zombies lying in the stream in front of them.

    Chen Wei turned around and said softly, don't be afraid, it was your father and Sister Xie Ling who killed her.  "

    Wang Bi'an nodded, I'm not afraid.  I've killed zombies too.  "

    The two continued to move forward and saw two more dead zombies, the disabled zombies killed by Wang Lu and Xie Ling.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? off? and areing?the?dead?dead? pieces of? corpses is making? even Wang Bi¡¯an?a little bit less concerned about them is

    After walking forward for a while, Chen Wei stopped and arrived.  "

    There is a stone bridge in front, and bamboo scaffolding is supported under the stone bridge.

    Chen Wei helped Wang Bi'an climb onto the bridge from the bamboo scaffolding. After handing over the bag containing the tape recorder, she thought for a moment - it is always a bit risky to have this scaffolding under the bridge. It would be dangerous if zombies climbed through the bridge gap through the scaffolding.  .

    Chen Wei immediately made a decision. She raised the woodcutter in her hand and chopped at several joints of the scaffolding. The joints were fixed with ropes and wires and were quickly cut off.  Chen Wei shook the scaffolding vigorously, and immediately stepped aside quickly. With a crash, the scaffolding came down halfway.

    Chen Wei fanned the raised dust and squinted her eyes to see that the bridge plates were still supported at both ends of the scaffolding, but the middle part had collapsed.  That's okay, at least the zombies can't climb using the scaffolding.

    Chen Wei climbed up the embankment through the cracks in the rocks. Wang Bi'an had already been waiting on top and reached out to give her mother a hand.

    The mother and son walked onto the stone bridge. Chen Wei took out the recorder from the bag. The battery had already been installed. Chen Wei turned on the power switch and took a look. The indicator light flashed red. Everything was normal. Turn off the power.

    Chen Wei walked to the gap in the stone bridge and took a look - where should I put the tape recorder?  Should it be placed here or on the opposite side of the bridge?  Let's put it at the bridge opposite. If the zombies are too stimulated by the sound played by the tape recorder and rush across the gap in the bridge, this small gap really can't stop them.  The last time Chen Wei was in the health center, she saw zombies jumping into the elevator shaft to catch Xie Ling. They jumped quite far.

    Chen Wei decided to pay attention, took a few steps back with the tape recorder, lucked out, and jumped to the opposite side of the stone bridge. She landed heavily on the bluestone bridge, and a burst of sand fell into the cracks of the bridge.  Fell into the stream.

    Chen Wei placed the recorder on the bridge board, thought for a moment, found some rocks from the side, and sandwiched the recorder in the middle.  Then he jumped back to the other end of the bridge, and Wang Bian and he found a field bank behind the embankment and hid.

    Wang Bi'an took out something from his pocket. Do you want to eat it?  "

    Chen Wei took a look and saw that it was a piece of chocolate.

    Wang Bi'an whispered to Chen Wei, "Mom, the book says that eating chocolate can relieve people's nervousness."  "

    Chen Wei rubbed Wang Bi'an's hair. Are you afraid?  "

    Wang Bi'an didn't answer Mom**'s question. He opened the chocolate package and took a big bite. Dad said that one day, I will kill zombies alone.  "

    Chen Wei felt a little sad, she is such a sensible child.

    Chen Wei and Wang Lu almost quarreled over whether Wang Bi'an should also participate in this operation.

    Chen Wei said that if she just played the tape recorder to fuck the zombies, she could do it alone.  There is absolutely no need to put Wang Bi'an in danger.

    Wang Lu said with a sullen face, "Wang Bi'an is not young anymore. He can't hide in the mountains all the time, hiding behind us. Participating in this operation is also an opportunity for him to exercise. At least you will be by his side."  By the way, are you really worried about Wang Bi'an staying alone on Yashan?  "

    Chen Wei said angrily that if she locked the iron gate of the Dragon King Temple, wouldn't it be safe?  "

    Wang Lu was about to get angry, but he sighed heavily. You can't lock Wang Bi'an away forever.  "

    Chen Wei shed tears. It¡¯s not that she didn¡¯t understand Wang Lu¡¯s painstaking efforts, but Wang Bi¡¯an was still a freshman in junior high school.

    Chen Wei finally steeled her heart and agreed to let Wang Bi'an participate in the operation. Wang Bi'an, who was so excited, repeatedly told him that he must obey the command in all actions - listen to the command of the old lady.

    When Wang Bi'an came up from the mountain, he was still quite excited. Now that he was on the ground and faced with actual combat, he was still a child after all, so he couldn't help but become nervous.  After eating a few mouthfuls of chocolate, I still couldn't hide the panic rising in my heart.

    Wang Bi'an glanced at his mother beside him. Chen Wei was sitting with her back against the field ridge, holding the woodcutter tightly with so much force that her knuckles turned white.

    Well, well, killing zombies with my mother is not as reassuring as following my father.  Wang Bian is so big againTake a bite of chocolate.  I'm not afraid. My father said that zombies are all huge idiots. If you can't defeat them, just run away.

    I don¡¯t know when, the fog has dissipated.  The sun was shining in the sky.

    Chen Wei and Wang Bifa have completely relaxed. Until now, they have not seen a single zombie hair.  On the contrary, I was sweating profusely from the sun above. There was not even a small tree to provide shade nearby.

    ¡°As expected, as Wang Lu said, all the zombies in this village are hiding in their rooms. Ah, even the zombies know how to enjoy themselves.

    At almost 11 o'clock, Chen Wei and Wang Bi'an had lunch, which consisted of mustard rice balls, red sausage, hard-boiled eggs, and two roasted sweet potatoes.  Wang Bi'an also broke off a few cucumbers and tomatoes from the ground next to him, wiped them with the corners of his clothes and ate them raw.

    ¡° Only when you are full can you have the energy to deal with zombies.

    Chen Wei looked up at the sky and asked Wang Bi'an what time it was?  "

    Wang Bi'an raised the only mechanical watch on his wrist and looked at it. It would be 12 o'clock in five minutes.  "

    Chen Wei took out two kicks from the plastic bag. Wang Bian grabbed them and let me put them away.  "

    Chen Wei left Wang Bi'an alone. During the Chinese New Year, Wang Lu and Wang Bi'an set off all the fireworks at home, including large fireworks that cost 500 yuan each.  This little two-kick is really nothing.  Chen Wei just told her to stop moving her head up and down.  "

    With that said, he jumped back to the other side of the bridge where the tape recorder was placed.

    Wang Bi'an raised his wrist and stared at his watch. After a while, he shouted that it was here.  "

    Chen Wei turned on the power switch, pressed the play button, turned the volume to the maximum, and then jumped quickly.

    Wang Bi'an had already lit the lighter, and moved it to the fuse of the second kicker. The fuse burst into flames, and when Chen Wei ran back to the field ridge, it exploded into the sky with a bang, and exploded again in the air.  Chen Wei and Wang Bi'an were left with scraps of paper and gunpowder ashes.

    Under the central bridge of Houlong Village, Wang Lu and Xie Ling heard the sound of two kicks - but they did not hear the sound of the tape recorder. This was natural, as the distance was a bit far away.

    Wang Lu did not hesitate, rushed to the dock in a few steps, lit the second kicker in his hand with a lighter, but he did not throw the second kicker into the sky, but raised his hand and threw the second kicker towards the village committee.  Will open the door.  Before the second kick landed, Wang Lu turned around and ran back to the port.

    Behind him, there was a loud noise, and then another one.  There was also the crisp sound of window glass breaking.

    The zombies in the village committee were immediately alarmed. Wang Lu lay down at the stone steps of the port and watched several zombies emerge from the village committee and mill around at the door.  He waved his hand back, signaling Xie Ling to take action.

    Wang Lu had anticipated in advance that the sound of Xiaoshiqiao's recorder was not powerful enough to attract zombies from the village committee. The reason why Kapi's engine attracted zombies was because the pickup truck roared from the main street of the village.  However, the zombies were aroused in advance.

    To lure out the cadre zombies playing mahjong in the village committee, or even lure them to Xiaoshiqiao to listen to the tape recorder and play hapi, we have to find another way to recruit them.

    Xie Ling had already prepared a toy car painted with duck blood and drove quickly towards the village committee.

    Unexpectedly, the toy car once again attracted the attention of the zombies. The leading zombie roared, attracting more zombies in the village committee. A total of 6 zombies surrounded the toy that was flexibly controlled by Xie Ling on the main street of the village.  The cars were spinning around, and in order to catch the toy car, several zombies even bumped into each other.

    Xie Ling had almost finished teasing the zombies. No other zombies ran out, whether it was the village committee or the side road. Then she pushed the joystick and let the toy car take the zombies along the main street towards the stone bridge.  Go down.

    Wang Lu stared at the zombies and ran after the toy car. The distance of the wireless remote control was unknown, but it was certainly not enough to bring the zombies to the stone bridge. He could only hope that the zombies could hear the sound of the recorder before the toy car lost control.  The sound was dragged at Shiqiao, leaving more room for Xie Ling and Xie Ling to move the solar power system.

    The back of the last zombie can no longer be seen.

    Wang Lu no longer waited, jumped out of the dock, and rushed towards the pickup truck. After Xie Ling pressed the forward button hard at the end, she had already thrown away the remote control, and now she followed closely.

    The two of them rushed to the pickup truck, grabbed a solar panel each, and ran back to the bamboo raft. Several large plastic sheets had been prepared on the raft, and they wrapped the solar panels and put them on the raft.

    Next is the battery.

    Wang Lu prepared two carrying poles and four bamboo baskets. He first put the batteries in the bamboo baskets and then carried them back to the raft.  With the help of carrying poles, the two people carried it much more efficiently, and the last one carried the cables onto the bamboo raft.  Wrap it in plastic wrap as usual.

    ? ?Now, it¡¯s the turn of the heaviest control cabinet.

    So far, so good.  The zombies in the village committee did not return after being lured away, and no new zombies escaped from the nearby alleys.

    Wang Lu took a thick hemp rope and circled it around the cabinet up and down and tied it tightly. Then he and Xie Ling took the hemp rope and moved it to the port with force. The metal casing at the bottom of the cabinet knocked against the stone pavement from time to time.  The sound of friction - there is still a long way to go from the port.

    At this time, Chen Wei and Wang Bi'an encountered a danger that no one had anticipated.

    Things went well at first.

    Chen Wei and Wang Bi'an saw a group of zombies chasing a toy car behind the field. Then, the toy car lost control and hit the wall of the store next to it.

    In order to fight for the blood on the toy car, the zombies tore the car into parts.

    But at this time, the zombies also heard the sound of birds singing on the tape recorder.

    Although the zombie village cadres do not need to take English exams, the loud and standard Oxford English still attracts them to Qiaotou.

    The zombies were wandering around the tape recorder sandwiched among several stones, unable to figure out where the sound came from.

    Chen Wei and Wang Bi'an were hiding behind a field bank and saw two zombies squeezing each other and almost falling into the stream. They couldn't help laughing. They were really stupid zombies.

    However, as time passed, the zombies became a little impatient. Some zombies collided with each other, and some even took a few steps back.

    Not good.  Chen Wei and Wang Bi'an were both worried. Until now, they have not heard the sound of Wang Lu and Chen Wei lighting up the second kick. They must still be moving. If the zombies return at this time, they will be imitated by Wang Lu this time.  The Allied invasion of Normandy in World War II, the operation named "Dynamics", was definitely over.

    When Chen Wei was anxious, Wang Bi'an suddenly screamed "The recorder"

    Chen Wei turned around and saw a few zombies pushing against each other on the small stone bridge. During the conflict, they kicked the tape recorder caught in the stone to the edge of the bridge. The bridge was not wide and there was no bridge guard.  Chen Wei and Wang Bi'an watched helplessly as the tape recorder shook and fell into the stream with a thud.

    The sound suddenly stopped.

    It was over. Chen Wei closed her eyes, feeling heartbroken.

    She grabbed the plastic bag containing the firecrackers and fireworks - and quickly informed Wang Lu that the zombies were coming back

    But which one should I put?  Setting off fireworks would alert Wang Lu and Xie Ling, but what if they misunderstood that they and Wang Bian were in danger and rashly walked straight through the main street of the village to kill them?

    Release the second kick to indicate the end of the action?  It would be bad if Wang Lu misunderstood that everything was going well.

    While Chen Wei was in a dilemma, the zombies on the stone bridge had already turned around and walked towards the village one after another.

    At this time, Wang Bi'an made a move - he jumped up and rushed to the other side of the stone bridge, shouting to the zombies, "Here, here, you stupid zombies, there is delicious food here."  "

    "Chen Wei pounced like a tigress, grabbed Wang Bi'an and rolled him to the ground. Then he rolled back to the field ridge and you are seeking death." Chen Wei screamed uncontrollably.

    Wang Bi'an's body was still shaking with nervousness, but he put on a smile. Now the zombies will not return to the village.  "

    Chen Wei turned around in her busy schedule, and sure enough, all the zombies rushed back to the gap in the stone bridge. Although Wang Bi'an and Chen Wei could no longer be seen, they were still scratching and roaring in the air.

    Chen Wei was not happy at all. On the contrary, the fire in her heart was boiling to her head. She violently grabbed Wang Bi'an by the collar and shook her. You have no brains. Did you know that zombies can jump over gaps?  If they jump, we will be dead.¡±

    Wang Bi'an was shaken and coughed. But if they returned to the village, the solar power generation system would be gone.  "

    Chen Wei was even more angry. Is your life more important or the solar power generation system?  How dare you talk back? How many times have I told you that you must listen to mother** when you take action this time?"

    Wang Bi'an saw that Chen Wei's face was livid, and argued that it was okay, those zombies are very stupid, you see, they haven't jumped yet-"

    Wang Bi'an glanced at him and screamed, his voice changed and he jumped."

    Chen Wei turned her head and saw a zombie leaping high, jumping over the gap in the stone bridge, and landing at the end of the bridge. Behind it, two more zombies jumped.

    "Definitely dead, Chen Wei grabbed Wang Bi'an and stood up to run away. Wang Bi'an still struggled and shouted to set off the fireworks quickly and inform his father that we were in danger."

    Where are the fireworks? Run quickly.  Chen Wei pulled Wang Bi'an hard and was about to run towards Yinjiang.

    On the stone bridge, I saw two other zombies jumping to the bridge almost in no particular order, and the last one jumped to the bridge.The jumping zombies were striding towards the mother and son. At this moment, their bodies suddenly swayed and fell onto the bridge, followed by a loud bang and a burst of smoke rising high.

    The stone bridge collapsed.

    This stone bridge was originally only for people to walk on, and no cars could cross it.  Now that the bridge has been demolished and repaired, the structure has long been unstable.

    Wang Lu recklessly drove his pickup truck onto the bridge last time, causing great damage to both the bridge and the scaffolding.

    After Chen Wei destroyed half of the scaffolding, the stone bridge was actually "shaky".

    Chen Wei jumped a few times, and the stone bridge was shaken so much that the sand fell straight off.

    The jump of the three zombies became the last straw that broke the stone bridge.

    The half of the broken bridge at Chen Wei and Wang Bi'an's end collapsed first, and a few seconds later, the remaining half of the bridge on the opposite side also collapsed.

    The zombies crowded on the bridge all fell into the gorge. Only one zombie who was planning to return to the village was lucky enough to stand on the embankment and did not fall.

    Wang Bi'an cheered, broke free from the hand of Chen Wei who was standing there, ran to the collapsed stone bridge, and screamed and jumped at the zombies who were pressed by the rocks and scaffolding, come and bite me, you idiot, idiot."  Then he yelled at the zombies across the stream, "You can jump if you can."

    Naturally, the zombie on the other side didn't have this ability. It just roared in vain at Wang Bi'an.  Echoing its roar, there were a few zombies in the gorge that had not fallen or been crushed to death. Although they were suppressed by stone slabs or scaffolding and could not move, this did not prevent them from roaring and biting Wang Bi'an and Chen Wei who were rushing to the shore.  .

    ¡°It¡¯s just that they couldn¡¯t even hurt a single hair on Wang Bi¡¯an and Chen Wei.

    After a while, two thumps came from the other side of the village.

    "Successful" Chen Wei and Wang Bi'an hugged each other and screamed and jumped, finally remembering to kick their feet in response.

    Chen Wei pulled Wang Bi'an away and went home.  "

    It was impossible to ride the boat in the stream. Both Wang Bi'an and Chen Wei were a little worried that the zombies would chase them along the stream if they escaped from the rocks or bamboo frames. The channel was too narrow and the embankments on both sides were high.  It would be miserable to catch up.

    The two of them walked along the dike beside the stream to the Yinjiang River.

    Wang Bi'an lit the fireworks. The 40-ring large fireworks bloomed with beautiful flowers even in the daytime, and the loud noise could be heard far away.

    After a while, the loud noise of fireworks was heard from far away on the river. Wang Bi'an looked at the sparks in the sky and shouted and jumped with joy, "Dad, we are here."

    "This silly boy, how could Wang Lu hear him from such a long distance?"

    About 10 minutes later, Wang Lu and Xie Ling supported the bamboo raft and slowly reached the shore. Wang Lu reached out and pulled Wang Bi'an and Chen Wei onto the bamboo raft.

    Chapter 203 If you have the guts, just jump

    Chapter 203 If you have the guts, just jump
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