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Text Chapter 845 The birth of the vaccine

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    When Academician Zhong and other experts first began to study biochemical viruses, they extracted samples from zombies. At that time, biochemical virus genes were very easy to isolate because their rough invasion caused normal human gene segments to become deformed or even broken, while normal human genes were  It is this mutation that creates monsters like zombies.

    However, with the passage of time and the emergence of superpowers and intelligent corpses, Academician Zhong discovered that the biochemical virus has become "gentle" in changing human genes. It is not so much an invasion as a fusion.  .  The gene fragments of biochemical viruses are integrated with human genes in a wonderful way, and at the same time produce imperceptible changes. This is why the intelligent corpse can retain the appearance of a human, but its essence has been completely changed.

    Academician Zhong once again confirmed that biochemical viruses are themselves a living organism that can learn and evolve.

    It was already 11 o'clock in the night, and the lights in the vaccine laboratory were still bright. This scene had been going on in the laboratory for two months. Academician Zhong led the experts and divided them into two shifts. They used the method of people and machines working continuously for one day.  Operating 24 hours a day.

    Academician Zhong stared at the virus genetic engineering electron microscope and couldn't help but admire: "Look at this pair of nucleic acid bases, my God, it is so perfectly integrated with the superpower's own genes. If it weren't for the extremely small numbers in the gene sequencing,  The changes, I can¡¯t tell at all that it is actually the gene of a biochemical virus. Look at the gel electrophoresis pattern and fluorescence absorption peak chart, my God, this is really a cunning little guy.¡±

    Several experts gathered around: "Where is this biochemical virus fragment owned by a superpower? What is his superpower?"

    Academician Zhong flipped through the file: "It's a superpower from Shanghai. His superpower is that he doesn't need oxygen to breathe. This is a new biochemical virus gene fragment. Isolate it immediately."

    An expert next to Academician Zhong hesitated and said: "Old Zhong, four centrifuges have been broken due to high-speed operation, you know. We can't get professional centrifuges. These machines are originally for civilian use and can resist  We can't help but use it day and night, and there are not many reagents such as fluorescent agent"

    Academician Zhong suddenly slammed the table: "I don't care about this. All projects cannot be stopped! If there is something missing, make a list and ask Commander Xia for it. She will kill people and set fire to get these things for me! The experiments must not be stopped.  , we have completed four-fifths of the sample analysis and collection. The interpretation of the biochemical virus gene fragments is getting deeper and deeper. At this time, we must not stop the experiment!"

    Academician Zhong has always been polite to others, but the experts were surprised to see him lose his temper like this.  Academician Zhong also realized that he had lost control. He smiled bitterly and said to his colleagues: "I'm sorry, I haven't slept well these days. I think about vaccines every day, and I'm a little angry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

    Experts advised one after another: "Old Zhong, please take a rest. We are responsible for the work. After the gene fragments are isolated, you still need to control how to produce the vaccine."

    Academician Zhong looked at a gene sequencer and shook his head slightly: "I can't sleep. Even when I'm lying on the bed, I don't feel sleepy at all. The deeper I study, the more I find that biochemical viruses are really amazing. What they do to humans  How profound the physical changes are. Do you know? I am older, but I still like to read science fiction novels. Although some science fiction novels are really illogical in the eyes of rigorous medical scientists like us, there is a story in science fiction novels.  I quite agree with this concept. That is, with the development of science and technology, the evolution of human beings has come to a standstill. From the upright walking Man Yuanmou to Homo sapiens and cave people, human beings have always evolved with their own bodies.  Brain capacity, flexible fingers, and organ distribution suitable for walking upright But how many years has human evolution been stagnant now? Since Neanderthals evolved into modern humans, we have never made any progress genetically."

    "But look at the biochemical virus. It has profoundly and comprehensively transformed the human body. It can almost be said that it has created a brand new intelligent life!"

    An expert next to him said unconvincingly: "But this biochemical virus is also extremely destructive. In my opinion, this so-called evolution is even more of a regression. The ones that biochemical viruses create the most are zombies. They are just a bunch of zombies."  Walking corpses, what¡¯s the point of such evolution? In any case, in my opinion, biochemical viruses are an extremely aggressive alien species that is harmful to us humans and must be eliminated.¡±

    Academician Zhong was silent for a long time and shook his head slowly: "We have all studied biology, and we should know that the evolution of life from single cells to multi-cells is actually the process of fusion of genes. Without your so-called invasion, what would the earth be like now?  The living organisms on the planet are still single cells floating in the sea. We humans are the final result of the fusion, invasion, and devouring of various genes. Moreover, I have said long ago that this biochemical virus is a kind of self-learning and self-learning.  Evolved life form??Its early fusion with human genes was indeed rough, resulting in the production of a large number of zombies.  However, you should also see that biochemical viruses have become much 'smarter' in superpowers and intelligent zombies. Compared with zombies, superpowers and intelligent zombies are perfect. All these changes are just two.  Years, just two years!  We must know that every step in the history of human evolution is measured by hundreds of thousands of years. It took only two years for biochemical viruses to go through the evolutionary path that took humans millions of years. If time passes, who will  Know how far it can be integrated with human genes.  "

    The experts in the laboratory were silent for a moment. Although they wanted to refute what Academician Zhong said, they all knew in their hearts that he was right. One expert shrugged: "No matter how perfect this biochemical virus is, I don't want to deal with it anyway."  Fusion.¡±

    When Academician Zhong heard these words, his fingers couldn't help but tremble. He wanted to say something several times, but in the end he had no words. That expert was wrong, because whether he wanted to or not, everyone sitting here, no, including the entire home.  , the remaining humans on the entire earth have actually been fused by the biochemical virus!

    It has become common knowledge that surviving humans are carriers of biochemical viruses, but all previous studies have shown that surviving humans have produced relatively perfect antibodies to biochemical viruses, and they are not harmed by biochemical viruses.  However, with in-depth research on samples of superpowers, Academician Zhong observed how the biochemical virus was cleverly integrated with human genes.  Increasingly doubting his previous conclusion that human survivors are immune to biochemical viruses, he secretly took a sample of his own blood and conducted another study. The results were horrifying. He also found in his own genetic fragments  There are no traces of the biochemical virus, but the biochemical virus is very cleverly hidden, and only a few base data are abnormal.  This shows that the survivors who think they are lucky have actually been conquered by the biochemical virus.  I just don¡¯t know when and what kind of changes will occur.

    Therefore, it is necessary to develop a vaccine quickly before the biochemical virus evolves itself!

    Academician Zhong shook his head: "Everyone, let us continue working. We will strive to complete all sample analysis by the end of this month."

    At this time, the door of the laboratory was pushed open with a creak, and a trolley filled with food was pushed in. The people pushing the trolley were Liu Fang and Ling Shanshan.  The crisp voice of Liu Fang, who walked with a slight limp, sounded cheerfully in the laboratory: "Grandpas, grandma, uncles and aunts, it's time to eat. People are like iron rice. If you don't eat for one meal, you will feel hungry. The sky is big and the earth is big. Eat."  maximum."

    The experts in the laboratory all laughed. Liu Fang is the youngest child in the family.  Everyone treats her as their granddaughter, and the time when she comes to deliver meals is also a rare time for everyone to rest.

    Academician Zhong also held the rice bowl with everyone and started eating.  Ling Shanshan came close to Academician Zhong: "Uncle Zhong, you have lost weight again during this period. I made a braised egg at home. You can try it."

    Academician Zhong had read about Ling Shanshan from Gu Wei's report and had a good impression of this self-respecting and self-reliant girl. He took the braised eggs from her and asked while eating: "You are learning from this girl Gu Wei in the hospital.  How's it going? You have only studied nursing before and have not received any professional training. It is always good to learn more."

    Before Ling Shanshan could speak, Liu Fang squeezed over and said, "Grandpa Zhong, Sister Ling is really amazing. She studies like those legendary academics. She holds a thick medical book at home every day and chews on it. The day before yesterday, she did  Had a hernia removal surgery."

    Ling Shanshan blushed: "Uncle Zhong, don't listen to Xiao Liufang's nonsense. I'm just doing it. Sister Gu is the one who's in charge." She glanced at the centrifuge, analyzer and other instruments around her: "I can learn  There are still not enough, otherwise, you can come and help Grandpa Zhong analyze biochemical viruses, even if a vaccine is developed a minute earlier, it would be good."

    Liu Fang also nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, with the vaccine, many, many people outside will no longer have to die."

    Like a young man, Academician Zhong finished his meal in two mouthfuls and said, "Don't worry, children, next month, no, before the end of this month, I will let you hear the good news."

    The experts in the laboratory ate in a very short period of time without taking a break, and immediately got into work. Ling Shanshan and Liu Fang quietly packed up the dishes and pushed the trolley out of the laboratory. When they passed the door  , a routine inspection was carried out by two soldiers, who confirmed that they did not bring anything out of the laboratory.

    Commander Xia immediately received the report of the shortage of materials in the laboratory, and she immediately ordered: "Immediately send the best soldiers to collect the information needed by the laboratory, and tell them, no matter what the cost!"

    At the same time, in the mountains and forests, "he" who was "heart to heart" with Ling Shanshan also received the news. Because of the synchronization of brain waves, "he" had complete control of everything Ling Shanshan heard and saw, and "he" immediatelyHe ordered his Zhizhi to collect the materials needed for his homeland, and then piled these materials without any trace into the basement of a health and epidemic prevention center in a nearby city, pretending that the basement was blocked by debris, so these materials were not there.  Lost illusion.

    Under "his" deliberate guidance, the soldiers who went out to search for supplies found this epidemic prevention center and "accidentally" discovered those urgently needed supplies.

    After receiving the action report, Commander Xia ordered the supplies to be sent to the laboratory immediately. At the same time, he felt a little uneasy because it went so smoothly and peacefully. The surrounding area of ??his home can now be described as peaceful and peaceful.  In the past, there were always sporadic wandering survivors looking for the legendary "White Wall" around their home. But now, there are almost no traces of people within dozens of miles, and not even a single intelligent zombie can be seen.  It was so peaceful that Commander Xia felt that something was going on. It seemed that some force was behind it to create such a peaceful environment in order to relax the vigilance of his homeland.

    Therefore, Commander Xia raised the alert level of his homeland again and again, sent more soldiers to patrol, and urged relevant departments to produce more ammunition.  However, day after day passed.  There was calm inside and outside the home, and even Ling Shanshan, the most suspect, did not behave abnormally after being deliberately arranged to have access to the laboratory - no signs of contact with the outside world, no secret sabotage.  Ling Shanshan is just an ordinary girl.

    Two weeks later, in the laboratory, Academician Zhong, who had deep bags under his eyes, stood up slowly. He held a test tube filled with transparent liquid in his hand. His voice could not help but tremble: "We succeeded! We finally succeeded."  Success. This is the mother copy that contains all the biochemical virus gene fragments we collected!"

    All the experts stared at the test tube. Some couldn't help but shed tears, and some said incoherently: "Vaccine, produce the vaccine immediately!"

    Academician Zhong nodded: "When we were isolating biochemical virus genes, we were also extracting gene fragments from human genes that correspond to biochemical viruses. Since they can completely fuse with biochemical viruses, it means that they can counteract biochemical viruses. Related  The vaccine antibodies are included in it. In two days, no, at most 37 hours, we can produce the first biochemical virus vaccine!"

    37 hours!  Everyone in the homeland takes action.  The white wall was completely sealed, all soldiers were fully armed and on duty, and Commander Xia was personally in charge of the laboratory.

    No one can sleep peacefully. Gu Wei, Liu Fang, and Ling Shanshan are all gathered in the hospital office.  He stared silently at the brightly lit laboratory building opposite.

    Ling Shanshan saw Gu Wei's shoulders trembling slightly. She stepped forward and hugged Gu Wei's shoulders: "Sister Gu, don't worry, Uncle Zhong will definitely succeed!"

    Gu Wei forced a smile.  Patting Ling Shanshan's hand, Ling Shanshan didn't know.  Gu Wei was not worried, she was scared because, by some strange mistake, she did not hand over the bottle of cerebrospinal fluid from Yashan Wanglu!

    After returning home, Gu Wei took a picture of her brain without telling anyone. She found that the needle penetrated deeply into her brain tissue and it was impossible to remove it with surgery. Maybe she would die if she went under the knife.  To be honest, anyone else would have died of infection long ago with such a needle stuck in their temple, but I did not feel any discomfort.  No matter how stupid Gu Wei is, he knows that this must be related to Wang Lu's cerebrospinal fluid!

    She once thought she had become a zombie, but repeated checks proved that she was perfectly normal.  Gu Wei also thought about talking to her mother Xia Zhen about the strange things that happened to her, but Xia Zhen was focused on the production of the vaccine and never even returned home.  Moreover, Gu Wei was also afraid that he would be treated as a monster and locked up like Captain Sun.  She didn't dare to speak about other people's attitudes, but she knew her mother best. Her mother would definitely arrest her and use her as an experimental product.

    Therefore, out of a psychology that even he did not understand, Gu Wei hid Wang Lu's cerebrospinal fluid and kept it close to his body.

    Now, Academician Zhong is about to develop the first real vaccine, but without Wang Lu¡¯s sample, can this vaccine be called perfect?  What if the vaccine research fails because of the lack of biochemical virus genes in Wang Lu's body?

    ?? Gu Wei was extremely entangled in his heart, as if there were bugs biting him. If the vaccine failed because of his concealment, then he would be a sinner of the human race!

    For a moment, she wanted to rush into the laboratory, hand over Wang Lu's samples, and admit her mistakes and physical abnormalities, but the next moment, she backed down, comforting herself that Wang Lu's superpower was nothing special.  It is not uncommon to have "self-corpse" powers like his. Among the samples of superpowers collected by the Feng Feng Operation Team in other cities, several have the same powers as Wang Lu. One more than him is not more, and one less than him is not.  few.

      At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the laboratory. The sound became louder and louder, and soon turned into cheers. Gu Wei saw that someone in the laboratory opened the window and shouted: "  Vaccine! We have a vaccine."

    This news immediately spread throughout the home, and soon the soldiers guarding the white wall also cheered.

    In the laboratory, Commander Xia Zhen and Academician Zhong stared unblinkingly at a tube of reagent just taken out of the centrifuge. The reagent was light blue. Academician Zhong murmured: "It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful.  Blue, that¡¯s the color of hope.¡±

    Commander Xia Zhen stretched out his hand, then suddenly retracted it, as if he was worried that he might accidentally lose control and drop the sacred vaccine: "Human testing, human testing immediately!"

    Academician Zhong ordered: "Extract a zombie and a zombie from the prison cell. This tube of reagent is enough for ten human experiments. I hope the first test will be successful."

    Zombies and smart zombies were quickly brought up. The smart zombie was Yu Yong, a fan of Academician Zhong. The zombies roared as before, but Yu Yong kept chattering to himself: "Old Zhong, we haven't seen you for a while.  See you, I¡¯m bored to death in the basement, that Captain Sun is a boring gourd, he can¡¯t fart once a day, what¡¯s the point of calling me here today?¡±

    Yu Yong soon noticed the unusual excitement among everyone in the laboratory. Some people were still wiping their tears. Then, he saw the test tube held like a treasure in Academician Zhong¡¯s hand.
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