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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Happy life in the biochemical apocalypse

Text Chapter 1021 Just like that, kill him!

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    Looking back on the past, Wang Lu suddenly realized that everything he had done was wrong, from the very beginning. Everything he and the whole world had experienced was caused by biochemical viruses. It was ridiculous that he was so ignorant, but he kept thinking of the source of it all -  -The origin of biochemical viruses is forgotten.

    I have to admire the leaders of the Republic. They were keenly aware of the importance of that coordinate point when the biochemical crisis first broke out. They dispatched a large number of ships regardless of the turmoil in the country and the army, because they understood that the only way to crack the  The secret of that coordinate point can truly solve the biochemical virus.

    It is a pity that the US military's layout around Yanhuang over the years has come into play at this critical juncture. There are also great wisdom in the top brass of the US side. When their bases were besieged by the zombie brothers, they still sent out overwhelmingly superior sea and air forces to completely defeat the enemy.  Defeated the last naval power of Yanhuang.

    But now, Wang Lu is here, and he knows that only when he reaches that coordinate can all of this be considered a beginning.  Yes, the outbreak of the biochemical virus is not the beginning. Obtaining the secret of the source of the biochemical virus is the real beginning. That coordinate is the only origin!

    Colonel Wu looked at Wang Lu, then at Bi Xiao, and gritted his teeth: "Done! Even if this is the last voyage of this submarine, I hope it will sink during the journey instead of staying in the port and turning into a pile."  Scrap metal!¡±

    Colonel Wu immediately ordered the cab to turn through the cabin communication system. The soldiers in the submarine were familiar with the coordinates. They could almost recite every number backwards. They looked at each other in confusion and excitement.  At a glance, he slowly turned the direction.

    Colonel Wu was issuing a series of orders: "Left rudder 12, advance 11 nautical miles, shut down the advanced engine. Follow the ocean currents to avoid the opponent's undersea monitoring network, then rudder right 20, there are sea wolves there, combat status. The torpedo room is ready  ¡­¡±

    Wang Lu, who was sitting steadily next to him, suddenly said: "There is no need to evade or hide the figure. Maximize power and move forward at full speed in a straight line. Just kill it!"

    Colonel Wu almost dropped the receiver in his hand. He lost his temper and said: "Go at full speed?! The anti-submarine aircraft will fly over our heads in 10 minutes. Blast us into a pile of scrap metal on the seabed!"

    Wang Lu showed a scary smile: "Listen to me, by the time the US military reacts and mobilizes all its naval and air forces to deal with us, we will have achieved our goal, and by then, everything will be over."

    Colonel Wu wanted to scold his mother.  Wang Lu, you are a zombie, so naturally you are not afraid of being sunk. My crew members do not want to be buried with you and become zombies.

    But he knew in his heart that Wang Lu's decision was correct, if he followed the past methods and followed the steps.  Step by step, he avoided the enemy's three-dimensional anti-submarine network composed of surveillance nets, submarines, anti-submarine aircraft, and destroyers. Before he even got close to the coordinate point, he ran out of fuel.

    Before this, although Colonel Wu was very cautious and brought back the submarine and the crew alive, he had never succeeded once. After more than five years of hard work, the coordinate point was still so far away from Colonel Wu.

    Maybe, Wang Lu is right.  At an extraordinary moment, I did something extraordinary, but I never succeeded because I followed the rules too much.

    Colonel Wu looked at Wang Lu in front of him.  What kind of man is he? He is covered in scars, neither human nor corpse. He has been betrayed and separated from his family, lost his beloved woman, and his son's whereabouts are unknown. But even when he was a zombie, he still fought and never gave in to fate.  Although Wang Lu's battle with fate was not something he did deliberately, it just shows that the free and independent will has penetrated deep into his heart and has become his instinct.

    Colonel Wu slammed the table, raised the microphone and shouted: "Go to the coordinate point at full speed!"

    There was silence in the cockpit for a long time, and then the soldiers roared excitedly: "Yes, full speed forward!" - For more than five years, the submarine soldiers have accompanied Colonel Wu on this journey of facing death again and again.  Road, every time they returned to the port safely, it meant they failed again.  The general should have been killed in battle, so why should he return with his body wrapped in horse leather?  This is the final battle!  This is also the final mission!

    The submarine surfaced and began to move forward at full speed in the state of the snorkel. Although domestic submarines have achieved electric propulsion, over the past five years, the battery pack has been almost half ineffective and scrapped. If you want to move forward at full speed, you can only use the diesel unit and exhaust  The tube spewed out black, incompletely burned smoke on the sea surface, splitting a long white wave trail on the sea surface, and headed towards the coordinate point with all its strength.

    The sea and air forces in this area immediately became violently commotion like a frightened beehive - the sound of the Yanhuang domestic submarine moving at full speed was like a tractor moving. If you didn't notice this, unless everyone was asleep.

    The anti-submarine aircraft arrived first. It didn¡¯t even need to hover on the sea, let alone drop sound waves.??Buoy, because the long trail drawn by Captain Wu's submarine exhaust pipe among the waves is so obvious.

    The belly of the anti-submarine aircraft was like laying eggs, pulling down several black dots. The black dots popped up parachutes in the air. When they were about to fall to the sea, the parachutes were automatically cut off. The rocket at the tail of the missile spewed out flames, rotated, positioned, and banged.  , smashed into the sea.

    "Depth charges!" The sonar soldier in the submarine roared like crazy: "One, two, threesix depth charges! Directly ahead, contact in 15 seconds!"

    Although all submarine warriors knew that advancing at full speed was simply courting death, when they truly realized that death was coming, their faces were still livid. Some people clung to the railings around them, some murmured to themselves, and some looked nervously.  I checked the diving bell once and again, as if calculating how long I have left to live

    Colonel Wu glanced at Wang Lu. Wang Lu was sitting upright without any abnormal expression. Damn it, even if there was something abnormal about this guy, nothing could be seen from his ghostly face.

    Colonel Wu got lucky, raised the microphone and said: "Keep the direction and move forward at full speed."

    The soldiers faithfully carried out Colonel Wu's orders, and the sound from the engine did not even change at all.

    The final impact time - 10 seconds, 9 seconds, 8 seconds

    Silently, the explosion of depth bombs in the water did not come. Within the predetermined time, the soldiers in the submarine heard nothing. The submarine was still moving forward at high speed. The sonar soldier breathed a sigh of relief: "The enemy target has been lost."  of!"

    What a waste!  Of course Colonel Wu knew that this was definitely not a mistake. The US military's depth bombs are not bricks. They will explode only when they hit the submarine. This smart depth bomb is equipped with sonar, which can automatically search, automatically locate, automatically track and  The automatic detonation fuse, the scene in old movies where the depth charge grazed the submarine's hull before exploding in vain, will never appear in modern naval battles!

    Colonel Wu glanced at Wang Lu. Although Wang Lu had his eyes closed, he seemed to "see" Colonel Wu's movements. He said calmly: "I just made a small movement on the fuse of the depth bomb."

    The fuze failed, and no matter how powerful the depth charge was, it became a brick.

    The anti-submarine aircraft also seemed to have discovered the anomaly. It dropped more depth bombs and even dropped to a dangerous level where the wingtips were almost touching the waves. However, none of the depth bombs exploded. The only gain was that one depth bomb exploded.  The bomb hit the submarine's shell accurately, making a thud, and then the bomb fell to the bottom of the sea.

    In the submarine, the hearts of all the soldiers who heard the bang almost stopped, but they soon found that they were safe and the submarine was safe.  The soldiers could no longer control themselves and cheered and screamed in the cabin. Some soldiers even deliberately knocked on the cabin wall. Before this, no submariner would do such a crazy thing. This was different from that of fighter jets.  It's almost crazy for a pilot to hit his own canopy with a hammer at high altitude.

    Colonel Wu cursed a few times, but it did not stop the soldiers from messing around. He suddenly sighed: "I said, Wang Lu, what use will we soldiers have in the future? If you stop over there, you will be able to ward off evil and change things."  .¡±

    If it were in the past, when Wang Lu heard a strong soldier like Colonel Wu lose his temper in front of him because of his own powers, although Wang Lu would pretend to comfort him a few words, he would definitely be happy in his heart.  But now, Wang Lu understood in his heart that everything was in the hands of the biochemical virus, and he was just a small toy of the biochemical virus.

    He shook his head gently: "I said, this is just the beginning, it is far from the end."

    Yes, this is just the beginning. The enemy's sea and air forces are rushing over crazily. Three fighter jets fly over the submarine at high speed. Then, they lower their noses and directly shoot at the submarine - the cannon is not a weapon against submarines.  However, now that the submarine is in a semi-submersible state, it is no joke to open a few holes in the hull if it is really shot by a machine gun.

    Wang Lu did not attack the first anti-submarine aircraft. After letting the anti-submarine aircraft throw away all the depth bombs, it flew away in despair. However, at this time, faced with three fighter jets strafing from multiple angles, he took action mercilessly.  Now, he was sitting in the submarine. Suddenly he reached out his hand and punched out - on the sea, a fighter jet flying at low altitude suddenly disintegrated in the air and broke into countless pieces.

    The pilots of the two fighter jets next to them were frightened by the sudden change and jerked their noses up, but Wang Lu did not let them go. He clenched his fists twice. The tail fins of the two fighter jets suddenly broke off, and the fighter jets entered a spiral state.  At such a low altitude, it was impossible to correct the spiral. With a bang, the two fighter jets fell into the sea one after another.

    The sonar soldier suddenly shouted: "Haizhi, sea of ??zombies, so many enemies"The sea of ??zombies is swimming over.  "
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