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Text Chapter 889: Impulse is the devil, hatred is the power

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    Wang Lu stood up, waving his arms and said: "Before the emergence of superpowers and intelligent zombies, zombies had already launched indiscriminate attacks on human survivors, but the survivors still survived and established a  The strength of this stronghold has been slowly but surely recovering, so the indiscriminate attacks of zombies are not as terrifying as imagined. As long as their intelligence has not recovered to a certain level, this indiscriminate attack still has various flaws.  In particular, the scattered group structure makes it difficult for zombies to form a true group attack."

    Wang Lu glanced at the smart zombies present: "And we have no choice now. The smart zombies in the Foot Basin Country have already made their zombies attack Bixiao and the others, achieving an indiscriminate attack. If we don't break this problem, we will  Let¡¯s wait for the zombies from the Foot Basin Country to eat us up and wipe us clean.¡±

    He paused: "I know that you all have long lives, but no one dares to say that they can accurately predict future changes. When the biochemical virus first broke out, how could we have imagined that there would be superpowers, intelligent zombies, and all kinds of things?  There are various ways of evolution, and the nuclear zombies of the Foot Pot Country are beyond our expectation, but whether we admit it or not, it all happened. We cannot stop our steps because of the unpredictability of the future.  , the only thing we can do is to take it one step at a time. Because one thing is certain, those who are stuck in place and dare not move forward will definitely die the fastest!"

    Dongdong nodded: "What Uncle Wang said makes sense, so after my exchange with Grandpa Pan just now, I still think that we can tell you and everyone present some of our long-term research on zombies. Speaking of which, this  This is the original purpose of our participation in the Evolution Seminar. There is no future if we remain stagnant. Biochemical viruses have been continuously changing the world. We can only survive by following its footsteps. Otherwise, one day, we will too.  Exterminated like the old humans.¡±

    Wang Lu was a little disapproving. Dongdong people were small talk but big talk. The old human race has not yet become extinct. There are more than 10,000 people in Laozi Yashan, in terms of population.  The old human race still had the upper hand over the intelligent zombies. However, at this time, he was more concerned about the indiscriminate attacks of the zombies. He couldn't help but urge: "Kid Dongdong, please tell me in detail how to make the zombies attack indiscriminately."

    Dongdong was frank. He put his hands behind his back like a little adult and said: "According to our research results, the first condition for zombies to attack indiscriminately is a substantial improvement in intelligence. As long as they can have the independence of a 3 or 4-year-old child  will, then they will fight and kill each other."

    Wang Lu touched his chin and said: "What you said makes sense. Just like you smart zombies, I still remember the two smart zombies I met for the first time. At that time, there were still similar differences between the smart zombies.  The instinct to kill each other. But by that time, the intelligent zombies have already learned how to drive zombies to be their own cannon fodder. Selfishness and self-interest have already sprouted in your hearts. As the intelligent zombies continue to awaken and become smarter and smarter, their sense of self-independence will also become stronger.  Qiang, now, the battle between intelligent zombies has become the norm. I think zombies will follow this path sooner or later."

    Dongdong looked at Tan Ying and his wife: "As far as we know, there are already intelligent corpses exploring this path, and their mentor is you, Uncle Wang."

    Tan Ying stepped forward and said: "This kid is referring to the fact that we use the labor evolution method to train zombies, right? I think you must have misunderstood. While the labor evolution method promotes the evolutionary awakening of our brains, it also greatly increases the zombies' ability to  Movement coordination is completely different from indiscriminate attacks. Instructor Wang Lu has given us great help in our evolution. I hope this child will not attack Instructor Wang Lu randomly."

    Dongdong said calmly: "As a party involved, you will eventually see what consequences the Labor Evolution Method will have." He looked at Wang Lu: "Of course, this method is too slow.  It is useless to resist the zombie invasion from the Foot Basin Country."

    The drama is here - Wang Lu said with a smile: "Please teach me, little kid Dongdong."

    Dongdong said: "It's very simple, brain waves, extremely powerful brain waves. Zombies accept the command of intelligent zombies through brain waves. If there are extremely powerful brain waves to force them to order, the zombies' instinct of non-cannibalism will  Being suppressed, it becomes a matter of course to attack indiscriminately, and even further, they will kill whoever the commander wants them to kill."

    Wang Lu was startled: "Is it that simple? Powerful brain waves? I think the brain waves are quite powerful, but so far, I still can't drive zombies to attack other zombies or intelligent zombies." He suddenly smiled: "You  Don¡¯t you think I haven¡¯t tried experiments in this area?¡±

    Dongdong said: "Of course there is also a problem with the method of brain wave operation." He said to Wang Lu: "Have you heard of the combination method?"

    Wang Ludao: "I've heard of it, but I don't know what it is specifically."

      Dongdong explained the fusion method in detail: "As long as the brain waves are strong enough, any zombie can be fused. More importantly, Grandpa Pan and I both found that the fusion method can not only make intelligent zombies  The real synchronization of thinking and movements between zombies can also achieve emotional synchronization."

    "Emotions?" Wang Lu was startled: "Don't Zhizhi have no emotions?"

    Dongdong nodded: "Yes, we don't have emotions because our evolutionary awakening is not perfect, but, Uncle Wang, you do have emotions. When you merge with a zombie, not only your thoughts and actions but also your  Emotions are also affecting zombies. An emotional zombie is naturally not bound by the instinct of non-cannibalism. When the time comes, Uncle Wang, your anger will spread death to any enemy through zombies."

    Wang Lu was so excited that he was eager to give it a try: "Is this really true? Emotion, is it enough to just have emotion?"

    Dongdong said: "Of course, like brain waves, your emotions must be very, very strong. The intensity must be so great that it can cover up the zombies' instincts, and at the same time, it must also cover up their emotions."

    Wang Lu was stunned: "Zombies' emotions? That's not right. Don't zombies have no emotions?"

    Dongdong said: "When you merge with zombies and affect them through emotions, the zombies' emotions are also stimulated. Uncle Wang, it's not that zombies and intelligent zombies have no emotions, but that our emotions are affected by physiological mutations.  Covered up and suppressed, but when you merge, these hidden emotions will inevitably be stimulated. Don¡¯t forget. When you merge, you are a zombie, and the zombie is you. The zombie¡¯s emotions will also affect you, so your emotions  It must be very, very strong, strong enough to completely suppress the zombies."

    Wang Lu is very excited, yes.  He was very excited. The reason why he held the evolution seminar was not only to hope to live in peace with the intelligent zombies, but also to seek ways to control zombies through wider exchanges.  So far, his control over zombies is still at the level of Zhan Wu Zha.  Obviously my brain waves are very powerful.  But he couldn't command the zombies like his arms and fingers.  This is like the notorious Mu Duan Yu in "Tian Long Ba Bu". The Beiming Divine Skill has amazing internal power, but the Six Meridian Divine Sword cannot release its energy to injure people and defeat the enemy.

    Wang Lu was thinking greedily. The strength of his brain waves once made more than 100,000 zombies in the reservoir surrender. If he could accurately control them with the combination method, he would have more than 100,000 zombies in one fell swoop.  They will kill people, zombies, and intelligent zombies for themselves unconditionally Power, this is the real power!

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I don't know how many zombies' hidden emotions my own emotions can suppress. I need - very strong emotions!  Among human emotions, which emotion is the strongest?

    Joy and joy, definitely not.

    Hatred should be one of the strongest emotions.

    Of course, there is anger.

    Pain is also considered a kind of pain.

    Basically, it seems that strong emotions are negative emotions.

    But let¡¯s just say it¡¯s negative. If it weren¡¯t for being full of hatred, humiliation and pain, the flower-growing nation wouldn¡¯t be obsessed with taking revenge on the Foot Basin Country.  That was national hatred and national hatred that lasted for 120 years.

    Wang Lu suddenly felt something in his heart. There is an emotion that is also very strong. It is not only strong, but also impulsive. Not only impulsive, when it reaches climax, it is still not controlled by independent will. That is the pleasure of orgasm.

    Among the various emotional experiences of human beings, ** is definitely the strongest.  There is no one, only the one.

    The only thing that can barely compare is the chemical pleasure produced by drugs.

    However, this body cannot be shared with zombies. Otherwise, on the anti-invasion front line, the zombies of our flower gardener suddenly become "sexually inspired" and rush forward to "execute" the female zombies of the Foot Basin Country on the spot.  , although this is also a way of revenge, but it is really, really outrageous, right?

    Wang Lu rubbed his hands and said to Dongdong and Professor Pan: "How about we give it a try?"

    Dongdong said: "No problem, wait a moment, I will make a list here, and ask your men to find some equipment to accurately monitor and calculate the next zombie control test. In addition, we also need to give this place  The Zombie Friends present at the scene made corresponding equipment to control the zombies that interfered with the Foot Basin Country"

    Not to mention that Wang Lu was busy looking for ways to control the indiscriminate attacks of zombies in Yashan, Feng Haiqi led a convoy of the Armed Forces Department and rushed to Zhaobaoshan, Zhenhai.

    Zhaobaoshan solidifies the throat of Liuyi and is the key to the whole Zhejiang Province. It is also the main route for merchant ships to enter and exit. It has always been a battleground for military strategists. Feng Haiqi, Zhou Chunyu, Guan Xin and others hurriedly climbed to Weiyuan City on the top of the mountain.  , Zhou Chunyu looked at the four buildings in Tianxiong Town, Shanghai, at the head of Weiyuan City built in the Ming Dynasty.?, murmured: "I didn't expect that this tourist attraction would become the first step in our fight against Japanese slaves. This worldly thing is really unbelievable."

    Feng Haiqi said with a deep expression on his face: "This battle is not going to be easy."

    The group came to the ancient fort, where there are still many muzzle-loading iron cannons from the "Qing Dynasty" period. According to legend, the fort was made of glutinous rice juice mixed with yellow clay.  "Bounce away." This fort has gone through more than a hundred years of wind and rain, but it is still intact. Standing on the fort, you can see the rolling Yongjiang estuary 3 kilometers in front. The weather is clear. At a glance, the dividing line between the turbid river water and the blue sea water is clearly visible.  .

    Guan Xin got into great trouble because of the bombardment of Mutian Villa, and he wanted to take away the blame. He said eagerly: "Dad, let's get those extra cannons to Weiyuan City. This commanding height is easy to defend but difficult to attack.  If we occupy this place, we can blow up the zombies from the Foot Basin Country that land."

    Feng Haiqi said with a straight face: "I'm confused. This war is not the historical war against Japan and Britain and France. How can we use old methods and old ideas to control it? The zombies of the Foot Basin Kingdom are not the sailing fleet of the British and French allied forces.  . Theoretically, they can even cross the sea without ships, and they can land at any point on this continent. What¡¯s the use of us just occupying Weiyuan City in Zhaobaoshan?"

    Guan Xin scratched his head in embarrassment: "Then what should we do? Set up defenses along the coastline? Although we have more than 10,000 people, if we spread it on such a long coastline, it would still be the same as spreading pepper noodles. Everywhere.  Being fortified means not being fortified everywhere. Besides, our armed forces have limited middle-level cadres and cannot arrange commanders and combatants at key nodes in all positions. In this way, the common people can only fight on their own.  . Then there will definitely be chaos."

    Zhou Chunyu nodded: "Yes, even if weapons are distributed up and down Yashan, ordinary people are ordinary people. Many of them were originally weak people in various settlements. They came to Yashan because they couldn't make a living elsewhere. To them,  fighting power and willpower. We still don¡¯t have too many expectations. Although Brother Wang raised his arms and everyone in Yashan responded, but to be honest, how many people are sincere, how many people follow the crowd, and how many people  It¡¯s hard to say how many people are just acting. This combat effectiveness and fighting will make me doubtful. If we implement a comprehensive defense along the coast, I¡¯m worried that if there is a breakthrough, the entire defense will be lost.¡±

    Feng Haiqi held up a telescope and observed the estuary: "You have forgotten a very important combat force."

    Zhou Chunyu and Guan Xin were startled, and Guan Xin patted the muzzle of the ancient cannon beside him: "I understand, Dad, are you saying that the fortress is right? They will definitely support us."

    Feng Haiqi put down the telescope: "No, it's not a fortress. Water from a distance can't quench the thirst of the near. I'm talking about zombies." He let out a long sigh: "The real main force in this war will be the zombies on this land.  and Zhizhi, without their help, we cannot win this battle."

    He whispered almost to himself: "How many zombies from the Foot Basin Country will invade? 10 million? 20 million? Or more? We only have more than 10,000 people, and even so far, we humans  The weapons we master cannot kill zombies efficiently. Our peaceful life in Yashan is all given by Wang Lu's superpower. But this time, facing the mutated zombies and intelligent zombies in the Foot Basin Kingdom, it seems that Wang Lu's superpower doesn't matter.  Used. The only ones we can rely on now are those intelligent corpses, those intelligent corpses that were almost killed by Guan Xin and your mortar at Mutian Villa. This is really a huge irony."

    Zhou Chunyu and Guan Xin looked at each other. They did not expect that Feng Haiqi, who had always hated zombies and zombies, would say such a thing, because just a few days ago, he stood on the side of the fortress and called on Wang Lu to destroy the area around Yashan with all his strength.  The zombies are coming.

    At this moment, Chen Weigang hurried over: "Minister Feng, good news, the fortress has received news of the invasion of zombies from the Foot Basin Kingdom. They have decided to send another J-8 to Yashan to fight. I hope we can arrange manpower immediately.  Clear the roads at Zhuangqiao Airport to allow planes to land safely."

    Zhou Chunyu and Guan Xin slapped their thighs: "This is going to happen! A J-8 fighter plane will be like a Japanese slave!"

    Feng Haiqi was not very happy: "J-8? That is for high-altitude and high-speed air combat. Is there any JH-7? We need sea-to-ship fighters."

    Chen Weigang said with a look of embarrassment: "That J-8 is already the only aircraft controlled by the fortress that can be put into combat, but General Yang Xu is thinking of ways to see if he can find more fighter jets. By the way, satellite photos  It is being downloaded. In 2 hours, we will have satellite photos of the zombies crossing the sea from the Foot Basin Country, which will be of great reference value for our defense and counterattack."

    Feng Haiqi said: "Thank you very much, Bastion."

    Chen Weigang said: "This is a national war. It's too vain to say thank you or not. It's a pity that the strength of the fortress is still there.It is limited to the Beijing-Tianjin area and cannot give you greater help.  "

    A group of people hurriedly walked along the ancient city wall. It was Chen Wei, Xie Ling, Wang Bi'an, Chen Qiong, and Zhou Ziyan. As soon as Xie Ling saw Feng Haiqi, she immediately asked: "Old Feng, why don't you show off your power?"  The distant city is fortified. Quick, bring up the cannons and cut down the trees in front of the fort to clear the horizon."

    Zhou Chunyu said: "There is something that Feng Suo is discussing with us to prevent. You are here just in time. Let's discuss it together."

    At the moment, Feng Haiqi explained his speculation, and everyone fell silent. Indeed, it seems that this war will really have zombies as the protagonists.

    Chen Wei bit her lip gently and said: "Lao Feng, before I came from Yashan, Wang Lu was studying how to command zombies to attack indiscriminately with the help of several strange zombies, but he didn't have any idea for the moment. However, Li  Bo's Mechanical Department is stepping up the production of some electronic equipment. It is said that with these equipment, the intelligent zombies coming to assist from Mutian Villa will be able to cause certain interference to the zombies in the Foot Basin Country. You are right, this combat operation,  It should be centered around the intelligent zombies.¡±

    She waved to the back: "Lao Feng, let me introduce to you. This is Tan Ying. She is a friend Wang Lu met last time in the mountains. She will tell you how to set up defenses along the coastline."

    Feng Haiqi looked behind Chen Wei at the female intelligence corpse named Tan Ying. Her eyes were expressionless, but she nodded to her seriously: "We will fully cooperate with Ms. Tan's plan."

    Two hours later, the first batch of satellite photos of the fortress were sent to the combat headquarters temporarily located in the Main Hall of Weiyuan City. High-definition satellite photos were circulated among Chen Wei, Xie Ling, and Feng Haiqi.  .


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