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Text Chapter 897 The Knight¡¯s Journey

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    At this moment, the tumor zombie made a strange move. It seemed to have guessed Wang Bi'an's thoughts. It retracted its left hand and grabbed the helmet with a crack made by the 12.7mm bullet of the sniper rifle.  Amidst the harsh sound of metal tearing, the helmet was torn open, split into two pieces, and fell to the ground with a clang.

    A head was revealed, the head of a beautiful woman.

    ? A head with long and smooth hair, bright eyes and white teeth, and delicate skin.

    This head, growing on the ugly monster¡¯s huge body, is so uncoordinated.  It was like someone cut off the head of a beautiful woman, and then roughly pressed her onto the monster giant.

    The Tumor Intelligent Corpse brought Wang Bi'an to his head, pressed his face against his, and rubbed it gently, making an unknown purring sound in his throat.

    Ability!  It's my own power!  Female zombies have the power to eat and act intelligently!  Wang Bi'an figured it out in an instant, but wasn't it said that there are differences in the brainwaves of the zombies in the Footpot Country, so our flower grower's superpowers are ineffective against them?  Moreover, just now, this tumorous zombie wanted to kill him.

    Wang Bi'an accidentally glanced at the fragments of the metal helmet that fell to the ground. Yes, the fully enclosed metal helmet blocked the brain wave signal. His shot just now opened a gap, causing the helmet to lose its shielding effect.  That's why I let my powers come into play.

    Will not die.  Thank God, I fell into the hands of a female wise corpse from the Foot Basin Country, and the power somehow took effect. With the power, I couldn't die for the time being.

    But Wang Bi'an knew that his crisis was far from over. He didn't even dare to think too much about the possibility that this tumorous zombie from the foot basin country would bring him back to the fleet.

    Wang Bi'an quietly moved his hand to his waist, where there was a standard accessory for Yashan people: a long-handled screwdriver.  Now, the head of the tumor zombie has lost the protection of the metal helmet.  As long as he stabbed her in the eye socket, this extremely powerful tumorous zombie would die like any ordinary zombie.

    Wang Bi'an was held by the tumor zombie in his palm. Although the other party loosened his grip slightly, it was not easy to pull out the screwdriver from his waist. Wang Bi'an endured the tumor zombie's caressing, face-to-face rubbing and even kissing.  Finally his fingers reached the wooden handle of the screwdriver. His fingers moved, and the screwdriver was pulled out of the sleeve on his waist little by little. Finally, the entire wooden handle was in his hand

    At this moment, Tumor Zhizi made a move to hug Wang Bi'an into her arms.  Then, he pushed Wang Bi'an's head toward his chest.  Only then did Wang Bi'an discover that the entire body of the tumor-smart corpse had mutated and was covered with large and small tumors that were dripping with unknown fluids and moving on their own. However, she actually still retained a perfect organ that once belonged to a normal person*  *, a young plump breast that has not yet drooped.

    This is this tumorous zombie.  Except for the head, the only seemingly normal organ left in the body was retained. At this time, the tumorous zombie was pressing Wang Bi'an's mouth to the pink breast. She was actually trying to feed Wang Bi'an!

    Wang Bi'an was so frightened that he almost dropped the long-handled screwdriver he was holding behind his back and dropped it to the ground. God knows what kind of body fluids are secreted in the breasts of this tumorous zombie. It is most likely corpse fluids, and what's even more terrifying is something else.  For example.  A terrifying bodily fluid that will turn into another tumorous zombie if you drink it in your stomach.

    Wang Bi'an would not touch that ** even if he died. Even if the ** is still very healthy from the outside, even if you don't look at the tumor next to it, it can be called sexy and attractive!  Wang Bi'an felt resentful and clenched the long-handled screwdriver. Since the penis in front of him looked so "normal", it was very likely that it was as susceptible to injury as the head. If he wanted to escape, he could only use force on the penis.  Poke it.  Maybe we can make the tumor zombie let go!

    Just when the tumorous zombie was "affectionately" hugging Wang Bi'an, and was about to breastfeed under the stimulation of his superpower, when Wang Bi'an was about to give a desperate blow, boom.  A roar exploded in the yard of the stronghold, and a hot-water bottle-like cannon shot out from an equally weird front-loaded cannon. The tumor zombie instantly sensed the danger, and the basketball-shaped tumor on his shoulder wrapped around it with just a breath.  Holding the head that had lost the protection of the metal helmet, although the shrapnel from the cannonball would damage his chest, it would never penetrate the mutated muscle tissue wrapped around the head. The tumor intelligence also held Wang Bi'an in his arms and used both arms.  Protecting his whole body

    Black corpse liquid splashed everywhere!  Wang Bi'an fell to the ground with a plop, and what fell with him was an arm, an arm as thick and strong as a tree trunk!

    That strange-looking shell hit the right shoulder of the tumor zombie. It was not a trigger-fuse shell, but a solid shell!  It did not explode into thousands of small shrapnel under the action of the internal explosives to injure the target. Instead, it concentrated all the kinetic energy on the projectile and split open the tumor. The zombie is tougher than rubber.  muscles, hitAfter breaking the bones that were stronger than steel, the deformed bullet hit the outer wall of the container, lost all energy, and fell to the ground with a clang.

    Wang Bi'an escaped from death, and no longer dared to show off, and fled into the container stronghold. The tumor zombie howled and was about to chase after him. Suddenly, there was a cry from the stronghold, and a group of soldiers rushed out.  A soldier at the front held a QLZ87 35mm automatic grenade launcher in his arms, and raindrops of grenades were fired at the tumor zombie.

    Although the tumor zombie is not afraid of these grenades, the metal helmet used to protect his head is broken, the weird muzzleloader next to it is still loading, and he has lost an arm. It is really not suitable to fight the tumor zombie again without hesitation.  With one leap, he jumped out of the stronghold and disappeared into the night.

    It was Zhou Chunyu who came to support with soldiers carrying automatic grenade launchers. The roars and screams from various strongholds reporting the sneak attack of tumor zombies frightened Chen Wei, and even Xie Ling dragged her sick body from  The logistics department came and said they would lead a team to rescue Wang Bi'an.

    Feng Haiqi finally persuaded them and immediately sent Zhou Chunyu to lead a team carrying automatic grenade launchers to rescue them.  Of course, Feng Haiqi would not only rescue Wang Bi'an's stronghold. The rescue was launched across the entire line. At the same time, Feng Haiqi also issued an order for all personnel to evacuate to the second line of defense.  After 20 minutes, the rocket launchers will carry out carpet fire on the lost strongholds.

    Zhou Chunyu personally led the team and rushed to Wang Bian's stronghold for rescue immediately. Seeing that Wang Bian was safe and sound, and seeing the tumor-smart corpse escaping, Zhou Chunyu breathed a sigh of relief.  I put down the automatic grenade launcher that I was holding in my arms. This thing weighs more than 20 kilograms. When it is launched, it needs to be fixed on the ground with a tripod because the recoil force is extremely large. It often happens that the tripod is not set up stably and the recoil force overturns the launch.  condition of the device.

    Zhou Chunyu just launched 6 grenades with an automatic grenade in his arms, and the recoil made him almost vomit blood.  Damn it, if you keep fighting like this, you don't need to attack with the tumor zombies. The recoil alone will cause you to bleed internally.

    Zhou Chunyu took a breath for a while, waved his hands and asked the soldiers to go to support other strongholds. He patted Wang Bi'an who came closer and said: "You are so lucky. Everyone in this stronghold is almost escaping. How are you here?"  Survived in front of the tumor¡¯s zombies?¡±

    Wang Bianxin said with lingering fear: "It was the superpower that saved me. By the way, it was Uncle Shen Mugu. If it hadn't been for his shot that broke the tumor zombie's arm, I still wouldn't have been able to escape."

    Zhou Chunyu said in surprise: "What kind of weapon can actually hurt the tumor zombie? Even the automatic grenade launcher didn't work just now."

    Shen Mugu finally regained his energy at this time.  He proudly patted the weird-looking cannon beside him and said: "It's the muzzleloader that Wu Ping sent. This cannon is so weird that no one uses it, so it's just thrown in the yard. But I didn't expect that it can actually hurt tumors."  Intelligent Corpse.¡±

    Zhou Chunyu was also a little surprised. Ever since Chen Weigang and others helped Yashan find the military ammunition depot, the homemade weapons of the Machinery Department have become unpopular. There are standard weapons. Who would use backward hand-made guns, let alone those made by Wu Ping?  The muzzleloader gun is really "non-mainstream".  So these homemade weapons were thrown into the Yashan warehouse.

    This time, facing the self-defense counterattack by the Zombie Zombies of the Foot Basin Country, Wu Ping insisted on transporting the muzzleloader cannon to the front line no matter what. He even blushed and argued with Li Bo that his muzzleloader cannon was definitely better at killing enemies than the cannon, but  No one listened to him, and the several muzzle-loading cannons that were transported were randomly thrown at various strongholds nearby.  But I didn't expect that this unconventional cannon would actually achieve great results.

    Zhou Chunyu looked at his watch: "Everyone, prepare to retreat quickly. In 10 minutes, the rocket launchers will cover the area."

    Wang Bi'an screamed: "Aunt Tan Ying, and Huang Donghua"

    Tan Ying and Huang Donghua were both alive. Tan Ying was buried under the ruins of the bunker. Everyone finally dragged her out. She had a wound on her head, but it was not fatal. Huang Donghua had several rib fractures and was unconscious. Zhou Chunyu and others  Someone made a simple stretcher and hurriedly moved Huang Donghua.

    Because of Tan Ying's presence, the surrounding zombies obediently moved away. Wang Bi'an originally wanted to suggest that these zombies should be withdrawn to avoid being killed by rocket launchers indiscriminately. But after thinking about it, if the local zombies retreated, the Japanese slave zombies would  I took advantage of the opportunity to rush in, but I really couldn't afford the risk, so I had to be a silent gourd.

    When the Yashan people and the Zhizhi on the coastal defense line under Zhaobao Mountain withdrew from their strongholds one after another, amid the instigating screams, half of the night sky was printed red by a group of meteor showers with long tails, and the 122mm 40-tube rocket launcher fired with thunderous  The momentum surged forward and exploded into a sea of ??fire on the 20-kilometer-long defense line. In the violent explosion, the limbs of local zombies and Japanese slave zombies were torn apart, their heads were smashed, and they were killed and injured in a mess.  Many rockets even hit the sea, sinking and burning many small boats and rafts.

    The roar and explosion between heaven and earth finally started againAfter it calmed down, groups of local zombies and Japanese slave zombies stepped on the still burning explosive spots, staggering and entangled again.

    The defense line has stabilized again.

    In the main hall of Weiyuan City, Zhou Chunyu was reporting the battle situation to Feng Haiqi: "All the frontline strongholds are destroyed. Even if they were not breached by the tumor zombies, they were blown to pieces by our own rockets. Fortunately, we were already at the rear.  A second line of defense was deployed, but the weapons losses were serious. Before we issued the retreat order, many soldiers had already fled, discarding a large number of automatic rifles, mortars, anti-aircraft machine guns and other equipment."

    Feng Haiqi asked: "How about the personal losses?"

    Zhou Chunyu flipped over the notebook in his hand: "More than 400 of our personnel died. To be precise, they were not completely dead. 278 of them were bitten to death by zombies from both sides who did not distinguish between friends and foes while running away randomly.  In a way, they're still alive."

    Feng Haiqi murmured softly: "Have you turned into a zombie? I wonder if there are any lucky ones who can mutate into intelligent zombies."

    Zhou Chunyu looked around and saw no one else.  She leaned close to Feng Haiqi and said in his ear: "Teacher Chen Wei gave me a few bags of blood before and said that if anything happens, I can use this stuff. In addition, she said that as long as Chen Qiong is around the 'dead people'.  It can guarantee that after they mutate, they will still be our people.¡±

    Feng Haiqi's face sank like water, and he didn't say anything for a long time. Finally, he rubbed his face tiredly: "Just do whatever you have to do, we need more support now."

    Zhou Chunyu nodded and glanced at the notebook in his hand again: "Five of our zombie allies have died. This time, the tumor zombies are coming for them. The tumor zombies are wearing fully enclosed metal helmets.  , completely shielding their own brain waves. After sneaking under the stronghold, they launched a violent attack. Our zombie allies did not detect their brain waves at all. They were caught off guard."

    "However, we also killed three tumor zombies and injured one."

    Feng Haiqi crossed his arms and said, "I know that Wang Bi'an and Shen Mugu teamed up to injure a tumor zombie, but I didn't expect to kill 3 more. Is it our allies of the zombies?"

    Zhou Chunyu nodded: "There is a pair of male and female zombies who are very powerful. They seem to be a couple. They insisted on fighting in the same stronghold. After the tumor zombies broke into the stronghold, they joined forces to fight against the enemy and used some combination method to command the zombies and tumors.  In the battle of intelligence, according to our soldiers in the stronghold at the time, the fusion method of this couple of zombies made ordinary zombies as powerful as martial arts masters, and could actually tie with the tumor zombies, but those kung fu zombies still couldn't kill the tumor zombies.  Corpse, in the end, the tumor zombie was killed with a single shot from the muzzleloader."

    Hearing the words Kung Fu Zombies, Feng Haiqi was startled. He looked at Zhou Chunyu: "Kung Fu Zombies? Zhou Chunyu, do you still remember the ambush we encountered on the covered bridge before?"

    Zhou Chunyu naturally knew what his old boss was thinking.  He smiled bitterly and said: "I also doubted whether it was the same group of intelligent corpses, but now we are unanimous in facing the outside world and have a common enemy, so I didn't delve into it further."

    Feng Haiqi nodded: "You did the right thing. Now is not the time to talk about personal grudges. Who killed the other two tumor zombies?"

    Zhou Chunyu said: "One was subdued by a group of tin can zombies. Of course, the final killer was a little boy, the grandson of Professor Pan who was teaching Brother Wang to attack indiscriminately."

    "The child also told me that the tumor zombie uses a fully enclosed metal helmet to protect its relatively fragile head, which has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that the tumor zombie cannot use its own brain waves to command the zombies. At the same time, the tumor zombie has no  Without brain waves, in the eyes of any zombie, it is 'non-existent', a 'nothing', neither the same kind nor an enemy. In this state, our intelligent zombies can guide ordinary zombies to a certain extent  Attacking tumor zombies Of course, it is difficult for ordinary zombies to harm the abnormal body of tumor zombies, but they can play a role in interfering to some extent. The tin can zombies developed by Professor Pan are equipped with automatic weapons, which can be said to be both offensive and defensive.  Only then can we have a chance to kill a tumorous zombie. Of course, the price is also heavy, there are 7 tin can zombies that cannot be repaired."

    Feng Haiqi asked: "Is there another tumorous zombie? Who killed it?"

    Zhou Chunyu looked strange and said: "I don't know?"

    "What?" Feng Haiqi was startled: "Xiao Zhou, are you confused? What does 'I don't know' mean?"

    Zhou Chunyu smiled bitterly and said: "I really didn't know that the stronghold where the dead tumor zombie was found was located at the westernmost part of the defense line. The soldiers guarding the stronghold said that at that time they also saw the tumor zombie rushing towards the stronghold, and then, it was stopped halfway.  Several black shadows intercepted him. After a struggle, the tumor zombie fell down, and those black shadows cut him off.The head of the tumorous zombie, still wearing a metal helmet, was thrown into the stronghold and disappeared.  "

    Feng Haiqi scratched his chin and said: "Oh, good fellow, I think I am a knight. I kill a corpse in ten steps and leave no trace for a thousand miles. When I'm done, I brush off my clothes and hide my merit and fame. Unexpectedly, among the wise corpses,  There are guys like this.¡±

    Zhou Chunyu said: "In any case, three of the tumor zombies died and one was injured. The Japanese slaves commanded the zombies and the blow was also very serious. We are fighting locally, and there is an endless supply of support from the rear. The Japanese slave zombies and zombies came across the sea, and one of them died.  Just one less, and it looks like they will stop attacking for the time being.¡±

    Feng Haiqi nodded in agreement: "Pass my order, stick to the second line of defense, treat the wounded, and transport ammunition from the rear. By the way, let Wu Ping bring up a few more front-loading cannons. This thing is quite unexpected."  The power of."

    After Yashan used rocket launchers to bombard the enemy without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy, the Japanese slave fleet retreated a little and hid under the Jintang Bridge. It seems that the Japanese slave commander Zhizhi also knew that it was not cost-effective to just waste money, so he brought it with him.  The people of the Land of the Rising Sun came to the mainland to seek a place to survive. If this struggle ends, the descendants of Yamato will really have no future.

    The coastal defense line fell silent once again. Only the remnants of the explosion were still burning. The smoke made people¡¯s lungs hurt with every breath they took.

    In the Zhenhai Cinema, there was a hustle and bustle. A large number of people who had been bitten to death and injured were brought in like water. There were screams and cries.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m. to read.)

    PS: I received a big red envelope!  Book friends did not forget about edamame during the Chinese New Year. I received 6 monthly passes yesterday. I am really grateful.  Ah, during the Spring Festival this year, in order to keep updating, Maodou didn't go out except for visiting Taishan's house. He even brought a small notebook with him to the banquet and wrote non-stop.  Book friends, for the sake of Maodou¡¯s hard work, please vote more, recommend and reward more.
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