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Text Chapter 968 Fighting General

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    Wang Bi'an was startled, and then shouted: "No, that guy must be attacking Uncle Feng Hai Qi and the others! Hurry, catch up quickly, Uncle Feng and the others don't have heavy weapons, but they can't beat that guy."

    In response, the splicing monster smart zombie also jumped out of the door, chasing another tumor smart zombie. Zhang Chunrui also led his smart zombies to chase out, but was tightly entangled by a predator like brown sugar.

    When Feng Haiqi and the others in Yashan were in a stalemate, they suddenly heard a roar in the distance, and then saw three huge figures rising and falling on the roof. From time to time, they stepped on the tiled roof of an old-fashioned house, and flew up for a while.  Smoke and dust are approaching here.

    "It's the splicing of the weird female zombie, and there are two tumor zombies!" Zhou Chunyu blurted out: "Oops! Wang Bi'an only eliminated one tumor zombie! Hurry, organize interception firepower, don't let the tumor zombie crash into our team  center!"

    Indeed, with the current mentality of everyone in Yashan, except for those smart zombies, the other ordinary human survivors have long been discouraged. If the tumor smart zombies break in, it will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.  It had to collapse on the spot.

    Feng Haiqi grabbed a sniper rifle, put it on his shoulder, took a deep breath, and aimed at the tumor zombie rushing at the front. There was already a burst of intensive gunfire around him. It was Zhou  Chunyu and Guan Xin were directing everyone in Yashan to intercept, but Feng Haiqi did not fire. The muzzle of his gun kept rising and falling with the jumping tumor zombie's small metal helmet, getting closer, getting closer

    The tumor zombies who were running at the front knew that they just had to rush into the humans who were crowding the streets like sheep.  Then they win, so it doesn't dodge bullets at all.  Let the bullets shoot into his tumor tissue, anyway, these small metal pieces are just scratching him.

    Close, close - the soles of its feet stepped heavily on a balcony, and the huge figure jumped high into the air with indescribable agility, spanning a distance of more than 10 meters, and was about to fall into the crowd of people on the cliff -  -

    Some Yashan personnel have already thrown down their guns and turned around to flee for their lives - in fact, such cowards don't even know where to escape, and the entire Yinjiang Town has become a dead place.  Either they were killed by Japanese zombies, or they were bitten by local zombies and turned into zombies¡ª¡ªat this moment, bang, a clear gunshot sounded.

    Feng Haiqi finally fired. When the tumor zombie jumped high, it had huge jumping power.  The arms protecting his head separated slightly, revealing a little gap, but for Feng Haiqi, this gap was enough. With a click of his fingers, a bullet flew out of the muzzle of the sniper rifle.

    The leaping tumor zombie also heard the gunfire.  But it didn't care, because at this time, the metal helmet had already been covered with a layer of tumor tissue. The double protection of the metal helmet and tumor tissue was not something that ordinary bullets could penetrate.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The bullet fired from the sniper rifle hit the tumor zombie, however.  The target is not its head, but its right knee - Feng Haiqi certainly knows that the head is where the tumor zombie must defend, so he has no hope of hitting it. He just wants to injure the tumor zombie to prepare for the subsequent splicing.  The weird female zombie creates opportunities!

    Bang!  The sniper bullet hit the knee of the tumor zombie and made a sound like metal.  After the tumor zombie mutated, in addition to the tough tumors, the bone density also increased sharply. You must know that some human bones are actually not softer than steel, and the enamel of the teeth is much harder than most steel. The whole body of the tumor zombie  It is not an exaggeration to describe a skeleton as strong as steel.

    However, Feng Haiqi's shot was very clever and shot into the meniscus joint of the knee of the tumor zombie. It was like stabbing a hammer into the gear box of a rapidly rotating motor.  The legs suddenly froze.

    When the tumor zombie fell heavily from the air, its heavy body, under the action of inertia, put all its weight on the right leg with a stiff knee. Only a crunching sound was heard, and the tumor zombie's right leg  The leg and knee were comminutedly fractured, and the tumorous zombie lost control and fell to the ground, crushing to death several Yashan personnel who were unlucky enough to avoid it.

    The splicing monster Zhizi who was following closely behind took the opportunity to pounce on the tumor Zhizi that was struggling on the ground, and struck hard, smashing the opponent's metal helmet into a flattened empty can, and naturally the head inside was also  It turned into a ball of meat residue.

    However, the tumorous zombie's counterattack before it died also tore off several of the prosthetic limbs of the spliced ??monster female zombie, and then another tumorous zombie that rushed forward simply put that one on the back of the spliced ??monster female zombie.  The head of the female zombie was crushed.

    When the Splicing Monster Intelligent Corpse and the Tumor Intelligent Corpse were separated, the Splicing Monster Intelligent Corpse only had one prosthetic limb left on her body, and the remaining Tumor Intelligent Corpse also retreated to the entrance of the supermarket, assuming a posture of relying on the supermarket's firepower to defend it.  .

    A deadlock is still a deadlock.

    No, it¡¯s not a stalemate??, but a dead end. For Feng Haiqi, a deadlock is a dead end.

    Although Wang Bi'an commanded the splicing monster female zombies to kill two tumor zombies beautifully, the remaining tumor zombies still added strong combat power to the Japanese slave zombies in the supermarket. Time, on the side of the Japanese slave zombies  , not on the other side of Yashan.

    The tumors all over the body of the strange female corpse squirmed. With a sound, the last prosthetic limb fell off and fell to the ground. At the same time, Wang Bi'an also landed smoothly.

    Wang Bi'an shouted as soon as he landed on the ground: "Uncle Feng, the splicing monster's wise corpse is injured!"

    Feng Haiqi was startled, and hurriedly ran forward to check. Sure enough, when he was splicing the waist of the strange girl's wise corpse, he saw a wound so deep that he couldn't see the bottom at a glance. Wang Bi'an said hurriedly: "It's the one who was chased up just now.  The tumor zombie was wounded with bare hands, and its target turned out to be me. The splicing monster zombie mobilized the tumor tissue to cover my body to protect me, but the tumor tissue in other parts of her body was reduced as a result, and she was killed by the tumor zombie.  The corpse was injured due to weakness."

    Feng Haiqi frowned: "Can she still fight?" As long as the bones are not broken, the Zhizhi can continue to fight, but the splicing monster Zhizhi's injuries are really heavy, and the opponent is a strong tumor that is unscathed.  Feng Haiqi had to worry about the corpse of the male intelligence.

    Wang Bi'an raised his hand and placed it on the hand of the spliced ??monster female zombie that had been transformed into a tumor zombie.  He was really touched by the blow from the tumorous man's zombie just now.  If the tumorous female zombie had not mobilized almost all the tumor tissue to cover her body, she would have turned into a ball of flesh.  He said with a bit of heartache: "I don't know - no bones should be injured, but she looks very weak"

    At this moment, a burst of fierce gunfire suddenly erupted from the direction of the front gate of Yinjiang Town. A moment later, a Yashan Zhizhi hurried over.  He said to Feng Haiqi: "The Japanese slave Zhizhi zombies have broken through the front door. Li Yong asked me to order you to retreat to Yashan immediately. We Zhizhi will make the final resistance to your retreat."

    Zhou Chunyu, Guan Xin and others listened and paled their faces. Unless the situation was extremely critical, Li Yong would never have given this order. Now, the Japanese slave intelligent zombie hedgehogs in Yinjiang Town were gathered in the supermarket, and they suddenly attacked  It cannot be overcome.  It has become a major concern, and a large number of Japanese slaves and zombies are pouring in outside the town. As long as the two join forces, everyone in Yashan will be completely defeated.

    As for what Li Yong said about retreating back to Yashan, that is a dead end!  Not to mention that the main force led by Feng Haiqi is now trapped in Yinjiang Town, surrounded by endless local zombies.  We are under attack all the time, and people die or turn into zombies anytime and anywhere. Even if we can miraculously return to Yashan, how long can we stay on this lonely mountain?

    It¡¯s a dead end!

    Uncharacteristically, Feng Haiqi roared: "We can't retreat! We must not retreat! When the two armies meet, the brave one wins! Charge! Charge forward. Most of the Japanese slave zombies are in the supermarket, leading the Japanese slave zombies to attack the city. Only a small number of Japanese slave zombies are attacking the city.  Nu Zhi Zhi, as long as we eliminate the Japanese Nu Zhi Zhi in the supermarket, victory is still ours!"

    Feng Haiqi turned to Wang Bi'an with red eyes: "Wang Bi'an, can you let your female intelligence corpse"

    Wang Bi'an also knew that it was time to make a desperate move. He looked at the tumorous female zombie - but the words to order her to charge were stuck in his throat and he could not say it. The tumorous female zombie had been seriously injured, and the opponent was stronger than her.  The tumorous man's intellectual corpse is definitely on the verge of death, but if he doesn't give the order now, once Li Yong's defense line at the front door is breached, everyone will die!

    At this moment, the tumorous female zombie roared softly from her throat, stretched out her big palm to caress Wang Bi'an's head, turned around, and strode towards the supermarket. The huge wound on her lower back was filled with black corpse liquid.  Bo Bo flowed out, and a piece of her intestines hung out, but she still faced the enemy.

    Wang Bi'an's lips trembled slightly, and the corners of his eyes were moist. Why?  Why?  Is it just because of my abnormality that you mistook me for your child?  Can you actually sacrifice yourself for a relationship that is actually false?

    The male tumor zombie in front of the supermarket roared and rushed forward. The two tumor zombies, who originally belonged to the same camp, rolled and struggled with each other. Neither the people in Yashan nor the Japanese slave zombies in the supermarket opened fire.  This is a battle between two giants, and no one else can get involved.

    Which tumorous zombie loses and dies, it means that the side it belongs to has failed. No one could have imagined that this Yashan and the Japanese slaves would end up like fighting generals in ancient times.

    Before the biochemical apocalypse broke out, Wang Bi'an watched an anime from the Footpot Kingdom, "Attack on Titan", and everything that happened before him was just like the scene in the anime. Two giants were fighting each other desperately, and their huge fists collided in the air.  The roar of battle echoed over the town, and the low-rise residences collapsed amid the huge figures

    But thisThe battle did not last long, and the reason was simple - after all, the female tumor zombie was weaker than the male zombie, not to mention being seriously injured. The male zombie viciously inserted his hand into the huge wound on his lower back again and again.  , pulling out the internal organs mercilessly. Although this did not kill the tumorous female zombie, it did affect her combat power.

    The tumorous female zombie¡¯s counterattacks are getting slower and slower.  Suddenly, the male zombie with the tumor threw him on his back and threw the female zombie with the tumor to the ground. Then he rushed forward and twisted her left leg, pulling and twisting, and there was a clear and ear-piercing loud click. The left leg of the female zombie with the tumor was  Being cut off abruptly.

    The tumorous male zombie moved like the wind, with both hands, he held the fists of the tumorous female zombie that was shot from the air. He reached out with his backhand and grasped the right arm of the tumorous female zombie. With a roar and a thump, he pulled the tumorous female zombie away.  The entire arm was torn off from the shoulder, corpse fluids splashed everywhere, and pieces of flesh flew everywhere!

    The female zombie with tumor collapsed to the ground, and the male zombie with tumor roared from the sky, clenched his fists, and hit the female zombie with tumor on the head

    Boom, a gunshot rang out.

    This shot was so sudden and insignificant. In the battle between two giants, it was obviously a shot fired by a small-caliber automatic rifle, so what use was it?

    However, an incredible scene happened. The male tumorous zombie who was hitting the female zombie with tumor on the head suddenly stopped. He straightened up, looked around blankly, and then suddenly scratched his body like crazy.  , and what¡¯s even weirder is that his tumor tissue suddenly peeled off from his body like pieces of rotten flesh.

    The tumorous male zombie screamed out a series of Japanese words, and Yu Jianwen quickly translated: "That Japanese slave zombie is shouting, 'I, what's wrong with me?! What's going on! How did I become like this' -  Oh my god, this tumorous zombie is waking up, he, he is recovering from a zombie to an adult!"

    Everyone present was in an uproar, but the scene in front of them could not be more real. As the tumor tissue fell off, a strong man with "ciluo" all over his body stood in the square in front of the supermarket. He was holding up his white  Xi turned his hands over and over and looked at it - this tumorous male zombie, after being hit by a gunshot from nowhere, actually transformed from a zombie back into a human, a completely healthy person!


    Biochemical virus vaccine!

    This word popped into everyone¡¯s mind!

    At this moment, something happened in the supermarket square again. The local zombies that had never attacked the Japanese slave zombies suddenly rushed in groups to the healthy man who had been restored from the tumorous male zombie. Feng Haiqi's expression changed drastically.  , just half shouted: "Cover him!" The local zombies had already thrown the man who was immersed in the process of recovering from a zombie to a human being and had not yet fully understood the process to the ground. During a burst of biting and chewing, the man only let out a  With half a scream, he disappeared among the zombies.

    The gunshots from the people in Yashan rang out sporadicly, but it did not help the matter.

    However, a scene that stunned everyone in Yashan happened again. The local zombies who had just swallowed the man's flesh and blood actually recovered. After regaining their consciousness, many zombies covered their wounds left when they were zombies and screamed -  - But their pain ended here, because more local zombies rushed up, knocking down and devouring these zombies who had just recovered from eating the man's flesh and blood again!
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